bibliografia - Agraria UniPD


bibliografia - Agraria UniPD
Ecologia e Biodiversità
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Rèpublique française
Raintree, J. B. 1991. Socioeconomic attributes of tree and tree planting practices Community forestry
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Schlippé, P. 1986. Ecocultures d’Afrique (Shifting cultivation in Africa). Ed. Terres et Vie
Service national de vulgarisation. 1994. Agroforesterie . Guide du Vulgarisateur n. 4 Ministère de
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Tengnas, B. 1994. Agroforestry Extension Manual for Kenya. ICRAF, Nairobi
Tiquest, J., 1985. Les arbres de la brousse au Burkina Faso. Collection “Appuiau monde rural” Série
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Warner, K. 1991. Shifting cultivators. Local technical knowledge and natural resource management in
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Industria agro-alimentare
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n. 27 Le travail de la femme, n.33 Bien se nourrir, n. 37 Les technologies appropriées
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Rèpublique française
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Vita in Campagna, 2002. Laboratorio di trasformazione dei prodotti agricoli. Guida illustrata