Daniele Girardi


Daniele Girardi
Daniele Girardi
Education and training
June 2016 PhD in Economics, Universities of Tuscany.
University of Siena; University of Pisa; University of Florence
Summer 2015 5th International Summer School on ‘Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies’ , Berlin-Pichelsee.
Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Hans Boeckler Foundation and Research Network
for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM).
Summer 2012 XXIII Course of Econometrics for PhD Students, Module I – Introductory
Econometrics (coordinated by Prof.Giorgio Calzolari); Module II – Time Series
(coordinated by Prof.Giorgio Calzolari); Module IV – Policy Evaluation: from
Reduced Form to Structural Form Estimation (coordinated by Prof.Erich Battistin).
CiDE - Centro Interuniversitario di Econometria
2009-2011 Master Degree in Environmental and Development Economics, 110/110 cum
laude, Dissertation title: The financialization of agricultural derivatives markets and
its impact on prices, Master Degree class. n.56 - Economics.
Università degli Studi di Siena - Department of Economics "Richard M.Goodwin"
2005-2009 Bachelor Degree in Economics of International Cooperation and Development, Dissertation title: The limits of GDP as a measure of well-being and the
search for new indicators, Master Degree class. n.35.
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Academic appointments
Sep 2016 - Assistant Professor.
ongoing Economics Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (MA)
Fall 2015 Visiting Scholar, with the aim of developing a research project on identifying the
influence of political-institutional factors on business investment dynamics (sponsor
Prof. Suresh Naidu).
Department of Economics, Columbia University (New York)
Professional experience
2015 Research Assistant, for Prof.Mariana Mazzucato (University of Sussex) on the book
“The Value of Everything” , forthcoming, Penguin, Allen Lane-Penguin, London.
University of Sussex (UK)
1002 Thompson Hall – 200 Hicks way, UMass Amherst
B dgirardi(at)umass.edu • Born in Rome (Italy), 10/12/1986
2015 Research Assistant, for Prof.Mariana Mazzucato (University of Sussex) and
Prof.Michael Jacobs (IDDRI) on the book “Rethinking Capitalism” , forthcoming, Wiley Publishers.
University of Sussex (UK)
2010-2014 Researcher, with a focus on the national and international macroeconomic outlook,
construction sector and real estate market. Coordination and realization of research
projects and research reports. Collection, processing and analysis of statistical data.
CRESME Ricerche S.p.A., Piazza Mincio 2, 00198 Rome, Italy
Apr.-June Internship, Writing of articles and agency dispatches.
2008 AMI - Agenzia Multimediale Italiana, Via Federico Rosazza 46, 00153, Rome, Italy
Personal skills and competences
Mother Italian
Other English: Advanced Level; Spanish: Advanced Level
Obtained with a score of 75/100 the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English,
a general proficiency examination at level C2 in the Common European Framework
of Reference (CEFR) and level 3 in the UK National Qualifications Framework
Social skills Good team-working skills, developed at the University, at work and in international
volunteering activities in Europe, South America and Middle East.
Computer Proficient with most Office and Open Office programmes (in particular Word, Excel,
skills Power Point and Access) and with most used econometric software, in particular
Stata, R, E-Views and Gretl.
Published Economic Papers
{ "Financialization of food: modelling the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and
stock market dynamics" International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.29, n.4, pp.482-505,
2015, DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2015.1016406
{ "Do financial investors affect the price of wheat?", PSL Quarterly Review, Vol. 65 No. 260,
pp.79-109, 2012
Publications in Progress
{ "Long-run effective demand in the US economy: an empirical test of the Sraffian supermultiplier
model" (coauthored with Riccardo Pariboni), Review of Political Economy (Accepted subject to
minor revision)
Working Papers
{ "Political shocks, share prices and business investment: regression discontinuity evidence from
1002 Thompson Hall – 200 Hicks way, UMass Amherst
B dgirardi(at)umass.edu • Born in Rome (Italy), 10/12/1986
OECD elections" (2016) URL: http://goo.gl/V8lbJF
{ "Autonomous demand and economic growth: some empirical evidence" Centro Sraffa Working
Papers, n.13, Oct 2015 (coauthored with Riccardo Pariboni).
URL: http://www.centrosraffa.org/public/4a625260-55f1-4d26-bcfe-1c7f75e36301.
{ "Food prices and Wall Street: Explaining the time-varying relation between agricultural prices
and stock market dynamics" DEPS Working Papers, n.701, 2014.
URL: http://www.deps.unisi.it/sites/st02/files/allegatiparagrafo/09-10-2014/
{ "Construction and economic development: empirical evidence for the period 2000-2011” DEPS
Working Papers, n.684, Sep 2013 (coauthored with Antonio Mura)
URL: http://www.econ-pol.unisi.it/quaderni/684.pdf
{ "Il settore delle costruzioni in Italia tra crisi e trasformazione" ("The construction sector in Italy,
crisis and change") MPRA Paper, n.49901, 2012.
URL: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/49901/
Chapters in books
{ "The neoclassical theory of investment: a critical appraisal" and "Effective demand and long-run
growth: evidence from five major capitalist economies" (coauthored with Riccardo Pariboni)
for the new edition of the Union for Radical Political Economy (URPE) reader, forthcoming
(abstracts approved, chapters submitted and under review).
Non-academic publications
{ "Domanda autonoma, crescita ed investimenti" ("Autonomous demand, growth and investment")
with Riccardo Pariboni, Economia e Politica, Feb 2016, URL: http://goo.gl/iwsL1h
{ "Il banchiere dei ricchi" ("The banker of the rich") Gli Stati Generali, Jan 2015, URL: http:
{ "Perchè è crollato il prezzo del petrolio?" ("Why did the oil price fall?") Gli Stati Generali, Dec
2014, URL: http://goo.gl/z3gdf7
{ "Perchè i Governi sbagliano le previsioni?" ("Why are Governments getting their economic forecasts so wrong?") Sbilanciamoci, Nov 2014, URL: http://goo.gl/k5wzEj
{ "Usa, nuovo boom (e nuova bolla?)" ("US real estate market: a new boom (and a new bubble?)")
Formiche, n.90, anno X, Mar 2014
{ "A new phase of growth in the USA, UK and Germany" TILE International, 1/2014, pp.36-39,
Jan 2014. URL: http://issuu.com/tiledizioni/docs/000_112_tile_int_1_2014
1002 Thompson Hall – 200 Hicks way, UMass Amherst
B dgirardi(at)umass.edu • Born in Rome (Italy), 10/12/1986
{ "Sull’IMU ha vinto il blocco edilizio" ("The ’real estate block’ won IMU’s battle") Sbilanciamoci
e Eddyburg, Sep 2013, URL: http://goo.gl/BmxLGP
{ "Barili di carta: le materie prime in balia del casinò" ("Paper barrels: commodities at the mercy
of casino finance") Sbilanciamoci, Mar 2013, URL: http://goo.gl/oaA24b
{ "Il secondo boom edilizio italiano" ("The second housing boom in Italy") Edilbox, Jul 2012, URL:
{ "Le costruzioni in Italia tra crisi e trasformazione" ("The construction sector in Italy, between
crisis and transformation") Edilbox, Jun 2012, URL: http://goo.gl/pKU17C
{ "Buttando via il Pil. Ma solo in teoria." (Throwing GDP away. But just in theory") Terranauta,
Sep 2009, URL: http://goo.gl/P6h4q8
Presentations at conferences
June 2016 Presented the paper ‘Political shocks, share prices and business investment’ at the
2016 Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics
(IAAE) hosted by the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Dec 2015 Presented the paper ‘Political influences on private investment dynamics: evidence
from elections in OECD countries’ at the Political Economy Workshop organized by
the Department of Economics of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
May 2015 Attended the XIX Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of
Economic Thought (ESHET) and presented the paper ‘Autonomous demand and
economic growth: some empirical evidence’ at Roma Tre University, Italy (1416/5/2015). URL: http://www.eshet.net/conference/paper_view.php?id=
Apr 2015 Attended the INFER Workshop on Heterodox Economics and presented the paper
‘Autonomous demand and economic growth: some empirical evidence’ at the
University of Coimbra, Portugal (17-18/4/2015). URL: http://www4.fe.uc.pt/
Oct 2014 Invited speaker at the Conference "Lo Scenario Mondiale delle Costruzioni" ("The
global construction market outlook"), organized by DiPSE, LEGACOOP, Ordine
Architetti di Roma and CRESME Ricerche at Sede LEGACOOP, Rome (15/10/2014),
URL: http://goo.gl/3UMx0g
Oct 2012 Invited speaker at the Conference "Rigenerare gli edifici abitativi obsoleti per creare
sviluppo e una qualità dei servizi e delle città sicure e migliori" ("Upgrading old
residential buildings to create development and better cities"), organized by CNA
Costruzioni ER at SAIE - Salone Internazionale dell’Industrializzazione Edilizia,
Bologna (19/10/2012), SLIDES: http://goo.gl/XKV6LD
Jun 2012 Invited speaker at the Conference “Bext in the city– L’energia che cambia Bologna”
organized by CNA, Confartigianato and Confindustria Emilia Romagna at Palazzo
d’Accursio, Cappella Farnese, Bologna (15/06/2012)
1002 Thompson Hall – 200 Hicks way, UMass Amherst
B dgirardi(at)umass.edu • Born in Rome (Italy), 10/12/1986
May 2012 Invited speaker at the Workshop “Facility Management and Public-Private Partnership” at the stand of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome at “Forum PA 2012”
Refereeing Activities
Referee for the International Review of Applied Economics (since Apr 2015) and
the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (since Aug 2015)
Other relevant information
2008 My essay "Non solo di Pil" ("Beyond Gdp") was awarded First Prize in the International Contest "Europa e Giovani 2008", University Section, organized by Istituto
Regionale di Studi Europei (IRSE) of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
2008 I have been in Peru, Ecuador, Palestine and Guatemala as an international volunteer,
Onwards where I worked in social and environmental programmes for local NGOs.
Apr.2011 Coordinator of the Youth Exchange “Grounding Our Future” in Assemini (Sardegna),
organized by Servizio Civile Internazionale, the Italian branch of the International
Civil Service
{ Samuel Bowles (Primary)
Research Professor and Director of the Behavioral Sciences Program, Santa Fe Institute;
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Massachusetts
Email: [email protected]
{ Mariana Mazzucato
RM Phillips Professor in Economics of Innovation, University of Sussex
Email: [email protected]
{ Suresh Naidu
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics/SIPA, Columbia University.
Email: [email protected]
{ Fabio Petri
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena.
Email: [email protected]
{ Massimo Di Matteo
Professor of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Siena.
Email: [email protected]
1002 Thompson Hall – 200 Hicks way, UMass Amherst
B dgirardi(at)umass.edu • Born in Rome (Italy), 10/12/1986