ATTACHMENT 1 CLIL Teaching of Philosophy Planning of the Units


ATTACHMENT 1 CLIL Teaching of Philosophy Planning of the Units
 ATTACHMENT 1 CLIL Teaching of Philosophy Planning of the Units (November 2014 – May 2015)1 Chiara Guidelli Classe 5B Liceo delle scienze umane “Carlo Sigonio” Modena 1 This is a personal syllabus that I wrote during the last school year, to plan my CLIL teaching step by step. The language is mixed, depending on whether the lesson was in English or in Italian. U1 Schopenhauer e Kierkegaard: due reazioni all’hegelismo Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard: two reactions to hegelism 1. Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Idea: start! (English) -­‐ let’s read and translate together the opening of Schopenhauer’s work (Text1 supplied by the teacher) -­‐ try to answer the questions (in the text mentioned above) orally AT HOME: -­‐ read a larger version of the text in Italian (Text2 supplied by the teacher) and try to understand how it develops (use your usual reading guide) -­‐ answer the question: why couldn’t this text have been written by Hegel? (prepare yourself to explain it orally in Italian) 2. Schopenhauer, la filosofia (italiano) -­‐ correzione del compito: analisi del passo assegnato a casa, focalizzazione delle differenze/novità rispetto al pensiero hegeliano -­‐ lezione-­‐quadro sul pensiero di Schopenhauer (eventualmente più di una) A CASA: studia le pagine del manuale su Schopenhauer 3. Da Schopenhauer a Kierkegaard (italiano) la filosofia di Schopenhauer: conclusione, risposta a domande e osservazioni libere A CASA: leggi il testo di Kierkegaard Una filosofia dell’individuo (fornito dall’insegnante); preparati a discutere in inglese, in classe, sul tema: “l’idea di libertà in Kierkegaard; perché la libertà è connessa con l’angoscia?” 4. Kierkegaard, the idea of freedom (English) -­‐ discussion on Kierkegaard’s idea of freedom: why is freedom connected with anxiety? -­‐ the teacher proposes a different point of view: freedom based on self-­‐confidence, with regard to Emerson’s essay Self-­‐reliance (see the text prepared) a) short illustration of the paragraphs intitled The creed of the self-­‐confident man and The origin of self-­‐reliance b) distribution of the other paragraphs to groups formed by the teacher AT HOME: each student reads the paragraph assigned to his group 5. Emerson versus Kierkegaard (English) -­‐ work in groups; each group examines a paragraph of Emerson’s text: 1) find a title 2) focus on the meaning 3) find references to what has been explained (highlight important words or sentences) 4) make you own comments -­‐ discussion in the class -­‐ ‘how do you say when…?’ List of important words/meanings referring to the text and to the discussion 1 6. Kierkegaard, la filosofia (italiano) -­‐ lezioni-­‐quadro sul pensiero di Kierkegaard (2) -­‐ discussione in classe: la filosofia di Kierkegaard a confronto con quella di Hegel A CASA: studia le pagine del manuale su Kierkegaard 7. Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer: let’s find the concepts (English) let’s try together to find the key-­‐words for both authors and to write the meaning for each of them; they will be entries of our philosophical lexicon AT HOME: find one more concept, write your definition and prepare yourself to explain it to the class Written text for evaluation: as usual and mainly in Italian, with a couple of questions in English: one concerning Emerson’s text and the other concerning a concept of Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard, among those defined together U2 Karl Marx 1. Introduction (English) a) the teacher introduces the author with reference to The Communist Manifesto. b) each student reads and tries to translate a paragraph from “The vision of society and history” (TEXT 1 prepared by the teacher, based on excerpts from The Communist Manifesto). AT HOME: read again trying to understand Marx’s view on society and history; you may use also the Italian version of the text (TEXT 2). 2. How does Marx consider society and history? (English) a) work in groups: highlight the lines of the text that show Marx’s ideas on society and history b) together in the whole class: • according to Marx the society is …. (which adjective/sentence would you write after?) • the society is based on power: what are the reasons for Marx? (find the lines and try to explain) • who are the main actors in history? (find the lines) AT HOME: read the same text in Italian (TEXT 2) and study the pages in your textbook on historical materialism; prepare yourself to anwer orally in Italian: is Marx’s view different from Hegel’s? Why? 3. Marx e Hegel; la concezione della storia (italiano) verifica del compito a casa, discussione e chiarimenti sulla concezione della storia 2 4. Labour as alienation; the idea of revolution (English) lectures with Power point (3) AT HOME: -­‐ study the related parts of your manual -­‐ read “Communism” (TEXT 1 prepared by the teacher, based on excerpts from The Communist Manifesto); if necessary use the italian translation (TEXT 2); to understand the text better read the pages of your manual about communism 5. Communism (English) oral questions on the text “Communism” AT HOME: read T2 and T3 on your manual (Marx’s critique of economic alienation and of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen) 6. Approfondimenti e chiarimenti (italiano) a) verifica orale delle letture T2 e T3 b) spiegazioni su richiesta degli studenti, riflessioni comuni sull’intero pensiero di Marx (per questa parte è possibile una valutazione solo se positiva) A CASA: scrivi in inglese la definizione di 3 concetti della filosofia marxiana 7. Lexicon (English) a) examination of the definitions written by the students, in order to select the most important ones and eventually to improve them b) which important/new/useful words have we met studying Marx? More on Marx: a recreated interview with Marx, 1879:
%26nosearchlanguage%3D%26 Interrogazione: in italiano, con una parte in inglese: l’alunno dovrà prepararsi a parlare in inglese di un tema/aspetto della filosofia di Marx, su cui l’insegnante farà qualche domanda in inglese. U3 Il positivismo/Positivism 1. Il positivismo (italiano) lezione su: a) i caratteri generali del movimento; la scienza come modello di conoscenza b) Herbert Spencer: la teoria dell’evoluzione applicata a ogni campo della realtà A CASA: leggi il testo: Herbert Spencer: the Political Philosophy e preparati a rispondere in inglese alle domande che trovi sotto il testo 3 2. Herbert Spencer: the political philosophy (English) the teacher: a) gives further explanation about the text assigned as a homework, if required b) checks the answers to the questions on the text c) asks if there are more questions or remarks about Spencer AT HOME: each student writes a definition of ‘positivism’ and of another concept connected with it. 3. Lexicon (English) the whole class together: examination of the definitions written by the students, in order to improve them and to select the best ones. U4 Friedrich Nietzsche 1. Human All Too Human (English) viewing of the BBC Documentary Human All Too Human a) discussion of the main points b) reading and translation of the texts quoted in the documentary (see the texts prepared by the teacher, available also in Italian) 2. La “morte di Dio” e il “super-­‐uomo” (italiano) lezione: dall’annuncio della “morte di Dio” nella Gaia scienza all’ideale di uomo nuovo nello Zarathustra A CASA: studia le pagine del manuale, con la lettura T3 3. La critica della tradizione occidentale (italiano) lezioni (2): a) il periodo illuministico: la metafisica e la morale come errore; lo “spirito libero” della Gaia scienza b) la critica della morale e della religione negli ultimi testi di Nietzsche A CASA: studia le pagine del manuale, con la lettura T2 4. Il mondo greco e i suoi valori (italiano) lezioni (2): a) “apollineo” e “dionisiaco”; la tragedia greca; Socrate e l’inizio della decadenza b) una filosofia “inattuale”; il presente e la sua “malattia storica” A CASA: -­‐ studia le pagine del manuale, con la lettura T1 -­‐ scrivi in inglese la definizione di uno di questi concetti: “nichilismo”, “eterno ritorno”, “super-­‐uomo”, “volontà di potenza” -­‐ leggi il necrologio di Nietzsche comparso sul New York Times il 26/08/1900: preparati a spiegare in inglese i riferimenti al pensiero di Nietzsche ivi contenuti 4 (mentre lavori puoi ascoltare la composizione musicale Nietzsche’s Lament su You tube) 5. Philosophy -­‐ lexicon and… Nietzsche’s Funeral (English) a) check the definition that you have written with your desk-­‐mate and read it aloud b) say where in the obituary you find a reference to Nietzsche’s thought and explain it To learn more: 1) The school of life, “Philosophy – Nietzsche” 2) The Guardian -­‐ The Big Ideas podcast, “F.Nietzsche’s ‘God is dead’: what did Nietzsche mean by he death of God? B.Walker and guests explore the legacy of the german philosopher’s statement”­‐ideas-­‐podcast-­‐
nietzsche-­‐death-­‐of-­‐god 3) S.Kelly, “Navigating Past Nihilism”, The New York Times, 5th December 2010 (shorter version provided by the teacher) 4) A.Star, “What Friedrich Nietzsche Did to America”, The New York Times, 13th January 2012 (recommended in connection with Nietzsche’s obituary in the NYT, shorter version provided by the teacher) U5 Freud: una nuova visione dell’uomo Freud: a new perspective on man 1. Freud, an innovator in the study of man (English) -­‐ viewing of Freud on Freud, from the BBC radio broadcast in 1938 -­‐ comments on Freud’s talk in the video, with reference to his move to England in 1938 -­‐ lecture with power-­‐point on psychoanalisis: what is psychoanalisis? The study of hysteria and the discovery of the unconscious; the importance of sexuality AT HOME: study ch.1 in your textbook 2. La concezione della psiche (italiano) lezione sulla prima e la seconda topica (manuale, cap.2) A CASA: studia il cap. 2 del manuale insieme al testo di Phil Mollon The Unconscious 3. La cura delle nevrosi (italiano) lezione sul metodo terapeutico di Freud: il rapporto paziente-­‐terapeuta, l’interpretazione dei sogni A CASA: -­‐ studia il cap. 3 del manuale 5 -­‐
prepara un riassunto orale di Freud, Considerazioni attuali sulla guerra e sulla morte, parte I 4. Freud, Considerazioni attuali sulla guerra e sulla morte, parte I (italiano) verifica del compito a casa domande: qual è l’intenzione di Freud nel testo? Cosa mostra la guerra? A CASA: nel testo in inglese (Text 1, ridotto) dai un titolo ad ogni paragrafo; scegline uno e preparati a spiegarlo e commentarlo in classe, in inglese 5. Freud, Reflections on War and Death, part II (English) checking homework short summary of Reflections on War and Death, part II AT HOME: read and try to understand the conclusion of the text (Text 2) 6. For each student: ‘my point of view’ (English) work in groups: discuss the conclusion of the text short written essay: What is Freud’s conclusion on war? Express your own ideas; you may refer to the discussion in your group. AT HOME: write the definition of three Freudian concepts, trying to explain why they are philosophically relevant (they will be added to the Philosophy-­‐lexicon) Per imparare di più: Pulsioni, in Enciclopedia Treccani on line­‐di-­‐Medicina)/ Parole chiave del dibattito filosofico contemporaneo: Male, Vita Giustizia Key-­‐words in contemporary philosophical debate: Evil, Life, Justice U6 Male/Evil 1. The concept of Evil -­‐ reading of The Concept of Evil, adapted from ‘Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’ (SEP) -­‐ focus on the distinction between natural and moral evil AT HOME: -­‐ read the text again -­‐ do you have any additional questions? Write them down in the space provided -­‐ read the first part of Susan Neiman, Evil in Modern Thought 2. Radical freedom, radical evil? The problem of evil for Kant lecture with power point AT HOME: review the subject using the philosophy manual, vol.2 pp. 701sgg. 6 3. Arendt: radical evil, banal evil -­‐ short explanation with reference to the text Arendt: Radical Evil, Banal Evil, adapted from SEP; -­‐ viewing of a clip from Hanna Arendt Zur Person (1964 TV Interview, You tube) -­‐ lecture with power-­‐point on: The Origin of totalitarianism & Eichmann in Jerusalem, a joint perspective AT HOME: -­‐ read the text Arendt: Radical Evil, Banal Evil (see above) -­‐ study Arendt’s perspective in the philosophy manual (De Luise, Farinetti, Lezioni di storia della filosofia, Zanichelli, vol.3, pp.221-­‐223) -­‐ read in italian: H.Arendt, Pensiero e capacità morale (selected from H.Arendt, Pensiero e considerazioni morali); H.Arendt, Eichmann, un burocrate criminale (selected from H.Arendt, La banalità del male); the latter is available also in English 4. Milgram’s experiment: what obedience can mean -­‐ viewing of a clip from Milgram Experiment (You tube) -­‐ discussion To learn more: -­‐ Hannah Arendt in IEP, -­‐ J.Butler, Hannah Arendt’s challenge to Adolf Eichmann (from ‘The Guardian’, 29 August 2011) -­‐ S.Neiman, Evil in Modern Thought (second and third part of the text given) U72 Vita/Life 1. La bioetica (italiano) Lezione su: la bioetica, quando è nata, quali sono i principali orientamenti di pensiero A CASA: studia le pagine del manuale 2. Hans Jonas e l’etica della responsabilità (italiano) Lezione su: l’etica ambientalista di Jonas; l’imperativo di Jonas e il suo rapporto ocn l’imperativo kantiano. A CASA: studia le pagine del manuale e la lettura T3 3. Responsability in daily life (English) viewing of the video Filosofia Hans Jonas – Lilyana Zea (You tube) a) describe the actions performed in the video and say why they are ethical b) discuss the principle of responsability stated in the video 2 This unit was modified in Lesson Plan – Two Lessons (attachment 2), which is about the use of a learning object and was written as an exercise in the methodology course (Prof. Lavagno): point 2 was absorbed in point 3, which is the object of the lesson plan, and point 4 was deleted. 7 4. A particular issue: artificial life (English) -­‐ manipulating life, as imagined in the early 20th century by a novelist: reading and discussion of the opening of Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley -­‐ ‘artificial life’ breakthrough announced by scientists, 21 May 2010 (BBC News, reading of the article and viewing of the video where professor Craig Venter defends the idea of synthetic living cell. To learn more: a discussion among bioethicists about Dr. Venter’s discovery on artificial life U8 Giustizia/Justice 1. What is justice? a) what is unjust? Discussion in the class b) “finding justice in 2 minutes”: the teacher gives 1 minute to the students, to think about a possible definition of justice; then asks some of them to express it in 1 minute. AT HOME: Philosophy-­‐lexicon: write your personal definition of justice 2. Making acquaintance with John Rawls a) a definition of justice: the teacher proposes one single definition of justice derived from what the students have written; students can evaluate it and offer more ideas b) a profile of John Rawls: reading of Ben Rogers, John Rawls, Obituary, “The Guardian”, 27 november 2002 (part 1) 3. Rawls: ‘the original position’ viewing of the video The Original Position, by Luvell Anderson, http://www.wi-­‐­‐position the teacher provides more explanation and answers questions of the students AT HOME: -­‐ study the related pages on the Philosophy textbook -­‐ read Ben Rogers, John Rawls, “The Guardian”, 27 november 2002 (part 2) 4. Rawls: A Theory of Justice the teacher explains Rawls’ theory going through the main lines of the text A Theory of Justice Summary (­‐justice), given to the students. AT HOME: read all of A Theory of Justice Summary and study it together with the related pages of the Philosophy textbook To think more: the attack of radical Islam to fundamental freedoms 8 “The Guardian” about the terrorist attack in Copenhagen, 14/02/2015 a) the fact:­‐shootings-­‐how-­‐the-­‐
attacks-­‐unfolded b) the editorial:­‐view-­‐week-­‐of-­‐
terror-­‐threat-­‐freedom-­‐north-­‐carolina-­‐copenhagen c) Rawls’ position on human rights, see, Rights to be significant,­‐justice/critical-­‐essays/essays-­‐criticism 9