Consorzio Med3 - Provider ECM n.34


Consorzio Med3 - Provider ECM n.34
Consorzio Med3 - Provider ECM n.34
Via Massarenti 9 - 40138 Bologna (BO)
C.F - P.Iva 02557841208
E-mail: [email protected]
evento RES
Second Bellaria Neurovascular Conference: New Concepts In Cerebrovascular Diseases
(cod. ministeriale 168008, Ed. 1)
accreditato ECM con le caratteristiche sotto riportate
Aula Prodi
San Giovanni in Monte 40124 Bologna BO
Segreteria Organizzativa
Ad Arte
Referente: Nesi Antonella
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 05119936160
Data Inizio
Data Fine
Durata effettiva (ore)
Numero partecipanti
Obiettivo formativo
Competenze tecniche
Acquisizione dei concetti chiave e delle innovazioni nel mondo della patologia
Discussione e confronto con i massimi esperti internazionali.
Consorzio Med3 - Provider ECM n.34
Via Massarenti 9 - 40138 Bologna (BO)
C.F - P.Iva 02557841208
E-mail: [email protected]
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CARLO BORTOLOTTI - Responsabile Scientifico - BRTCRL72C11A944H
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FABIO CALBUCCI - Moderatore - CLBFBA43D09F139M
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EVANDRO DE OLIVEIRA - Relatore - (- - -)
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JUHA HERNESNIEMI - Relatore - (- - -)
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JAQUES MORCOS - Relatore - (- - -)
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GIACOMO PAVESI - Moderatore - PVSGCM66L14L781A
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ANDREAS RAABE - Relatore - (- - -)
RUSSO - Moderatore (- - -)
RENATO SCIENZA - Moderatore - SCNRNT48P07A952C
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Consorzio Med3 - Provider ECM n.34
Via Massarenti 9 - 40138 Bologna (BO)
C.F - P.Iva 02557841208
E-mail: [email protected]
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LAURENT SPELLE - Relatore - (- - -)
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Programma dell'evento
Friday, november 4th
8,00 registration
9,00 welcome
C. Sturiale
Greeting by authorities
C. Gibertoni
9,30 lecture
The history of cerebral aneurysms surgery
F. Tomasello
Session chairs: a. Delitala, f. Servadei
9,50 posterior communicating artery aneurysms
A. Raabe, g. Lanzino
10,10 surgical tricks and pittfalls
J. J. Morcos
10,30 surgical anatomy and video examples
E. De oliveira
11,00 video examples
J. Hernesniemi
11,30 coffee break
Session chairs: r. Delfini, g. Pinna, f calbucci
11,50 anterior communicating artery aneurysms
A. Raabe, g. Lanzino
12,20 surgical tricks and pittfalls
J. J. Morcos
12,40 video examples
J. Hernesniemi
13,10 surgical anatomy and video examples
E. De oliveira
13,40 discussion
14,00 lunch
Session chairs: f. Ammanati, g. Pavesi, r. Scienza
14,40 icg fluorescine and prevention
Of ischemic complications
A. Raabe
15,00 prevention and management
Of intraoperative rupture
J. J. Morcos
15,20 clipping techniques
G. Lanzino
15,40 mca aneurysms
A. Raabe, g. Lanzino
16,00 surgical anatomy and video examples
E. De oliveira
Consorzio Med3 – Provider ECM Nazionale n°34
I dati personali saranno trattati Ai sensi del Decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 - "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati
16,30 video examples
J. Hernesniemi
17,00 coffee break
Session chairs: e. Giombelli, l. Tosatto,
M.a. cavallo
17,20 update on endovascular treatment
Of intracranial aneurysms
E. Boccardi
17,40 intrasaccular flow disrupters
L. Spelle
18,00 giant aneurysms
E. De oliveira
18,20 giant aneurysms
J. Hernesniemi
18,40 complex acoa aneurysm:
The combined approach
R. Boccaletti
19,00 end of session
Saturday, november 5
Session chairs: a. Ducati, c. Sturiale
8,45 tips and tricks of bypass surgery
For intracranial aneurysms and training issues
J. J. Morcos
9,15 complex mca aneurysm:
The combined approach
P. Ferroli
9,35 management of complex middle cerebral artery aneurysms: a “clip first” policy
A. Pasqualin
9,55 basilar bifurcation aneurysms
A. Raabe, g. Lanzino
10,25 basilar bifurcation aneurysms
Video examples
J. Hernesniemi
10,55 basilar bifurcation aneurysms
E. De oliveira
11,25 coffee break
Session chairs: m.m. fontanella, g. Russo F. Zenga
11,40 suggestions for a young neurosurgeon
A. Olivi
12,00 what i would do differently today
C. Bortolotti, f. A. Tartara, f. Acerbi,
A. Cardia, l. A. Lanterna, a. Musumeci
13,00 closure
Consorzio Med3 – Provider ECM Nazionale n°34
I dati personali saranno trattati Ai sensi del Decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 - "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati
Educazione universitaria:
Laurea in Scienze Biologiche presso l'Università di Messina nell'anno acc. 1978/79.
Curriculum post-laurea:
Ha conseguito la specializzazione in Microbiologia e Virologia nell'anno acc. 1981/82 presso l'Università di
Messina, Facoltà
di Medicina e Chirurgia. Dall'Aprile 1983 ricopre la qualifica di ricercatore presso la
cattedra di Microbiologia del Corso di laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria della Facoltà di Medicina e
Chirurgia dell'Università di Messina
Attività didattica:
-Incarico di Tecniche microbiologiche nella Scuola di specializzazione in Microbiologia e Virologia.
-Incarico di Microbiologia e Microbiologia clinica D. U. Infermieri dall'anno acc.1998/99 al 2000/2001.
-Incarico di Microbiologia e Microbilogia clinica Corso di Laurea Fisioterapia dall'anno acc. 2002/2003 a
Attività assistenziale:
Ha svolto in maniera continuativa attività assistenziale con la qualifica di Dirigente Biologo di I° livello
presso l’Unità Operativa Complessa di Micologia e Micobatteriologia.
Attività scientifica:
L’attività di ricerca del Dott. Tomasello ha interessato vari settori della Microbiologia e dell’Immunologia
concentrandosi sulla patogenesi delle malattie infettive e sui fenomeni dell’immunità ad esse correlate. Le
principali linee di ricerca che sono esitate in 16 pubblicazioni scientifiche su accreditate e qualificate riviste
internazionali hanno riguardato:
-Il ruolo dell'acido lipoteicoico (LTA) nell'aderenza di streptococchi B-emolitici di gruppo B.
-La produzione, purificazione e caratterizzazione di
anticorpi monoclonali diretti verso il polisaccaride
degli streptococchi di gruppo B di tipo III°;
-Lo studio del ruolo svolto dalle citichine cosidette "infiammatorie" come il TNF-a e IL-6 nel corso di
infezioni sperimentali con streptococchi di gruppo B di tipo III°
-L’identificazione dei recettori cellulari coinvolti nell’interazione con microrganismi gram-positivi e gramnegativi responsabili di severe infezioni nell’uomo.
-L’dentificazione delle vie di trasduzione del segnale attivate da diversi agenti patogeni.
-Lo studio degli effetti conseguenti all’interazione con cellule del sistema immunitario di componenti
strutturali del Cryptococcus neoformans, uno degli agenti patogeni maggiormente coinvolti nella mortalità da
2005 - PhD Degree in Neurosciences
Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris
1999 - Postgraduate Degree of Neuroradiology and Neuroimaging
Pierre and Marie Curie University, La Salpêtrière Medical School, Paris
1997 - M.D. and Thesis
René Descartes University, Necker-Enfants Malades Medical School, Paris
1997 - Medical Board Certification
Pierre and Marie Curie University, La Salpêtrière Medical School, Paris
1994 - Master in Neurosciences
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris
1993 - Diploma of Clinical Epileptology
La Salpêtrière Medical School, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris
Clinical career
Laurent SPELLE, MD, PhD, is Professor of Neuroradiology at Paris Sud University, France and
Chairman at NEURI, the Brain Vascular Center, Bicetre Medical Center, Paris.
Dr Spelle is graduated in Neurology and Radiology and obtained his PhD Degree in Neurosciences
at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. He trained with Pr Merland at Lariboisière Hospital,
Pr Chiras at La Salpêtrière and with Pr Moret at the Rothschild Foundation.
In 1999, he joined Pr Moret’s team at the Rothschild Foundation as Consultant Interventional
In early 2011, Dr Spelle moved with Pr Jacques Moret to Beaujon Medical Center where they
created NEURI, the Brain Vascular Center.
In July 2015, they moved the whole NEURI team to Bicetre University Hospital.
Dr Spelle is experienced in Functional Neuroimaging and in Interventional Neuroradiology. He is
the author or co-author of 60 papers in international journals and over 240 scientific papers in
International Congresses in the field of Neurosciences.
He co-organizes the LINNC (Live Interventional Neuroradiology and Neurosurgery Course) that is
annually held at the Carrousel du Louvre, Paris.
2015-pres - Professor of Neuroradiology & Chairman at NEURI, the Brain Vascular Center
Paris Sud University
Bicêtre Medical Center, Paris
2009-2015 - Professor of Neuroradiology
Paris Diderot University
Beaujon Medical Center, Paris
1999-2009 - Consultant Neuroradiologist
Department of Interventional and Functional Neuroradiology (Pr Moret, director)
Fondation Rothschild Hospital, Paris
1997-1999 - Assistant Professor
Neuroradiology Department (Pr Chiras)
La Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris
1990-1997 - Resident, Neuroradiology & Neurology:
Fondation Rothschild Hospital (Pr J. Moret), Paris
Lariboisière Hospital (Pr J.J. Merland), Paris
La Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris
1994-1995 - Researcher position
French Atomic Agency (CEA) - Functional Neuroimaging Department, Orsay
1994 Medical Research Foundation grant
1997 Highest Honors for Medical Thesis
2006 René Djindjan Award, from the French Society of Neuroradiology
Education responsabilities and meeting organisation
LINNC (Live Interventional Neuroradiology and Neurosurgery Course)
- Course director
- Co-organizer since 1997
ESMINT (European Society of
Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy)
- Member of the Ad Hoc Committee
- Member of the Nice meeting Scientific committee
Society Membership:
- European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy
- World Federation of Interventional Neuroradiology
- European Society of Neuroradiology
- European Society of Radiology
- French Society of Neuroradiology
- French Society of Radiology
Professor Andreas Raabe went to medical school in Jena and Dresden and received the
highest grades in his graduating class, for which he was awarded the “Academy Prize”.
He trained in Neurosurgery from 1990 to 1996 in Chemnitz, during which time he also
received a visiting resident grant at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and
performed clinical observerships in Mainz, Würzburg, Cambridge, Zürich and
Copenhagen. He passed the European Board Examination and the national board
examination in Neurosurgery in 1996.
After receiving a German Research Foundation grant he went to Cambridge, England
and returned to the University of Leipzig in 1997, where he was an associate professor
in the group of Prof. Volker Seifert. In 1999 he was appointed vice chairman at the
University of Frankfurt/Main. He was awarded the “Wilhelm-Tönnis” grant of the
German Society of Neurosurgery for a clinical observership at the Barrow Neurological
Institute (BNI) in Phoenix, USA.
Prof. Raabe became Chairman and Professor of Neurosurgery at the Inselspital,
University of Bern, Switzerland in 2008.
His main scientific focus is the development of innovative techniques for protection of
brain structures and function during surgery. His main clinical focus is microsurgery of
tumors, aneurysms, vascular malformations and spinal degenerative diseases.
Prof. Raabe has published more than 200 original scientific papers, review articles or
technical notes and is author of several book chapters.
Andreas Raabe is married and has a 17-year old son and a 22-year old daughter.
Curriculum Vitae Europass
Informazioni personali
Nome(i) / Cognome(i)
Alberto Pasqualin
Data di nascita
Attualmente Responsabile SSO Neurochirurgia Vascolare presso Istituto di
Neurochirurgia, AOUI Verona
Professore a Contratto presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in
Neurochirurgia dell'Università di Verona
Professore a Contratto presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia
Plastica dell’Università di Verona
Esperienza professionale
Leading Investigator per l’Italia nel secondo studio cooperativo internazionale sul
Clazosentan nell’emorragia sub aracnoidea e membro della Critical Event Committee (CEC)
Incarico di Responsabile di SSO Neurochirurgia Vascolare presso Dipartimento di
Neurochirurgia di Verona
Dal 1995 al 1996
Dal 1994
Dal 1991 al 1993
Da Gennaio 1988 a Luglio 1988
Da Gennaio 1981 a Ottobre 1983
Luglio 1981
Gennaio 1978
Da Gennaio 1977 a Dicembre 1977
"Regional Coordinator" per l'Italia nello Studio Cooperativo Internazionale "Tirilazad Mesylate
in Women with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage"
Clinical Investigator - per il Centro di Verona - nell'International Study of Unruptured
Intracranial Aneurysms (ISUIA), Rochester, USA
Membro dell'International Committee del Congress of Neurological Surgeons
"Regional Coordinator", organizzazione e conduzione dello studio cooperativo internazionale
"Tirilazad Mesylate in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients"
"Research associate", presso il Laboratorio Cerebro-Vascolare dell'Universita' della Virginia
(Charlottesville, Stati Uniti)
Partecipante al "Cooperative Study on Intracranial Aneurysms and Acute Subarachnoid
Hemorrhage dell'Universita' di Iowa
Assunto stabilmente presso il dipartimento di Neurochirurgia di Verona
Medico frequentatore presso il dipartimento di Neurochirurgia di Verona
Prestato servizio presso la Divisione di Neurochirurgia dell'Ospedale di Hartford (Connecticut,
Stati Uniti).
Istruzione e formazione
Gennaio 2006
Frequentato il “6th International Congress on Cerebral Revascularization” a St. Louis (USA)
Luglio 1996
Frequentato il corso pratico sugli approcci chirurgici alla base cranica durante il Second
International Skull Base Congress di S. Diego (USA)
Ottobre 1995
Frequentato il corso "Surgical Approaches to the Skull Base" (St. Louis, USA)
Ottobre 1994
Frequentato un corso pratico sulla chirurgia carotidea presso CNS (= Congress of
Neurological Surgeons) Meeting di Chicago
Sessione 1989
Dal 1981 al 1985
Superato l'esame statale per l’idoneita' a primario neurochirurgo
Partecipante ai corsi annuali dell'EANS (European Association of Neurological Societies) e
ottenuto il diploma di specializzazione europea in neurochirurgia
Luglio 1981
Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia, Facolta' di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Universita' di Milano,
Novembre 1976
Conseguito l’abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di medico-chirurgo presso l'Universita'
di Modena.
Luglio 1976
Licenza alla professione medica negli Stati Uniti, Diploma N. 273-101-6 dell' ECFMG
(Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates).
Luglio 1976
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli studi di Padova, 110/110 e lode
Luglio 1970
Maturità presso il Liceo Classico
Capacità e competenze personali
Altra(e) lingua(e)
Livello europeo (*)
Lingua Inglese
Interazione orale
Produzione orale
(*) Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue
Capacità e competenze didattiche
Reviewer delle riviste internazionali Stroke, Surgical Neurology ed Acta Neurochirurgica
Da gennaio a giugno 2008, Docente all’Evento Formativo “Le lesioni vascolari del sistema
nervoso centrale” organizzato all’interno dell’Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona, presentando 3
diverse relazioni sul trattamento delle malformazioni cerebrali:
- aneurismi cerebrali
- angiomi cavernosi
- malformazioni artero-venose
Novembre 2007, Docente all’Evento Formativo “Attualità e prospettive future del trattamento
chirurgico ed endovascolare nei pazienti vasculopatici” tenutosi a Verona
Dall’anno accademico 2002-2003 ad oggi, svolge seminari presso il Corso Integrato di
Neurologia dell’Università di Verona
Da luglio 1997 a giugno 1999, Capo-progetto per la borsa di studio finalizzata: “Valutazione
neuropsicologica nei pazienti con emorragia subaracnoidea da rottura di aneurisma” presso il
dipartimento di Neurochirurgia di Verona
Dal 1990 è stato correlatore di 3 tesi di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e di 5 tesi di
specializzazione in Neurochirurgia
Capacità e competenze organizzative
Febbraio e marzo 2010, Presidente e Responsabile Scientifico di 2 Congressi di
neurochirurgia: - "L'Urgenza in Neurochirurgia", - "Gli Aneurismi Cerebrali: Problematiche e
Giugno 2006, coordinatore, relatore e membro del comitato scientifico per il Corso
Internazionale “New Generation Laser in Cardiovascular Diseases”, tenutosi a Verona
Nel 2005 – 2006, membro della Steering Committee per lo studio cooperativo internazionale
“Clazosentan in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”
Da gennaio 2005, responsabile della Struttura Semplice Organizzativa di Neurochirurgia
Vascolare a Verona
Da gennaio 1999 a dicembre 2004, responsabile del Settore di Autonomia Delegata
“Neurochirurgia Vascolare” presso la II Divisione di Neurochirurgia di Verona
Dal 1999 al 2001, responsabile del progetto di ricerca: Microangio-anastomosi arteriosa nel
coniglio quale simulazione di anastomosi arteriosa intra-extracranica nell’uomo presso il
Laboratorio Universitario di Ricerca Medica del Policlinico di Verona
Giugno 1992, Segretario Scientifico della Conferenza Internazionale "New Trends in
Management of Cerebro-Vascular Malformations"
Dal 1985 al 1989, membro organizzatore e docente ai corsi annuali sulla patologia vascolare
cerebrale tenutisi a Verona:
- 1985 "Aneurismi ed Angiomi Cerebrali: Moderne Prospettive Diagnostico- terapeutiche"
- 1986 "Aneurismi Cerebrali: Problemi e Traguardi"
- 1987 "Angiomi Cerebrali: Update '87"
- 1988 "Aneurismi Cerebrali: Immagini '88"
- 1989 "Angiomi Cerebrali '89: Microchirurgia, Terapia Endovascolare, Radiochirurgia"
Attività cliniche
Attività operatorie
Ha contribuito ad organizzare a Verona una valida sezione di neurochirurgia vascolare sull'esempio dei centri stranieri piu' avanzati in tale settore - con le esigenze principali del
trattamento chirurgico acuto degli aneurismi cerebrali, della prevenzione e terapia medica del
vasospasmo cerebrale, del trattamento combinato degli angiomi cerebrali (con
embolizzazione preoperatoria), e della valutazione dell'emodinamica cerebrale, specialmente
dopo emorragia subaracnoidea
Dal 1990 ad oggi e' stato primo operatore in 3214 interventi tra cui:
- 1072 interventi per esclusione di aneurismi cerebrali
- 366 interventi per asportazione di angiomi cerebrali
- 438 interventi per asportazione di tumori cerebrali
- 31 interventi per asportazione di tumori o fistole artero-venose spinali
- 556 interventi per ernie del disco e stenosi lombari e cervicali
Ha partecipato ad oltre 4000 interventi ed ha eseguito 204 interventi di radiochirurgia
stereotassica con la Gamma Knife
Allegati Elenco delle Pubblicazioni Scientifiche (246 pubblicazioni, di cui 165 lavori completi e 81
Elenco dei Congressi a cui ha partecipato in forma attiva o in qualità di docente invitato
Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto
Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 "Codice in materia di protezione
dei dati personali”
Firma 29/07/2015
Elenco dei Congressi a cui ha partecipato:
Dal 1978 fino ad ora il Dr. Pasqualin ha presentato relazioni a vari convegni nazionali ed internazionali di
neurochirurgia, con comunicazioni soprattutto nel campo della patologia vascolare cerebrale:
- vari Congressi Italiani di Neurochirurgia (Roma '78, '79, '80; Torino '81; Roma '82; Bari '83; Catania
'85; Pavia '86; Lecce '90, Napoli '93, Taormina '94, Cagliari '95, Genova '96, Roma ’01, Bolzano ’03);
- Joint Meeting of German and Italian Neurosurgical Societies (Essen '79);
- International Symposium on Cerebro-Vascular Diseases: New Trends in Medical and Surgical
Aspects (Gardone Riviera '80);
- International Symposium: Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery in the Acute Stage (Graz '80);
- European Congress of Neuroradiology (Milano '80);
- Mediterranean Meeting of Neurosurgery (Napoli '82);
- Giornate Internazionali di Neuroradiologia e Neurochirurgia (Torino '83);
- Joint Meeting of Italian and Spanish-Portugueise Neurosurgical Societies (Lisbona '83);
- 7th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Brussels '83);
- Second International Symposium: Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery in the Acute Stage (Graz '84);
- 8th International Symposium on EIAB for Cerebral Ischemia (Firenze '86);
- Cerebral Vasospasm 1987: A Research Conference (Charlottesville '87);
- International Symposium on Calcium Antagonists in the Prevention and Treatment of
Ischemia (Wroclaw '87);
- 8th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Barcelona '87);
- 2nd International Conference on Transcranial Doppler Sonography (Salzburg '88);
- Annual Meeting of American Association of Neurological Surgeons (Washington '89);
- XIV International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (Bologna '89);
- VI Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Neurosonologia (Udine '89);
- International Congress on Cerebral Vasospasm - 1990 (Tokyo '90);
- 9th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Mosca '91);
- International Conference "New Trends in Management of Cerebro- Vascular Malformations"
(Verona '92).
- The Third International Workshop on Cerebrovascular Surgery (IWCVS) (Tokyo '92);
- 13th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Brussels '93);
- 5th International Conference on Cerebral Vasospasm (Edmonton '93);
- WFNS 10th International Congress of Neurological Surgery (Acapulco '93);
- 34° Congresso Nazionale SNO (Cosenza '94);
- 7th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine (Innsbruck '94);
- 8th International Symposium on Cerebral Hemodynamics (Munster '94);
- Secondo Congresso Internazionale sul Trauma Cranico Grave (Parma '94);
- 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Berlin, '95);
- XII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Neurosonologia (Brescia, '95);
- CNS Annual Meeting (S. Francisco '95);
- 6th International Conference on Cerebral Vasospasm (Sydney, '97);
- XXXVIII Congresso Nazionale S.N.O. (Trento, ’98);
- 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Lisboa ’03);
- 3° Incontro di Neurochirurgia sugli Aneurismi Intracranici (Roma ’06);
- Congresso Internazionale di Neuroradiochirurgia e Radioterapia Stereotassica (Verona ’07);
- 13th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Glasgow ’07);
- 59th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (Joint Meeting with the Italian
Neurosurgical Society) (Wurzburg ’08);
- 2009 CNS Annual Meeting (New Orleans '09);
- Congresso: "L'Urgenza in Neurochirurgia" (Verona 2010);
- Congresso: "Gli Aneurismi Cerebrali: Problematiche e Trattamento" (Verona 2010);
Convegno "Brainhouse - 5° Workshop" (Padova 2010);
8th European-Japanese Stroke Surgery Conference (Utrecht 2012) (3 relazioni);
Inoltre dal 1995 fino ad ora è stato invitato quale relatore ai seguenti congressi:
Meeting: "Emorragia subaracnoidea: Nuovi approcci al trattamento degli aneurismi cerebrali" (Milano,
International Congress of Slovack Neurosurgical Society (Banska Bystrica, '96);
11th International Congress of Neurological Surgery (Amsterdam, ’97);
L.I.N.C. (Live International Neuroradiology Course) (Paris, ’97);
11th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Copenhagen, ’99);
Corso “Le Malformazioni Artero-Venose del Sistema Nervoso Centrale) (Bologna, ’00);
12th World Congress of Neurosurgery (Sydney, ’01);
International Congress “Intimidating Cerebro-Vascular Diseases: Current Opinions, Treatment
Options, Outcome and Pitfalls (Cuneo ’02);
Corso di Aggiornamento: “Aneurismi Cerebrali Intatti” (Bologna ’02);
XIX Congresso Neuroradiologia Italiana (Verona ’03);
54th Annual CNS Meeting (S. Francisco ’04);
XLIV Congresso SNO (Vicenza ’04);
Incontro “Nuove tecnologie nella chirurgia degli aneurismi cerebrali: flussimetria intraoperatoria
(Padova ’04);
55th Annual CNS Meeting (Boston ’05);
Advanced International Course on New Generation Laser in Cardiovascular Diseases (Verona ’06);
International Symposium on Flow Measurement in Cerebrovascular Surgery (Chicago ’06);
56° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia (Roma ’07);
2° Meeting Romano di Neuroradiologia Interventistica (Roma ’07);
Meeting: Team is Brain (Verona '08);
9° Corso di Neuroradiologia Interventistica (Salerno ’08);
XXII Corso di Aggiornamento per Giovani Neurochirurghi (Pomezia '08);
Convegno Neuromed "Aneurismi Giganti e Rivascolarizzazione Cerebrale" (Pozzilli '08);
3° Meeting Romano di Neuroradiologia Interventistica (Roma '09);
50° Congresso Nazionale SNO (Parma 2010);
Convegno Neuromed "MAV: Stato dell'Arte" (Pozzilli 2010);
Convegno "La rivascolarizzazione cerebrale: aneurismi...e oltre" (Mestre 2010);
51° Congesso Nazionale SNO (Cagliari 2011);
14th European Congress of Neurosurgery (Roma 2011);
2° Corso Brainhouse (Padova 2011);
Corso in Traumatologia Cranica e Spinale: Prevenzione dal I al IV Livello (Torino 2011);
Educational Course ISIN (Cycle One - Part Two: Brain) (Lazise 2012);
66° Congresso Nazionale SIA ARTI (Napoli 2012) (2 relazioni);
Convegno “Il Monitoraggio Neurofisiologico Intraoperatorio in Neurochirurgia (L'Aquila 2012)
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
August 30th, 2012
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Demographic Information
Current Appointments
Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Director of Division of Neurosurgical Oncology
Department of Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Medical Director, NCCU
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Personal Data
Johns Hopkins Hospital
600 N. Wolfe Street
Phipps 1-100
Baltimore, MD 21287
Tel: (410) 955-0703
FAX: (410) 614-9877
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
B Building, Room 121
4940 Eastern Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21224
Tel: (410) 550-0465
FAX: (410) 550-0748
E-mail: [email protected]
Education and Training
Undergraduate Education:
Liceo Classico ―Tito Livio‖
Padova, Italy (1968-1973)
M.D., Summa Cum Laude
University of Padova Medical School
Padova, Italy (1973-1979)
Clinical Rotations in Neurosurgery
University of California at San Diego
San Diego, California (Dec 1977-April 1979, February 1980)
Neurosurgery Fellowship
University of Padova
Padova, Italy (1979-1982)
General Surgery Internship
Good Samaritan Hospital
Cincinnati, Ohio (1982-1983)
Neurosurgery Residency
Mayfield Neurological Institute
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio (July 1983-Dec 1986)
Chief Resident, Neurosurgery
Mayfield Neurological Institute
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio (Jan 1987-June 1988)
Clinical and Research Fellowship in Neuro-Oncology and Neurosurgery
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland (July 1988-June 1991)
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Associate Chief for Clinical Practice
Francis Scott Key Medical Center
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, Maryland
Associate Professor
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
The Johns Hopkins Bayview
Medical Center, Baltimore, MD
Medical Director
Neuroscience Critical Care Unit
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Med Ctr.
Associate Professor
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Division of Neurosurgical Oncology
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Vice Chairman
Department of Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Neurosurgery and Oncology
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Research Activities
Peer-reviewed articles
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Longatti PL, Teolato S, Carteri A. ―CSF levels of cyclic nucleotides and
adrenergic metabolites in malignant gliomas.‖ Surgical Neurology 13:359-362, 1980.
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Longatti PL, Mietto L, Teolato S, Carteri A. ―Longitudinal investigation of
CSF levels of cyclic nucleotides and adrenergic metabolites in non-neoplastic hydrocephalus.‖ Advances
in Neurosurgery 8:394-399, 1980.
Gerosa MA, Semenzato G, Amadori G, Olivi A, Rotilio A, Zuccarello M. ―Clinical and
experimental immunobiology of medulloblastomas.‖ Surgical Neurology 14:193-195, 1980.
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Longatti PL, Toffano G, Carteri A.
―Cyclic nucleotides in
medulloblastomas: Correlative study of tumoral and cerebrospinal fluid levels.‖ Neurosurgery 7:359-362,
Gerosa MA, DiStefano E, Olivi A. ―VM-26 monochemotherapy trial in the treatment of recurrent
supratentorial gliomas: Preliminary report.‖ Surgical Neurology 15:128-134, 1981.
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Longatti PL, Teolato S, Carteri A. ―Cerebrospinal fluid levels of cyclic
nucleotides and monoaminergic metabolites in subarachnoid hemorrhage: Preliminary report.‖
Neurochirurgia 24:64-66, 1981.
Gerosa MA, Semenzato G, Amadori G, Olivi A, Rotilio A, Zuccarello M, Iraci G. ―Long-term
immunological investigation of malignant intracranial gliomas.‖ Surgical Neurology 16:48-52, 1981.
Longatti PL, Gerosa MA, Pardatscher K, Olivi A, Zampieri P, Drigo P, Carteri A. ―Incidence and
CT scan features of hydrocephalus in newborns with myelomeningocele.‖ Kinderchirurgie 34:151-153,
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, DiStefano E, Carteri A. ―Multidisciplinary treatment of medulloblastoma: A
5-year experience with the SIOP trial.‖ Child’s Brain 8:107-118, 1981.
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Rosenblum ML, Semenzato GP, Pezzuto A. ―Impaired immunocompetence
in malignant gliomas: The possible role of T lymphocyte subpopulations.‖ Neurosurgery 10:171-173,
Longatti PL, Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Carteri A. ―Intracranial pressure patterns in the shuntdependent hydrocephalus.‖ Monogr Neural Sci 8:112-116, 1982.
Olivi A, Gerosa MA, Fiore DL: ―Craniostenosi associata ad idrocefalo. Caso clinico.‖ Quaderni
di Radiologia 47:1-6, 1982.
Olivi A, Gerosa MA, Iraci G, Fiore DL. ―Ematoma extradurale cronico del vertice: Case report.‖
Quaderni di Radiologia 47, 1982.
Iraci G, Pardatscher K, Gerosa MA, Fiore DL, Tomazzoli L, Secchi AG, Olivi A, Tormene AP,
Carli M. ―Opto-chiasmatic arachnoiditis in children.‖ Child’s Brain 10:48-66, 1983.
Iraci G, Gerosa MA, Secchi A, Fiore DL, Pardatcher K, Javicoli R, Tomazzoli L, Giordano R,
Secchi A, Olivi A, Galligioni F, Peserico L. ―Exophthalmos from vascular orbital and retroorbital lesions.
Neurosurgical experience of 84 cases.‖ Orbit 2:11-26, 1983.
McLaurin R, Olivi A. ―Slit ventricle syndrome, Review of 15 cases.‖ Pediatric Neuroscience
13:118-124, 1987.
Weil SM, Olivi A, Greiner AL, Tobler WD. ―Multiple intracranial aneurysm s in identical twins.‖
Acta Neurochirurgica 95:121-125, 1988.
Olivi A, Donehower R, Mann R, Brem H. ―Solitary, isolatedmetastasis from Ewing’s sarcoma to
the brain: case report.‖ Surgical Neurology 35:239-43, 1991.
Domb A, Bogdansky S, Olivi A, Judy K, Dureza C, Lenartz D, Pinn ML, Colvin OM, Brem H.
―Controlled delivery of water soluble and hydrolytically unstable anti-cancer drugs for polymeric
implants.‖ Polymer Preprints 32(2): 219-220, 1991.
Weingart J, Olivi A, and Brem H.
Neurosurgery Quarterly 1:141-159, 1991.
―Supratentorial low-grade astrocytomas in adults.‖
Brem H, Domb A, Lenartz D, Dureza C, Olivi A, Epstein JI. ―Brain biocompatibility of a
biodegradable controlled release polymer consisting of anhydride copolymer of fatty acid dimmer and
sebacic acid.‖ Journal of Controlled Release 19:325-330, 1992.
Olivi A, Kim KD, Benedetti L, Epstein JI, Pinn, ML, Callegaro L, and Brem H. ― Ocular and
brain biocompatibility of polymeric delivery materials prepared from ester derivatives of hyaluronic acid.‖
Journal of Clinical Materials 13:163-168, 1993.
Olivi A, Gilbert M, Duncan KL, Corden B, Lenartz D, Pinn ML, Brem H. ―Direct delivery to the
central nervous system of platinum based antineoplastics: A toxicity and ultrastructural study.‖ Cancer
Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 31:449-454, 1993.
Ziedman SM, Olivi A. ―Cervical intramedullary hemorrhage as a result of anti-coagulant
therapy.‖ Journal of Spinal Disorders 6(5): 456-458, 1993.
Olivi A, Brem H. "Interstitial chemotherapy with sustained-release polymer systems for the
treatment of malignant gliomas." Recent Results in Cancer Research 135:149-154, 1994.
Brem H, Tamargo RJ, Olivi A, Pinn ML, Weingart JD, Wharam M, Epstein JI. "Biodegradable
polymers for controlled delivery of chemotherapy with and without radiation therapy in the monkey
brain.‖ Journal of Neurosurgery 80:283- 290, 1994.
Pitha J, Gerloczy A, Olivi A. ―Parenteral Hydroxy propyl Cyclodextrins: Intravenous and
Intracerebral Administration of Lipophiles.‖ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 83:833-837, 1994.
Oliverio P, Monsein L, Royal WR, Olivi A, Utset M, Brem H. ―Pitfall of MR in a patient with
spinal ependymoma and drop metastasis.‖ American Journal of Neuroradiology 15:1966-67, 1994.
Judy K, Olivi A, Buahin KG, Domb A, Epstein JI, Colvin OM, Brem H. ―Effectiveness of
Controlled release of a cyclophosphamide derivative with polymers is effective against rat gliomas.‖
Journal of Neurosurgery 82:103-108, 1995.
Ziedman SM, Geisler FH, Olivi A. ―Intraventricular Rupture of a Purulent Brain Abscess: Case
Report.‖ Neurosurgery 36:189-193, 1995.
Walter KA, Tamargo RT, Olivi A, Burger PC, Brem H.
Neurosurgery 37:1129-1145, 1995.
―Intratumoral chemotherapy.‖
Judy K, Olivi A, Buahin KG, Domb A, Epstein JL, Colvin OM, Brem H. "Effectiveness of
controlled release of a cyclophosphamide derivative with polymers against rat gliomas." Journal of
Neurosurgery 82:103-108, 1995.
Olivi A, Ewend MG, Utsuki T, Domb A, Brem H. ―Interstitial delivery of carbo
platin via biodegradable polymers is effective against experimental glioma in the rat.‖ Cancer
Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 39:90-96, 1996.
Utsuki T, Brem H, Pitha J. Loftsson T, Kristmundsdottir, Tyler BM, Olivi A. ―Potentiation of
anticancer effects of microencapsulated carboplatin by hydroxyproply a-cyclodextrin.‖ Journal of
Controlled Release 40:251-260, 1996.
Norris L, Grossman S, Olivi A. ―Neoplastic meningitis following surgical resection of isolated
cerebellar metastasis: a potentially preventable complication.‖ Journal of Neuro-Oncology 32:215-223,
Ho L, Olivi A, Cho C, Burger P, Simeone F, Tihan T. ―Well-differentiated papillary
adenocarcinoma arising in a supratentorial enterogenous cyst: case report.‖ Neurosurgery 43:1474-1473,
Clatterbuck RE, Sampath P, Olivi A. ―Transititional cell carcinoma presenting as a solitary brain
lesion: a case report and review of the world litrerature.‖ Journal of Neuro-Oncology 39(1):91-94, 1998.
Brown H, Burger P, Olivi A, Sills A, Barditch CP, Lee R. ―Intracranial leiomyosarcoma in a
patient with AIDS.‖ Neuroradiology 41:35-39, 1999.
Skolasky R, DalPan G, Olivi A, Lenz F, Abrams R, McArthur J. ―HIV-associated primary CNS
lymphomas. Morbidity and utility of brain biopsy.‖ Journal of Neurological Sciences 163:32-38, 1999.
Kaplan PW, Kerr DA, Olivi A. "Ictus expectoratus: a sign of complex partial seizures usually of
non-dominant temporal lobe origin." Seizure 8(8):480-484, 1999.
Brown HG, Burger PC, Olivi A, Sills AK, Barditch-Crovo PA, Lee RR. "Intracranial
leiomyosarcoma in a patient with AIDS.‖ Neuroradiology 41(1):35-39, 1999.
DiMeco F, Rhines LD, Hanes J, Tyler BM, Brat D, Torchiana E, Guarnieri M, Finocchiaro G,
Colombo MP, Pardoll DM, Brem H, Olivi A. ―Paracrine delivery of IL-12 against intracranial 9L
gliosarcoma in rats.‖ Journal of Neurosurgery 92:419-427, 2000.
Olivi A, DiMeco F, Bohan E, Brem H. ―Developing new methods for the treatment of malignant
brain tumours: local delivery of anti-neoplastic agents using biodegradable polymers.‖ Forum (Genova)
10:152-163, 2000.
DiMeco F, Clatterbuck RE, Li KW, McCarthy EF, Olivi A. ―Synovitis, acne, pustulosis,
hyperostosis, and osteitis syndrome presenting as a primary calvarial lesion - Case report and review of the
literature.‖ Journal of Neurosurgery 93(4):693-697, 2000.
Tsai V, Kim S, Clatterbuck R, Ewend M, and Olivi A. "Cystic Prostate Metastases to the Brain
parenchym: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature." Journal of Neuro-Oncology 51:167-173,
Moriarity JL, Lim M, Storm PB, Beauchamp NJ, Olivi A.
"Reversible Posterior
Leukoencephalopathy Occurring during Resection of a Posterior Fossa tumor: Case Report and Review of
the Literature." Neurosurgery 49:1237-1240, 2001.
Lesniak MS, Tihan T, Olivi A. "Solitary central nervous system metastasis from acinic cell
carcinoma of the parotid gland." Journal of Otolaryngology 31: 38-41, 2002.
Gailloud P, Martin JB, Olivi A, Rüfenacht DA, Murphy KJ. "Transoral Vertebroplasty for a
Fractured C2 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst." Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology 13: 340-341, 2002.
Carson BS, Wu Q, Tyler B, Sukay L, Raychaudhuri R, DiMeco F, Clatterbuck RE, Olivi A,
Guarnieri M. "New approach to tumor therapy for inoperable areas of the brain: chronic intraparenchymal
drug delivery." Journal of Neuro-Oncology 60-:151-158, 2002.
DiMeco F, Li KW, Tyler BM, Wolfe AS, Brem H, Olivi A. "Local delivery of mitoxantrone for
the treatment of malignant brain tumors in rats." Journal of Neurosurgery 97:1173-1178, 2002.
Komotar RI, Olivi A, Rigamonti D, Tamargo R. "Microsurgical Fenestration of the Lamina
Terminalis Reduces the Incidence of Shunt-Dependent Hydrocephalus after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid
Hemorrhage." Neurosurgery 51:1403-1413, 2002.
Nahabedian MY, Chevray P, Olivi A, Manson P. "Case Report: Clinically Manifested Frontal
Lobe Compression after Anterior Craniectomy and Deep Inferior Epigastric Performator Flap
Reconstruction." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112:1040-1045, 2003.
Margalit E, Weiland JD, Claterbuck RE, Fujii GY, Maia M, Tameesh M, Torres G, D’Anna SA,
Desai S, Piyathaisere DV, Olivi A, de Juan E Jr, Humayun MS. "Visual and electrical evoked response
recorded from subdural electrodes implanted above the visual cortex in normal dogs under two methods of
anesthesia." Journal of Neuroscience Methods 123:129-137, 2003.
Parwani AV, Taylor DC, Burger PC, Erozan YS, Olivi A, Ali SZ. "Keratinized Squamous Cells
in Fine Needle Aspiration of the Brain: Cytopathologic Correlates and Differential Diagnosis." Acta
Cytologica 47:325-331, 2003.
Seidel G, Pardo CA, Newman-Toker D, Olivi A, Eberhart CG. "Neurobrucellosis Presenting as
Leukoencephalopathy: The Role of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes." Archives of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine 127: 374-377, 2003.
Hammoud D, Gailloud P, Olivi A, Murphy KJ. "Acute Vasogenic Edema Induced by Thrombosis
of a Giant Intracranial Aneurysm: A Cause of Pseudostroke after Therapeutic Occlusion of the Parent
Vessel." American Journal of Neuroradiology 24:1237-1239, 2003.
Olivi A, Grossman SA, Tatter S, Barker F, Judy K, Olsen J, Bruce J, Hilt D, Fisher J, and
Piantadosi S. "Dose Escalation of Carmustine in Surgically Implanted Polymers in Patients with Recurrent
Malignant glioma: a New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy CNS Consortium Trial." Journal of
Clinical Oncology 21:1845-1849, 2003.
Lucey BP, Tihan T, Pomper MG, Olivi A, Laterra J. "Spinal Meningioma Causing Diffuse
Leptomeningeal Enhancement." Neurology 60:350-351, 2003.
Tihan T, Viglione M, Rosenblum MK, Olivi A, Burger P. "Solitary Fibrous Tumors in the Central
Nervous System:
A Clinicopathologic Review of 18 Cases and Comparison to Meningeal
Hemangiopericytomas." Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 127:432-439, 2003.
Olivi A. "Brain and nervous system." Current Opinion in Oncology 15:187, 2003 (Editorial
Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Wang PP, Brem H, Olivi A, DiMeco F. "Local delivery of antineoplastic
agents using biodegradable polymers for the treatment of malignant brain tumors." Expert Review
Neurotherapeutics 3(4):533-546, 2003.
Rhines LD, Sampath P, DiMeco F, Lawson HC, Tyler BM, Hanes J, Pardoll D, Olivi A, Brem H.
"Local immunotherapy with interleukin-2 delivered via biodegradable polymer microspheres combined
with interstitial chemotherapy: A novel treatment for experimental malignant glioma." Journal of
Neurosurgery 52:872-880, 2003.
Kleinberg L, Weingart J, Burger P, Carson K, Grossman SA, Li K, Olivi A, Wharam MD, Brem
H. "Clinical Course and Pathologic Findings After Gliadel® and Radiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed
Malignant Glioma: Implications for Patient Management." Cancer Investigation, 22:1-9, 2004.
Komotar RJ, Burger PC, Carson BS, Brem H, Olivi A, Goldthwaite, PT, Tihan, T. "Pilocytic and
Pilomyxoid Hypothalamic/Chiasmatic Astrocytomas." Journal of Neurosurgery 54: 72-80, 2004.
Wang M, Murphy KM, Kulesza P, Hatanpaa KJ, Olivi A, Tugaro A, Erozan Y, Westra WH,
burger PC, Berg KD. "Molecular diagnosis of metastasizing oligodendroglioma: a case report." Journal of
Molecular Diagnostics 6:52-57, 2004.
Guerin C, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Lawson HC, Brem H. "Recent advances in brain tumor therapy:
local intracerebral drug delivery by polymers." Investigational New Drugs 22:27-37, 2004
Frazier J, Garonzik I, Tihan T, Olivi A. "Recurrent glioependymal cyst of the posterior fossa: an
unusual entity containing mixed glial elements: Case Report.‖ Journal of Neuro-Oncology 68: 13-17,
Caturegli P, Newschaffer C, Olivi A, Pomper MG, Burger PC, Rose NR. "Autoimmune
Hypophysitis." Endocrine Reviews 2005.
Koenig MA, Geocadin RG, Kulesza P, Olivi A, Brem H. "Rhabdoid meningioma occurring in an
unrelated resection cavity with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis." Journal of Neurosurgery 102:371-375,
McGirt MJ, Woodworth GF, Coon AL, Frazier JM, Amundson E, Garonzik I, Olivi A, Weingart
JD. "Independent predictors of morbidity after image-guided stereotactic brain biopsy: a risk assessment of
270 cases." Journal of Neurosurgery 102(5):897-901, 2005.
Amundson EW, McGirt MJ, Olivi A. "A contralateral, transfrontal, extraventricular approach to
stereotactic brainstem biopsy procedures." Journal of Neurosurgery 102:565-570, 2005.
Raza SM, Pradilla G, Legnani FG, Thai QA, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Brem H. "Local delivery of
antineoplastic agents by controlled-release polymers for the treatment of malignant brain tumors." Expert
Opinion on Biological Therapy 5(4):477-494, 2005.
Woodworth G, McGirt MJ, Samdani A, Garonzik I, Olivi A, Weingart JD. "Accuracy of frameless
and frame-based image-guided stereotactic brain biopsy in the diagnosis of glioma: comparison of biopsy
and open resection specimen." Neurological Research 27(4):358-62, 2005.
Chan TA, Weingart JD, Parisi M, Hughes MA, Olivi A, Borzillary S, Alahankone D, Detorie NA,
Wharam MD, Kleinberg L. "Treatment of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme with GliaSite brachytherapy."
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 62(4):1133-39, 2005.
Pradilla G, Legnani FG, Petangolini G, Francescato P, Chillemi F, Tyler BM, Gaini M, Brem H,
Olivi A, DiMeco F. ―Local delivery of a synthetic endostatin fragment for the treatment of experimental
gliomas.‖ Journal of Neurosurgery 57(5): 1032-1040, 2005.
Gallia GL, Sciubba DM, Hann CL, Raman SP, Westra WH, Fugaro AP, Olivi A. ―Synovial
sarcoma of the frontal sinus: Case report.‖ Journal of Neurosurgery 103:1077-1080, 2005.
Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Thai QA, Fiorindi A, Recinos PF, Tyler BM, Gaini SM,DiMeco F, Brem
H, Olivi A. ―Lactacystin exhibits potent anti-tumor activity in an animal model of malignant glioma when
administered via controlled-release polymers.‖ Journal of Neuro-Oncology 77:225-32, 2006.
Piccirillo SGM, Reynolds BA, Zanetti N, Lamorte G, Binda E, Broggi G, Brem H, Olivi A,
Dimeco F, and Vescovi A.L. ―Bone morphogenetic proteins inhibit the tumorigenic potential of human
brain tumour-initiating cells.‖ Nature 444:761-765, 2006.
Woodworth GF, McGirt MJ, Samdani A, Garonzik I, Olivi A, Weingart JD. ―Frameless imageguided stereotactic brain biopsy procedure: diagnostic yield, surgical with the frame-based technique.‖
Journal of Neurosurgery 104:233-237, 2006.
Chang S, Vogelbaum M, Lang F, Haines S, Kunwar S, Chiocca E, Olivi A, Parsa A, Warnick R.
―GNOSIS: Guidelines for neuro-oncology standards for investigational studies: reported therapeutic
clinical trials.‖ Journal of Neuro-Oncology 82(2):211-20, 2007.
Gerber DE, Segal JB, Salhotra A, Olivi A, Grossman S, Streiff MB. ―Venous thromboembolism
occurs infrequently in meningioma patients receiving combined modality prophylaxis.‖ Cancer 109(2):3005, 2007.
Olivi A and Weingart J. ―Local therapies of brain tumors with Gliadel (R) and GliaSite: the North
American experience.‖ Rivista Medica 13:1-5, 2007.
Chaichana KL, Capilla-Gonzalez V, Gonzalez-Perez O, Pradilla G, Han J, Olivi A, GarciaVerdugo A, Quinones-Hinojosa, A. ―Preservation of glial cytoarchitecture from ex vivo human tumor and
non-tumor cerebral cortical explants: A human model to study neurological diseases.‖ Journal of
Neuroscience Methods 164(2):261-70, 2007.
Weingart J, Grossman SA, Carson KA, Fisher JD, Delaney SM, Rosenblatt ML, Tatter SB, Dolan
ME. ―Phase I trial of polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant plus continuous infusion of intravenous O6benzylguanine in adults with recurrent malignant glioma: new approaches to brain tumor therapy CNS
consortium trial.‖ Journal of Clinical Oncology 25:399-404, 2007.
Bar E E, Cahudry A, Lin A, Fan X, Schreck K, Matsui W, Vescovi AL, DiMeco F, Olivi A, and
Eberhart CG. ―Cyclopamine-Mediated hedgehog pathway inhibition depletes stem-like cancer cells in
glioblastoma.‖ Stem Cells 25(10):2524-33, 2007.
Mydlarz WK, Wu J, Aygun N, Olivi A, Carey JP, Westra WH, Tufano RP. ―Management
considerations for differentiated thyroid carcinoma presenting as a metastasis to the skull base.‖
Laryngoscope 117(7):1146-52, 2007.
Lawson HC, Sampath P, Bohen E, Park MC, Hussain N, Olivi A, Weingart J, Kleinberg L, Brem
H. ―Interstitial chemotherapy for malignant gliomas: the Johns Hopkins experience.‖ Journal of NeuroOncology 83:61-70, 2007.
Brem SS, Bierman PJ, Black P, Brem H, Chamberlain MC, Chiocca EA, DeAngelis LM,
Fenstermaker RA, Friedman A, Gilbert MR, Glass J, Grossman SA, Heimberger AB, Junck L, Linette GP,
Loeffler JJ, Maor MH, Moots P, Mrugala M, Nabors LB, Newton HB, Olivi A, Portnow J, Prados M,
Raizer JJ, Shrieve DC, Sills AK Jr. "Central nervous system cancers." Journal of the National
Comprehensive Cancer Network 6(5):456-504. 2008.
Than KD, Baird CJ and Olivi A. Polyethylene glycol hydrogel dural sealant may reduce
incisional cerebrospinal fluid leak after posterior fossa surgery. Neurosurgery 63:182-86, 2008.
McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Gathinji M, Attenello F, Than K, Ruiz AJ, Olivi A and QuinonesHinojosa A. Persistent outpatient hyperglycemia is independently associated with decreased survival after
primary resection of malignant brain astrocytomas. Neurosurgery 63:286-91, 2008.
Zhang W, Olivi A, Hertig SJ, van Ziji P, and Mori S. Automated fiber tracking of human brain
white matter using diffusion tensor imaging. Neuroimage 42:771-7, 2008.
Gathinji M, McGirt MJ, Attenello FJ, Chaichana KL, Than K , Olivi A, Weingart JD, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa A. Association of preoperative depression and survival after resection of malignant
brain astrocytoma. Surg Neurol . 71(3):299-303, 2009.
Parsons DW, Jones S, Zhang X, Lin JC, Leary RJ, Angenendt P, Mankoo P, Carter H, Siu IM,
Gallia GL Olivi A.......Kinzler KW. An integrated genomic analysis of human glioblastoma multiforme.
Science 321:1807-12, 2008.
McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Attenello FJ, Weingart JD, Than K, Burger PC, Olivi A, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa A. Extent of surgical resection is independently associated with survival in patients
with hemispheric infiltrating low grade gliomas. Neurosurgery 63:700-7, 2008.
Attenello FJ, Mukherjee D, Datoo G, McGirt MJ, Bohan E, Weingart JD, Olivi A, QuinonesHinojosa A, Brem H. Use of Gliadel (BCNU) wafer in the surgical treatment of malignant glioma: a 10
year institutional experience. Am Surg Oncol 15:2887-93, 2008.
McGirt MJ, Than KD, Weingart JD, Chaichana KL, Attenello FJ, Olivi A, Laterra J, Kleinberg
LR, Grossman SA, Brem H, Quinones-Hinojosa A.
Gliadel (BCNU) wafer plus concomitant
temozolomide therapy after primary resection of glioblastoma multiforme. J Neurosurg, 110(3):583-8,
McGirt MJ, Chaichana KL, Gathinji M, Attenello FJ, Than K, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa AR. Independent association of extent of resection with survival in patients with
malignant brain astrocytoma. J Neurosurg 110:156-62, 2009.
Chaichana KL, Parker SL, Olivi A, Quinones-Hinojosa A Long-term seizure outcomes in adult
patients undergoing primary resection of malignant brain astrocytomas. J of Neurosurg 111(2):282-92,
Kleinberg L, Yoon G, Weingart JD, Parisi M, Olivi A, Detorie NA, Chan TA. Imaging after
GliaSite Brachythrapy: Prognostic MRI indicators of disease control and recurrence. Int J of Radiat Oncol
Biol, Phys 75:1385-1391, 2009.
Chaichana KL, McGirt MJ, Niranjan A, Olivi A, Burger PC, Quinones-Hinojosa A. Prognostic
significance of contrast-enhancing low-grade gliomas in adults and a review of the literature. Neurol Res
31:931-939, 2009.
Holdhoff M, Supko JG, Gallia GL, Hann CL, Bonekamp D, Ye X, Cao B, Olivi A, Grossman SA.
Intumoral concentrations of imatinib after oral administration in patients with glioblastoma multiforme.
J Neuro-oncol 97:241-245, 2010.
Chaichana K, Parker S, Olivi A, Quinones-Hinojosa A. A proposed classification system that
projects outcomes based on preoperative variables for adult patients with glioblastoma multiforme. J
Neurosurg 112:997-1004, 2010
Xu R, McGirt MJ, Parker SL, Bydon M, Olivi A, Wolinsky JP, Witham TF, Gokaslan ZL, Bydon
A. Factors Associated with Recurrent Back Pain and Cyst Recurrence after Surgical Resection of One
Hundred Ninety-Five Spinal Synovial Cysts: Analysis of One Hundred Sixty-Seven Consecutive Cases.
Spine 35:1044-1053. 2010.
Recinos VR, Bekelis K, Ziegler SG, Vick D, Hertig S, Tyler BM, Li KW, Kosztowski T, Legnani
FG, Brem H, Olivi A. Epirubicin exhibits potent anti-tumor activity in an animal model of malignant
glioma when administered via controlled release polymers. J Neuro-oncol 97:1-10, 2010.
Raza SM, Gallia GL, Brem H, Weingart JD, Long DM, Olivi A. Perioperative and long-term
outcomes from the management of parasagittal meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinus.
Neurosurgery 67 (4) 885-893, 2010.
Chaichana KL, McGirt JM, Laterra J, Olivi A, Quinones-Hinojosa A. Recurrence and malignant
degeneration after resection of adult hemispheric low-grade gliomas. J of Neurosurg: 112:10-17, 2010
Jansen T, Tyler B, Mankowski JL, Recinos VR, Pradilla G, Legnani F, Laterra J and Olivi A.
FasL gene knock-down therapy enhances the antiglioma immune response. Neuro-Oncology,12(5):482489, 2010.
Frazier JL, Han JE, Lim M, Olivi A. Immunotherapy combined with chemotherapy in the
treatment of tumors. Neurosurg Clin N Am 21:187-194, 2010.
Chaichana KL, Kosztowski T, Niranjan A, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Laterra J, Brem H, QuinonesHinojosa A. Prognostic significance of contrast-enhancing anaplastic astrocytomas in adults. J Neurosurg
113 (2) 286-292, 2010.
Raza SM, Garzon-Muvdi T, Boaehen K, Olivi A, Gallia G, Lim M, Subramanian P, QuinonesHinojosa A. The supraorbital craniotomy for access to the skull base and intraxial lesions: a technique in
evolution. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 53:1-8, 2010.
Siu IM, Tyler BM, Chen JX, Eberhart CG, Thomale UW, Olivi A, Jallo GI, Riggins GJ, Gallia
GL. Establishment of a human glioblastoma stemlike brainstem rodent tumor model. J Neurosurg Pediatr
6(1):92-97 2010.
Chaichana KL, McGirt MJ, Woodworth GF, Datoo G, Tamargo RJ, Weingart J, Olivi A, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa A. Persistent outpatient hyperglycemia is independently associated with survival,
recurrence and malignant degeneration following surgery for hemispheric low grade gliomas. Neuro Res
32(4):442-448, 2010.
Pendleton C, Olivi A, Jallo GI, Quinones-Hinojosa, A. Unique challenges faced by pediatric
neurosurgeon Harvey Cushing in 1909 at Johns Hopkins: A choroid plexus tumor of the lateral ventricle
mimicking a cerebellar lesion. Child’s Nervous System 27 (7), 1145-1148, 2011.
Binder ZA, Johnson MW, Joshi A, Hann CL, Griffin CA, Olivi A, Riggins GJ, Gallia GL.
Glioblastoma multiforme in the Muir-Torre syndrome. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 113(5), 411415, 2011.
Chaichana KL, Halthore AN, Parker SL, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Brem H, Quinones-Hinojosa A.
Factors involved in maintaining prolonged functional independence following supratentorial glioblastoma
resection. J Neurosurg 114 (3):604-612, 2011.
Chaichana KL, Chaichana K, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Bennett R, Brem H, Quinones-Hinojosa A.
Surgical outcomes for older patients with glioblastoma multiforme: Preoperative factors associated with
decreased survival. J Neurosurgery 114 (3) 587-594, 2011.
Latimer K, Pendleton C, Olivi A, Cohen-Gadol AA, Brem H, Quinones-Hinojosa A. Harvey
Cushing’s open and thorough documentation of surgical mishaps at the dawn of neurological surgery.
Archives of Surgery 146 (2) 226-232, 2011.
Grossman R, Mukherjee D, Chang DC, Bennett R, Brem, H, Olivi A, Quinones-Hinojosa A.
Preoperative Charlson comorbidity score predicts postoperative outcomes among older intracranial
meningioma patients. World Neurosurgsery 75 (2) 279-285, 2011.
Chaichana KL, Garzon-Muvdi T, Parker S, Weingart JD, Olivi A, Bennett R, Brem H, QuinonesHinojosa A. Supratentorial glioblastoma multiforme: The role of surgical resection versus biopsy among
older patients. Annals of Surgical Oncology 18 (1) 239-245, 2011.
Chaichana KL, Zaidi H, Pendleton C, McGirt MJ, Grossman R, Weingart JD, Olivi A, QuinonesHinojosa A, Brem H. The efficacy of carmustine wafers for older patients with glioblastoma multiforme:
prolonging survival. Neurol Res 33 (7): 759-764, 2011.
Pendleton C, Olivi A, Brem H, Quinones-Hinojosa A. Harvey Cushing’s Early Treatment of
Meningiomas: The Untold Story. World Neurosurg Nov 7 (Epub print), 2011.
Bender M, Olivi A, Tamargo RJ. Julius Casserius and the First Anatomically Correct Depiction
of the Circulus Arteriosus Cerebri (of Willis). World Neurosurg Dec 9 (Epub print) 2011.
Chaichana KL, Pendleton C, Zaidi H, Olivi A, Weingart JD, Gallia GL, Lim M, Brem H,
Quinones-Hinojosa A. Seizure Control for Patients Undergoing Meningioma Surgery. World Neurosurg
Mar 30 (Epub ahead of print), 2012.
Book Chapters, Monographs:
Olivi A, Waner M, Sawaya R, Wessler T, Cassini P, Liwnicz B, Pensak M, Tew JM Jr.
―Photodynamic therapy of brain tumors: Studies on the distribution of Di-Hematoporphyrin Ether in
normal and experimental neoplastic brain tissue in rats.‖ In: Gerosa MA et al (Eds.) Brain Tumors
Biopathology and Therapy. (Advances in Bioscience, Vol 58). 1987 Pergamon Press, pp. 154-167.
Olivi A, Sawaya R. ―Photodynamic therapy of brain tumors.‖ In: Laser Applications in
Neurosurgery. Sawaya R, Tew JM Jr. (Eds). Hanley & Belfus: Nov. 1987:433-445.
Olivi A, Tew JM, Van Loveren H. ―Fibromuscular Dysplasia: In Carotid Artery Disease. ‖
Woods, M (Ed.), Hanley and Belfus, May 1989.
Olivi A, Sawaya R, Liwnicz B. ―Dexamethasone modulation of fibrinolysis‖: In Fibrinolysis and
the Central Nervous System. Sawaya R (Ed.), Hanley and Belfus, 1990, pp. 294-300.
Olivi A, Domb A, Lenartz D, Tamargo R, Brem H: ―Interstitial chemotherapy with drug
impregnated polymer implants to treat brain tumors: Pre-clinical and clinical studies‖. In Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Advances in Neuro-Oncology, Takakura, Paoletti, Walker (Eds), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, San Remo, Italy, 1991, pp. 221-223.
Olivi A, Brem RF, McPherson R, Brem H. ―Brain tumors in pregnancy. In Neurological
Complications of Pregnancy.‖ Stern B (Ed.), Futura Publishing, 1992, pp 85-105.
Guerin, C, Tamargo, RJ, Olivi, A, Brem, H. ―Brain tumor angiogenesis: Drug delivery and new
inhibitors.‖ In Angiogenesis in Health and Diseases, Maragoudakis, M.E. (Eds.), Plenum Press, 1992, pp
Brem H, Tamargo RJ, and Olivi A. ―Delivery of drugs to the brain by use of a sustained-release
polyanhydride polymer system.‖ In New Technologies and Concepts for Reducing Drug Toxicities, Salem,
H. and Baskin, S.I. (Eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1993, pp 33-39.
Olivi A, Brem, H. ―Interstitial chemotherapy with sustained-release poly mer systems for the
treatment of malignant gliomas.‖ In Recent Results in Cancer Research, Schlegel, U. (Eds.) Springer
Verlag, Amsterdam, 1994, pp 149-154.
Brem H, Walter KA, Tamargo RJ, Olivi A, Langer RS. ―Drug delivery to the brain.‖ In Polymer
site-specific pharmaco-therapy, Domb, A.J. (Eds.) John Wiley & Sons LTD, England), 1994, pp117-139.
Olivi, A and Laterra, J. "Brain Tumors in Women." In Neurologic Disease in Women, Kaplan,
P.W. (Eds), 1998, pp. 355-361.
Lesniak, MS and Olivi, A. "Brain Metastasis from Gynecologic Cancers."
Metastases. Sawaya, R. (Ed). Futura Publishing, in press, 2001.
In Intracranial
Moriarity, JL, Storm, PB, and Olivi, A. "Central Nervous System Metastases." In Current
Therapy in Neurologic Disease: 6th edition, Johnson, R.T., Griffin, J.W., McArthur, J.C. (Eds.) Mosby,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo, 2002, pp 257-260.
DiMeco F, Petrangolini G, Rizzo R, Olivi A, Brem H. "Polimeri biodegradabili e rilascio locale di
chemioterapici In La terapia Dei Tumori Cerebrali Maligni dell’Adulto e del Bambino." Editor, A.
Sghirlanzoni, A. Boiardi (Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, Milano, Italia), pp. 139-145, 2002.
DiMeco F, Brem H, Weingart J, Olivi A. ―Gliadel TM: A New Method for the Treatment of
Malignant Brain Tumors.‖ In Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer, Brown, D. (Eds.) Humana Press, Inc.,
Totowa, N.J. pp. 215-227, 2003.
Olivi, A, Rhines, LD, DiMeco, F. ―Brain Tumors During Pregnancy. ‖ In Youmans Neurological
Surgery, 5 th edition, (Ed.) H. Richard Winn, M.D., (W. B. Saunders Company) Philadelphia, PA, chapter
45, pp. 1-10, 2003.
Gallia GL, Pomper MG, and Olivi A. "Chordoid Glioma of the Third Ventricle." In Textbook of
Neuro-Oncology. (Ed.) Berger MS, M.D., Saunders, chapter 29, 2005.
Olivi A, Bydon M, and Raza SM. ―Brain Tumors during Pregnancy‖ In Youmans Neurological
Surgery 6th edition (Ed) H. Richard Winn, M.D. (Elsevier/Saunders Company). Philadelphia, PA, chapter
111, Vol. 2, pp. 1229-1235, 2011
Olivi A, Weingart JD, Liauw J and Raza SM. ―Frame and Frameless Stereotactic Brain Biopsy.‖
In Youmans Neurological Surgery 6th edition (Ed) H. Richard Winn, M.D. (Elsevier/Saunders Company),
Philadelphia, PA, chapter 114, Vol. 2,pp. 1254-1260, 2011.
Attenello F, Raza SM, Dimeco F, and Olivi A. Chemotherapy for brain tumors with polymer drug
delivery. In Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 104 (3 rd series) (Eds) MJ Aminoff, F Boller, DF Swaab,
Neuro-Oncology Part I, (edited) W Grisold R Soffietti, (Elsevier), chapter 22, pp 339-353, 2012.
Extramural Sponsorship
Current Awards:
Total Costs:
Controlled Release Polymers for Brain Tumors
September 19, 2000-April 30, 2005
National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
$549,241/yr—NIH/NCDDG U19 CA 52857-12
Henry Brem, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D. (5% support)
Total Costs:
Total Direct Costs:
New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy: CNS Consortium
March 21, 1994-December 31, 2002
National Institutes of Health/ National Cancer Institute-NABBT
$631,179/NIH/NCI 1 U01 CA 62475-09
Henry Brem, M.D. and Stuart Grossman, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D. (1%)
Total Costs:
Consolidated Gift Account
Gift Contributions
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Previous Awards
Total Costs:
Polymeric delivery of platinum derivatives to treat brain tumors
July 1992-June 1994
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (Clinical Scientist Award)
$100, 000
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Total Costs:
Prevention of epidural scarring following laminectomy
March 1993-September 1993
Focal Interventional Therapeutics, Cambridge, and Massachusetts
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Total Costs:
Prevention of epidural scarring following laminectomy
March 1994-July 1994
Focal Interventional Therapeutics
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Total Costs:
Cytokine enhanced local immuno-/chemotherapy of malignant brain tumors
July 1998-June 2000
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, Asheville, North Carolina
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Local delivery of interleukin-12 from biodegradable microspheres for the
treatment of experimental brain tumors
February 2000
Johns Hopkins Bayview Physicians, P.A., Baltimore, MD
Total Costs:
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Clinical Protocols Approved by the Joint Committee on Clinical Investigation (JCCI) of Johns
Hopkins Hospital:
Safety and Efficacy of BCNU Delivered from a Biodegradable, Surgically Implanted Polymer for the
Treatment of Grade III or IV Astrocytoma
RPN No. 87-06-08-05 (1987-1988)
Principal Investigator:
Henry Brem, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
A Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of BCNU Delivered from a Biodegradable, Surgically
Implanted Polymer for the Treatment of Recurrent Malignant Gliomas
RPN No. 89-02-15-01 (1989-1992)
Principal Investigator:
Henry Brem, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Serum Evaluation for Tumor Markers
RPN# 91-07-12-01 (June 15, 1991)
Principal Investigator:
Henry Brem
Alessandro Olivi
Efficacy/Safety of Tirilazad Mesylate (U-74, 006F) in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
RPN # 92-02-14-02 (1992-1998* )
Principal Investigator:
Daniel F. Hanley, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Phase I, Open Label, Multi-center Dose Escalation Study of GLIADEL in Patients with Recurrent
Malignant Glioma—NABTT (NIH) 9601
RPN No. 96-08-26-01 (1996-2000)
Principal Investigator:
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
A Multi-Center, Open Label Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of the Proxima
GliaSite RTS, A Radiation Delivery System, in Patients with Recurrent Malignant Brain Tumors
Undergoing Surgical Resection NABTT (NIH) 9801
RPN No. 98-08-13-05 (1998-1999)
Principal Investigator:
Jon Weingart, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Phase I Gliadel R and Escalating Doses of Intravenous O6-Benzylguanine Trial in Patients with Recurrent
Malignant Glioma—NABTT (NIH) 9803
RPN No. 99-12-29-01 (1998-2002)
Principal Investigator:
Jon Weingart, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
A Phase I, Open Label, Dose Escalation Trial of Intratumoral Injection with an E1B Attenuated
Adenovirus, ONYX-015, into Recurrent Malignant Gliomas NABTT (NIH) 9701
RPN No. 99-05-03-05 (1999-2002)
Principal Investigator:
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
The Treatment of One or Two Supratentorial Brain Metastases with Surgical Resection and BCNU –
Polymer Wafers—NABTT (NIH) 9802
RPN No. 99-07-23-04 (1999-2002)
Principal Investigator:
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Interstitial Infusion of IL 13-PE38QQR Cytoxin in Recurrent Malignant Glioma
Phase I/II Study—NABTT (NIH) 9903
RPN: 00-04-11-03 (2000-2004)
Principal Investigator:
Jon Weingart, M.D.
Alessandro Olivi, M.D.
Educational Activities
Classroom Teaching
Neurology course for third year medical student – Lecturer 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Clinical Instruction
Introduction to Clinical Medicine to first year medical students: 1997. Two students:
-Jeanie Liu: presently Neurosurgery Resident at University of Texas at Galveston
-Kenji Muro: presently Neurosurgery Resident at Northwestern. Chicago.
Establishment and conduction of a new Neurosurgery monthly rotation for General Surgery Residents.
1993-present. Rated for several years the top rotation by the General Surgery interns.
Rotations of senior Neurosurgical residents for 4-6 months at Bayview, with one-on-one intense training in
clinical and operative general neurosurgical practice.
Residents Trained
1991-92--Seth Zeidman, M.D., University of Rochester, Neurosurgery, Rochester, NY
1991-92--Eric Oshiro, M.D., Private Practice, Honolulu, Hawaii
1992-93--Reid Thompson, M.D., Vanderbilt University, Neurosurgery, Nashville, TN
1992-93--Eric Sipos, M.D., Private practice, Tucson, Arizona
1993-94--Al Sills, M.D., University of Tennessee, Neurosurgery, Memphis, TN
1993-94--Matthew Ewend, M.D., University of North Carolina, Neurosurgery, Chapel Hill, NC
1994-95--Mark Watts, M.D., Henry Ford Hospital, Neurosurgery, Detroit, MI
1994-95--Neal Naff, M.D., Private Practice, Baltimore, MD
1995-96--John Davis, M.D., Private Practice, Jackson, MS
1995-96--Prakash Sampath, M.D., Brown University, Neurosurgery, Providence, R.I.
1996-97--Laurence Rhines, M.D., MD Anderson, Neurosurgery, Houston, TX.
1996-97--Victor Perry, M.D., UCSF, Neurosurgery, San Francisco, CA
1996-97--Tushar Goradia, M.D., Private Practice, Madison, WI.
1997-98--David Antezana, M.D., Johns Hopkins Hospital, Spine Fellow, Baltimore, MD
1997-98--Raymond Haroun, M.D, Jefferson University, Spine Fellow, Philadelphia, PA.
1998-99--Richard Clatterbuck, MD, Johns Hopkins, Instructor, Neurosurgery, Baltimore, MD
1998-99--Kevin Walter, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Instructor, Neurosurgery, Baltimore, MD
1998-99--John Moriarity, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Instructor, Neurosurgery, Baltimore, MD
1999-2000--Philip Storm, M.D., Johns Hopkins Hospital, Neurosurgery Resident, Baltimore, MD
1999-2000--Dean Chou, M.D., Johns Hopkins Hospital, Neurosurgery Resident, Baltimore, MD
1999-2000--Macej Lesniak, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery Resident, Baltimore, MD
2000-2001--Ira Garonzik, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery Resident, Baltimore, MD
2000-2001--Amer Samdani, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery Resident, Baltimore, MD
2000-2001--Paul Wang, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery Resident, Baltimore, MD
2001-2002--Richard Clatterbuck, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2001-2002--John Moriarity, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2001-2002--Kevin Walter, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2002-2003--Dean Chou, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2002-2003--Macej Lesniak, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2002-2003--Phillip J. Storm, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2003-2004--Ira Garonzik, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2003-2004--Paul Wang, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2003-2004--Amer Samdani, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2004-2005--Eric Amundson, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2004-2005--Sherwin Hua, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2004-2005--Nirit Weiss, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2005-2006--Michael Schlosser, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2005-2006--Jacob Schwarz, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2005-2006--Quoc-Anh Thai, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2006-2007--Gary Gallia, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2006-2007--Carlos Bagley, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2006-2007--Chris Lawson, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2007-2008--William S. Anderson, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2007-2008--James Conway, M.D., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD\
2007-2008--Khan Li, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2008-2009--Clint Baird, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2008-2009--Violette Recinos, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2008-2009--Dan Sciubba, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2009-2010--Alexander Coon,, M.D. Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2009-2010--Matthew McGirt,, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2009-2010--James Frazier, M.D., Johns Hopkins, Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2010-2011 ---Michael Dorsi, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2010-2011---Wesley Hsu, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2010-2011---Ryan Kretzer, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2011-2012---Chetan Bettagowda, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD.
2011-2012---Gustavo Pradilla, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
2011-2012---Graeme Woodworth, M.D., Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery, Resident, Baltimore, MD
Clinical Conferences
Neuro-oncology Conference: Weekly conference for Neurosurgery, Oncology and Neurology residents:
To educate them on brain tumors multidisciplinary management.
Director, Skull Base Conference: Once-a-month conference for neurosurgery, ENT, and oncology faculty
and house staff: To educate them on skull base and acoustic neuroma tumors.
Surgical Education
Prominent role in the education of Neurosurgery Chief resident in skull-base surgery, vascular surgery and
brain tumor management.
Research fellows trained
Subsequent Position
Doris Lenartz, M.D.
08/89 – 10/90
Faculty Neurosurgeon Hospital
Cologne-Merhaim Germany
Tadanobi Utsuki, Ph.D.
07/94 – 06/97
Faculty at NIH
Private Industry
Francesco DiMeco, M.D.
07/97 – 09/00
Recipient of the Harvey Cushing
Hunterian Award 2000, Department
of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Director of Neuro-oncological
Research-Dept of Neurosurgery
Isituto Neurologico Besta
Milano - Italy
Gustavo Pradilla
Hunterian Lab Research Fellow Javeriana,
Federico Legnani
Hunterian Lab Research Fellow
Luca Basaldella
Hunterian Lab Research Fellow
Editorial Activities
Grant review: Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University and the Allegheny Singer
Research Institute Intramural Pilot Project Grant Program. ―Gene Therapy for Brain Tumor: Intra-arterial
Viral Vector.‖ (March 1996)
Journal of Neuro-Oncology (Editorial Board)
International Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma (Editorial Board)
National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Primary Brain Tumors
American Academy of Neurological Surgery
Medical licensure
The Board of Physician Quality Assurance of the State of Maryland
State Certification to Practice Medicine and Surgery
Awarded May 15, 1989--Certification #: D0038382
ECFMG certification
July 1982
FLEX Examination
December 1982
Special certification
Certificate: Principles and Practice of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (attendance/certification —2/102/14/03—Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ
American Board of Neurological Surgeons May, 1994
Service Responsibilities
Director of the Neurosurgical clinical services at the Bayview Medical Center:
General neurosurgical practice consisting of: 250 surgical cases per year
1300 clinic visits per year
110 inpatient consultations per year
Attending on the Neurosurgical service every other week
Number of surgical cases personally performed at Bayview approx. 200
40% Spine surgery; 30% intracranial tumors; 20% vascular surgery; 10% trauma surgery
Director of the Division of Neurosurgical Oncology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital
Multidisciplinary treatment of brain and spinal tumors
Member of the Division of Neurovascular Surgery at the Johns Hopkins Hospital
Treatment of aneurysm, vascular malformation and vascular occlusive disease
Number of surgical cases performed at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in 2009: approx 250
60% tumors (intracranial, skull base, spinal, stereotactic biopsies), 25% spinal; 15% vascular.
Rotating attending on call for the HAL (Hopkins access line) five weeks per year.
Organizational Activities
Institutional Administrative Appointments:
Chief Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, University Of Cincinnati
Associate Chief for Clinical Practice
Department of Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Medical Director
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland (December 1994-present)
Director of the Division of Neurosurgical Oncology
Department of Neurosurgery
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Member of The Harrison Library Committee
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Member of the Search Committee for the General Surgery Chairman
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Member of the Medical Board
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Member of the Advisory Board
Johns Hopkins Bayview Physicians
Member of the Medical Council
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Member of the Search Committee
Johns Hopkins Hospital, School of Medicine
Professional Societies:
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
American Medical Association
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Society for Neuro-Oncology
Recognition, Awards, Honors:
Clinician Scientist Award
The Johns Hopkins University
July 1992
Richard Otenasek, Jr. Faculty Teaching Award
Excellence in Teaching and Commitment to Resident Education
The Johns Hopkins University
June 1996
Reviewer for RFA grants
Study Section Review
Consultant: Study Section Review NIH RFA and CA grant—Brain Tumors--NIH, Bethesda, MD,
March 9, 2005.
Grant Support: (ongoing)
NCI 1R21 CA112148-01 (Dr. Olivi)
―Enhancement of Brain Tumor Immunotherapy by Fas-L RNAi‖ 05/01/05-4/30/10
Total cost: $1,147,000. (Principal Investigator)
Doctors for United Medical Missions
Accara, Ghana--11/13-11/21/09
Performed neurosurgical cases with international medical group
Invited Talks, Panels, Meetings:
―Cerebrospinal fluid levels of cyclic nucleotides and monoaminergic metabolites in subarachnoid
hemorrhage: Preliminary report.‖ 31st Annual Meeting of Scandinavian Neuroscience Society. Oulu,
Finland, June 1979.
―Longitudinal investigations on CSF levels of cyclic nucleotides and adrenergic metabolites in nonneoplastic hydrocephalus.‖ Neurosurgical Joint Meeting. Essen, West Germany, September 1979.
Invited lecture: ―Photo radiation therapy of brain tumors: Promises and limitations.‖ Brain Tumor
Workshop. Verona, Italy, June 1985.
―Stereotactic photodynamic therapy of C6 gliomas in rats: Morphological observations and clinical
implications.‖ American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Denver, Colorado, April 1986.
―Slit ventricle syndrome: Review of 15 cases.‖ International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. 15th
Annual Meeting. New York, New York, July 1987.
―Positioning for Success.‖ Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Baltimore, Maryland, October 1987.
―Hematoporphyrin derivatives and Photodynamic therapy- Vertebral artery injuries.‖ Steamboat
Neurosurgical Symposium. Steamboat Springs, Colorado, February 1988.
―Malignant tumors of the choroid plexus in children.‖ 16th Annual Meeting of the International Society for
Pediatric Neurosurgery, Rome, Italy, February 1988.
―Use of polymers to locally release carboplatin and inhibit the growth of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma.‖
Pediatric Section of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Washington, DC, December
―Growth inhibition of the Walker 256 carcinosarcoma by local sustained release of carboplatin from
biocompatible polymers.‖ American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Nashville, TN., April 1990.
―Treatment of F98 rat glioma with local controlled-release of carboplatin from a biodegradable polymer.‖
International Symposium on Advances in Neuro-Oncology, San Remo, Italy, September 1990.
Invited lecture: ―Interstitial Chemotherapy with a biodegradable controlled-release polymer for treatment of
malignant gliomas.‖ Fifth Meeting of the German Neuro-oncological Group, Cologne, Germany,
November 1990.
―Stereotactic guided craniotomies.‖ The Johns Hopkins General Surgery Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD.,
March 1992.
Invited lecture: ―Local BCNU wafer therapy of recurrent gliomas.‖ Molecular Neuro-Oncology and its
Impact on the Clinical Management of Brain Tumors, Bonn, Germany, May 1992.
International Neuro-Oncology Symposium, Bonn, Germany, June 1992
Invited lecture: ―Slow release polymers for drug delivery to brain tumors.‖ American Society for Clinical
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1993.
―Treatment of Intraventricular Rupture of Cerebral Abscesses.‖ The Johns Hopkins
General Surgery Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD, May 1993.
Invited lecture: ―New strategies in the treatment of malignant gliomas‖. Joint Meeting of the Departments
of Neurosurgery, Neurology, Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology. University of Padova, Italy,
September 1993.
―Meningiomas in the Elderly.‖ Francis Scott Key Medical Center Medicine Grand Rounds, Baltimore,
MD., December 1993.
American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Diego, CA., April 1994.
―Experimental Approaches for Treatment of Malignant Brain Tumors: Application of Laboratory Studies to
Clinical Problems.‖ Mayfield Winter Neurosurgical Symposium, Snowmass, Colorado, February 1995.
―The Diagnosis and Management of Intracranial Lesions Using Stereotactic Techniques.‖ Internal
Medicine Clinical Review. Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD, May 1995.
―Interstitial Chemotherapy with Biodegradable Polymers for the Treatment of Brain Tumors.‖ XV Corso
Avanzato in Chimica Farmaceutica, Urbino, Italy, July 1995.
Invited lecture: ―Development of a Controlled Polymeric Drug Delivery System for the Brain.‖ IBC UK
Conferences Limited. Neurotrophic Factors: Clinical Application And Future Directions, London, May
Invited lecture: ―Image-Guided Surgery -The Johns Hopkins Experience.‖ 40th Annual Clinical
Conference, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, March 1997.
Invited lecture: ―The Impact of Neurosurgical Research on Clinical Practice‖ Mayfield Neuroscience
Symposium, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, May 31, 1997.
Invited lecture: ―Intratumoral Chemotherapy‖ Societe Suisse de Neurologie, Aarau, Switzerland,
November 7, 1997.
―Central Nervous System.‖ American Society of Clinical Oncology- 34th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles,
California, May 1998.
―Management of Gliomas- Surgery/Chemotherapy.‖ First International Congress on Genetics in
Neurosciences, Terni , Italy, June 1998.
―Gliadel in Recurrent Malignant Gliomas‖ Emerging Strategies for Cancer Therapy in the New
Millennium, Department of Radiation Oncology, the New York Methodist Hospital –affiliated with the
New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, September 10, 1998.
―The Gliadel Dose Escalating Study: An Update‖ Mayfield-Clinic-Neuroscience Symposium, Snowmass,
Colorado, February 25, 1999
―Local Tumor Control with the Biodegradable Polymers‖ 50th Annual Meeting German Society of
Neurosurgery, Munich, Germany, June 9, 1999
―Increasing Clinical Doses of Interstitial Chemotherapy‖ Mayfield Clinic-Cleveland Clinic Neuroscience
Symposium, Snowmass, Colorado, February 22, 2000.
―Local Delivery of Mitoxantrone by Biodegradable Polymers for the Treatment of Experimental Brain
Tumors. Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology, Hilton Washington and
Towers, Washington, D.C. November 16, 2001.
3rd International Congress Genetics and Regeneration in Neuroscience and 1st Satellite Symposium ―New
Frontiers in Surgical Neurology ‖, Terni, Italy, June 22-26, 2002.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Meeting, Philadelphia, PA September 23-24, 2002
NABTT Consortium Meeting, Greensboro, N.C., November 7-8, 2002
Invited Speaker Department of Neurology—Azienda Ospedaliera de Padova, ―Il percorso dal laboratorio
all’uso nella paratica clinica di un nuovo trattamento dei tumori cerebrali maligni,‖ Padova, Italy, April 14,
Invited speaker: Neurosurgical Grand Rounds, Azienda Ospedaliera Di Padova, Padova, Italy, ―New
Strategies and Intraoperative Technologies in the Treatment of Intracranial Tumors,‖ April 14, 2003.
Invited to Chair the Joint Meeting Satellite Symposium on behalf of Guilford Pharmaceuticals and Link
Pharmaceuticals ―New Advances in the Management of Malignant Glioma—Future Directions,‖ held in
Edinburgh, Scotland, May 5th, 2005.
Invited to Co-chair the first Scientific Committee at the International Meeting: Updates in Neuro-Oncology
in Arezzo, Italy, June 25-26, 2005.
Invited speaker: ―Brain Tumors: stereotactic approaches and local treatments.‖ Brain LAB Residents
Academy, 2006, Brain LAB AG, Munich, Germany April 2-7, 2006.
Presenter: 16th Biennial International Brain Tumor Research Center and the Pediatric Brain Tumor
Foundation, abs. ―Enhancement of Brain tumor Immunotherapy by Inhibiting Fas ligand.‖ Napa Valley,
California, April 26-30, 2006.
New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy, Spring Meeting, Admiral Fell Inn, Baltimore, MD. June 15-16,
Invited speaker—MGI Pharma Regional Gliadel ® Advisory Panel—―Trends in the Treatment of High
Grade Glioma‖—Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington, D.C., August 11-12, 2006.
Co-chair, 4th Annual International Neuro-Oncology Update, Memphis, Tennessee, August 24-25, 2006.
Co-presenter: Seventh Principal Investigators Meeting for the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies
(IMAT) Program—―Novel Therapy for Glioma Using Combination FasL RNA Interference and Cytokine
Delivery‖ w/Timothy Jansen, John Laterra, Alessandro Olivi--Bethesda Marriott (Pooks Hill), Bethesda,
Maryland, September 7-8, 2006.
Invited visit to affiliate institution—Anadolu Hospital and Health Center--Istanbul, Turkey—September
13-17, 2006.
Invited—NCCN Central Nervous System Cancers Panel Meeting—Chicago O’Hare Hilton, Chicago,
Ilinois, November 3, 2006.
Invited speaker—Visiting Professor at the University of Calgary, Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
Foothills Medical Centre, Friday, February 23, 2007: Neurosurgery Rounds: ―Brainstem Tumor and
Stereotactic Biopsy,‖ and Department of Neurosciences Grand Rounds, ―Immuno-biology of Brain
Scientific Committee: Olivi, A. 2nd International Meeting, Updates in Neuro-Oncology, Cortina, Italy,
June 28-30, 2007
Invited Speaker--3rd Workshop di Neurochirurgia in Diretta--The transcavernous approach to complex
basilar aneuryisms and Approaches in and through the cavernous sinus. University of Padova, Padova,
Italy, April 9-10, 2008.
Co-chair: 7th Annual International Neuro-Oncology Update, Baltimore, Maryland, September 18-19,
Invited Speaker/ Moderator: Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2008 Annual Meeting, "International
Tumor Symposium: The Community of Neurosurgery in Latin America." (9/23/08) Orlando, Florida-September 20-25, 2008
20th Congreso Mexicano De Cirugia Neurologica, Cancun, Mexico, July 18-24, 2009.
8th Annual International Neuro-Oncology Update: Moderator: Alessando Olivi, M.D.Columbus, Ohio,
September 8-10, 2009.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Meeting, New Orleans, LA. October 22-27, 2009
AANS/CNS Section on Tumors, Society for Neuro-Oncology , New Orleans, LA, October 24-29, 2009.
American Academy of Neurological Surgery, Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, Florida, November 4-7, 2009
Invited / Johns Hopkins/Neurosurgical Medical Mission to Accra, Ghana, Ghana, November 15-20, 2009
I Jornade Neurocirugia Oncologica Meeting, Madrid, Spain, March 5-7, 2010
American Academy of Neurological Surgeons Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 1-5, 2010.
Co-Director of the 9th International Meeting: Updates in Neuro-Oncology, (on Scientific Committee),
Cortona, Italy --July 2-4, 2010.
Recent Advances in Image Assisted Neurosurgical Procedures: Improved Navigational Accuracy and
Patient Safety presented at the Fermilab Colloquium, Chicago, Illinois, July 28, 2010.
Leader of a Johns Hopkins/RJW Foundation Neurosurgical Mission to Eldoret, Kenya (23 Operative
cases), November 1-8, 2010.
Johns Hopkins 4th Annual Skull Base Course: craniofacial approaches to the skull base: from open to
endoscopic, December 4th, 2010.
Invited speaker Stanford University Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Friday,
December 10th, 2010, ―Aggressive Meningiomas: Surgical challenges and future treatments.‖
Invited to 1st International Joint Symposium on the Advancements in Neurosurgery: Seoul National
University Hospital and Johns Hopkins Hospital,, March 24-28, 2011
Attended the American Academy of Neurological Surgeons, Denver, Colorado, April 10-12, 2011.
Invited guest speaker: Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Florence, Italy, June 7, 2011.
Invited as guest speaker at the Spinal Cord Mapping/Image Guided Therapy Meeting, San Francisco, CA
June 9, 2011.
Panel Leader: The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine –―Mapping Functional
Networks for Brain Surgery,‖ September 6-9, 2011, Milan, Italy
Attended the 10th International Neuro-Oncology Meeting, September 14-16th, 2011, Nashville, TN.
Attended the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Meeting, October 1-6, 2011, Washington, D.C.
Attended The American Academy of Neurological Surgery Meetings, October 16-22, 2011, Scottsdale,
Attended the Society of Neuro-Oncology Meeting in Anaheim, California, November 18 & 19, 2011.
Invited to speak at Grand Round at the WVU Medical Center in Morgantown, West Virginia: ―Experience
with our iCT.‖ January 27th, 2012.
Attended the Winter Clinics for Cranial and Spinal Surgery thru Mayo Clinic, Cleveland, February 19-23,
2012, Snowmass, Colorado.
Attended Hopkins Neurosurgery in China—Top of the World meet Top of China--, Beijing, China, March
3-11, 2012.
Attended the AANS Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, April 14-16, 2012.
Presented at Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Zayed Auditorium, Thursday, August 30, 2012:
Title: The Treatment Challenges of Parsagittal Meningiomas.
Gerosa MA, Olivi A, Longatti PL, Carteri A: ―Longitudinal investigation of CSF levels of cyclic
nucleotides and adrenergic metabolites in non-neoplastic hydrocephalus.‖ Acta neurochirurgica
48:298, 1979.
Olivi A, Berger TS, Lampkin B, Crone KR: ―Malignant tumors of the choroid plexus in
children.‖ Child’s Nervous System 4:185-186, 1988.
Olivi A, Duncan KLK, Corden BJ, Pinn ML, and Brem H; ―Comparison of the CNS toxicity of
cisplatin, iproplatin and carboplatin given by intrathecal administration in a rat model.‖
Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, 30:466, 1989.
Olivi A, Pinn ML, Ewend MG, Chan DW, Brem H: ―Use of polymers to locally release
carboplatin and inhibit the growth of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma.‖ Pediatric Section of the
American Association of Neurological Surgeons. December 1989.
Olivi A, Ewend MG, Pinn ML, Chan DW, Brem H: ―Growth inhibition of the Walker 256
carcinosarcoma by local sustained release of carboplatin from biocompatible polymers.‖
American Association of Neurological Surgeons, April 1990.
Olivi A, Lenartz D, Domb A, Dureza C, Pinn ML, Brem H: ―Treatment of F98 rat glioma with
local controlled-release of carboplatin from a biodegradable polymer.‖ Advances in NeuroOncology, Sanremo, Italy, September 1990.
Brem H, Olivi A, Mahaley SM, Vick NA, Black K, Schold SC, Burger PC, Friedman AH, Ciric
IS, Eller TW , Cozzens JW, Kenealy JN: ―Interstitial chemotherapy with drug polymer implants
for the treatment of recurrent gliomas.‖ Advances in Neuro-Oncology, Sanremo, Italy, September
Tamargo RJ, Olivi, A, Bok, RJ, Brem H: ―Angiogenesis inhibition by Minocycline.‖ American
Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, April, 1991, p. 525.
Olivi A, Domb A, Lenartz D, Dureza C, Goodman JH, Pinn M, Brem H: ―Treatment of F-98 rat
glioma with local controlled-release of carboplatin from a biodegradable polymer.‖ American
Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, April, 1991, p. 526.
Dureza C, Olivi A, Domb A, Epstein JI, Lenartz D, Pinn ML, Brem H: ―Brain compatibility of a
new biodegradable polymer capable of sustained release of water-soluble agents.‖ American
Association of Neurological Surgeons, New
Orleans, LA, April 1991, p. 525.
Judy KD, Olivi A, Domb A, Colvin OM, Brem H. ―Controlled release of a cyclophosphamide
derivative with polymers is effective against rat gliomas.‖ Congress of Neurological Surgeons,
Orlando, Florida, Oct. 1991.
Domb A, Olivi A, Judy K, Brem H. ―Anticancer implant for the treatment of brain tumors.‖
ICRF Scientific Conference on Advanced Concepts in Cancer Research,
Maleh Hachamishan, Israel, p. 103, 1991.
Weingart J, Olivi A, Brem H. ―Tumor growth inhibition by minocycline.‖ American Association
of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, April, 1992.
Brem H, Olivi A, Greenhoot JH, Sisti, M. ―Interstitial chemotherapy with BCNU-loaded
polymers for the treatment of newly diagnosed malignant astrocytomas: A clinical study.‖
American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, April, 1992.
Olivi A, Park HC, Epstein JI, Domb AJ, Brem H. ―Biocompatible polymers as means to reduce
the postoperative epidural scar in a rat model.‖ American Association of Neurological Surgeons,
San Francisco, CA, April, 1992.
Olivi A, Sawhney A, Pathak CP, Hubbell JA, Pinn ML, Epstein JI. ―Photopolymerzed hydrogel
barriers reduce post laminectomy scar formation in rats.‖ American Association of Neurological
Surgeons, San Diego, CA April 9-14, 1994.
Utsuki T, Olivi A, Pitha J, Loftsson T, Brem H. ―Efficacy of carboplatin-hydroxyproplycyclodextrin complexes against a rat glioma model when locally released from ethycellulose
microcapsules.‖ American Association of Neurological Surgeons San Dieg o, CA April 9-14,
Loftsson T, Pitha J, Kristinvndsottir T, Vtsuki T, Olivi A, Brem H. Microencapsulation of
Cyclodextrin Complexes - VII International Symposium on Cyclodextrins - Tokyo, Japan April
Utsuki T, Olivi A, Pitha J, Loftsson T, Kristmundsdottir T, Brem H. ―Efficacy of
carboplatin-hydroxyproply-a-cyclodextrin complexes against a rat glioma model
when locally released from ethycellulose microcapsules.‖ American Association of Neurological
Surgeons, San Diego, California, April 9-14, 1994.
Storm PB, Sills AK, Olivi A, Lyman M, Sawhney A. ―Effects of a photopolymerized nydrogel on
the reduction of postlaminectomy scar formation in rats.‖ The American Association of
Neurological Surgeons, Minneapolis, MN, April 27-May 2, 1996. (oral presentation)
Gibbons MC, Burger PC, Rosenberg J, Brem H, Jedlicka AE, DiSilvestre D, Lewis T, Kiser MB,
Olivi A, Tamargo R, Carson B, Vogelstein B, Levitt RC. ―Glioblastomas (GBMs) associated with
germ-line mutations in hMLH1.‖ American Association of Neuropathologists, Vancouver, BC,
June 12-16, 1996.
Davis JD, Bohan E, Olivi A, Long DM, Weingart JD, Sampath P, Brem H. ―Clinical experience
with GliadelR.‖ Society of Neuro-Oncology, Santa Fe, NM, Nov. 8-10, 1996.
Brem H, Olivi A, Sampath P, Williams J, Weingart J. Polymers to treat brain tumors: The Johns
Hopkins Experience. Polymers to treat brain tumors: The Johns Hopkins Experience.‖ The
Society for Neuro-Oncology, Charlottesville, VA, October 31-November 2, 1997.
Olivi A, Bruce J, Saris S, Engelhard H, Judy K, Kelly D, Burak E, DalPan G, Grossman S, Fisher
J, Piantadosi S. ―Phase I study of escalating doses of interstitial BCNU administered via wafer in
patients with recurrent malignant glioma (MG).‖ American Society of Clinical Oncology, Los
Angeles, CA, May 16-19, 1998.
Di Meco F, Olivi A, Hanes J, Tyler B, Brat D, Torchiana E, Finocchiaro G, Brem H. ―Treatment
of established 9L gliosarcoma in rats using syngeneic cells engineered to secrete IL-12.‖
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Seattle, WA, Oct 3-8, 1998.
Di Meco F, Hanes J, Tyler B, Rhines L, Brat D, Torchiana E, Finocchiaro G, Brem H, Olivi A.
―Paracrine delivery of IL-12 is effective in the treatment of intracranial 9L gliosarcoma in rats.‖
The Society for Neuro-Oncology, San Francisco, CA, November 12-15, 1998.
Olivi, A, Bruce, J, Saris, S, Engelhard, H, Judy, K, Kelly, D, Burak, E, Dal Pan, G, Grossman, S,
Fisher, J, Piantadosi, S. Phase I Study of Escalating Doses of Interstitial BCNU Administered via
Wafer in Patients with Recurrent Malignant Glioma (MG). For the NABTT CNS Consortium
and Guilford Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Soc Neuro-Oncology, 1998.
Perry VL, DiMeco F, Rhines LD, Tyler BM, Finochiaro G, Brem H, Olivi A. ―Adriamycin
impregnated polymers combined with interleukin -12 for local treatment of intracranial
neoplasms.‖ American Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, April 24-29,
Di Meco F, Rhines LD, Hanes J, Perry VL, Tyler BM, Finocchiaro G, Brem H, Olivi A. ―Effect
of locally delivered interleukin-12 against intracranial 9L gliosarcoma.‖ American Association of
Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, April 24-29, 1999.
DiMeco F, Rhines LD, Hanes J, Lawson HC, Tyler BM, Aggarwal A, Perry VL, Brem H, Olivi A.
― Local delivery of IL-12 by microspheres (IL-12MS) against experimental brain tumors.‖
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Boston, MA.,
October 30 - November 4, 1999.
DiMeco F, Brem H, Lawson HC, Bohan E, Sampath P, Weingart J, Olivi A. ―Interstitial
chemotherapy for malignant gliomas: The Johns Hopkins Experience.‖ The Associazione Italiana
di Neuro-Oncologia, VI Congresso, Milan, Italy, November 17-19, 1999.
DiMeco F, Rhines LD, Hanes J, Lawson HC, Tyler BM, Aggarwal A, Perry VL,
Brem H, Olivi A. ―Local IL-12 delivered by biodegradable microspheres (IL-12MS) for the
treatment of experimental brain tumors.‖ The Society of Neuro-Oncology, Scottsdale, AZ,
November 18-21, 1999.
Olivi A, Barker F, Tatter S, Bruce J, Judy K, Engelhard H, Burak E, Hilt D, Grossman S, Fisher
JD, Piantadosi S. ―Results of a Phase I study of interstitial BCNU administered via wafers to
patients with recurrent malignant glioma‖. The Society of Neuro-Oncology, Scottsdale, AZ,
November 18-21, 1999.
Olivi, A, Barker, F, Tatter, S, Bruce, J, Judy, K, Engelhard, H, Burak, E, Hilt, D, Grossman, S,
Fisher, JD, Piantadosi, S. For the NABTT CNS Consortium and Guilford Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics of Interstitial BCNU Administered Via Wafers: Results of a Phase
I Study in Patients with Recurrent Malignant Glioma. Proc. Am Soc Clin Oncol. 18:142a, 1999.
Olivi, A, Barker, F, Tatter, S, Bruce, J, Judy, K, Engelhard, H, Burak, E, Hilt, D, Grossman, S,
Fisher, JD, Piantadosi, S. For the NABTT CNS Consortium and Guilford Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Results of a Phase I Study of Interstitial BCNU Administered Via Wafers to Patients with
Recurrent Malignant Glioma. Soc Neuro-Oncology, 1999.
Tatter, SB, Shaw, EG, deGuzman, A, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelson, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, S. For
the NABTT CNS Consortium. Clinical Results of Brachytherapy in Resected Malignant Glioma
Cavities using the GliaSite RadioTherapy system. AANS, 2000.
Olivi, A, Barker, F, Tatter, S, Bruce, J, Judy, K, Burak, E, Hilt, D, Grossman, SA, Fisher, J,
Piantadosi, S. Results of a phase I study of interstitial BCNU administered via wafers to patients
with recurrent malignant glioma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 19:160a, 2000.
deGuzman, A, Shaw, EG, Tatter, SB, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelson, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, S. For
the NABTT CNS Consortium. A Phase I Study of the Safety and Performance of the GliaSite
Radiotherapy System for Brachytherapy Treatment of Re-Resected Malignant Glioma Cavities.
American Brachytherapy
Society Mtg, 2000.
deGuzman, AF, Shaw, EG, Tatter, SB, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelsen, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, SA.
Brachytherapy of Re-Resected Malignant Glioma Cavity Margins Using an Inflatable Balloon
Catheter and a Liquid I-125 Source: A Phase I Study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 41:274P,
deGuzman, A, Tatter, S, Shaw, E, Rosenblum, M, Mikkelsen, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, S.
Brachytherapy of Re-Resected Malignant Glioma Cavity Margins Utilizing a Novel Delivery
System – The GliaSite Radiotherapy System. Presented at the 2000 American Association of
Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting.
deGuzman, A, Shaw, EG, Tatter, SB, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelsen, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, S: A
Phase I Study of the Safety and Performance of the GliaSite Radiotherapy System for
Brachytherapy Treatment of Re-Resected Malignant Glioma Cavities. Radiotherapy and
Oncology 55(S1): 57-58, 2000.
Tatter, SB, Shaw, EG, deGuzman, A, Lesser, GJ, Mikkelson, T, Rosenblum, ML, Karvelis, KC,
Olivi, A, Kleinberg, L, Grossman, S, New, P, Herman, T, Vollmer, DA, Olson, JJ, Crocker, I,
Brem, S, Pearlman, J. Clinical results from brachytherapy of recurrent malignant gliomas using
an inflatable balloon catheter and liquid 125I Radiation Source: A Phase I device performance
and safety study. New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy (NABTT) CNS Consortium. ASCO
on-line 2000.
Olson, J, deGuzman, AF, Karvelis, KC, Shaw, EG, Tatter, SB, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelsen, T,
Olivi, A, Crocker, I, Grossman, S. A Phase I Study of Brachytherapy of Recurrent Malignant
Using an Inflatable Balloon Catheter and Liquid I-125 Source. Georgia Neurosurgical Society,
May 27, 2000.
Tatter, SB, Shaw, EG, deGuzman, A, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelson, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, S.
Clinical results of brachytherapy in resected malignant glioma cavities using the GliaSite
Radiotherapy System. AANS 2000 Annual Meeting Poster Program Book, San Francisco, CA.
Tatter, SB, Shaw, EG, deGuzman, A, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelsen, T, Olivi, A, Grossman, S,
Miller, C. Brachytherapy in Re-Resected Malignant Glioma Cavities Using the GliaSite
Radiotherapy System. AANS/CNS Section on Tumors:Fourth Biennial Satellite Symposium, San
Francisco, 2000.
Weingart, J, Kleinberg, L, Brem, H, Olivi, A, Grossman, SA. Necrosis following Gliadel and
cranial radiation for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). American Society of
Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA, May 20-23, 2000.
Weingart, J, Kleinberg, L, Brem, H, Burger, P, Olivi, A, Grossman, SA. Necrosis/treatment effect
as pathologic finding following Gliadel and cranial radiation for newly diagnosed glioblastoma
multiforme (GBM). American Society of Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA. May 20-23,
DiMeco, F, Rhines, L, Hanes, J, Li, KW, Lawson, HC, Tyler, BM, Aggarwal, A, Perry, VL, Brem,
H, Olivi, A. Local delivery of interleukin-12 by biodegradable microspheres (IL-12MS) for the
treatment of experimental brain tumors. Congress of the European Association of NeuroOncology, Copenhagan, Denmark, June 3-6, 2000.
Tatter, SB, Shaw, EG, Rosenblum, ML, Mikkelson, T, Weingart, J, Olivi, A, Olson, JJ, Crocker, I,
Brem, S, Vollmer, DA. Brachytherapy of Recurrent Malignant Gliomas Using a New Inflatable
Balloon Catheter:Results of the Multi-Center Trial. New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy
(NABTT) CNS Consortium. AANS, 2001.
DiMeco F, Cohen SE, LiKW, Tyler BM, Denaro L, Brem H, Olivi A. Mitoxantrone: Potential for
polymer based interstitial treatment of malignant gliomas. Congress of neurological Surgeons, San
Antonio, TX. September 23-28, 2000.
DiMeco F, Li KW, Tyler B, Hanes J, Brem H, Olivi A. Interleukin D12 delivery by biodegradable
microspheres (IL-12 MS) for the treatment of metastatic brain tumors. The American
ASssociation of Neurological Surgeons, Toronto, Canada, April 21-26, 2001.
DiMeco F, Li KW, Tyler BM, Wolf A, Denaro L, Brem H, Olivi A. Toxicity and efficacy of
interstitially delivered mitoxantrone for the treatment of malignant brain tumors. The American
Association of neurological Surgeons, Toronto, Canada. April 21-26, 2001.
Tyler BM, Dimeco F, Li KW, Wolf A, Cohen SE, Denaro L, Brem H, Olivi A. Mitoxantrone: A
new agent for the treatment of experimental brain tumors: In vitro assessment. The American
Association of Neurological Surgeons, Toronto, Canada. April 21-26, 2001.
Tihan, T, DiMeco, F, Li, KW, Pollo, B, Olivi, A, Solero, CL, and Burger, PC. Intramedulary
Subependymomas of the Spinal Cord. J Neuropathy and Experi Neurosurg, Meeting American
Association of NeuroPathologists, Chicago, Ill, June, 2001.
DiMeco F, Li KW, Tyler BM, Wolf A, Brem H, Olivi A. Locally delivered mitoxantrone by
biodegradable polymers for the treatment of malignant gliomas. Congress of neurological
Surgeons, San Diego, CA. September 29-October 4, 2001.
DiMeco,F, Li KW, Tyler B, Wolf AS, Rizzo P, Brem H, Olivi A. Local delivery of mitoxantrone
by biodegradable polymers for the treatment of experimental brain tumors. World Federation of
Neuro-Oncology Societies/Society for Neuro-Oncology, Washington, DC, Nov. 15-18, 2001.
Margalit E, Weiland JD, Clatterbuck R, Olivi A, D’Anna SA, Maia M, Fujii GY, Torres G,
Piyathaisere DV, de Juan E, Humayun MS. Light and electrically evoked response (VER, EER)
recorded from sub-dural epilectic electrodes implanted above the visual cortex in normal dogs.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 42: 3467 Suppl., S. March 2002.
Tihan T, McGhee D, Eberhart C, Olivi A, Burger PC. Intracranial tumors with inflammatory and
myofibroblastic components: Inflammatory pseudotumor or inflammatory fibrosarcoma? Journal
of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 61: 201, May 2002.
Pradilla G, Wang PP, Petrangolini G, Case D, Tyler BM, Francescato P, Chillemi F, Brem H,
Olivi A, DiMeco F. Angiogenesis inhibition properties of a novel endostatin analog: in vivo and
in vitro characteristics using controlled-release polymers. American Association of Neurological
Surgeons Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 26-May 1, 2003.
Pradilla G, Petrangolini G, Legnani FG, Tyler BM, Francescato P, Chillemi F, Brem H, Olivi A,
DiMeco F. Inhibition of an angiogenesis in vitro by local delivery of a novel endostatin fragment.
American Association of Cancer Research, Toronto, Canada, April 5, 2003.
Goodwin C, Pradilla G, Vargas DL, Raza SM, Legnani FG, Tyler BM, Brem H, Olivi A. Fasligand mediates cytotoxicity of peri-tumoral T-lymphocytes in the 9L gliosarcoma model.
American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Orlando FL. May 1-6, 2004.
Hsu W, Pradilla G, Goodwin C, Legnani FG, Tyler BM, Vick J, Olivi A, Brem H. Local delivery
of lactacystin via controlled-release polymers prolongs survival in a 9L gliosarcoma model.
American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Orlando, FL. May 1-6, 2004.
Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Raza S, Tyler BM, Zamora G, DiMeco F, Brem H, Olivi A. Verapamil
administration decreases reisitance to mitoxantrone therapy in malignant gliomas and pro-
metastatic tumor cell lines in vitro. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Orlando, FL.
May 1-6, 2004.
Pradilla G, Legnani F, Hsu W, Tyler B, Giani SM, DiMeco F, Olivi A, Brem H. The proteasome
inhibitor lactacystin prolongs survival in animals intracranially challeneged with 9L gliosarcoma
when delivered locally via controlled release polymers. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, San
Francisco, CA. October 16-21, 2004.
Pradilla G, Legnani F, Tyler B, Giani S, Francescato P, Chilemi F, Brem H, Olivi A, DiMeco F.
Combined treatment of systemic BCNU and a locally delivered anti-angiogenic fragment of
human endostatin prolongs survival in rats challenged intracranially with 9L gliosarcoma.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, San Francisco, CA. October 16-21, 2004.
Zamora-Berridi GJ, Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Hertig S, Tyler BM, Brem H, Olivi A. Cytotoxicity
and in vivo safety of carboplatin and minocycline for the treatment of malignant gliomas.
AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric neurological Surgery Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
December 8-11, 2004.
Olivi A, Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Tyler BM, Chillemi F, DiMeco F. Local delivery of a fragment
of human endostatin combined with systemic administration of BCNU prolongs survival in a
rodent experimental glioma model. Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Neurological
Surgery, the German Academy of Neurosurgery and the German Society of Neurosurgery,
Dresden, Germany. October 5-8, 2004.
Hertig S, Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Zamora G, Thai QA, Tyler BM, Gaini SM, DiMeco F, Brem H,
Olivi A. Epirubicin has potent anti-glioma activity and shows sustained-release when incorporated
into a biodegradable controlled-release polymer in vitro. Annual Meeting of the AANS, New
Orleans, LA. April 17-21, 2005.
Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Thai QA, Vargas DL, Tyler BM, Zamora G, Gaini SM, DiMeco F, Brem
H, Olivi A. Local delivery of verapamil decreases Multi-Drug Resistance in a novel mitoxantrone
resistant tumor model in rats. Annual Meeting of the AANS, New Orleans, LA. April 17-21, 2005.
Legnani FG, Pradilla G, Goodwin C, Vargas DL, Xia S, Tyler BM, Gaini SM, DiMeco F, Brem
H, Olivi A. Direct activation of the wild-type Fas Receptor fails to induce apoptosis in
experimental gliomas in vitro. Annual meeting of the AANS, New Orleans, LA. April 17-21,
Fiorindi A, Legnani FG, Tyler BM, Pradilla G, Perin A, Longatti P, Brem H, Olivi A. Oral
administration of GPI 15427 in association with BCNU polymer in the treatment of intracranial
9L rat gliosarcoma. Submitted to the 2005 annual meeting of the AANS.
Fiorindi A, Brem S, Legnani F, Tyler B, Pradilla G, Perin A, Longatti P, Brem H, Olivi A. Oral
GPI administration of GPI 15427 in association with BCNU polymer in the treatment of
intracranial 9L rat gliosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the AANS, New Orleans, LA. April 17-21,
Federico G, Legnani F, Hertig S, Vick J, Pradilla G, Tyler BM, Li KW, DiMeco F, Brem H, Olivi
A. Epirubicin inhibits growth in malignant glioma and CNS pro-metastatic tumor cell lines both in
vitro and in vivo. 5th Annual International Neuro-Oncology Update, Memphis, TN. August 24-25,
Federico G, Legnani F, Pradilla G, Thai QA, Tyler BM, DiMeco F, Brem H, Olivi A. Apoptosis in
experimental glioma cells and could be responsible for the apoptosis of T-cell surrounding
malignant gliomas in vivo. 5th Annual International Neuro-Oncology Update, Memphis, TN.
August 24-25, 2006.
Vick D, Hertig S, Tyler BM, Li KW, Renard V, Kosztowski T, Legnani FG, Brem H, Olivi A.
local Delivery of Epirubicin for the Treatment of an Experimental Rodent Glioma. AANS/CNS
Section on Tumors Seventh Biennial Satellite Symposium, Washington, DC. April 13-14, 2007.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Business Address(es)
Angelo Musumeci
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, P.le Stefani 1, 37100, Verona (Italy)
Private Address
Private E-mail
Business e-mail
Date of birth
Work experience - Actually: Attending Neurosurgeon at Department of Neurosurgery, Section of Vascular and Skull Base
Surgery, University Hospital, Verona (Italy).
- December 2005 - April 2012: Attending Neurosurgeon at Neurosurgical Unit, St. Agostino - Estense
Hospital, Modena (Italy). In charge of Section of Neurovascular Surgery and Skull Base Surgery.
- October 2002 - December 2005: Attending Neurosurgeon at Neurosurgical Unit, Brotzu Hospital,
Cagliari (Italy).
- November 2001 - September 2002: Attending Neurosurgeon at Neurosurgical Unit, St. Maurizio
Hospital, Bolzano (Italy).
Tutorial Activities - October 4-5, 2013: Faculty of International Conference “Mini Invasive Endoscopic Surgery of the Skull
Base, The Future”, Arco –Trento (Italy)
- December 2-3, 2013: Faculty of Course on “Cerebrovascular Surgery, Tips and Tricks”, Humanitas
Research Hospital, Rozzano – Milano (Italy)
- November 21-23, 2012: Scientific Coordinator of “Live Surgery Course on Cerebral Aneurysms”,
Neurosurgery Unit, CTO Hospital, Turin (Italy)
- March 2-6, 2009: Faculty of Hands-on Course “Microsurgery of Aneurysms Recent Advances” at St.
Louis University, School of Medicine, St.Louis, MO (USA).
- October 15-17, 2008: Scientific Coordinator of “3rd Live Intracranial Aneurysms Surgery Course”
Neurosurgery Unit, St. Agostino-Estense Hospital, Modena (Italy).
- October 4-5, 2007: Scientific Coordinator of “2nd Live Intracranial Aneurysms Surgery Course”
Neurosurgery Unit, St. Agostino-Estense Hospital, Modena (Italy).
- October 19-20, 2006: Scientific Coordinator of “1st Live Intracranial Aneurysms Surgery Course”
Neurosurgery Unit, St. Agostino-Estense Hospital, Modena (Italy).
Education and training - March - June 2001: Research Fellow at Laboratory of Skull Base Anatomy (Chief: Prof. M. Ammirati)
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Camden, NJ
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Surname(s) First name(s)
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© European Union, 2004-2010 24082010
- April 1997 - October 2001: Residency Program at Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital,
- May 1997: Medical License at University of Catania.
- July 15th 1996: Graduated at School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Catania.
- July 1995 - July 1996: Internship at Department of Neurosurgery, Garibaldi Hospital, Catania.
Main Courses Attended - October 16-18, 2014: State-of-the-Art Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH (USA)
- September 14-15, 2012: Hands-on Course “Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery: From Pituitary to
Skull Base” at I.C.L.O. Teaching and Research Center, Nicola’s Foundation, Arezzo (Italy)
- April 26-28, 2012: Hands-on Course “Transnasal and beyond” at Le Molinette University Hospital, Turin
- December 15-17, 2006: Hands-on Course “Surgical Approach to the Skull Base” at Department of
Neurosurgery, Cornell University , New York, NY (USA).
- June 1-4, 2004: “Live Vascular Microsurgical Course” at Department of Neurosurgery, University of
Helsinki (Finland).
- February 12-14, 2004: Hands-on Course “Microsurgery and Microsurgical Anatomy of the Basal
Cisterns and Vessels of the Brain” at Department of Anatomy, University Miguel Hernandez, Alicante
- September 18-21, 2000: Hands-on Course “Cranial Microsurgery” at St. Louis University School of
Medicine, St.Louis, MO (USA).
- February 14-18, 2000: Hands-on Course “Microsurgical Approaches to the Brain, Ventricle, and Skull
Base” at Brain Institute, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (USA).
- October 6-8, 1999: X Hands-on Course “Microdissection of the Cavernous Sinus” at Neurological
Institute of São Paulo (Brasil).
- April 26-30, 1999: Practical stage on Skull Base Approaches at Ecole de Chirurgie, Paris
- September 4-11, 1998: Hands-on Courses “Anatomy of Cerebral Sulci, Gyri and Ventricles”, “Pterional
Approach and its Variants”, “Microsurgical Anatomy for Young Neurosurgeons” at Neurological Institute
of São Paulo (Brasil)
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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Spoken production
Technical skills and competences
Routinely use of:
- Operating Microscope in surgical procedures (microsurgical technique)
- Videoangiography with Indocianine Green in aneurysms surgery
- Endoscopy in transnasal skull base surgery
- Neuronavigation in surgery of deep located tumors
- Intraoperative monitoring in surgery of eloquent areas lesions
Computer skills and competences
Routinely use of Word, Excel, Power Point, videoediting programs
Sports and Hobbies
Driving licence
Soccer, Ski, Sail, reading thriller books
Car, motorcycle, Sail boat
Awards - September 2002: Guidetti Award 2002, sponsored by Italian Society of Neurosurgery, for the paper
“Comparison of different infratentorial-supracerebellar approaches to the posterior and middle incisural
space: a cadaveric study”.
- September 2002: Winner of the 5th poster session of the 51st Congress of Italian Society of
Neurosurgery presenting the poster “Microsurgical Anatomy of the cisternal segment of the trochlear
Verona, September 10th, 2015
Angelo Musumeci
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Jacques J. Morcos, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Eng), F.R.C.S. (Ed), FAANS
Dr. Jacques Morcos is a Professor and Co-Chairman in the Department of Neurosurgery at the
University of Miami, with a joint appointment in the Department of Otolaryngology. He is
currently Director of Cerebrovascular, Skull Base, Endoscopic, and Pituitary Surgery at the
University of Miami. He is Division Chief of Cranial Neurosurgery at Jackson Memorial
Hospital and Director of the Skull Base and Cerebrovascular Fellowship Program. He obtained
his Medical Degree from the American University in Beirut, Lebanon in 1985, and then spent
four years in England, including spending time as Registrar at the National Hospital for
Neurological Diseases at Queen Square and Maida Vale in London. During this time, he won
the Henry Arthur Dalziel Ferns Prize from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,
Scotland, "for the most outstanding candidate in the worldwide Primary FRCS examinations for
the year 1987/1988 among more than 1,400 candidates”. He then moved to the USA and
completed neurosurgical residency at the University of Minnesota from 1990 to 1994, where he
won the Peyton Society Award, “for ranking 1st in the USA on the American Board of
Neurological Surgery (ABNS) written exam of 1993”. He then completed a six month
Fellowship at the University of Florida under Dr Arthur Day in Cerebrovascular Surgery, and
then a second Fellowship at the Barrow Neurological Institute 1994/1995 in Cerebrovascular and
Skull Base Surgery under Dr Robert Spetzler. He joined the Department of Neurosurgery at the
University of Miami in 1995 where he has been ever since. His range of clinical expertise
includes all skull base and complex brain tumors, endoscopic skull base surgery, and all aspects
of cerebrovascular surgery including bypass surgery for complex aneurysms.
Dr. Morcos is very active in organized and academic neurosurgery, nationally and
internationally. He is past Chair of the Joint AANS/CNS Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery,
past Chair of the Society of University Neurosurgeons (SUN) and past Chair of the World
Association of Lebanese Neurosurgeons (WALN). He is currently President-Elect of the North
American Skull Base Society. He is very involved in the WFNS (World Federation of
Neurosurgical Societies) where he is Chair of the Cerebrovascular Committee and Continental
Second Vice President representing North America. He was Scientific Chairman of the WFNS
14th World Congress of Neurological Surgery which was held in Boston in 2009. He is past
Chair of the International Outreach Committee of the AANS and past member of the AANS
Nominating Committee. Among his other commitments, he is member of the Congress of
Neurological Surgeons, WFNS delegate of the American Academy of Neurological Surgery,
member of the Senior Society, the International Advisory Board of the Asian Oceanian Skull
Base Society, and several other societies. He is a reviewer on several Editorial Boards, including
“Journal of Neurosurgery” and “Neurosurgery”. His most recent awards include being selected
by US World and News Report (top 1% of US physicians, 2015), Patients’ Choice Award (top
5% of US physicians, 2015) and International Who’s Who of Professionals (2015).
Dr. Morcos enjoys being involved in all educational aspects of cerebrovascular and skull base
surgery, nationally and internationally. He is dedicated to teaching, and has led and participated
in numerous courses and symposia over the years. He has been invited to give more than 450
national and international presentations, 50 Visiting Professorships/Guest Lectureships and has
led numerous practical hands-on courses and symposia. He greatly enjoys trips with his family,
his wife Fiona and their three college age/high school age children. His hobbies include alpine
skiing, cycling, swimming, and traveling.
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Clinical Profile
Dr. Lanzino's main areas of research and clinical interest include surgical and
endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations
(AVMs), spinal and intracranial dural arteriovenous fistulas, and carotid stenosis.
He is also interested in surgical treatment and outcomes of spine and brain
cavernous malformations, anterior cranial fossa meningiomas, and
intramedullary (spinal) tumors.
See my publications
Primary Appointment
Neurologic Surgery
Joint Appointment
Academic Rank
Professor of Neurosurgery
Clinical Fellowship - Cerebrovascular
Department of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph's
Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Chief Resident - Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia
Senior Registrar - Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery, Derriford Hospital
Log in to Patient
Translated Content
Clinical Fellowship - Neuroendovascular
Department of Neurosurgery, Millard Fillmore Hospital, State University of New
York at Buffalo
Junior Resident - Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia
Internship - General Surgery
Department of Surgery, University of Virginia
Research Fellowship - Cerebral Ischemia
Cerebrovascular Research Lab, Department of Neurosurgery, University of
Clinical Research Fellowship - Neurosurgery
Ospedale Bellaria
Research Fellowship - Skull Base Surgery
Center for Cranial Base Surgery, Presbyterian University Hospital
Resident - Clinical Neurology
Universita degli Studi di Ferrara
Universita di Bologna
Research Fellowship - Cerebral Ischemia
Department of Neurosurgery, Akademisch Ziekenhuis University Hospital
Neurosurgery Research
Laurea in medicina e chirurgia conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano nel
1996 con la votazione di 110/110 e lode Specialità in Neurochirurgia conseguita presso
l’Università degli Studi di Milano nel 2001 con il massimo dei voti e lode. Attività pratica
svolta presso Unità Operativa di Neurochirurgia – Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza
Diploma di Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze conseguito presso l’Università degli Studi
di Milano-Bicocca nel 2005 Esperienze Professionali
Dirigente medico presso l’Unità
Operativa di Neurochirurgia degli Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo. Attività clinico chirurgica
continuativa da 7 anni.
Juha Hernesniemi
Education 1973 Medical Doctor (MD) 1979 Doctor of Medical Science (PhD) 1998 Professor in
Present position and contact information Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurosurgery in
Helsinki University Hospital, Töölö
Specialization 1979 Specialization in Neurosurgery 1987 Associate Professor
Work experience 1979-1983 Senior consultant in neurosurgical departments (Helsinki, Kuopio and
Uppsala) 1983-1991 Assistant Chief Physician, Neurosurgery Department, Kuopio University
Hospital 1991-1992 Chief Physician, Neurosurgery Department, Kuopio University Hospital 19921993 Research and Teaching Fellow, Neurosurgery Department, University of Miami 1993-1997
Chief Physician of Neurosurgery Department, Kuopio University Hospital 1997-2015 Chairman,
Department of Neurosurgery in Helsinki University Hospital, Töölö
Memberships in scientific advisory boards 1999- Member of International Advisory Board,
Neurosurgery 1999-2008 Member of International Advisory Board, Surgical Neurology 2002
Member of International Advisory Board, Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 2008- Associate Editor,
Surgical Neurology
Other academic and professional activities Supervisor for 8 doctoral dissertations Co-supervisor for
5 doctoral dissertations General Secretary for 2 International Congresses: 40th Annual Meeting of
the Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society, Kuopio 1989 and EANS Winter Meeting Kuopio, Finland,
Personal neurosurgical operative experience 14,000 operations including: cerebral aneurysm >4,000
patients intracranial AVM and DAVF >500 patients brain tumour >3,000 patients head injury >600
patients cervical spine >800 patients lumbar spine >300 patients spinal tumour >300 patients
Visits and study periods at Neurosurgery Departments world-wide: • University of Frankfurt,
Germany (Prof. Seifert, Prof. Raabe), 2004 • University of Padua, Italy (Prof. Scienza, Prof. Pavesi),
2003 • University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (Prof. Tulleken), 2002 • University of Arkansas,
Little Rock, AR, USA (Prof. Yasargil, Prof. Al Mefty, Prof. Khrist), 2001 • University of Mainz,
Germany (Prof. Perneczky), 1998 • University of Zürich; Switzerland (Prof. Yonekawa), 1997 •
University of Miami, FL, USA (Prof. Peerless, Prof. Drake, Prof. Rosomoff, Prof. Green), 1992 1993 • University of Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. Yasargil), 1992 • Hospital Notre Dame, Montreal,
Canada (Prof. Bertrand), 1991 • Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary (Prof. Nyáry, Prof.
Vajda), 1991 • Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences, London, Canada (Prof. Peerless, Prof.
Drake), 1989 • The National Hospital, London, UK (Prof. Symon, Prof. Crockard), 1988 •
Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary (Prof. Pásztor), 1984 • University of Zürich,
Switzerland (Prof. Yasargil), 1982 • University of Bucharest, Romania (Prof. Arseni), 1978
Evandro de Oliveira, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Neurosurgery, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
Director, Institute of Neurological Sciences
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number: 200/589.07.7928/10
M.D.: Santa Catarina Federal University School of Medicine,
Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
Residency: Neurological Surgery, “Universidad del Republica,
Faculdad de Medicina de Montevideo”, Uruguay
Research Fellow: Microneuroanatomy, University of Florida
Department of Neurological Surgery, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.
Director: São Paulo Neurological Institute,
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Associate Professor:
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Florida College of
Medicine, USA
Assistant Professor: Neurosurgery
Chief: Vascular and Tumors Group, Division of Neurosurgery,
Sao Paulo University School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Professor of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurological Surgery. University of Florida College of
Medicine, USA
Director: Institute of Neurological Sciences
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Professor of Neurosurgery, Medical Sciences School, State
University of Campinas – UNICAMP.
Microsurgical anatomy; Cerebrovascular diseases; Brain tumors; Pituitary tumors;
Spinal cord tumors; Epilepsy
Titoli di studio:
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia Università degli Studi di Bologna 110/110 e lode
Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia Università degli Studi di Firenze Specializzazione in Neurologia
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Esperienze professionali (incarichi):
Neuroradiologo incaricato presso l’Ospedale Bellaria di Bologna dal 07.07.88 al 31.01.89; Assistente medico
di Neurochirurgia presso il Policlinico di Modena, poi denominata Azienda Ospedaliera di Modena, dal
17.02.89 al 20.05.96; Dirigente Medico di I livello di Neurochirurgia presso l’ASL di Bologna dal 21.05.96 al
15.04.98; Dirigente medico di I livello di Neurochirurgia presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Ferrara
dal 16.04.1998 al 31.05.2007 Direttore Unità Operativa di Neurochirurgia Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
S. Anna di Ferrara dal 01.06.2007 a tutt’oggi
Competenze linguistiche:
Francese e Inglese
Competenze nell’uso delle tecnologie:
Neurochirurgia stereotassica e funzionale Neurostimolazione midollare e periferica Neuronavigazione
Neuroendoscopia Monitoraggio e mappaggio corticale e sottocorticale (awake neurosurgery)
Attività didattica:
Docente presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia
dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara, insegnamento di Tecnica Neurochirurgica e di Neurochirurgia
Stereotassica e Funzionale dal 1999. Docente di Neurochirurgia presso le Scuole di Specializzazione di
Oncologia Medica, Oculistica, Chirurgia Generale, Neurologia, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università
degli Studi di Ferrara. Docente in 9 Corsi specialistici di Neurochirurgia, fra cui Direttore e Docente del
“Theoretical-practical live surgery course on awake craniotomy for cerebral gliomas” – Ferrara 09-11, June
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Andrea Cardia
Date of birth
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
03/08/2003 - 15/04/2011
Associate chief Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery of Istituto IRCCS
Galeazzi, Milano (Chief: Dr. Maurizio Fornari).
From December 2005 to April 2011 Section Head of Vascular Neurosurgery
Management of neurovascular section. Coordination of the team.
Clinical and Laboratory research
Istituto IRCCS Galeazzi - Via R. Galeazzi 4, 20121 Milano (Italy)
22/04/2011 →
Section Head of Vascular Neurosurgery and Associate chief Neurosurgeon in the
Department of Neurosurgery of Istituto Clinico Humanitas, IRCCS Rozzano - MI (Chief:
Dr. Maurizio Fornari)
Management of neurovascular section and Coordination of the team.
Istituto Clinico Humanitas, IRCCS - Via Alessandro Manzoni 56, 20089 Rozzano (MI)
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
1992 - 1998
Medical School of the University of Cagliari with Degree in Medicine with full marks: final
evaluation 110 / 110 cum laude. Experimental thesis entitled: “treatment of spontaneous
intracerebral haematoma: stereotactic experience”.
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
1998 - 2003
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Resident in Neurosurgery in the Department of Neurosurgery of the University of Milan in
the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milano (Chief: Prof. R. M. Villani)
Università degli Studi di Milano
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction Spoken production
C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences
Organisational skills and
Very good team leadership, human approach with patients
- Management and coordination of the team
- Good experience in developing project, budget and business plan
- Good experience in management and organization of research trial
Technical skills and competences
• Overall experience: about 7000 operations, more than 1000 as 1st surgeon. In the latest
years performed about 300 major surgical procedures as 1st surgeon.
Main Surgical Activities: Vascular Neurosurgery, Endoscopic Neurosurgery, Skull Base
and Spinal Surgery
• Able to run independently neurosurgical intervention for: Neurovascular surgery
(aneurysms, AVM, cavernous angioma), Endoscopic Surgery (with experience in 3D
endoscopic technique); Skull Base Surgery; head injuries; hydrocephalus; brain and spinal
tumours; cervical and lumbar spine; vertebral stabilization;
Computer skills and competences
Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™)
Good knowledge of graphic design applications (Adobe Illustrator™, PhotoShop™)
Artistic skills and competences
Driving licence(s)
A and B
1. “Stenting of artherosclerotic stenosis of extracranial carotid artery”. Acta Neurochir 143.
Oct 2001 1005-1011.
2. “L’emorragia subaracnoidea perimesencefalica: una entità clinica e neuroradiologica
distinta tra le emorragie subaracnoidee” Riv. Med Vol 7 N° 3-4 2001 pag 75-87.
3. “Endoscope assisted infratentorial-supracerebellar approach to the third ventricle: an
anatomical study”. A. Cardia et al. J. Neurosurg (6 suppl pediatrics) 104:409-411 June 2006.
4. “Deep-Seated Cerebral Cavernous Malformations”. A.Cardia et al. Book “Cavernous
Malformations of the Brain and Spinal Cord”. G. Lanzino. R. Spetzler.. In press Thieme
Medical Publishers.
5. “A microsurgical study of the anatomy and course of the ophthalmic artery and its
possibly dangerous anastomoses” Perrini P, Cardia A, Fraser K, Lanzino G. J.Neruosurg
106:1-5, Jan 2007
6. “Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis: analysis of results in a series of 374 patients
treated with unilateral laminotomy for bilateral microdecompression. Costa F, Sassi M,
Cardia A, Ortolina A, De Santis A, Luccarelli G, Fornari M. J Neurosurg Spine. 2007
7. “Microsurgical Management of pineal region leions: personal experience with 119
patients” Hernesniemi J, Romani R, Albayrak BS, LethoH, Dashti R, Ramsey C 3rd, Karatas
A, Cardia A, Navratil O, Piippo A, Fujiki M, Toninelli S, Niemela M. Surg Neurol. 2008
11. “Efficacy of treatment with percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty for traumatic
fracture of thoracolumbar junction”. Costa F, Ortolina A, Cardia A, Sassi M, De Santis A,
Borroni M, Savoia G, Fornari M. J Neurosurg Sci. 2009 Mar;53(1):13-7
12. “Perioperative cortisol allows to predict hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal status in
clinically non functioning pituitary adenomas”. Cozzi R, Lasio G, Cardia A, Felisati G,
Montini M, Attanasio R. J Endocrinol Invest. 2009 Apr 29
13. “Cervical synovial cyst: case report and review of literature”. Costa F, Menghetti C,
Cardia A, Fornari M, and Ortolina A. Eur Spine J. Jul 15, 2009.
14. La chirurgia ipofisaria endoscopica: una nuova arma nelle nostre mani. Lasio G,
Attanasio R, Maccari A, Cardia A, Costa F, Felisati G. L’endocrinologo. 2010 Vol 11 ( 4):
166-168 .
15. Spinal Navigation: standard pre-operative versus intra-operative Computed Tomography
data set acquisition for computer-guidance system. Radiological and clinical study in 100
consecutive patients. Costa F, Cardia A, Ortolina A, Galbusera F, Zerbi A, Fornari M. Spine
(Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Nov 15;36(24):2094-8.
16. Treatment of spondylotic cervical myelopathy: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and
Fusion (ACDF) with a modular plate-cage system (PCB) in the single and multilevel
cervical myelopathy. Costa F, Cardia A, Ortolina A, Galbusera F, Menghetti C, De Santis A,
Zerbi A, Fornari M. Neurosurg Quaterly. 2011, in press.
17. Stand-alone cage for Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) in the treatment of highdegree Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD): design of a new device for an “old” technique. A
prospective study on a series of 116 patients. F Costa, M Sassi; A Ortolina; A Cardia; R
Assetti; A Zerbi; M Lorenzetti; F Galbusera; and M Fornari. Eur Spine J. 2011 May; 20
Suppl 1:S46-56.
18. Evaluation of the rate of decompression in anterior cervical corpectomy using an intraoperative computerized tomography scan (O-Arm system). Costa F, Tomei M, Sassi M,
Cardia A, Ortolina A, Servello D, Fornari M. Eur Spine J. 2011 Sep 24. [Epub ahead of
June 1999 Neurokirurgiska Kliniken of Karolynska Hispital of Stockholm, Chief
Prof. I. Langmoen. Functional, Skull base and Vascular experience.
17-22/06/2002 “Study Group of Microsurgical and Endoscopic Anatomy” During
this period Neuroendoscopy procedures, Endoscopic assisted Microneurosurgery and
surgical approches to the skull-base on anatomic specimens under the supervision of
Prof. M. Tschabitscher. 1° Stage “Infratentorial-supracerebellar endoscopicassisted, approach to the III ventricle: anatomic study”. Wien
9-13/12/2002 “Study Group of Microsurgical and Endoscopic Anatomy: dissection
course”. During this period Neuroendoscopy procedures, Endoscopic assisted
Microneurosurgery and surgical approches to the skull-base on anatomic specimens
under the supervision of Prof. M. Tschabitscher. 2°Stage of “Infratentorialsupracerebellar endoscopic-assisted, approach to the III ventricle: anatomic study”.
From 10 of January – 10 of may 2004 Neurosurgery Microsurgery Research
Fellowship Program – Neurosurgical LAB –University of Illinois- Prof G.Lanzino
–Peoria. Anatomical study about ophtalmic artery.
Intensive hands-on course on skull base surgery: the control of the large vessels at the
skull base. Subtemporal-infratemporal-transzygomatic approach and postero-lateral
approach control of vertebral artery and jugular foramen.
Prof Sekhar-Prof George-Milan, May 2000
Second intensive hands-on course on skull base surgery. Surgical approaches to the
sellar tumors. Milano, May 2001
10-20 September 2001 Mount Sinai Hospital, New York: Anatomical study of
intrapetous ICA - Dr Chen - Chief Prof. Post.
24-30/08/2002 First EANS course “Tumors and pediatric neurosurgery”-Prague.
2-7/02/2003 Second EANS course “Functional neurosurgery, Head injury &
pediatric neurosurgery”. Bonn.
23-26 Feb 2003 “Image guided skull base surgery”, Barrow Neurological Institute di
Phoenix under the supervision of Prof. R. Spetzler.
5-9 May 2003 “Gamma Knife course”, Lugo di Cotignola (RV). Prof E.Motti
20-24 October 2003 dissection course “Lateral Skull Base Approach”. Casa di cura
Piacenza. Gruppo Otologico under the supervision of Prof M.Sanna.
1-5 March 2004 dissection course “Microsurgery of Aneurysms recent advances”
under the supervision of Prof Yasargil. Saint Louis University school of Medicine.
28-30 April 2004 dissection course “Surgical Approaches to the Skull Base” under
the supervision of Prof. Al Mefty. Saint Louis University school of Medicine.
14 January 2004. “The balloon Kyphoplasty Surgeon Training Program”. Leiden.
10-23 October 2005 “Neurovascular and Skull Base” stage Neurosurgical
departement of Toolo Hospital, Helsinki, Finland under the supervision of Prof
Juha Hernesniemi. During the stage 23 microsurgical neurovascular operations and
10 skull base tumors. Neuroradiological meeting, daily Intensive Care Unit rounds
and frequent using of operative video archive. Helsinki
2-6 October 2006 Microsurgical Training Course (anastomosi termino-terminali,
termino-laterali e artero-venose su ratti) presso il Laboratorio dell’Università di
Zurigo diretto dal Prof. Yonekawa e sotto la supervisione di A.Flick.
11-14 January 2007 “7th Annual International Congress
Revascularization”. Saint Louis University school of medicine.
Dal 11-14 Maggio 2007 “Microsurgical course-revascularization” diretto dal Prof
Steiger e Dr Sabel-Università di Duesseldorf-Germania
2 – 5 October 2008 “II Corso avanzato di chirurgia del basicranio:Italian skull base
dissection course “Fukushima Style” as Faculty Staff. Directors Prof A.Ducati e Dr
A.Taborelli. Menaggio (Como)
24-27 settembre 2009 “III Corso avanzato di chirurgia del basicranio: Italian skull
base dissection course “Fukushima Style” as Faculty Staff. Directors Prof A.Ducati e
Dr A.Taborelli. Menaggio (Como)
27-28 September “Cervical spine surgery: advanced dissection course” as Faculty
Staff. Directors Prof A.Ducati e Dr M. Fornari. Menaggio (Como)
26 of February to 1th march 2010 ”Skull base dissection course” as Faculty Staff.
Director Prof Ph. Stieg and Prof A. Bernardo. Palm Beach – Florida.
12-13 May 2010 ha partecipato in qualità di Faculty Staff al “Cervical spine surgery:
advanced dissection course” as Faculty Staff. Directors Prof A.Ducati e Dr M.
Fornari. Menaggio (Como)
13-16 May 2010 “Corso base di chirurgia del basicranio: Italian skull base dissection
course “Fukushima Style” as Faculty staff and speaker “Step By Step dissezione
Orbita”. Directors Prof A.Ducati e Dr A. Taborelli. Menaggio (Como)
3-7 March 2011 ”Skull base dissection course” as Faculty Staff. Director Prof Ph.
Stieg and Prof A. Bernardo. Palm Beach – Florida.
13-18 December 2011 ”Skull base dissection course” as Faculty Staff. Director Prof
Ph. Stieg and Prof A. Bernardo. Cornell University. New York
Sviluppo Capitale Umano e Relazioni Sindacali
AUSL di Bologna
Nome __________CARLO______________Cognome ___________BORTOLOTTI__________
Incarico: _DIRIGENTE MEDICO NEUROCHIRURGO DI I°LIVELLO________________________
Struttura di appartenenza
Nota: ai fini della valutazione sarà considerato solo quanto riportato nella presente
scheda. Si raccomanda inoltre una compilazione chiara e sintetica.
A1) ANZIANITA’ DI SERVIZIO (maturata alle dipendenze di enti del SSN):
Dieci anni Dal 01/10/05 a tutt’oggi Dirigente Medico Neurochirurgo
(Es.: consulenze, incarichi libero professionali, enti diversi dal SSN, ecc.)
Dal 04/11/04 al 30/09/05 ha prestato servizio come neurochirurgo mediante un contratto
libero-professionale, presso la Neurochirurgia del presidio Ospedaliero Bellaria-Maggiore,
Azienda USL di Bologna
In data 27/10/04 ha conseguito la Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia con votazione 110/110 e
lode; titolo della tesi :
Trattamento multidisciplinare delle malformazioni artero-venose cerebrali complesse.
Dal 04/11/04 al 30/09/05 ha prestato servizio come neurochirurgo mediante un contratto
libero-professionale, presso la Neurochirurgia del presidio Ospedaliero Bellaria-Maggiore,
Azienda USL di Bologna
Dirigente Medico Neurochirurgo presso la Neurochirurgia del Presidio Ospedaliero BellariaMaggiore, Azienda USL di Bologna dal 01/10/05 al 03/04/06 .
Dal 04/04/06 al 30/04/2007, Dirigente Medico Neuroradiologo con un contratto a tempo
indeterminato Presso l’ U.O. di Neuroradiologia del Nuovo Ospedale Estense-Sant’Agostino ,
AUSL di Modena; durante tale periodo il Dr Bortolotti ha partecipato attivamente a tutte le
attività del reparto con particolare interesse al trattamento endovascolare delle patologie
Dal 01/05/07 al 30/06/2009, Dirigente Medico Neurochirurgo con un contratto a tempo
determinato, presso la Neurochirurgia del presidio Ospedaliero Bellaria-Maggiore, Azienda
AUSL di Bologna.
Dal 1 Luglio 2009 a tutt’oggi, Dirigente Medico Neurochirurgo con un contratto a tempo
indeterminato, presso la Neurochirurgia, Presidio Ospedaliero Bellaria-Maggiore, Bologna.
Microneurosurgery Research Fellowship, University of Illinois College of Medicine at di
Peoria, Peoria Illinois, dal 14/02/03 al 31/07/03 sotto la direzione del Dr Lanzino Giuseppe,
responsabile della Sezione di Chirurgia Cerebrovascolare dell’Università di Peoria.
Durante tale periodo il Dr Bortolotti ha attivato il laboratorio di dissezione anatomica presso il
St.Joseph Ha tenuto due letture di anatomia chirurgica presso la Divisione di Neurochirurgia del
St Joseph Hospital Si è particolarmente interessato di Neurochirurgia vascolare frequentando
quotidianamente le sale operatorie di neurochirurgia vascolare le la sala angiografica per il
trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi e delle malformazioni vascolari cerebrali.
Dal 01/05/2003 al 15/05/2003 stage presso la Divisione di Neurochirurgia , Barrow
Neurological Institute, St.Joseph Hospital ,Phoenix, Arizona
Durante tale periodo ha prodotto tre pubblicazioni in lingua inglese su riviste internazionali e
due capitoli di libri in lingua inglese come primo autore
B1) TITOLI DI STUDIO (ad esclusione dei requisiti di assunzione)
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Universita di Bologna in data 20/12/1998 con
Votazione 110 e lode
Specializzazione i n Neurochirurgia, presso l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, in data
10/10/2004 con votazione di 110 e lode.
Bortolotti Carlo, Lanzino Giuseppe, Spetzler RF: Supratentorial Cavernous Malformations.
In: Lanzino G, Spetzler RF (Eds) : Cavernous Malformations of the Brain and Spinal
Cord.Thieme, 2008
Carlo Bortolotti, Carmelo Sturiale, Nicola Acciarri,Antonio Fioravanti, Alvaro
Andreoli,Fabio Calducci.Aneurismi cerebrali.In Elementi Di Neurochirurgia ,Timeo
M.Dall’Olio,F.Calducci,A.Fioravanti, C.Bortolotti,L.Cirillo, C.Princiotta,
M.Leonardi. Revascularized giant aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery after
surgery and embolization,occluded by placement of a Leo+Baby Intracranial stent.A case
report.The Neuroradiology Journal, 26, 2013,
A.Fioravanti , M. Poppi , N. Acciarri , S.Boschi , C. Bortolotti , F. Calbucci. Trattamento
chirurgico dei tumori neurogenici giganti pre-sacrali ed intra-sacrali. Rivista di
Neurobiologia 1997; 42: 35-40
M.Mondani, M.Menarini, F.Valzania, N.Acciarri, R.Padovani, S. Nassetti, A.Fioravanti,
F.Calbucci, M.Giulioni, M.Stumpo, E.Galassi, C.Bortolotti, A.P.Fabrizi, M.Poppi.
L’anastomosi ipoglosso-facciale nel trattamento della paralisi del facciale. Gli Ospedali
della Vita 1997 ; 3: 5-12.
Sturiale C, Presutti L, Consolo E.M, Andreoli A, Bortolotti C, Mascari C, and Laudadio P.
Endoscope-Assisted surgery for acoustic neuromas. Atti del Third International Conference
on Acoustic Neurinoma and Other CPA Tumors.12-17 June 1999-Rome.1999 by Monduzzi
Editore S.p.A-MEDIMOND Inc
Giulioni M, Bortolotti C and F Calbucci. Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex Durino Surgery for a
Cerebellopontine angle meningioma. Atti del Third International Conference on Acoustic
Neurinoma and Other CPA Tumors.12-17 June 1999-Rome.1999 by Monduzzi Editore
Mascalchi M., Moroni C., Bartolucci M., Gavazzi C., Bortolotti C. Diagnostica
neuroradiologica nella patologia della loggia cavernosa. Rivista Italiana di Neuroradiologia .
Vol n°13, :375-386 ,2000
Salvi F, Mascalchi M, Bortolotti C et al: Hypertension, Hyperekplexia and pyramidal paresis
due to vascular compression of the medulla. Neurology 2000 Nov 14; 55(9):1381-4
BiaginiR, Casadei R, Boriani S, Erba F, Sturiale C, Mascari C, Bortolotti C et al. : En bloc
vertebrectomy and dural resection for chordoma: a case report. Spine 2003 Sep 15; 28 (18):
E 368-72
Bortolotti C, Wang H, Fraser K, Lanzino G. : Sub-acute spinal subdural ematoma after
spontaneous resolution of cranial subdural ematoma: causal relationship or coincidence?
Case report.
J Neurosurg Spine 2004 April; 100(4): 372-4
KrausPR, KattahJ, Bortolotti C, Lanzino G.. Oculomotor palsy from an unruptured posterior
communicating artery aneurysm presentino with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and
enhancement of the third cranial report. J Neurosurg 2004 Aug; 101 (2) : 352-3
Pozzati E, Bortolotti C, Lanzino G:Correspondence. : Neurosurgery, 55: 1228,2004
Perrini P, Bortolotti C, Wang H, Fraser K, and Lanzino G : Thrombosed giant intracavernous
aneurysm with subsequent spontaneous ipsilateral carotid artery occlusion. Brief Report of
Special Case. Acta Neurochir (Wien) (2005) 147:215-217.
Wang H, Fraser K, Bortolotti C and Lanzino G.: Emergent endovascular treatment with direct
carotid puncture for exsanguinating carotid blowout syndrome. Neurocrit. Care (2005);
Bortolotti Carlo, Giuseppe Lanzino, Neal Kassel: Surgical management of ruptured
aneurysms. In Adams Handbook of Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2ND ED., Revised and
Explanded, Marcel Dekker, 2004
Bortolotti Carlo, Lanzino Giuseppe, Spetzler RF: Supratentorial Cavernous Malformations.
In: Lanzino G, Spetzler RF (Eds) : Cavernous Malformations of the Brain and Spinal
Cord.Thieme, 2008
Docente al Corso di Patologia Vascolare Malformativa, con una Relazione dal Titolo:Fistole
durali cerebrali:Diverse presentazioni cliniche e non sempre eclatanti,Reggio-Emilia,23
Ottobre 2009
Visiting Professor. Department od Neurosurgery,Mayo Clinic,Rochester Minesota,USA, Dal
1 al 15 Novembre 2009.
Chairman research section and speaker:____ Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectatic and Fusiform
intracranial aneurysms: Proposal of a Prospective Italian Register on natural history and
new treatment modalities in the era of the flow diverters technology .
XIX Symposyum Neuroradiologicum, Bologna,4-9 October 2010.
Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia. XLVI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE.Bologna, 19-22
Ottobre 1997
FORUM NAZIONALE DI NEUROCHIRURGIA ENDOSCOPICA . Indicazioni-RisultatiComplicanze. Ospedale Bellaria, Bologna, 21-22 Giugno 1999.
Le Malformazioni Artero-Venose del Sistema Nervoso Centrale, Bologna,5-6 Maggio
2000. Corso di Aggiornamento
Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia. 50° Congresso Nazionale, Roma,4-7 Dicembre 2001
Partecipazione in qualità di Relatore al 51° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di
Neurochirurgia, con un Video dal Titolo : Aproccio transcoroidale nell’exeresi di
subependimoma del terzo ventricolo. Bolzano,18-21 Settembre 2002.
Corso d’aggiornamento :Trattamento Chirurgico ed Endovascolare degli Aneurismi Cerebrali.
Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda-Milano, 11 dicembre 2004
Angolo ponto-cerebellare. Problemi e controversie 15 anni dopo. Bologna,8-9 aprile
2005. Corso di aggiornamento
Rivascolarizzazzione Cerebrale. Napoli, 9-10 Giugno 2005..Corso di aggiornamento
1-4 FEBBRAIO 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Partecipazione in qualità di relatore , nell’ambito dei Seminari della Scuola di
Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino Diretta dal Prof. A.
Ducati, con una conferenza dal Titolo “Fistole durali Spinali”, Torino, Ospedale Molinette
XLIV Congresso Nazionale SNO; 2° Corso internazionale di stenting: Terapia delle stenosi
carotidee e dei vasi intracranici. Vicenza, 26-29 maggio 2004.
Partecipazione in qualità di relatore al 1° Convegno dell’Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola
di Neuroscienze con una relazione dal Titolo: Aneurismi asintomati : casi clinici. Modena,
11 giugno 2004.
Primers in Cerebrovascular Diseases. University of Illinois, College of Medicine at Peoria.
Peoria 24 Settembre 2005.
Visiting Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, . University of Illinois, College of Medicine
at Peoria, con una relazione dal titolo: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Complex Brain
Arteriovenous Malformations.Peoria, 27 settembre 2005
-8th Congress of the World Federetion of Interventional and Therapeutic
Neuroradiology,Venezia 19-22 Ottobre 2005.
Partecipazione in qualità di Relatore al 54 ° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di
Neurochirurgia con una relazione dal titolo : Embolizzazzione con Onyx nel trattamento
multidisciplinare delle Malformazioni Arterovenose Cerebrali ( MAVc): il punto di vista del
neurochirurgo. Torino, 14-17 Dicembre 2005
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 2006 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois , October 7-12,
Partecipazione in qualità di Relatore al 56 ° Congresso Nazionale SINCH, Società Italiana di
Neurochirurgia, Joint Meeting with CNS Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Roma, 24-26
Giugno 2007,.
Partecipazione in qualità di Relatore al 57 ° ongresso Nazionale SINCH,Società Italiana di
Neurochirurgia, Joint Meeting with the Japan Neurosurgical Society. Udine, 6/8 Novembre
Partecipazione in qualità di Relatore all’Evento Skill Falls and Tips, Insuccessi in
Neurochirurgia, Torino, 29-30 Maggio 2014;
Partecipazione in qualità di Relatore al 7th European-Japanese Stroke Surgery Conference,
Verone, 25-28 Giugno 2014;
Partecipazione in qualità di Docente al Corso di Dissezione SINch “Approcci al Basicranio
Anteriore”, Torino, 19-21 Marzo 2014;
Cerebrovascular Residential Course, Ospedale Niguarda Ca’Granda, Milano, 9-13 Febbraio,
16-20 Marzo, 11-15 Maggio 2015;
Gruppo Neurocheeta 2015 Neuroradiologi e Neurochirurghi, Cervia, 1-3 Ottobre 2015.
Breve nota rispetto ai seguenti fattori (in relazione alla struttura da assegnare):
gestione e sviluppo del personale assegnato, gestione delle risorse, appropriatezza e qualità dei
servizi erogati, livello di espletamento delle funzioni affidate, attenzione alle esigenze
dell’utenza e ad altre strutture aziendali nonché al clima nel gruppo di lavoro.
- Appropriatezza e qualità dei servizi erogati:
Svolge in maniera appropriata e conforme alle più recenti linee guida sia l’attività
assistenziale clinica e Chirurgica in elezione ed in urgenza.
- Livello di espletamento delle funzioni affidate:
Dimostra una buona capacità di svolgere attività clinica. Affronta e tratta sia casi clinici
semplici che complessi con una analisi critica del quadro clinico e successiva
elaborazione con una appropriata strategia diagnostica e terapeutica che deriva da
nozioni teoriche, linee guida ed analisi dei singoli contesti.
Dimostra competenza nella diagnostica strumentale Neuroradiologica, nella
valutazione di appropriatezza delle indicazioni, svolgendo attività di I° reperibile in
tutte le emergenze Neurochirurgiche(traumatiche,cerebrovascolari e tumorali) e nella
maggior parte dei casi in elezione
Dimostra interesse per gli aspetti organizzativi dell’attività assistenziale.
Dimostra interesse per l’attività di ricerca e per l’attività di aggiornamento.
- Attenzione alle esigenze dell’utenza e ad altre strutture aziendali:
Dimostra attenzione nei riguardi delle esigenze degli utenti e dei loro parenti.
Interagisce in maniera appropriata e proficua con colleghi di altre strutture ed in
maniera conforme all’organizzazione aziendale.
- Clima nel gruppo di lavoro: Favorisce un clima di collaborazione nel gruppo di lavoro
dimostrandosi attento e disponibile rispetto alle esigenze dei colleghi e partecipando
attivamente allo scambio di informazioni ed alla analisi critica dei casi clinici.
Carlo Bortolotti
1981 - 2014
[Inserire separatamente i corsi frequentati iniziando da quelli più recenti.]
Sostituire con il livello
QEQ o altro, se
[Rimuovere i campi non compilati.]
Lingua madre
Altre lingue
Produzione orale
Livelli: A1/2 Livello base - B1/2 Livello intermedio - C1/2 Livello avanzato
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue
Riconoscimenti e premi
Appartenenza a gruppi /
© Unione europea, 2002-2013 |
Pagina 1 / 1
boccaletti riccardo
Data di nascita
Incarico attuale
I Fascia
Responsabile - neurochirurgia
Numero telefonico
Fax dell’ufficio
E-mail istituzionale
Titolo di studio
Altri titoli di studio e
Esperienze professionali
(incarichi ricoperti)
Capacità linguistiche
Capacità nell’uso delle
Altro (partecipazione a
convegni e seminari,
collaborazione a riviste,
ecc., ed ogni altra
informazione che il
dirigente ritiene di dover
Specialista in Neurochirurgia
- Responsabile UOC Neurochirurgia - ASL DI SASSARI
Livello Parlato Livello Scritto
- utilizzo del computer quotidianamente
Curriculum Vitae
Neurosurgeon, Neurological Institute Carlo Besta
Milano, Italy
Personal Information
Date and place of birth: 11th April 1978, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Permanent home address: Via Popoli Uniti, 15, 20127 Milan (Italy)
Work address: Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute Carlo Besta, via Celoria
20125, Milan (Italy)
Tel: +39 02 26142279 (home); +39 347 8302616 (mobile); +39 0223942309/2411 (work)
E-mail: [email protected]
Education and Training
Neurosurgery, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Milan,
Milan, Italy
PhD in Neuroscience
Neurosurgery, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Milan,
Milan, Italy
Residency in Neurosurgery
Mark: 70/70 cum laude
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Diploma di Licenza in Medical Sciences (joint-degree with the University of Pisa)
Final Thesis: “Combinatorial Administration of Molecules That Simultaneously Inhibit
Mark: 100/100 cum laude
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Diploma di Laurea in Medicine and Surgery
Mark: 110/110 cum laude and pubblicationis dignitate
Work Experience
04-12-ongoing Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute Carlo Besta, Milan,
Neurosurgeon in Staff, Permanent Contract
Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute Carlo Besta, Milan,
Neurosurgeon in Staff
Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute Carlo Besta, Milan,
Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurosurgery
01/08- 04/08 Neurosurgery, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Milan,
Milan, Italy
Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurosurgery
Relevant Clinical and Research Experience
1/04/09 – 31/05/09: Visiting Fellow, Neurosurgical Department (Director: Prof. J.B. Bederson), Mount
Sinai University, New York USA
1/10/05- 30/09/06: Neurosurgical Assistant, Neurosurgical Department (Director: Prof. J. Brotchi),
Erasme Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
28/05 – 1/06/07: Study Group of Microsurgical and Endoscopic Anatomy – Center of Anatomy and
Cellular Biology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria
31/01 – 3/02/07: Study Group of Microsurgical and Endoscopic Anatomy – Center of Anatomy and
Cellular Biology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria
24-26/09/04: « Laboratoire des Facteurs de Croissance et de la Différenciation Cellulaire (LFDC) », Prof. A.
Bikfalvi, Université Bordeaux I, Talence.
25-29/03/04: Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard University, Boston,
17-25/01/04: « Laboratoire des Facteurs de Croissance et de la Différenciation Cellulaire (LFDC »), Prof. A.
Bikfalvi, Université Bordeaux I, Talence.
20-26/09/03: « Laboratoire des Facteurs de Croissance et de la Différenciation Cellulaire (LFDC) », Prof. A.
Bikfalvi, Université Bordeaux I, Talence.
6-9/07/03: « Laboratoire des Facteurs de Croissance et de la Différenciation Cellulaire (LFDC) », Prof. A.
Bikfalvi, Université Bordeaux I, Talence.
09/02-03/03: Fellow at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Pisa.
Board Certification
Part I European Examination in Neurosurgery
ECFMG Certification USA (USMLE STEP 1 in 2005, USMLE STEP 2 CK in 2007,
USMLE STEP 2 CS in 2009)
Belgian Medical License
Italian Medical License
Italian Society of Neurosurgery
International Society on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
Language Proficiency
ITALIAN: Mother Tongue
ENGLISH: Fluent (TOEFL Certificate, 253/300)
FRENCH: Fluent
SPANISH: Intermediate
Faculty in Courses and Congress
26-27/10/2010: Microsurgery Practictal Course, Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery,
Milan, Italy
07-10/01//2010: Practical Course EC-IC bypass and X World Congress of Cerebral
Revascularization, Saint Louis, USA
Invited Speaker
26/03/04: “Therapeutic strategies of angiogenesis and invasion inhinition in malignant gliomas”, weekly NeuroOncology Meeting, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA
Partecipation in Relevant Courses and Congresses
20-23/03/2012: 1st International Congress on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
23-25/01/2012: International Hands-On Workshop on Cerebral and Ventricular
9-14/10/2011: 14th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Rome, Italy
5-7/06/2011: 60th Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Milan, Italy
9-13/04/2011: 79th AANS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
27-30/10/2010: 59th Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Milan, Italy
26-30/09/10: EANS Training Course on Tumors, Halkidiki, Greece
07-10/01/2010: Pratical course on EC-IC bypass and X World Congress on Cerebral Revascularization,
Saint Louis, USA
14-17/10/2009: 58th Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Lecce, Italy
3-17/09/2009: EANS Training Course on Vascular Neurosurgery, Opatija, Croatia
25-26/06/2009: VI Sardinian Neurosurgical Meeting, Cagliari, Italy
6-8/11/2008: 57th National Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Udine, Italy
15-17/11/2008: 3rd Live Surgery Course on Cerebral Aneursyms, Modena, Italy
2-6/06/2008: The 8th Helsinki Live Demonstration Course in Operative Microneurosurgery, Helsinki,
24-28/02/08: EANS Training Course on Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Trondheim, Norway
6-7/10/07: III meeting of Low Grade Glioma Network, Catanzaro, Italy
30/09 – 3/10/07: XII National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuro-Oncology, Lecce, Italy
2-7/09/07: 13th Congress of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Glasgow, UK
28-30/06/07: 2nd International Meeting “UPTDATES IN NEURO-ONCOLOGY”, Cortona, Italy
24-26/06/07: 56th National Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery - Joint Meeting with CNS, Rome,
4/05/07: Live Surgery Workshop on “Intraoperative Videofluoroangiography with green Indocianin”, Istituto
Neurologico Besta, Milan, Italy
23-25/03/07: Biannual International “Milano Masterclass”: “Sinonasal and Skull Base Endoscopic
Microsurgery”, Milan, Italy
22/03/07: International Course on “Multidisciplinary aspects of endoscopic treatment of skull base lesion”,
Cervesina (PV), Italy
23-24/02/07: 2nd Meeting of “European Low Grade Glioma Meeting”, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
18-22/02/07: EANS Training Course in Neurosurgery on Epilepsy, Pain, Neuromodulation and Head
Injury, Antalya, Turkey
30/11/06: “Cranial Trauma and Associated Lesions”, Varese, Italy
28/06 – 1/07/06: X Italian Course of Applied Microneurosurgery on cadavers, L’Aquila, Italy
10-11/05/06: Medtronic Advanced Course on Drilling Tecnhiques, Geneva, Switzerland
27-28/01/06: 2nd Italian Meeting on the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Diseases, Bologna, Italy
15-17/12/05: 54th National Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Torino, Italy
20/05/05: Theorical and Practical Course on “Stabilization techniques of the Spine”, Neurosurgery, University
of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
5-8/05/05: II quadriennial meeting of the World Federation of NeuroOncology and VI meeting of the
European Association for NeuroOncology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
28/02/05 - 4/03/05: “Microsurgery Course”, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, Zurich,
11/12/04: “Surgical and Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysm”, Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital,
Milan, Italy
21-24/11/04: 53rd National Congress of Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Milan, Italy
21/11/04: IV SPIGC Symposium: “Percutaneous Technique in Spinal Surgery” 53rd National Congress of
Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Milan, Italy
21/11/04: Neuroendoscopic Symposium: “Treatment of Obstructive Hydrocephalus: results and Controversital
Aspects” 53rd National Congress of Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Milan, Italy
18-20/11/04: Practical Course of Surgical Anatomy: FrontoTemporal and Retrosygmoid Approaches to
Intracranial Pathologies, Milan, Italy
28-30/10/04: IX National Congress of Italian Association of Neuro-Oncology, Varese, Italy
24-27/10/04: 46th Annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society, Pisa, Italy
16-21/10/04: 54th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeon, San Francisco,
17-19/09/04: Protocol, Data Collection, Transmission and Archiving for International Study of Unruptured
Intracranial Aneurisms (ISUIA), Oxford, UK
2-3/07/04: Conference on “Luigi Rolando: Pioneer e Master in Neuroscience”, Alghero, Italy
20-21/05/04: Stroma Consortium Meeting, Biomedicum Institute, Helsinki, Finland
9/05/04: “International Course on Neurosonology and Neurosurgery: How, When and Why”, XIX Biannual
Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, Rome, Italy
11-12/12/04: “Deep Brain Stimulation: Recent Acquisitions and New Therapeutic Perspectives”, Milan, Italy
29/11/04: Meeting of Italian Association of Neuro-Oncology: “New Protocol for the Treatment of Cerebral
Tumors”, Bologna, Italy
2-4/10/03: VIII National Congress of Italian Association of Neuro-Oncology, Ancona; Italy
12-13/03/03: 3rd Meeting on Pituitary Disorders, Pisa, Italy
18-21/09/02: 51st National Congress of Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Bolzano, Italy
7-10/09/02: 5th Congress of the European Association for Neuro-Oncology, Firenze, Italy
16-17/11/01: International Symposium on “GH deficiency form childhood to the adult. Diagnostic and
therapeutic guidelines”, Pisa, Italy
17-20/10/01: International Symposium on “New Treatment for Brain Tumors: Gene Therapy and Neural
stem Cells”, Parma, Italy
20/05/01: Magistral Lectures of Prof. MG Yasargil on “Treatment of cerebral aneurysm and cerebral tumors”,
Livorno, Italy
17/02/01: Neurotraumatology Workshop on “Mild and Moderate Head Injury. Guidelines Usefulness”, Pisa,
Awards and Honors
IX Congress of The Italian Association of Neuro-Oncology, Varese, Italy
Award for the Best Scientific Contribution
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Allievo Ordinario (resident student), 6-year full-cost scholarship awarded by the
Italian Government for academic merit
Ministry of Education, Malta
English Course, Scholarship awarded by the Government of Malta for academic
Research Activities
Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (for the PhD research Project in Neurosciences, co-founded by
the University of Milano and by Italian Ministry of Research PRIN 2008-2009 “ Therapeutic
Effectiveness of Melanocortin agonists in a Preclinical Models of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”), in
collaboration with Dr. Anna Catania and Dr. Stefano Gatti
Experimental Stroke in collaboration with Dr. Eugenio Parati and Dr. Giovanni Marfia
Microsurgical Laboratory with Rats, performing dissection, end-to-end anastomosis with carotid and
femoral artery, end-to-side anastomosis from carotid artery to jugular vein.
Mininvasive Techniques in vascular and skull base neurosurgery
Original Articles, Editorials and Letters
1. Risk of seizures during intraoperative electrocortical stimulation of brain motor areas: a
retrospective study on 50 patients.
Cordella R, Acerbi F, Marras CE, Carozzi C, Vailati D, Saini M, Tringali G, Ferroli P,
Dimeco F, Franzini A, Broggi G.
Neurol Sci. 2012 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Protective action of NDP-MSH in experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Gatti S, Lonati C, Acerbi F, Sordi A, Leonardi P, Carlin A, Gaini SM, Catania A.
Exp Neurol. 2012 Mar;234(1):230-8. Epub 2012 Jan 2.
3. A Novel Impermeable Adhesive Membrane to Reinforce Dural Closure: A Preliminary
Retrospective Study on 119 Consecutive High-Risk Patients.
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Broggi M, Schiariti M, Albanese E, Tringali G, Franzini A, Broggi G.
World Neurosurg. 2011 Nov 1. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Three-dimensional self-organizing neural architectures: a neural stem cells reservoir and
a system for neurodevelopmental studies.
Cristini S, Alessandri G, Acerbi F, Ciusani E, Colombo A, Fascio U, Nicosia RF,
Invernizzi RW, Gelati M, Parati EA, Invernici G.
Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2011 Nov;17(11):1109-20. Epub 2011 Aug 29.
5. The dawn of the hodotopic era in neurosurgery: is there a need to upgrade the
operability criteria for brain tumors?
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Franzini A.
World Neurosurg. 2011 May-Jun;75(5-6):571-2.
6. Surgical approaches to tumors of the gyrus cinguli.
Ferroli P, Tringali G, Broggi M, Acerbi F, Zekaj E, Franzini A, Broggi G.
Neurosurgery. 2011 May;68(5):E1506
7. Venous sacrifice in neurosurgery: new insights from venous indocyanine green
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Tringali G, Albanese E, Broggi M, Franzini A, Broggi G (first author
together with Ferroli P)
J Neurosurg. 2011 Jul;115(1):18-23. Epub 2011 Apr 8.
8. Nanotechnology advances in brain tumors: the state of the art.
Invernici G, Cristini S, Alessandri G, Navone SE, Canzi L, Tavian D, Redaelli C, Acerbi
F, Parati EA.
Recent Pat Anticancer Drug Discov. 2011 Jan;6(1):58-69. Review.
9. ICG temporary clipping test to assess collateral circulation before venous sacrifice
Ferroli P, Nakaji P, Acerbi F, Albanese E, Broggi G
World Neurosurgery 2011 Jan;75(1):122-5.
10. Letter to the Editor on the paper “Neuritis ossificans of a cranial nerve” by Kemper CM et al
Ferroli P, Franzini A, Broggi M, Acerbi F, Maderna E, Pollo B, Broggi G
Journal of Neurosurgery (in press)
11. Cirfumferential watertight dural repair using nitinol U-clips in expanded endonasal and sublabial
approaches to the skull base
Acerbi F, Genden E, Bederson JB.
Neurosurgery 2010; 67 Operative Neurosurgery, 2:ons448-ons456.
12. Microsurgical Endoscopic-assisted retrosigmoid intradural suprameatal approch: anatomical
Acerbi F, Broggi M, Gaini SM, Tschabitscher M.
Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 2010; 54(2):55-63
13. From Standard Treatment to personalized medicine: role of IDH1 mutations in low-grade glioma
evolution and treatment (Editorial)
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Finocchiaro G
World Neurosurgery 2010; 73(4):234-236
14. Human Neural Stem Cells: a model system for the study of Lesch-Nyhan Disease neurological aspects
Cristini S, Navone S, Canzi L, Acerbi F, Ciusani E, Hladnik U, De Gemis P, Alessandri
G, Colombo A, Parati E, Invernici G.
Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Feb 16
15. Brain Surgery in a stereoscopic virtual reality environment: a single institution’s experience on 100 cases
Ferroli P, Tringali G, Acerbi F, Equino D, Franzini A, Broggi G
Neurosurgery 2010 Sep;67(3 Suppl Operative):ons79-84; discussion ons84.
16. Application of intraoperative indocyanine green angiography for CNS tumors: results on the first 100
FerroliP, Acerbi F, Albanese E, Tringali G, Broggi M, Franzini A, Broggi G (first author
together with Ferroli P and Albanese E)
Acta Neurochirurgia Suppl 2011; 109:251-257
17. Arterovenous Micro-Malformation of the Trigeminal Root: intraoperative Diagnosis with ICG
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Broggi M, Broggi G.
Neurosurgery 2010 Aug 2 Epub Ahead of print
18. Age as a contraindication for MVD in trigeminal nevralgia: evidence or prejudice?
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Tomei M, Tringali G, Franzini A, Broggi G.
Neurol Sci 2010 Feb; 31 (1): 23-28 (Epub 2009 Oct 6)
19. Self-Closing Nitinol U-Clips for Intracranial Arterial Microanastomoses: a preliminar experience on
seven cases
Ferroli P, Acerbi F, Tringali G, Polvani G, Parati E, Broggi G. (first author together with Ferroli
Acta Neurochirur; 151 (8): 969-976, 2009
20. Endoscopic Radial Artery Harvesting for U-Clip bypass in the Treatment of a Giant Petrous Internal
Carotid Artery Aneurysm. Technical Case Report
Ferrali P, Bisleri G, Nakaji P, Albanese E, Acerbi F, Polvani G, Broggi G.
Min Invasive Neurosur 52 (4): 186-189, 2009
21. Motor and Language DTI Fiber Tracking Combined with Intraoperative Subcortical Maping for
Surgical removal of Gliomas
Bello L, Gambini A, Castellano A, Carrabba G, Acerbi F, Fava M, Giussani C, Cadioli M, Blasi V,
Casarotti A, Papagno C, Gupta A, Gaini S, Scotti G, Falini A
NeuroImage, 39: 369-382, 2008
22. Effect of Human Skin-Derived Stem Cells on Vessel Architecture, Tumor Growth, and Tumor
Invasion in Brain Tumor Animal Models
Pisati F, Belicchi M, Acerbi F, Marchesi C, Giussani C, Gavina M, Javerzat S, Hagedorn M,
Carrabba G, Lucini V, Gaini SM, Bresolin N, Lorenzo Bello, Bikfalvi A, Torrente Y.
Cancer Res; 67: (7): 3054-3063, 2007
23. Cortical and subcortical motor mapping in rolandic and perirolandic glioma surgery: Impact on postoperative morbidity and extent of resection.
Carrabba G, Fava E, Giussani C, Acerbi F, Portaluri F, Songa V, Stocchetti N, Branca V, Gaini
SM, Bello L.
J Neurosurg Sci, 51(2): 45-51, 2007
24. PET imaging in the surgical management of pediatric brain tumors.
Pirotte B, Acerbi F, Lubansu A, Goldman S, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
Childs Nerv Syst, 23(7): 739-751 2007
25. Endoscopic treatment of colloid cysts of the third ventricle: long-term follow-up in a series of 6 consecutive
Acerbi F, Rampini P, Egidi M, Locatelli M, Borsa S, Gaini SM.
J Neurosurg Sci, 51(2): 53-60, 2007
26. Intraoperative subcortical language tracts mapping guides surgical removal of gliomas involving speech
Bello L, Gallucci M, Fava M, Carrabba G, Giussani C, Acerbi F, Baratta P, Songa V, Conte V,
Branca V, Stocchetti N, Papagno C, Gaini SM.
Neurosurgery vol 60: 1-14, 2007
27. Intraoperative language organisation in multilingual patients with gliomas
Bello L, Acerbi F, Giussani C, Baratta P, Taccone P, Songa V, Fava M, Stocchetti N, Papagno C,
Gaini SM.
Neurosurgery, 59 (1): 115-25, 2006
28. Spontaneous arteriovenous fistulas of the vertebral artery. Three case reports.
Acerbi G, Padolecchia R, Orlandi G, Acerbi F, Parenti G.
Angiology, 55 (3):329-333, 2004
29. Combinatorial Administration of Molecules That Simultaneously Inhibit Angiogenesis and Invasion
Leads to Increased Therapeutic Efficacy in Mouse Model of Malignant Glioma.
Bello L, Lucini V, Costa F, Pluderi M, Giussani C, Acerbi F, Carrabba G, Pannacci M, Caronzolo
D, Grosso S, Shinkaruk S, Colleoni F, Canron X, Tomei G, Deleris G and Bikfalvi A.
Clinical Cancer Research, 10: 4527-4537, 2004
30. Microvascular density and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in normal pituitary tissue and
pituitary adenomas.
Viacava P, Gasperi M, Acerbi G, Manetti L, Cecconi E, Bonadio AG, Naccarato AG, Acerbi F,
Parenti G, Lupi I, Genovesi M, Martino E.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 26(1):23-28, 2003
31. Symptomatic Spinal Cavernous Hemangiomas. Preliminary Report on 18 Cases.
Acerbi G, Carpeggiani P, Puglioli M, Acerbi F, Ravelli V, Parenti G.
Acts of the 12th European Congress of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Lisbon
(Portugal), September 7-12, 2003