CV Renczes May 2016 - Pontificia Università Gregoriana


CV Renczes May 2016 - Pontificia Università Gregoriana
MAY 2016
Philipp Gabriel Renczes
Ordained Priest:
Stuttgart (Germany), March 15, 1964
Society of Jesus, since 1983
April 24, 1992
Education (Philosophy):
Bachelor in Philosophy, Hochschule für Philosophie, Munich (Germany).
Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) in “Histoire des Religions et Anthropologie
Religieuse”, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Paris (France).
Ph.D. in “Histoire des Religions et Anthropologie Religieuse” (Summa cum laude), Université
Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Paris (France).
Education (Theology):
Bachelor in Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Italy).
Licentiate in Theology and Patristic Studies (Summa cum laude), Augustinian Patristic
Institute, Rome (Italy).
Doctorate in Theology, Institut Catholique de Paris (Summa cum laude and awarded the best
academic thesis 1999 by the Catholic University of Paris), Paris (France).
2000 -
Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Italy)
- 2000 Untenured Associate Professor
- 2000 Director of the “Gregorian Semester” (formerly: “Freisemester”) - Academic
Program for Visiting Students
- 2003 Promotion to Tenured Associate Professor
- 2011 Promotion to Full Professor
- 2015 Director of the Department of Patristic Theology and History of Theology
2003 -
Invited Professor at the Augustinian Patristic Institute, Rome (Italy).
2011 -
Director of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University,
Rome (Italy).
2014 -
Invited Professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome (Italy).
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Fellowships and Awards:
Awarded the prize “Maurice-et-Jean-de-Pange” for the best academic thesis 1999 by the Catholic
University of Paris, Paris (France).
Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn Lecturer and Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
January/February 2004, Jerusalem (Israel).
Wade-Chair Holder and Visiting Professor of Theology at Marquette University, Milwaukee (WI) (USA).
Agir de Dieu et liberté de l'homme. Recherches sur l'anthropologie théologique de Saint Maxime le Confesseur
(Cogitatio Fidei 229), Paris 2003.
Italian translation: Agire di Dio e libertà dell’uomo. Ricerche sull’antropologia teologica di san Massimo il
Confessore, Rome 2014.
“L'apporto di Massimo il Confessore a una precisazione dell'antropologia teologica dei Padri” in Il Bene e la
Persona nell'Agire, Rome 2002, 147-157.
“‘Nous avons vu la raison, donc le but dans lequel Dieu s'est fait homme, plein de grâce et de vérité’. Un
finalisme analogique comme spécificité de l'anthropologie théologique de Maxime le Confesseur”, in
Connaissance des Pères de l'Église, 97 (2005), 22-34.
“Jesus, der Gesalbte, Zentrum der Schöpfung?” in Revista Española de Teologia 67, 2-3 (2007), 165-183.
“Jesús, el ungido, centro de la creación”, in J.J. Pérez-Soba, J. de Dios Larrú, J. Ballesteros (ed.), Una ley de
libertad para la vida del mundo, Madrid 2007, 127-147.
“L’emergenza educativa secondo i Padri della Chiesa” in La Civiltà Cattolica 3795/3796 (2008), 253-265.
“Raíces del pensamiento educativo cristiano. Los padres de la Iglesia” in Edetania 35 (2008), 69-80.
“La patristica e la metafisica nel secolo XX” in Gregorianum 90/1 (2009), 76-85.
“Grace reloaded: Caritas in Veritate’s Theological Anthropology” in Theological Studies 71/2 (2010), 273290.
“L’interiorità agostiniana: un concetto dualistico?” in Rassegna di Teologia 52/1 (2011), 61-82.
“La ‘grazia’ nel processo educativo, a partire dagli Esercizi Spirituali di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola e la Ratio
Studiorum de la Compagnia de Gesù”, in Actas del IV Congreso Internacional Educación Católica para el
siglo XXI, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Valencia
2012, 75-91.
“The Scope of Rahner’s Fundamental Axiom in the Patristic Perspective: A Dialogue of Systematics and
Historical Theology” in G. Maspero, R. Wozniak (ed.), Rethinking Trinitarian Theology: Disputed Questions
and Contemporary Issues in Trinitarian Theology, London/New York 2012, 254-288.
“The Patristic Notion of Divine Grace on the Horizon of Apophatic Theology” in Studia Ephemeridis
Augustinianum 127, Rome 2012, 39-52.
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“La grazia” in G. Salatiello (ed.), Karl Rahner. Percorsi di ricerca, Rome 2012, 85-103.
“Frühkirchliche Anstöße für eine Theo-Anthropologische Fundierung des‚ Interreligiösen Dialogs” in E.
Zwick, N.J. Hofmann (ed.), Dialog der Religionen: Eine interdisziplinäre Annäherung, Berlin-Münster-WienZürich-London 2013, 15-34.
“Note per una rilettura della Caritas in Veritate”, Ho Theologos 29 (2013), 101-118.
“The Concept of hexis in the Theological Anthropology of Saint Maximus the Confessor” in Bishop Maxim
Vasiljević (ed.) Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection. Proceedings of the Symposium
on St. Maximus the Confessor, Alhambra, California 2013, 181-191.
“‘Grandi cose ha fatto il Signore per noi, siamo stati colmati di gioia’ (Sal 126): Evangelii Gaudium e il dialogo
ebraico-cristiano” in H. M. Yanez (ed.) Evangelii Gaudium: il testo ci interroga. Chiavi di lettura,
testimonianze e prospettive, Rome 2014, 185-194.
“Disputing Lonergan’s Distinction between Infrastructure and Suprastructure: A Response to Neil Ormerod”
in G. Whelan (ed.) Lonergan’s Anthopology Revisited. The next fifty year of Vatican II, Rome 2015, 221-244.
Research in progress:
Contro Agostino, per Agostino. La dottrina agostiniana della grazia nella teologia del Ventesimo secolo (A
monograph on the negative/positive reception of Augustine’s Theology of Grace in the 20th Century).
“Ippolito, Contro Noeto. Edited by M. Simonetti (Biblioteca patristica, 35)” in Gregorianum 83, 1, Rome
“Barsanuphe de Gaza et Jean de Gaza, Correspondance (Sources Chrétiennes 468)” in Gregorianum 84, 2,
Rome 2003.
“Michel de Certeau: Le Marcheur blessé. By François Dosse. Paris 2002” in Theological Studies, 65, 3, New
York 2004.
“Demetrios Bathrellos, The Byzantine Christ: Person, Nature, and Will in the Christology of Saint Maximus
the Confessor, Oxford 2004” in Gregorianum 88, 3, Rome 2007.
“Paul van Geest, Stellig maar onzeker. Augustinus’ benadering van God, Budel 2007” in Gregorianum 90/4,
Rome 2009, 876-877.
“Luigi Gioia, The Theological Epistemology of Augustine’s De Trinitate, Oxford 2008” in Gregorianum 92/1,
Rome 2011.
Academic Presentations
“L’apporto di Massimo il Confessore a una precisazione dell’antropologia teologica dei Padri”, IV
International Colloquium of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family,
Pontificia Università Lateranense, Rome (Italy), November 17, 2001.
“A Theology of Judaism in 7th Century Byzantium: Maximus the Confessor”, 4th Annual BrenninkmeijerWerhahn Lecture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), January 28, 2004.
“Religions in Europe: seen from a Christian point of view”, Launching Conference of the Network on
Teaching Religion in a multicultural European Society, University of Uppsala (Sweden), April 1, 2006.
C. V. Philipp Gabriel Renczes -3
“Jesús el Ungido, Centro de la Creación”, International Congress ‘Theology of Natural Law’, Instituciones
Académicas San Dámaso, Madrid (Spain), November 23, 2006.
“Il discernimento spirituale secondo Massimo il Confessore”, Università di Siena (Italy), March 7, 2007.
“Patristic Theology and the Renewal of Metaphysics in the 20th Century”, International Congress of
European University Teachers ‘A New Humanism for Europe: the Role of Universities’, Pontifical Gregorian
University, Rome (Italy), June 22, 2007.
“‘He who truly bears within himself the seal of Abraham’s faith, has never distanced himself from Israel’s
grace’- Grace and Election in Maximus the Confessor”, Marquette University, Milwaukee (USA), November
8, 2007.
“Exploring the Systematic Theology of Benedict XVI”, Weston School of Theology, Cambridge (USA),
November 29, 2007.
“Byzantine Anti-Judaism and Maximus the Confessor”, Holy Cross, Greek Orthodox School of Theology,
Boston (USA), November 30, 2007.
“Raíces del pensamiento educativo cristiano. Los padres de la Iglesia”, I Congreso Internacional ‘Educación
Católica para el siglo XXI’, Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Valencia (Spain), April
19, 2008.
“The patristic understanding of grace between the cataphatic and the apophatic discourse”, 39th Annual
Meeting of Scholars of Christian Antiquity, Istitutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome (Italy), May 7,
“Attualità e sfide dell’antropologia di Massimo il Confessore”, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
(Italy), December 14, 2010.
“Tra relativismo dottrinale e affermazione di potere. Il movimento ecumenico come processo di
discernimento spirituale e teologico”, Università di Salerno (Italy), December 17, 2010.
“Two stages of patristic understanding of grace on the horizon of apophatic theology”, Congress of the
International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, University of Haifa (Israel), March 23, 2011.
“El papel de la gracia divina como ayuda en el proceso educativo, a partir de los Ejercicios Espirituales de
San Ignacio y la Ratio Studiorum de la Compañía de Jesús”, IV Congreso Internacional ‘Educación Católica
para el siglo XXI’, Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Valencia (Spain), May 4, 2011.
“La teologia della ‘Passione secondo Matteo’ di J. S. Bach”, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Italy),
May 9, 2011.
“Loi et Evangile chez K. Barth et le prix de la grâce chez D. Bonhoeffer. Une confrontation augustinienne”,
Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris (France), September 21, 2011.
“Il problema educativo in Agostino d’Ippona – I maestri e il Maestro Interiore”, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica
dell’Italia Meridionale, Naples (Italy), January 11, 2012.
“Secularism, the New Evangelization and the Meaning of Vatican II: Benedict XVI’s Impact on the Future
of Catholicism”, Seattle University, Seattle (USA), July 12, 2012.
“Nostra Aetate, 50 Years of Transformative Significance”, The Russell Berrie Fellowship at the Pontifical
University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome (Italy), October 6, 2012.
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“The concept of hexis in the Theological Anthropology of St. Maximus the Confessor”, International
Symposium on Saint Maximus The Confessor ‘Knowing the purpose of the everything through the power of
the resurrection’, Belgrade (Serbia), October 19, 2012.
“Da Gerusalemme ad Atene, andata e ritorno. Impulsi patristici per una fondazione teologica del Dialogo
Interreligioso”, International Symposium ‘Missione, Chiesa e Teologia a 50 anni dal Concilio Vaticano II’,
Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Italy), November 29, 2012.
“La Teologia Cristiana dopo la Shoah”, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Italy), February 20, 2013.
“Nostra Aetate”: Uncertain Beginnings and Open Endings of Jewish-Christian Dialogue”, The Russell Berrie
Fellowship at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome (Italy), September 27,
“A Vision Meant to Stay Centered: Cardinal Augustin Bea, Vatican II and the Cardinal Bea Centre“, Opening
Lecture of the 2013-2014 Catholic Heritage Lectures, Seattle University, Seattle (USA), October 8, 2013.
“Approaches to the Jewish – Christian Dialogue. A Catholic Perspective”, Seattle University, Seattle (USA),
October 9, 2013.
“Contribution de saint Maxime le Confesseur à la signification de la liberté humaine”, International
Symposium ‘Rien autant que l’amour ne rassemble ceux qui sont dispersés – Actualité de la pensée de Saint
Maxime le Confesseur’, Embassy of Georgia to the Holy See, Rome (Italy) March 18, 2014.
“The Book of Joshua and the Question of Violence”, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (Italy), April
3, 2014.
“Between Continuity and Innovation: Toward the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate”,
The Russell Berrie Fellowship at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome (Italy),
October 1, 2014.
“Return to the Essentials: Some Reflections on the Study of the Dionysian Influences on Maximus the
Confessor”, International Congress ‘Dionysius Areopagite. Sources, Context, Reception’, Universitatea
Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), October 16, 2014.
“Bereshit- In Principio: Commento a Genesi 1-11”, Lezioni Pubbliche ‘Gn I, 1 - I, 25: una lettura ebraicopatristica’, Carlo Maria Martini Foundation, Milan (Italy), November 5, 2014.
“From Rome to New York and Back - Nostra Aetate's Interfaith History and its Lasting Legacy”, Lehigh
University’s Interreligious Dialogue Expedition 2015, Rome (Italy), March 11, 2015
“Passion du Christ et passions des hommes chez Maxime le Confesseur”, Colloque Patristique Interuniversitaire ‘Mort et Résurrection dans l’Antiquité Chrétienne’, Université Catholique de Lyon (France),
March 13, 2015.
"El maestro en Benedicto XVI”, VIII Congreso Internacional Educación Católica para el siglo XXI,
Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Valencia (Spain), April 23, 2015.
“From ‘Religious Uniformity’ to ‘Religious Freedom’: The Controversial Theological Revisitation of
Religious Freedom in Dignitatis Humanae and Nostra Aetate”, International Workshop ‘Religious Freedom
in Context Insights from the Jewish and the Christian Perspectives’, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (Israel),
January 14, 2016.
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“Jesuit Education. Historical and Present Perspectives: The Special Program “Freisemester” at the Pontifical
Gregorian University, International Symposium: ‘Catholic Education in Europe: Spain, Italy and the Society
of Jesus (1720-2015)’, Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom (DHI), Rome (Italy), April 22, 2016.
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