cv lumera - Daniel Lumera


cv lumera - Daniel Lumera
Daniel Lumera
• Director of the Fundación My LifeDesign
• President International School of Forgiveness
• Responsible research and development UNESCO Club for the intangible heritage protection
From 2013 to 2015
University of Sassari (Italy)
• “Relational Skills and Self-assessment” for executives, mangers and
high professionalism.
• “Relational Skills and Self-assessment” for technical staff of scientific
area, managerial and libraries.
From 2011 to 2013
University of Siena (Italy)
Researcher, Professor and Responsible of the communication and organizational relationships area
CO.R.EM. ––Human and education science department
Professor of work stress and relational conflicts management
Specialista in sociobiologia per l’analisi dello stress da lavoro correlato e
gestione del conflitto nelle relazioni. Università di Siena – Dipartimento
di Scienze umane e dell'educazione
From 2011 to present
University of Girona (Spain)
• Postgraduate Course in Leadership and people development
• Postgraduate diploma in Marketing Management, Sales, and Commercial Leadership
• Course on Manipulation and Leadership: personal relations in the
workplace, Family and Life
• Course on Beliefs and the construction of Reality: the Code of Success, Work and Life
From 2003 to 2004
University of Sassari (Italy)
▪ Course “Development for communicative and relational skills” Corso di
laurea in Scienze delle Professioni Educative di Base, Facoltà di Lettere
e Filosofia, Università di Sassari, Progetto Campus One
▪ Course “ Environmental education and development of relational skills”
corso di Laurea in Scienze delle Professioni Educative di Base, Facoltà
di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Sassari
Masters Professor
• 2011 Master in Education Management, European Design Institute,
• 2012 Master in counselling and relationships training - University of
Siena - Dipartimento di Scienze umane e dell'educazione
• 2012 M.D.I. Master in Design and Innovation, European Design Institute - Madrid (Spain).
• 2012 Master European Design Labs, IED Madrid
• 2012 Master Product Design Labs, IED Madrid
• 2012 Master Communication Design Labs,IED Madrid
• 2012 Master Strategic Design Labs, IED Madrid
• 2014 International Master ISF, Roma
• 2015 International Master ISF, Roma
From 2009 to present
Teacher of ECM (Educazione Continua in Medicina)
Professor and planner in:
• Professor and planner on leadership and teamwork training. ASL Prato, Italy
• Professor and planner on communication and teamwork realationship.
(Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sadegna)
• Professor, planner and scientific responsible on leadership and
teamwork training. (Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sadegna)
• Professor of the course “communication and elaboration of suffering
situations and mourning”. (ASL Olbia)
• Professor of the course “Team building: the group spirit” (CisII Medici
• Professor of the course “Couseling and relationship construction2
(ASL Sassari)
• Professor of the course “Interpersonal communication, conflict and
stress management (Sassari, Olbia)
• Professor of the course “Communication and support report of health
care workers, promotion of healthy life styles” (Olbia)
• Professor of the course “Relational Skills and Self-assessment” for
executives, mangers and high professionalism, University of Sassari
• Professor of the course “Relational Skills and Self-assessment” for
technical staff of scientific area, managerial and libraries, University of
Professor and planner in:
Professor in “Interpersonal communication, conflict and stress management” Tutelar Foundation, Girona (2015)
2002-2003 Laurea in Scienze Naturali - Facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali con votazione pari a 110 e lode - Università di
Sassari (Italy)
2012 - Specialized course in Holistic Transpersonal Psychology Foundation Holiversity
2012 - 2013 Research fellow - communication and stress and conflict management - History, social sciences, philosophy and training
science department - University ofSiena (Italy)
-Lumera, D. 2016 “La cura del perdono - Una nuova via alla Felicità”
-Lumera, D., Fadda, S., Pompili, V., 2016 “Formazione Life design
per la prevenzione del rischio psicosociale: dagli aspetti etici all’intervento” – Nuove strategie per gli interventi di prevenzione dello stress
da lavoro – Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Rapporti ISTISAN 16/21 –
- Lumera, D., Caria, A. Forgiveness & Stress Management: Nuovi
metodi formativi per la gestione dello stress e il miglioramento della
qualità della vita – Nuove strategie per gli interventi di prevenzione dello stress da lavoro – Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Rapporti
ISTISAN 16/21 – Roma
-Lumera, D., Gilberte, E., 2015, Forgiveness in Management, n
ESADE World Congress in Creativity and spirituality in management,
-Lumera, D., Escrigas, C., Gilberte, E., Armengol, M. 2015 “New
Vision, New Leaders” in ESADE World Congress in Creativity and
spirituality in management, Barcelona.
-Lumera, D., 2014 "Personal transformation and consciousness
revolution, Conscious life design in the holistic-biocentric evolutive
model", Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) Higher Education in the World Report: Knowledge, Engagement and Higher
Education: Contributing to Social Change. Published by Palgrave
-Lumera, D., 2013 "I 7 Passi del Perdono: un rivoluzionario metodo
per guarire e realizzarsi", Edizioni Macro, Cesena (Italia)
-Lumera, D., 2011 “Benessere lavorativo e stress”. In Fadda S. e
Pinna G. A. (a cura di), Efficacia personale e stress da lavoro, Edes,
-Lumera, D., 2011 “Il coping e le dimensioni psicologiche correlate
alla gestione dello stress”. In Fadda S. e Pinna G. A. (a cura di), Efficacia personale e stress da lavoro, Edes, Sassari.
-Lumera, D., 2011 “L’intervento formativo”. In Fadda S. e Pinna G. A.
(a cura di), Efficacia personale e stress da lavoro, Edes, Sassari.
-Lumera, D., 2010 “Il perdono. La scienza della felicità. Come liberarsi dalla sofferenza, guarire e realizzarsi perdonando”, Edes, Sassari
-Fadda S. e Pinna G. A. (a cura di) 2011, Efficacia personale e
stress da lavoro, Edes, Sassari.
-Lumera, D., 2010 “Meditazione e benessere - Rilasciare lo stresse
e le tensioni per una nuova consapevolezza
- Lumera, D., 2009, Il Codice della Luce, anima Edizioni, Milano,
- Lumera, D., 2008, El Codigo de la Luz, Obelisco Ediciones, Barcelona, Spain