professional paths


professional paths
The CUOA Program in collaboration with the University
of Michigan - Dearborn, USA designed to develop and
focus top notch careers
Professional Paths
Fondazione CUOA, in collaborazione con il College of Business della University of Michigan Dearborn, USA, propone un programma di alta formazione manageriale, innovativo e unico in Italia:
Professional Paths.
Professional Paths si rivolge a manager e professionisti, che sentono la necessità di approfondire e/o
aggiornare conoscenze, e sviluppare e/o consolidare competenze in una specifica area aziendale di
loro interesse, fra:
operations management
organization and human resources management.
Per ognuna delle aree sopra indicate, Professional Paths offre ai partecipanti la possibilità di
frequentare dei corsi specialistici del MBA del College of Business della University of Michigan Dearborn, prestigiosa Università americana accreditata AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business).
La partecipazione ai corsi avviene in modalità online, offrendo al singolo partecipante la massima
flessibilità, in funzione delle esigenze lavorative e personali, ma assicurando, al contempo, piena
efficacia ed elevata customer satisfaction nel percorso d’apprendimento.
Ogni partecipante, inoltre, indipendentemente dal percorso e dal corso scelto, nell’anno accademico di
frequenza, sarà invitato a partecipare alle Breakout session, seminari di approfondimento su
tematiche di attualità, organizzati nella sede del CUOA, Villa Valmarana Morosini. Le Breakout Session
si svolgeranno in modalità cross learning tra gli allievi MBA CUOA in corso, una preziosa opportunità di
scambio e networking.
Per ogni corso superato con successo e alla fine del percorso professionale, ciascun partecipante
riceverà il Certificate CUOA - University of Michigan.
“I had never experienced on-line training before joining the Organisation Behavior class at the
University of Michigan Dearborn in cooperation with CUOA.
Honestly speaking, before taking it, I thought that e-learning was fundamentally a compromise which
could allow me to receive a class training while I was still working, thus eventually I had to sacrifice
something in the process. I must say that was wrong. The quality of the course was very high: both the
materials and the teacher provided a strong added value. Moreover, on the side of students’
involvement, I recognise that the overall mechanism of interaction could properly render a “class
feeling” despite the fact that the participants were sitting miles away from each other.
A great experience, which I personally recommend.”
Andrea Aldrighetti
HR manager, Pedrollo S.p.A.
Perché professional paths?
Perché è un’opportunità unica di confronto sulle tematiche del mio lavoro con docenti e colleghi
provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Perché posso sviluppare le mie competenze vivendo l’esperienza di un MBA americano,
ma continuando a vivere la mia vita, lavorativa e personale, di sempre.
Perché mi formo al CUOA, la scuola di management in cui da oltre 50 anni si preparano i talenti per il
successo delle imprese.
Perché conseguo il Certificate CUOA – University of Michigan, che attesta il mio impegno.
Perché è un percorso formativo progettato per la mia crescita e le mie esigenze, dove apprendo
e sperimento, lavoro in gruppo, analizzo casi concreti e propongo soluzioni.
Perché le Breakout Session sono un’occasione per tenermi costantemente aggiornato sulla
frontiera del management, per conoscere colleghi e tessere nuove relazioni.
“The Michigan Dearborn School of Management offers a very innovative teaching model, allowing me
to combine together different learning channels in the way it best fits my time and attitude. It means:
watching web videos on-line; reading excellent books and articles perfectly coordinated; developing
logical thinking during my assay and receiving feedback from the teacher; on-line group discussions, a
virtual room where all students can compare different opinions and points of view in positive and
constructive way. Moreover, this way of learning and interacting with other people is very much linked
to today’s business world. I found the Michigan Dearborn on-line training very representative of the
business reality: it is like a gymnasium where students, teachers and faculty are achieving a defined
goal in an internet technology based environment, you can observe and live the human behavior in
these circumstances. And I really enjoyed the Marketing Management training program. Now I can say I
have a very good map to improve my ability to take right decisions in a world apparently made by
mysterious words.”
Luca Gianni
Service Engineering, Europe Africa Middle East Region Carestream Health Group
“For ever online because the times they are @-changing. I believe that online MBA courses can be a
powerful way to improve your skills/competencies. A better understanding of human behaviour in
organizations; sharing knowledge and experiences with people coming from different cultural and
professional backgrounds and getting in touch with them almost every day; some practical tools to be
used on my job; a better understanding of my behaviour within groups on the job and in everyday life;
experiencing a new way of learning. These are the reasons why I really enjoyed my online course at
UMD (Organization Behaviour). To get the maximum from your courses you need: a deep desire to
learn and broad your knowledge to be more effective on the job; a strong determination to fulfil courses’
requirements, that means working hard; to get pleasure from comparing and sharing ideas with other
Guido Zilli
Responsabile Qualità
Gruppo Dani S.p.A.
Durata e impegno
Per frequentare i corsi online previsti nel programma Professional Paths sono necessari un PC e
l’accesso ad Internet.
Ogni corso dura 14 settimane (circa quattro mesi) e, a seconda del programma scelto, può essere
offerto nel periodo:
• winter (january - april)
• summer (may - august)
• fall (september - december).
La partecipazione richiede un impegno stimabile in circa una-due ore al giorno (flessibili).
Ogni allievo potrà organizzare al meglio e in modo personalizzato la partecipazione al corso online in
funzione delle proprie capacità, dei propri impegni e delle proprie esigenze.
• sviluppare e aggiornare le competenze e le conoscenze in un’area specialistica, fra quelle core della
gestione d’impresa, in modo flessibile e graduale, in funzione dei propri interessi e fabbisogni
• apprendere in un contesto multiculturale e globale, con un progetto di qualificata e innovativa
formazione professionale
• vivere un’opportunità unica per entrare a far parte di una comunità professionale internazionale, dove
confrontare le proprie esperienze e le proprie aspettative con docenti e colleghi provenienti da tutto il
• sperimentare un’opportunità di apprendimento che stimola la partecipazione attiva e diretta di ogni
partecipante e l’applicazione pratica e immediata nella vita aziendale quotidiana di quanto appreso.
Executive, manager e professionisti fortemente motivati ad accrescere le loro competenze
specialistiche in un contesto d’apprendimento multiculturale ed internazionale.
Plus del progetto
• progetto formativo di alta qualificazione, innovativo ed unico
Mi offre la possibilità di frequentare i corsi MBA di una prestigiosa Università americana, sulla base di
una mia scelta
• modalità online
Mi garantisce la massima flessibilità, nei modi e nei tempi d’apprendimento, in funzione delle mie
esigenze lavorative e personali
• formula modulare
I percorsi sono progettati secondo una sequenza propedeutica, ma il mio impegno è focalizzato, nella
massima flessibilità in funzione delle mie esigenze
• teoria e pratica
Mi specializzo in un’area aziendale, apprendo le teorie e le pratiche più aggiornate, e, allo stesso
tempo, sperimento e applico immediatamente e concretamente quanto appreso
• network internazionale
Oltre allo sviluppo delle mie competenze specialistiche, sia durante il corso online che durante le
Breakout Session al CUOA, ho la possibilità di confrontarmi e interagire con una rete globale di colleghi
e docenti ed entrare così a far parte di un sistema vitale di relazioni e incontri.
ACC 505 Developing and Interpreting Financial Information
Students learn how financial information is developed, interpreted and utilized in business.
This is accomplished by studying financial accounting tools and estimation methods used for
interpretation and managers? Decisions relating to investing, financing, and operating activities. Topics
include financial information development and analysis, accounting estimation techniques, and cash
flow analysis. Financial accounting methodology with respect to the sales and receivables cycle,
inventory, property, plant and equipment, liabilities, corporate equity and initial public offerings, and
investments in other corporate entities are studied. Cases requiring critical analysis and interpretation
may be integrated throughout the course.
ACC 555 Cost Management
To introduce how cost and managerial accounting concepts and techniques can be applied to fully
utilize information created by contemporary accounting information systems. The theoretical and
empirical nature of cost management reports, their structures and contents, are emphasized with the
goal of highlighting the relevance and limitations of this information in decision making. The course
gives consideration to global and individual responsibility center performance by covering such topics
as product costing, control standards, cost allocation, pricing, quality, short-term and long-term
budgeting, and performance evaluation. In addition, the reciprocal roles of accounting and technology in
enhancing efficiency and effectiveness benchmarks are investigated. Interwoven into the course
coverage are ethical, diversity, critical thinking, and global dimensions of business. This course also
integrates emerging issues and techniques to assist managers and consultants in the accounting,
finance, marketing, and human resource areas.
FIN 531 Financial Fundament & Value Creation
This course examines the financial goals of a corporation with an emphasis on value creation. Capital
budgeting techniques are extensively developed. Valuation of securities is presented along with an
introduction to modern portfolio theory and market efficiency. Issues related to international financial
management are also addressed.
ACC 505 Developing and Interpreting Financial Information
Students learn how financial information is developed, interpreted and utilized in business.
This is accomplished by studying financial accounting tools and estimation methods used for
interpretation and managers? Decisions relating to investing, financing, and operating activities. Topics
include financial information development and analysis, accounting estimation techniques, and cash
flow analysis. Financial accounting methodology with respect to the sales and receivables cycle,
inventory, property, plant and equipment, liabilities, corporate equity and initial public offerings, and
investments in other corporate entities are studied. Cases requiring critical analysis and interpretation
may be integrated throughout the course.
FIN 531 Financial Fundament & Creation
This course examines the financial goals of a corporation with an emphasis on value creation. Capital
budgeting techniques are extensively developed. Valuation of securities is presented along with an
introduction to modern portfolio theory and market efficiency. Issues related to international financial
management are also addressed.
FIN 655 International Financial Management
This course views international finance at the micro level, but of necessity it will cover some aspects of
macro-level international finance as well, such as the international financial system and the balance of
payments mechanism. The following topics will be covered: the international financial system, balance
of payments, foreign exchange, exchange risk management, international financial markets, foreign
investment, and foreign trade financing.
Operations management
OM521 Operations Management
Operations Management is concerned with the efficient transformation of inputs that will effectively
achieve customer satisfaction. In dynamic, competitive world, a company's effectiveness depends
significantly on how well the firm's resources are managed. This course focuses on managerial tools for
understanding the processes that are required for developing and delivering appropriate products and
services. It prepares managers to use the results of analysis to constantly improve the firm's
operational performance.
OM571 Supply Chain Management
This course aims to develop an understanding of key devices of global operations management
performance and their interrelationship with the firm's strategy. Special emphasis is given to tools and
skills necessary to develop solutions for a variety of supply chain design problems and inter-firm and
intra-firm coordination issues. The overarching course objective is to develop and in-depth
understanding of integrative managerial issues and challenges related to developing and implementing
a firm's operations strategy.
OM660 Analysis and Design of Supply Chains
The purpose of this course is to equip the student with the ability and the tools necessary to recognize,
analyze, and resolve significant problems in the operation of a supply chain system through the
application of quantitative techniques. This course focuses on the strategic role of the supply chain, key
strategic drivers of supply chain performance, and the tools and techniques for supply chain analysis.
OM663 Lean and Six Sigma
This course covers implementing Total Quality Management (TQM), undertaking Six Sigma Projects,
and applying Baldrige National Quality Award criteria and ISO 9000 principles to improve quality
performances in an organization. Topics include Definitions and Importance of Quality, Quality Costs,
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Product Specification and Critical-to-quality Measures (CQM),
Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Robustness Concepts, Quality System Design and Evaluation. Six
Sigma and DMAIC Methodologies, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) process, IDOV (Identity requirements,
Design alternatives, Optimize the design and Verify process capability) Methodology, and several other
concepts and tools related to quality are also covered.
MKT515 Marketing Management
This course provides a thorough understanding of the business processes and strategies associated
with marketing management. An integrated framework, called “the Big Picture,” will be a central theme
of the course. students will learn about the fundamental elements of the marketing management
process and the basic components of marketing programs. Upon completing the course, students will
have a solid understanding of the role of marketing managers and how to apply marketing concepts to a
wide range of management decisions. The course requires the successful student to stay highly
The Big Picture framework will be applied in a series of mini-cases, chosen and written by 3-5 person
teams of students, using a carefully designed template. students will take a leadership role in managing
the discussion of these mini-cases. If you have a current marketing problem that interests you, you will
have an opportunity to work directly on that problem in this course. In this way, the course will permit
you to maximize the relevance of the cases to your own interests and professional lives.
BPS516 Corporate Social Responsability
The focus of this writing intensive interdisciplinary course will be on covering the perspectives that form
the context for business: the pressure from changing ethical and global issues; the influence of political,
social, legal and regulatory, environmental, and technological issues; and the impact of diversity on the
organization. These issues will be addressed from the viewpoint of the various stakeholder groups that
impact a business including shareholders, employees, customers, community (including the global
community), and the natural environment.
MKT622 Global Marketing
This course draws from key concepts in marketing, business economics, and operations management
to provide a comprehensive account of global marketing issues and strategies. This course is designed
to give students several opportunities to apply the theories and concepts they have learned in class,
primarily through the use of Country Manager simulation and a series of case analyses.
Organization & human resource management
OB 510 Organization Behavior
A survey course which provides a basic understanding of individual, inter-personal and group behavior
in organizations and its application in the practice of management. topics include: personality and
attitudes, motivation, groups and teams, leadership, power, ethics, structure,and organizational design,
culture and decision-making.
LE 523 Legal Environment for Managers
This course equips the student to develop a logical approach to problem solving based on critical legal
thinking, sound business judgment, and ethical considerations. The student will be introduced to the
principal ways that law is made and enforced, including the development of the common law, statutory
interpretation, and agency processes. The course surveys the impact of regulation on the relationships
between the business and its’ customers, suppliers, products or services, employees, and owners.
HRM 561 Human Resources Management
This course provides managers from different business functions with the principles, knowledge, and
techniques for managing employees. Incidents and cases are used to diagnose human resource
problems, and design and implement solutions. Topics include: employment law, job design and
analysis, performance evaluation, human resource planning, recruiting, selection and assessment,
training, managerial development, compensation and incentives, reductions-in-force, collective
bargaining and labor relations, and human resource management for international operations. The
course stresses the evaluation of human resource programs, and the need for human resource
practices to be compatible with one another and to be supportive of the firm's strategy.
Andrea Vinelli
Direttore scientifico Programmi MBA
Laureato in Ingegneria, Dottore di Ricerca in Scienza dell’Innovazione Industriale, è Professore
ordinario di Organizzazione della Produzione e dei Sistemi Logistici, presso il Dipartimento di Tecnica e
Gestione dei sistemi industriali dell’Università degli Studi di Padova, dove è anche docente di Gestione
dei Servizi.
È Presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale
dell’Università degli Studi di Padova. È Direttore Scientifico dei Programmi MBA della Fondazione
È Delegato del Rettore alle relazioni con l’Associazione Amici dell’Università di Padova.
Membro dell’Advisory Board del College of Business della University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA.
Membro del Collegio della Scuola di Ingegneria dell’Università di Padova. Membro dell’Editorial Board
di International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Dal 2009 al 2011, è stato membro
del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale (AiIG).
Dal 2001 al 2007, è stato Coordinatore del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Gestionale delle
Università degli Studi di Padova, Bologna, Parma e Udine. Dal 1999 al 2006, è stato membro
rappresentante l’Italia nel Board dell’European Operations Management Association, EurOMA, Brussel.
È membro e ricercatore attivo in numerosi e importanti network di ricerca internazionali, quali High
Performance Manufacturing International Research Project. I suoi interessi di ricerca e consulenza
riguardano i temi della gestione, organizzazione e innovazione delle operations nelle imprese e nei
sistemi di imprese. È autore di oltre 150 pubblicazioni scientifiche, molte delle quali pubblicate su
prestigiose riviste internazionali.
Sede e College Valmarana Morosini
Sede della Fondazione CUOA è Villa Valmarana Morosini, maestoso edificio settecentesco situato ad
Altavilla Vicentina, nelle immediate vicinanze di Vicenza. La Villa, progettata dall’architetto Francesco
Muttoni (scuola del Palladio), è dotata di una struttura didattica idonea allo svolgimento di attività
culturali, congressuali e formative. Dispone di un’Aula Magna per incontri e convegni, con capienza di
210 persone, aule master, numerose aule e salette per gruppi di lavoro, aule informatiche, biblioteca e
offre la possibilità di navigare in Internet nelle zone coperte dalla rete Wi-Fi.
Adiacente al corpo centrale della Villa, il College Valmarana Morosini costituisce, come nei campus
delle Università straniere, il completamento della vita di una moderna scuola di management. Dispone
di 52 camere singole e di un servizio di ristorazione e di bed & breakfast. Per informazioni, tel. 0444
La Fondazione CUOA ha sede in una villa storica. Per eventuali segnalazioni connesse alla presenza
di barriere architettoniche, contattare la Segreteria CUOA Executive Education, tel. 0444 333769.
Costi di partecipazione
La quota di partecipazione è di:
• € 3.600,00 + I.V.A. per il singolo corso
• € 6.900,00 + I.V.A. per il pacchetto di due corsi
• € 9.800,00 + I.V.A. per il pacchetto di tre corsi
• € 12.500,00 + I.V.A. per il pacchetto di quattro corsi
La quota di partecipazione per il singolo corso è di € 3.200,00 + I.V.A. per tutti gli ex allievi Master
Termine ultimo per l’iscrizione: 30 giorni prima della data di inizio del corso.
Requisiti dei partecipanti
• Laurea o Diploma universitario in qualunque disciplina
• Master CUOA o Master of Business Administration
• elevata motivazione e significativa esperienza lavorativa.
Modalità di accesso
• Analisi del curriculum studi e professionale
• Test di inglese
• Colloquio motivazionale.
In particolare, indipendentemente dai titoli o diplomi già in possesso, la conoscenza della lingua inglese
verrà certificata da un test di ingresso appositamente progettato per garantire il livello minimo richiesto
per frequentare con profitto il programma Professional Paths. Non dovranno sostenere il test i candidati
madrelingua inglese.
Il processo di valutazione dei candidati avrà luogo nella sede del CUOA, nelle date stabilite dalla
Direzione di Professional Paths e consultabili nel sito I candidati ammessi, una volta
confermata l’intenzione a partecipare entro i termini richiesti, riceveranno conferma definitiva di
ammissione al corso un mese prima dell’inizio e, contestualmente, dovranno provvedere al versamento
della quota di partecipazione.
Fondazione CUOA
Executive Education
Villa Valmarana Morosini
36077 Altavilla Vicentina (VI)
tel. 0444 333769
fax 0444 333991
[email protected]