Liceo Scientifico Statale A. Einstein


Liceo Scientifico Statale A. Einstein
Liceo Scientifico Statale A. Einstein
Programma d'Inglese
a. s. 2015/2016
Classe : 5 ^ C
Prof. Francesca Lo Bello
Dai libri di testo
Only Connect… – The Nineteenth Century (2)
Only Connect… – The Twentieth Century (3)
[M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, ZANICHELLI] sono stati svolti i seguenti percorsi tematici:
Volume 2
The Romantic Age (1789-1830)
The Historical and Social Context
The World Picture
The Egotistical Sublime
Authors and texts
William Wordsworth
On Wordsworth and common speech
Text 63: A certain colouring of imagination
Text 65: Daffodils
Text 69: My heart leaps up
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Text 70: The killing of the albatross
John Keats
Text 79: Ode on a Grecian Urn
The Victorian Age (1830-1901)
The Historical and Social Context
The early Victorian Age
The later years of Queen Victoria’s reign
The World Picture
The Victorian Compromise
The Victorian frame of mind
The Literary Context
The Victorian Novel
Types of novels
Aestheticism and Decadence
Authors and texts
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist
Text 90: Oliver wants some more
Elizabeth Gaskell
Mary Barton
Text: John Barton
Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Text 102: Alec and Tess in the chase
Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Sense perception, wholeness, and the soul
Text 111: Preface
The Importance of Being Earnest
Volume 3
The Modern Age (1902-1945)
The World Picture
The age of anxiety
The Literary Context
The Modern Novel
The interior monologue
Authors and texts
Thomas Stearns Eliot
The Waste Land
Text 140: The Fire Sermon
Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness
Text 150: The horror!
James Joyce
Text 162: Eveline
Text 163: She was fast asleep
Ulysses: general features
Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway
To the Lighthouse: general features
Post-war drama: Absurd and Anger
Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, general features
Reading and analysis : “We'll come back tomorrow”

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LICEO SCIENTIFICO “A. EINSTEIN” THE ROMANTIC AGE Emotion LICEO SCIENTIFICO “A. EINSTEIN” PROGRAMMA DI INGLESE Classe VF ANNO SCOLASTICO: 2015/2016 Libri di testo Spiazzi-Tavella-Layton “Performer Culture and Literature” Vol. 2 – 3 Zanichelli
