cell physiology


cell physiology
In vivo and in vitro effects of exposure to natural and synthetic on lipid homeostasis and
oxidative stress
The research activities carried out in the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology at DiSTAV aim to clarify
the mechanisms involved in regulation of lipid homeostasis and in defense against oxidative stress
in mammalian cells, with particular attention to the effects of endogenous and exogenous factors
(i.e. endocrine disruptors). In recent years, the laboratory investigated the anti-steatotic and antioxidant effects of hormones, natural molecules and hormone-like substances using in vitro models
of 'hepatosteatosis' and 'steatohepatitis'. Another line of research investigated the oxidative stress
and the antioxidant defense systems in mammalian nervous tissue (as a function of specific
physio-pathological alterations and upon treatment with stem cells) and in the blood of patients
with neurological disorders or addictions (alcoholism).
Keywords: Oxidative stress and lipid homeostasis, Antioxidant agents, Endocrine disruptors.
DISTAV Personnel:
ACADEMICS: Laura Vergani, Adriana Voci, Elena Grasselli, Ilaria Demori, Laura Canesi
RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: Giulia Vecchione (PhD student), Teresa Balbi (PostDoc), Gabriella
Gallo (Professor)
PRA Ateneo di Genova, Compagnia San Paolo Torino, MIUR