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Pier Paolo Civalleri
September 2, 2007
Scientific Papers
1. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “Alcune Considerazioni sulla Sintesi dei Multipoli Resistivi”, Atti
Acc. Sci. Torino (I), vol. 94, pp. 211-223, 1960.
2. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “A Proposito di Sintesi di Multipoli Resistivi”, Alta Frequenza (I),
vol. 29, no. 3-4, pp. 389-392, June-Aug. 1960.
3. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “On the Synthesis of Resistive N-Port Networks", IRE Trans. on
Circuit Theory (USA), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 22-28, March 1961.
4. P.P. Civalleri, “A Direct Procedure for the Synthesis of Resistive (n + 1)-Poles”, Proc. IEE
(GB), Part C, vol. 109, no. 15, pp. 76-82, March 1962.
5. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “Conditions for the Realizability of a Conductance Matrix”, IRE
Trans. on Circuit Theory (USA), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 312-317, Sept. 1961.
6. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “A Contribution to the Synthesis of Resistive Three-Ports", Alta
Frequenza (I), vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 714(126 E)-717(129 E), Oct. 1961.
6b G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “Contributo alla Sintesi dei Tripli Bipoli Resistivi”, Alta Frequenza
(I), vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 35-38, Jan. 1962.
7. P.P. Civalleri, “Sull’Interpretazione Fisica della Condizione di Universalità per Reti Resistive",
Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 356-358, June 1962.
7b P.P. Civalleri, “On the Physical Meaning of the Paramount Condition of Resistive Networks”,
Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 751(167 E)-752(168 E), Nov. 1962.
8. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “The Canonical Form of Cut-Set and Loop-Set Matrices for Complete Networks”, Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 544(128 E)-547(131 E), Aug. 1962.
9. P.P. Civalleri and A.R. Meo, “Le Misure sui Nuclei magnetici per Memorie di Calcolatori”,
Rend. 63ma Riunione Annuale AEI, Ischia, Sept. 30 - Oct. 6 1962, memo. no. 56, Milano;
Stab. grafico R. Scotti, 1962.
10. P.P. Civalleri, “Two Theorems on Passive Multiterminal Networks”, in S. R. Deards: Network
Theory, London, Pergamon Press, 1963, pp. 133-136.
11. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “About a Basic Theorem on Resistive Networks”, IEEE Int. Conv.
Rec., Part 2, pp. 83-90.
12. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri, “Degeneracy in N-Port Networks”, Proc. First Annual Allerton
Conf. on Circuit and System Theory, Allerton House, Monticello, Ill., Nov. 1963; Urbana, Ill. :
The University of Illinois, 1963, pp. 537-561.
13. P.P. Civalleri, “Topological Rules for the Transformation of Node-Pair Admittances and Mesh
Impedances in Linear Networks”, Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 556(144 E)-562(150
E), Aug. 1964.
14. G. Biorci, P.P. Civalleri, “Linear Degeneracies in N-port Networks”, Proc. Second Annual Allerton Conf. on Circuit and System Theory, Allerton House, Monticello, Ill., Sept. 1964; Urbana,
Ill.: The University of Illinois, 1964, pp. 293-336.
15. P.P. Civalleri, “Cohn’s Generalized Theorem”, Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 797(201
E)-806(210 E), Nov. 1965.
16. G. Biorci, A. Chiabrera and P.P. Civalleri, “Maximization Procedure for the Synthesis of Single
Element Kind Networks”, IEEE Int. Conv. Rec., Part 7, pp. 235-242 (1966).
17. P.P. Civalleri, “On the Existence of the A State Matrix”, IEEE Trans. on Circuit Theory (USA),
vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 337-338, Sept. 1967.
18. P.P. Civalleri, “Recent Trends in the Synthesis of Single-Element-Kind Networks”, in G. Biorci:
Network and Switching Theory, New York: Academic Press, 1968, pp. 205-224.
19. P.P. Civalleri, “A Proposito dell’Energia accumulata in un Bipolo Reattivo non Reciproco”, Alta
Frequenza (I), vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 235-237, March 1968.
20. P.P. Civalleri, “On the Controllability of Linear Dynamical Systems with Delay”, Proc. Int.
Symp. on Network Theory, Belgrade: Prevodilacko-Stamparski Servis, 1968, pp. 3-10.
21. B. Bianco and P.P. Civalleri, “Basic Theory of Three Layer N-Ports”, Alta Frequenza (I),
vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 623(217 E)-631(225 E), Aug. 1969.
22. P.P. Civalleri and S. Ridella, “Eigenfunction Methods in the Analysis of Three-Layer Distributed Networks”, Proc. Fourth Colloquium on Microwave Communication, Budapest, March
1970, vol. 3; Budapest, Akademiai Kiadò, 1970, pp. ET/6 1-9.
23. P.P. Civalleri and S. Ridella, “Impedance and Admittance Matrices of Distributed Three-Layer
N-ports”, IEEE Trans. on Circuit Theory (USA), vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 392-398, Aug. 1970.
23b P.P. Civalleri and S. Ridella, “Immittance Matrices of Distributed Three-Layer N-Ports”, in
R. Boite: Network Theory, New York: Gordon and Breach, 1972, pp. 191-213.
24. B. Bianco, G. Biorci, and P.P. Civalleri and S. Ridella, “Analysis of Three-Layer N-Port Structure”, Proc. Kyoto Int. Conf. on Circuit and System Theory, Kyoto, Sept. 1970; The Institute of
Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan, 1970, pp. 103-104.
25. P.P. Civalleri, “On the Formal Theory of Nonuniform Transmission Lines”, Digest of Technical
Papers, 1970 IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuit Theory, Atlanta, 1970; New York: The IEEE, 1970,
p. 52.
25b P.P. Civalleri, “On the Formal Theory of Nonuniform Transmission Lines,” IEEE Trans on
Circuit Theory (USA), vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 479-481, July 1971.
26. P.P. Civalleri, “Causality and Stability in General Uniform Transmission Lines”, Digest of Technical Papers, London 1971 IEEE Int. Symp. on Electrical Network Theory, The City University,
London, Sept. 1971; London, The IEE, 1971, pp. 122-123.
27. B. Bianco, G. Biorci, P.P. Civalleri, and S. Ridella, “A Class of Bidimensional Networks”,
Digest of Technical Papers, London 1971 IEEE Int. Symp. on Electrical Network Theory, The
City University, London, Sept. 1971, pp. 81-82.
27b B. Bianco, G. Biorci, P.P. Civalleri, and S. Ridella, “A Class of Two-Dimensional Networks”,
Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 886-894, Nov. 1971.
28. G. Biorci and P.P. Civalleri: “Analysis of Resistive N-Port Networks Based on (N+2) Nodes”,
in R.E. Kalman, N. DeClaris: Aspects of Network and System Theory, New York: Holt Rinehart
and Winston, Inc., 1970, pp. 163-183.
29. P.P. Civalleri, “On the Equivalence between Telegraphist’s and the State Space Model of Active
Lines”, Proc. of the Second Int. Symp. on Network Theory, Herceg-Novi (Yugoslavia), July
1972; Belgrade: The Yugoslav Committee for Electronics and Automation, 1972, pp. 3-10.
30. B. Bianco, P.P. Civalleri, and S. Ridella, “Numerical Analysis of Certain Discontinuities in
Thin Three-Layer Two-Ports”, Proc. of the Second Int. Symp. on Network Theory, Herceg-Novi
(Yugoslavia), July 1972; Belgrade: The Yugoslav Committee for Electronics and Automation,
1972, pp. 484-491.
31. B. Bianco, P.P. Civalleri, and S. Ridella, “A Variational Analysis of One- and Two-dimensional
Planar Distributed Systems”, Proc. of the Second Int. Symp. on Network Theory, Herceg-Novi
(Yugoslavia), July 1972; Belgrade: The Yugoslav Committee for Electronics and Automation,
1972, pp. 484-491.
32. P. P. Civalleri, “A Survey on Linear uniform Active Lines”, in I.K. Skwirzynski: “Network and
Signal Theory”, London: Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1973, pp. 270-274.
33. P.P. Civalleri, “The Active Line Problem: on the Existence and Uniqueness of the Response of
the Infinite Active Line”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (GB), vol. 1,
no. 1, pp. 83-88, March 1973.
34. P.P. Civalleri, “Stability of Infinite Active Lines”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems (USA),
vol. CAS-21, no. 1, pp. 90-95, Jan. 1974.
35. P.P. Civalleri, “On the Controllability and Observability of Linear Lumped Time Invariant NPorts”, Proc. 1974 IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, S. Francisco, Ca, April 22-25,
1974, pp. 611-613.
36. P.P. Civalleri and S. Ridella, “Some Topics in the Stability Theory of Active Lines”, Proc. of
the Fifth Colloquium on Microwave Communications, Budapest, 24-30 June 1974, Budapest:
Akademiai Kiadoò, 1974, vol. 2, pp. 65-72.
37. P.P. Civalleri, “On the Analytic theory of Active Lines”, 1974 European Conf. on Circuit Theory
and Design, London, 23-26 July 1974; London: The IEE, 1974, pp. 183-187.
38. H.J. Carlin, P.P. Civalleri, “A Coupled Line Model for Dispersion in Parallel-Coupled Microstrips”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 444-446,
May 1975.
39. B. Bianco, P.P. Civalleri, S. Ridella, A. Premoli, and B. Parodi, "A Circuit Model for Terminated
Microstrips", Proc. Third Int. Symp. on Network Theory, Split (Yugoslavia), Sept. 1-5, 1975.
40. P.P. Civalleri, “Su una Linea Elettrica Equivalente alla Equazione di Schrödinger Unidimensionale”, Alta Frequenza (I), vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 161-163, March 1977.
41. P.P. Civalleri, “On Polynomial Matrix System Description”, Proc. ISCAS 1977, Phoenix, Ar,
Apr. 25-27, 1977, pp. 640-642.
42. F.M. Callier, P.P. Civalleri, “On the Controllability and Observability of Linear Lumped Time
Invariant N-Ports: Hermite Normal Form versus Smith Canonical Form”, Alta Frequenza (I),
vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 52-58, Jan. 1978.
43. H.J. Carlin, P.P. Civalleri, and J.C. Hantgan, "Transmission Line Models for Open Propagating
Structures" Proc. ISCAS 1981, Chicago, April 27-29, 1981, pp. 594-597.
44. H.J. Carlin, P.P. Civalleri, and J.C. Hantgan, “Transmission Line Circuit Models for Dielectric
Waveguide”, J. Frankl. Inst. (USA), vol. 311, no. 4, pp. 209-230, Apr. 1981).
45. H.J. Carlin, P.P. Civalleri, and J.C. Hantgan, “Transmission line Equivalent circuits for Dielectric Waveguides”, Proc. 1981 ECCTD, The Hague, Netherlands, Aug. 25-28, 1981.
46. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “On Flat Gain with Frequency-Dependent Terminations”, IEEE
Trans. on Circuits and Systems (USA), vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 827-839, Aug. 1985.
47. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “Gain-Bandwidth Restrictions for Distributed Amplifiers”, Proc.
ECCTD 87, Paris, Sept. 1-4, 1987, vol. 1, pp. 209-214.
48. H. J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “Gain-Bandwidth Restrictions for FET Amplifiers with Parasitic
Drain-to-Gate Coupling”, Proc. 1988 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Espoo
(Finland), June 7-9, 1988, vol. 1, pp. 155-157.
49. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “Ultimate Theoretic Performance of Microwave Fet Amplifiers
with Internal Feedback”, Proc. 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Champaign
(IL, USA), Aug. 14-16, 1989, pp. 1024-1029.
50. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “Performance Limitations for Distributed Amplifiers”, European
Transactions on Telecommunications and Related Technologies (I), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 93-102,
Mar.-Apr. 1990.
51. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri “Broad-Band Matching Revisited" 20th European Microwave Colloquium, Budapest (H), Sept.‘14, 1990, pp. 112-116.
52. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “A General Theory for Broad-Band Matching of Two-Ports with
Applications to FET Amplifiers with Internal Feedback”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (GB), vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 51-64, Jan.-Feb. 1991.
53. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, "New Directions in Gain-Bandwidth Theory and Broad-Band
Matching", Proc. ISCAS 1991, Singapore, June 11-14, 1991, vol. 3, pp. 1255-1258.
54. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, and L. Pandolfi, “Analisi della stabilità di reti neurali cellulari con
ritardo”, Atti della VII Riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, Como, June 1992, pp. 63-64.
55. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “An Algorithm for Wideband Matching using Wiener-Lee Transforms”, IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems, I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (USA),
vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 497-505, July 1992.
56. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Some Stability Properties of CNN’s with Delay”, CNNA ’92
Proc., Second International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Applications, Munich,
Oct. 14-16, 1992, pp. 94-99.
57. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, and Luciano Pandolfi, “On Stability of Cellular Neural Networks with
Delay”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (USA),
vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 157-165, March 1993.
58. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Analisi del comportamento dinamico e della stabilità di reti neurali cellulari”, Atti della IX Riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, Rimini, 17–19 giugno 1993,
pp. 188-189.
59. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, “On Darlington’s Realization of Matrix-Valued Non-Rational
Functions and the Impossibility of Selective Flat Gain”, International Journal of Circuit Theory
and Applications (GB), vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 415-420, July-Aug. 1993.
60. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “On Dynamic Behaviour of Cellular Neural Networks with Delay”,
Circuit Theory and Design 93 - Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Circuit Theory
and Design - ECCTD ’93, Davos, Switzerland, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 1993, Part I, ed. by H. Dedieu,
Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1993, pp. 687-692.
61. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “On Dynamic Behaviour of Two-Cell Cellular Neural Networks”,
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (GB), vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 451-471,
Sept.-Oct. 1993).
62. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Some Dynamic Phenomena in Delayed Cellular Neural Networks",
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (GB), vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 77-105,
March-Apr. 1994.
63. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Comportamento dinamico di reti neurali cellulari”, Atti della X
Riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, Padova, June 1994, p. 131.
64. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, "A Topological Description of the State Space of a Cellular Neural
Network", Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks
and their Applications, Roma, Dec. 18-21, 1994, pp. 115-120.
65. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Propagation Phenomena in Cellular Neural Networks”, Proceedings
of the Third IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications,
Roma, Dec. 18-21, 1994, pp. 327-332.
66. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Global Dynamic Behaviour of a Three Cell Connected Component
Detector CNN”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (GB), vol. 23, no. 2,
pp. 117-135, March-Apr. 1995.
67. M. Biey, P.P. Civalleri, and Marco Gilli, “Reti neurali cellulari: dinamica e applicazioni”, Atti
della XI Riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, Palermo, June 1995, pp. 192-193.
68. M. Gilli and P.P. Civalleri, “A Spectral Technique for Studying Propagation Phenomena and
Chaos in Large Array of Nonlinear Circuits”, ECCTD ’95 Proceedings, 12th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 27-31, 1995, vol. 2, pp. 1141-1144.
69. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli “Circuit Models for Linear and Nonlinear Waves”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, I: Fundamental Theory and Applications (USA), vol. 42, no. 10,
pp. 578-582, Oct. 1995.
70. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “A Spectral Approach to the Study of Propagation Phenomena in
CNN’s”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (GB), vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 3747, Jan.-Feb. 1996.
71. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Studio della dinamica di reti neurali cellulari attraverso tecniche
spettrali”, Atti della XII riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, pp. 181-182, Cagliari, June 1996.
72. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Combinatorial Topology and Qualitative Dynamics in Cellular
Neural Networks”, 1996 Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks
and their Applications Proceedings, Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica, Escuela Superior de
Ingenieros de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, June 24-26, 1996, pp. 191-195.
73. M. Gilli, P.P. Civalleri, T. Roska, and L.O. Chua, “Global Optimization through Time-Varying
Cellular Neural Networks”, 1996 Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications Proceedings, Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, June 24-26, 1996, pp. 417-422.
74. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Comportamento dinamico di reti neurali cellulari”, Atti della 27a
edizione del Convegno Internazionale di Automazione, pp. 643-648, Nov. 1996, Milano.
75. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Practical Stability Criteria for Cellular Neural Networks,” IEE
Electronics Letters, vol. 33, n. 11, pp. 970-971, May 1997.
76. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Equilibrium and Stability Analysis of Cellular Neural Networks”,
1997 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 569-572, Hong Kong, June
77. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Studio della dinamica di reti neurali cellulari di elevata dimensione”, Atti della XIII riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, pp. 220-221, Pisa, June 1997.
78. M. Gilli, P. P. Civalleri, T. Roska, L. O. Chua, ”Analisi di reti neurali cellulari per l’ottimizzazione globale di funzioni quadratiche”, Atti della XIII riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, pp. 232233, Pisa, June 1997.
79. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Analysis of the Dynamics of Neural Networks Composed of Large
Arrays of Nonlinear Cells”, invited at 15-th World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, pp. 271-276, Berlin, Aug. 1997.
80. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “On the Relation between Equilibrium Points and Limit Cycles in
One–Dimensional CNNs”, 1997 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, pp. 157161, Budapest, Technical University, Sept. 1-3, 1997.
81. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Analysis of Periodic and Chaotic Oscillations in One–Dimensional
Arrays of Chua’s Circuits” 1997 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, pp. 353358, Budapest, Technical University, Sept. 1-3, 1997.
82. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Analysis of CNN Dynamics through Spatio–Temporal Spectral
Techniques”, invited at International Symposium on Intelligent Systems, Reggio Calabria, pp.
147-152, Sept. 1997.
83. M. Gilli, P.P. Civalleri, T. Roska, and L.O. Chua, “Analysis of Time–Varying Cellular Neural
Networks for Quadratic Global Optimization”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and
Applications, vol. 26, n. 2, pp. 109-126, Jan.-Feb. 1998.
84. P.P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “A Harmonic Balance Technique for the Analysis of Periodic Attractors and their Bifurcations in Cellular Neural Networks, IEEE Fifth International Workshop
on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp. 106-111, London, Apr. 1998.
85. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, “Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Arrays through Spatial Mode Decomposition,” 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Orlando (Florida),
vol. 5, pp. 310-313, June 1999.
86. M. Biey, P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, “Progetto e Sintesi di Reti Neurali Cellulari,”Atti della XV
riunione annuale di Elettrotecnica, p. 98, L’Aquila (I), June 1999.
87. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, “A Rigorous Algorithm for Template Design in Stable Cellular Neural
Networks,” invited paper, IEEE International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, pp. 407-410, Hawaii, USA, 28 November – 2 December 1999.
88. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, “On Stability of Cellular Neural Networks”, invited paper, Journal of
VLSI Signal Processing, Kluwer Academic Publisher, vol. 23, no. 2/3, pp. 429-435, Nov.-Dec.
89. M. Gilli, P.P. Civalleri, “Template Design Methods for Binary Cellular Neural Networks,” IEEE
International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, Catania (I), May
90. P.P Civalleri, M. Gilli, “Analysis and Design of Cellular Neural Networks through a Space-time
Spectral Approach Decomposition,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
Geneva, pp. II(394-396), May 2000.
91. M. Gilli, P.P. Civalleri, “A HB Technique for the Classification of Periodic and Chaotic Attractors in One-dimensional Arrays of Chua’s Circuits,“ IEEE International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Dresden (D), September 2000.
92. M. Gilli and P.P. Civalleri, “Complex dynamics in Cellular Neural Networks,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. III, pp. 45-48, Sidney (AUS), May 6–9, 2001.
93. P.P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, “CNN Analogic Wave Algorithms: Template Design Methods,” XV
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD‘01, vol. II, pp. 25-28, Espoo,
Finland, August 28-31, 2001.
94. M. Gilli, P.P. Civalleri, “Template Design Methods for Binary Stable Cellular Neural Networks,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 30, no. 2/3, pp. 211-230,
March-June 2002.
95. M. Gilli, F. Corinto, M. Biey, and P.P. Civalleri, “On the Dynamic Behavior of Cellular Neural
Networks,” IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 1936-1941, Honolulu
(Hawaii - USA), May 12–17, 2002.
96. M. Gilli, M. Biey, and P.P. Civalleri, “On the Existence of Stable Equilibrium Points in Cellular
Neural Networks”, ISCAS 2002 Proceedings, Phoenix (AR, USA), 26-29 May 2002, pp. I-229231.
97. F. Corinto, M. Gilli, and P. P. Civalleri, “On Stability of Full Range and Polynomial Type
CNNs,” IEEE Seventh International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp. 16-24, Frankfurt (Germany), July 22–24, 2002.
98. M. Gilli, T. Roska, L. O. Chua, and P. P. Civalleri, “On the Relationship between CNNs and
PDEs,” IEEE Seventh International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp. 33-40, Frankfurt (Germany), July 22–24, 2002.
99. M. Gilli, T. Roska, L. O. Chua, and P. P. Civalleri, “CNN Dynamics Represents a Broader Class
than PDEs,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2051-2068,
October 2002.
100. F. Corinto, M. Gilli, and P. P. Civalleri, “On Dynamic Behavior of Full-Range CNNs,” International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. V, pp. 765-768, Bangkok (Thailand), May
25–28, 2003.
101. M. Gilli, P. P. Civalleri, and F. Corinto, “Design and Synthesis Methods for Cellular Neural
Networks,” invited to the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 14861491, Portland (USA), July 2003.
102. M. Gilli, P. P. Civalleri, and F. Corinto, “On Design of Binary Cellular Neural Networks,” XVI
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, vol. II, pp. 341-344, Cracow (Poland),
September 1–4, 2003.
103. M. Gilli, F. Corinto, P. P. Civalleri, and P. Checco, “Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic
Arrays,” 46-th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cairo (Egypt), December
104. P P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “On Dissipative Two–State Quantum Cells and Cellular Networks,”
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 79–90, March–
April 2004.
105. F. Corinto, M. Gilli, and P. P. Civalleri, “Analysis and Design of Cellular Neural Networks,”
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. III, pp. 61–64, Vancouver
(Canada), May 23–26, 2004.
106. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, and M. Bonnin, “Circuit Parameters of Quantum Two–State Cells”,
The 47th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. III, pp. 471–
474, Hiroshima (Japan), July 25–28, 2004.
107. P. P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “Quantum Systems versus Classical Networks”, IEEE–Nano 2004
– 2004 Fourth IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, WE–P29, Munich (Germany), August
17–19, 2004.
108. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, and M. Bonnin, “Basic Concepts of Quantum Systems versus Classical
Networks”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 383–
405, September–October 2004.
109. P. P. Civalleri and M. Gilli, “On State Equations of Two–Level Quantum Systems in a Thermal Environment”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 32, no. 6,
pp. 609–614, November–December 2004.
110. M. Gilli, M. Bonnin, P. P. Civalleri and F. Corinto, “Analysis of a Hysteretic Oscillator through
a Mixed Time–Frequency Domain Approach”, ISCAS 2005 IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, pp. 3765-3768, Kobe (Japan), May 23-25, 2005.
111. F. Corinto, M. Gilli and P. P. Civalleri, “An Algorithm for Predicting the Steady State Behavior of Binary CNNs”, ISCAS 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pp. 4661-4664, Kobe (Japan), May 23-25, 2005.
112. M. Gilli, M. Bonnin, P. P. Civalleri and F. Corinto, “Oscillatory Behavior in Two-dimensional
Weakly Connected Cellular Nonlinear Networks”, IEEE CNNA 2005 – The 9th International
Biannual Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications Proceedings, National
Chaio Tung University, Hsinchu (Taiwan), May 28-30, 2005.
113. M. Gilli, M. Bonnin, P. P. Civalleri and F. Corinto, “Periodic Oscillations in Weakly Connected
Cellular Nonlinear Networks”, 2005 International Conference Physics and Control Proceedings, pp. 188-193, Saint-Petersburg (Russia), August 24-26, 2005.
114. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli and M. Bonnin, “Circuit Models for Small Signal Performance of NanoDevices Based on Two–State Quantum Systems”, paper no. 004, Proceedings of the 2005 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, University College Cork, Cork (Ireland), 29
Aug.-2 Sept. 2005.
115. M. Bonnin, M. Gilli, P. P. Civalleri, “A Mixed Time-Frequency Domain Approach for the Analysis of a Hysteretic Oscillator”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, II: Express Briefs
(USA), vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 525-529, Sept. 2005.
116. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, and M. Bonnin, “Equivalent Circuits for Small Signal Performance of
Spin 1/2 Particles”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 34, no. 2,
pp. 165–182, March–April 2006.
117. M. Bonnin, F. Corinto, P. P Civalleri, and M. Gilli, “Information and Image Processing through
Bio–Inspired Oscillatory Cellular Nonlinear Networks”, ISCAS 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 177–180, Kos (Greece), May 21–24, 2006.
118. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli, and M. Bonnin, “Circuit Models for Small Signal Performance of Spin
1/2 Quantum Systems”, 2006 Sixth IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Cincinnati, Ohio,
USA, 17-20 July 2006, 1-4244-0078-3/06$ 20.00 (c) 2006 IEEE.
119. F. Corinto, M. Bonnin, M. Gilli and P. P. Civalleri, “Weakly Connected Oscillatory Networks as
Associative and Dynamic Memories”, Proc. of the 2006 10th IEEE International Workshop on
Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, ed. by V. Tavsanoglu and S. Arik, pp. 275280, Istanbul (TR), 28-30 August 2006.
120. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli and M. Bonnin, “Open Two-State Quantum Systems Solved by Harmonic Balance”, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 377–380,
New-Orleans (LA, USA), 27–30 May 2007.
121. M. Bonnin, F. Corinto, M. Gilli and Pier Paolo Civalleri, “Small Amplitude, Phase Locked Response in Oscillatory Networks with Delays”, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits
and Systems, pp. 3167–3170, New-Orleans (LA, USA), 27–30 May 2007.
122. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli and M. Bonnin, “Equivalent Circuits for Two-State Quantum Systems”,
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 265–280, May–
June 2007.
123. P. P. Civalleri, M. Gilli and M. Bonnin, “Frequency Domain Analysis of Open Two–State Quantum Systems”, Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, pp. 11071111, Hong–Kong, August 2–5, 2007.
124. M. Bonnin, F. Corinto, M. Gilli and P. P. Civalleri, “Harmonic Balance, Melnikov Method
and Nonlinear Oscillators under Resonant Perturbation”, Proceedings of the 2007 European
Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Seville (E), 26–30 August 2007, pp. 918–921.
Technical Notes
1. Parametric Models for the Evaluation of City Transportation Systems, Proc. IASTED International Symposium: Modelling, Identification and Control, MIC ’86, Innsbruck (Austria),
Feb. 18-20, 1986, pp. 180-183 (with M. Vallauri).
2. Modelli parametrici nello Studio dei Trasporti urbani, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Progetto finalizzato Trasporti, 4to Convegno Nazionale, Torino, 10-11 Nov. 1986, Preprints 2nd
vol. sp. 3 e 4, pp. 87-96.
1. P.P. Civalleri, Elettrotecnica, Torino, Levrotto & Bella, 1981, pp. xii+495.
2. Melecon ’83 Proceedings, Athens, Athanasapoulos, 1983 (with E.N. Protonotarios and G.I.
3. H.J. Carlin and P.P. Civalleri, Wideband Circuit Design, Boca Raton, CRC, 1997, pp. x+488.
4. P.P. Civalleri, Elettrotecnica, Torino, Levrotto & Bella, 1998, pp.xxii+555.