Business English a.a. 2011-2012 Prof. De Stavola Phyllis Gloria a


Business English a.a. 2011-2012 Prof. De Stavola Phyllis Gloria a
Business English
a.a. 2011-2012
Prof. De Stavola Phyllis Gloria
Contenuto del corso
Il corso affronta le seguenti tematiche:
1. Introductions: greetings, welcoming, introducing yourself and the subject of your presentation;
2. Business communication: meetings, the language of business meetings, getting through on the phone,
letter writing, making arrangements, business letters layout;
3. Getting a job: writing a résumé, reading classified ads, filling out a job application, writing a cover
letter, preparing for a job interview, interviewing for a job, skills review and power statements;
4. Marketing management: marketing tasks, marketing and sales, market structure, marketing strategies,
marketing metaphors, market segmentation, product research assignment, consumers, channels,
promotional tools, product life cycles;
5. Means/methods of advertising: theories of successful advertising, specific focus language and
structure, active work on advertisements;
6. Business across cultures;
7. Professional tools: newspapers around the world, currencies, money and capital markets, reading
about finance, discuss about business problems, terms, highlights.
Metodi di insegnamento
Le lezioni, oltre che ex cathedra, prevedono anche lo svolgimento di esercitazioni (active work) che
simulino situazioni aziendali reali, l’arricchimento del vocabolario ed una parte di studio/ripetizione
delle principali regole di grammatica e di fonetica della lingua inglese funzionale allo svolgimento delle
esercitazioni previste.
Modalità di esame
I candidati devono sostenere una prova orale.
Testi consigliati
Dispensa prodotta dal docente (trasmessa al front-office).