SUMMER TIME!!! - Our Lady of the Airways


SUMMER TIME!!! - Our Lady of the Airways
JUNE 28th, 2015
Healing of woman, girl is prompted by faith
Mark concludes his account of the ministry of Jesus in Galilee with descriptions of some remarkable miracles worked by Jesus during this ministry.
In today’s reading Jesus shows himself the Lord of
life and death – healing the woman ‘who had suffered from a haemorrhage for 12 years, and bringing back to life the young daughter of one of the
elders of the local synagogue.
Again, the words of Jesus and Mark’s telling of the story emphasise the importance of ‘faith’
in what is to unfold – a trusting openness to the
fact that, in the ministry of Jesus, God’s great
promises to Israel were being fulfilled. This faith,
however, finds very different expression in the two
cases. The synagogue official, well versed in the traditions of Israel, and with
an openness that expresses the true spirit of Israel’s faith, makes his request:
‘Make my little daughter better and save her life’. His trust in what Jesus can
do for him is in stark contrast with the attitude of those who report that the girl
is already dead and urge him not to trouble Jesus further, and with the mourners already gathering in his home. The woman’s faith is less informed; naïve
perhaps, very like the faith of so many simple believers. But what she knows
of Jesus inspires her to seek a healing by ‘touching his clothes’. The reaction
of Jesus is to lead her to the personal meeting with him that should take place
in an authentic faith.
Heavenly Father
We ask you to be with us as we work together
as a family of faith,
sharing and following the example of your son
Jesus in loving service.
May we be inspired by your divine love
as we share our time, talent and treasure to
strengthen our family of faith.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
We are now firmly in the summer season, the traditional time for vacation
and relaxation. I hope that each of you finds some time to “get away from it
all,” so that you can be refreshed and renewed. As you head to the shore,
the mountains, or another favorite vacation spot, please don’t forget us here
at home. We still continue to pay our bills. Your continued support is
needed and greatly appreciated.
We would like to thank all of our Parish Choirs and Directors and Organists
for all the hard work and talents they share with our community this year. As
the summer season approaches, all the parish choirs will be off for the summer break from the Months of July and August.
June 29th –July 5th 2015
Monday: June 29th
8:00am- +Dolores Ritota
7:00pmTuesday: June 30th
8:00am- Reparation for Sins and moral
renewal of Canada
7:00pmWednesday: July 1st
8:30am– Bi-Lingual Mass
7:00pm—No Mass
Thursday: July 2nd
8:00am- +Antonio Vela
7:00pmFriday: July 3rd
8:00am-Thanksgiving by Margaret &
Roland Mongeon
7:00pm- +Mary Manuelpillai
Saturday: July 4th
8:30am5:00pm- + Paul,Mildred& Milroyn Antony +Roy Thuraisingham
Sunday: July 5th
9:00am- +Damien Drake
10:30am-+Teresa & Govanni Brizzi
+Palma D’Ambrosio
12:00pm – For the community of OLA
There will be Bilingual
Thanksgiving Mass
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 at
8:30am—English /Italian
Let us pray!
for those who are sick
members of our parish
and those who love and minister
to them:
Thank you for your Offerings
Sunday Collection $ 6,213
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
We are collecting Clothing at OLA Church
on August 15-16, 2015
A truck will pick up all the clothing on the said
dates only.
Please note: NO baby furniture.
Thank you for your support!
Planning to be a Catholic Teacher?
It is critical for you to know that to be hired to teach in any
Catholic school board in Ontario, as part of your application
for employment there must be a letter of reference from
your pastor. If you (or if your adult child) is planning to apply to teach in a Catholic school, it is highly recommended you contact the pastor before Thanksgiving. Please plan
to have a conversation with your pastor early in the process
and you will avoid disappointment and stress at the time
when applications are to be submitted. Pastor’s reference
policy is available at the office.
Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements
for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin in September 2015 & supports the bulletin service. Please support the bulletin and advertise your product or service. Call
Liturgical Publications at 905-624-4422.
The Tea Party at our Church was a great
Thanks to all who helped in different
ways donating their time, talents and
sponsoring gifts for the Silent Auction, food Items, musical talents, setting up the hall and cleaning up afterwards. Special thank you to Patsy Umeh for leading this
church community event working relentlessly in getting
everyone involved. May Our Lady of the Airways bless
each and every one abundantly.
Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services
Archdiocese of Toronto wishes to invite all families within
the Archdiocese to participate in Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 7:oopm.
Please see our bulletin board for information.
Jesus healed Jairus' daughter by saying “Talitha cum” which
means “little girl, get up!”. Has the Lord called you to get up and
walk? Perhaps Jesus wants you to help others get up and walk. If
you feel God is calling you to priesthood, religious life or the
deaconate, call Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation Director,
Archdiocese of Toronto 416-968-0997. email
[email protected]
Ecco due miracoli di Gesù legati uno all’altro. Il loro messaggio è complementare. Si
tratta di due donne: una
all’inizio della sua vita, l’altra al
termine di lunghe sofferenze
che la sfiniscono. Né l’una né
l’altra possono più essere salvate dagli uomini (vv. 23 e 26).
Ma sia l’una che l’altra saranno
salvate dall’azione congiunta
della forza che emana da
Gesù e dalla fede: per la donna la propria fede, per la bambina la fede di suo padre (vv.
34 e 36). Bisogna notare soprattutto che la bambina ha
dodici anni (v. 42) e che la donna soffre da dodici anni (v.
25). Questo numero non è dato a caso. C’è un grande
valore simbolico poiché esso è legato a qualcosa che si
compie. Ci ricordiamo che Gesù fa la sua prima profezia
a dodici anni (Lc 2,42 e 49). Gesù sceglie dodici apostoli,
poiché è giunto il tempo. Significano la stessa cosa le
dodici ceste di pane con le quali Gesù sfama i suoi
discepoli (Mc 6,43). E la fine dei tempi è simboleggiata
dalle dodici porte della Gerusalemme celeste (Ap 21,1221). Così come la donna dell’Apocalisse (immagine di
Maria, della Chiesa) è coronata da dodici stelle (Ap 12,1).
Senza parlare dell’albero della vita originale che si trova,
in un parco, al centro della città e dà dodici raccolti. E
quando sappiamo che il giorno per Gesù conta dodici ore
(Gv 11,9) capiamo che i nostri due miracoli non sono
semplici gesti di misericordia, ma che nascondono una
rivelazione: essendo giunto il tempo, l’umanità peccatrice
(Gen 3,12) è liberata dai suoi mali. Gli uomini non possono fare nulla per lei, e lo riconoscono (v. 35), ma per
Dio nulla è impossibile (Lc 1,37). Gesù non chiede che
due cose: “Non temere, continua solo ad aver fede” (v.
Pellegrinaggio Spirituale, GitaTuristica
San Giuseppe Montreal, Cap-de-la-Madeleine,
Cittá di Quebec, Sant’Anna de Beaupre
e Crociera a Mille Isole. 3 Giorni/ 2 notti.
Sabato, 25 Luglio, a Lunedi, 27 Luglio.
Prezzo per persona:
(1) persona per stanza; $500.00- (2) persone per stanza:
(3) persone per stanza $380.00 -(4) persone per stanza;
Incluso nel costo; Autobus (3) giorni - Hotel(2)notti - (2)
(2)cene & biglietti d’ammissione alle chiese e per la crociera.
Per riservare i vostri telefonate:
Wendy Iannotti: 905-672-1762 - Silvana Morra: 416-579-4798