La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture


La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture
Lesson 4, Writing
Lyrics of two songs
1. UN’ESTATE ITALIANA di Gianna Nannini and Edoardo Bennato.
2. SEI NELL’ANIMA di Gianna Nannini
The singer
Gianna Nannini, (born 14 June 1954) is an Italian female singer-songwriter and pop musician. She may be best known
for her 1986 song Bello e Impossibile. Her first hit was in 1979 with the single "America" and the album California,
which became a success in several European countries. The rise to fame in Italy started in 1984 with the release of her
sixth album, Puzzle. This album peaked in the top 10 at the Italian, German, Austrian and Swiss hit-parades. She sang
for the videoclip "Fotoromanza" (directed by Michelangelo Antonioni), won several musical awards and started a
European tour, including a participation at the Montreux Jazz Festival. In 1986, her hit Bello e Impossibile was a huge
success and brought her more awards in Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Her 1987 compilation Maschi e Altri
sold over a million copies. In 2004, she released a kind of Greatest Hits compilation, but the songs were all re-recorded
for the occasion.
Gianna Nannini is now very popular both in Italy and elsewhere in Europe and well established abroad. In her long
career spanning thirty-six years she has received over 61 platinum and diamond disks, establishing herself as one of
the greatest Italian rock artists. Retires in 2012, throughout the year, the music scene to concentrate on production of
a new album and the growth of Penelope
1. The first song we’ll dictate today is Un’estate italiana
Un estate italiana (An Italian summer), is a 1990 song composed by Giorgio Moroder with lyrics by Tom Whitlock for
the 1990 FIFA World Cup held in Italy. The Italian version, also known as Notti Magiche, was recorded by Italian artists
Edoardo Bennato and Gianna Nannini, who also wrote the Italian lyrics. The song achieved success on the charts of
several European countries.
Now listen to the song and enjoy it. Then, write the lyrics we will dictate; the first line is done for you.
Un’estate italiana
Forse non sarà una canzone….
2. The second song is Sei nell’anima
Sei nell’anima is the first single of the album Grazie, produced by Gianna Nannini in 2006. The song iso ne of her
biggest hits.
Now listen to the song and enjoy it. Then, write the lyrics we will dictate ; the first line is done for you.
Sei nell’anima
Vado punto a capo così
Spegnerò le luci…
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © June 2012
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture
Lesson 4, Writing
Un'estate italiana
An Italian Summer
Forse non sarà una canzone
it probably won't be a song
a cambiare le regole del gioco
to change the rules of the game
ma voglio viverla cosi' quest'avventura
but I want to live this adventure like this
senza frontiere e con il cuore in gola
having no limits and with my heart in my throat
e il mondo in una giostra di colori
The world is full of colours
e il vento accarezza le bandiere
and the wind caresses the flags
arriva un brivido e ti trascina via
a shiver comes and it carries you away
e sciogli in un abbraccio la follia
and it cools down the madness in an embrace
notti magiche
magic nights
inseguendo un goal
following a goal
sotto il cielo
under the sky
di un'estate italiana
of an Italian summer
e negli occhi tuoi
And in your eyes
voglia di vincere
the desire to win
a summer
un'avventura in più
one more adventure
quel sogno che comincia da bambino
That dreams that starts when you're [just] a kid
e che ti porta sempre più lontano
and that takes you always further
non e' una favola
it's not a fairytale
- e dagli spogliatoi
it comes from the locker rooms
escono i ragazzi e siamo noi
the guys come out and it's us
notti magiche
magic nights
inseguendo un goal
following a goal
sotto il cielo
under the sky
di un'estate italiana
of an Italian summer
e negli occhi tuoi
And in your eyes
voglia di vincere
the desire to win
a summer
un'avventura in più
one more adventure
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © June 2012
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture
Lesson 4, Writing
Sei nell'anima.
You are in my soul
Vado punto e a capo così
Spegnerò le luci
E da qui sparirai
Pochi attimi
Oltre questa nebbia
Oltre il temporale
C'è una notte lunga e limpida
Ma è la tenerezza
Che ci fa paura
I begin a new line thus
I will switch off the lights
And from here you will disappear
Few moments
Beyond this mist
Beyond the storm
There`s a long and clear night
It will end
But it is the tenderness
That frightens us
Sei nell'anima
E lì ti lascio per sempre
Sospeso, immobile
Fermo immagine
Un segno che non passa mai
You are in my soul
And there I leave you forever
Suspended motionless
Stand still image
A sign that never goes
Vado punto e a capo vedrai
Quel che resta indietro
Non è tutto falso e inutile
Lascio andare i giorni
Tra certezze e sbagli
È una strada stretta stretta
Fino a te
Quanta tenerezza
Non fa più paura
I begin a new line and you`ll see
What is left behind
It`s not all false and in vain
You will understand
I let days go by
Between certainty end errors
It`s a narrow narrow road
up to you
How much tenderness
It doesn`t frighten anymore
Sei nell'anima
E lì ti lascio per sempre
Sei in ogni parte di me
Ti sento scendere
Fra respiro e battito
Sei nell'anima
You are in my soul
And there I leave you forever
You are in every part of me
I feel you coming down
Between breathing and heartbeat
You are in my soul
Sei nell'anima
In questo spazio indifeso
Inizia tutto con te
Non ci serve un perché
Siamo carne e fiato
Goccia a goccia
Fianco a fianco
You are in my soul
In this hopeless space
Everything starts with you
We don`t need a reason
We are flesh and breath
Drop by drop
Side by side
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © June 2012