Curriculum vitae of Ph.D. DAVIDE MANO


Curriculum vitae of Ph.D. DAVIDE MANO
Curriculum vitae of
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Ph.D. in Early Modern History. School of History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Dissertation : “Tumults in Pitigliano, 1799. Popular Resistance and Anti-Jewish
Violence”. Supervisors: Prof. Benjamin Arbel, Prof. Alexander Grab.
Diploma of English language for academic purposes “Amir”. National Institute
for Testing and Evaluation, Israel. Mention: 246/250.
“Laurea” University Degree on Hebrew Language and Literature. Eurasian
Studies Dept., “Ca' Foscari” University of Venice, Italy. Thesis : “Il misticismo
della preghiera e la contemplazione dell'unificazione nel Sefer Tikkune ha-Zohar”.
Supervisors: Prof. Giulio Busi, Prof. Giuliano Tamani. Mention: 110/110 cum laude.
Diploma of Hebrew language (Ulpan Kaitz). Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
High school diploma in Foreign languages (French, English, German). Liceo
Classico (linguistic specialisation), Schio (VI), Italy.
Italian: mother tongue
Hebrew, English, French : proficient
German, Yiddish, Spanish : basic knowledge
Dan David Prize Scholarship, one-year doctoral scholarship
School of History and Centre of International and Regional Studies “Daniel
Abraham» (Tel-Aviv University), one-year doctoral scholarship
School of History and Centre of European Studies “Morris E. Curiel” (Tel-Aviv
University), one-year doctoral scholarship
School of History and “Goldstein-Goren” Diaspora Research Centre (Tel-Aviv
University), one-year doctoral scholarship
School of History (Tel-Aviv University), one-year doctoral scholarship
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, eight-month research scholarship, hosting
institution: Tel-Aviv University
Eurasian Studies Department (« Ca' Foscari » University of Venice), research grant
for junior researchers
History of Jews
Hebrew language and literature
History of Jewish-Christian relations
History of Italy
History of the 18th century
History of the Revolutionary Age (1789-1815)
Contemporary Israel
Israeli literature
Israeli cinema
Research articles, contributions to conferences' proceedings, reviews
1. “Plaintes juives et contentieux judéo-chrétien. Le cas de Pitigliano dans le Grand-duché de
Toscane au XVIIIème siècle (1745-1803)”, L'Atelier du Centre de recherches historiques,
forthcoming in 2014.
2. “Towards Jewish Emancipation in the Grand-Duchy of Tuscany: the Case of Pitigliano Through
the Emblematic Figure of David Consiglio” (contribution to the conference's proceedings), Italia
Judaica: Proceedings of the Jubilee Conference (Tel-Aviv University - January 3-5, 2010), Brill,
Leiden, December 2012.
3. “Hommage à Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi (Parigi, 3 aprile 2011)” (review), La Rassegna Mensile di
Israel, July 2012.
4. “'Giacobini' di Pitigliano nel 1799” (contribution to the conference's proceedings), Pitigliano,
terra di accoglienza e libertà. Atti del Convegno (Pitigliano, 23 maggio 2009), Bologna, 2010, pp.
5. (with Alberto Brodesco) “L'obiettivo, lo specchio, il mirino. Lo sguardo sull'arabo del cinema
israeliano” (article), Cinergie. Il cinema e le altre arti, 20, 2010, pp. 33-37.
6. “Trapassi di una società in crisi. Ritorni e devianze del mondo ebraico contemporaneo” (article),
Trickster, 1, 2006.
7. “La conoscenza del mondo ebraico attraverso la sua letteratura: Rav e il Macellaio. Una
narrazione talmudica sul modello di pietas ebraica nel commentario di Admiel Kosman”
(contribution to the conference's proceedings), Culture nella narrativa. Gli scrittori delle
minoranze. Atti del convegno (Trento, 6 dicembre 2002), Trento 2003.
8. “Mele dal deserto di Savyon Liebrecht” (review), L’Indice dei Libri, XI, 2002.
Articles in newspapers and non-scientific magazines
9. “Da Zagabria a Gerusalemme: il potere della memoria. I ricordi di due bambini ebrei internati a
Malo tra il 1941 e il 1943”, Malo 74, 6, 2010, pp. 28-29.
10. “Sciattini e macellai di fine Settecento - Late eighteenth-century ‘sciattini’ and ‘macellari’
butchers”, Colline Oggi, 37, 2009, p. 9.
11. “Documenti inediti sulla rivolta in difesa degli ebrei a Pitigliano”, Il Tirreno, 6 January 2007
(Grosseto, cultural page).
1. Jewish Petitioning in the Age of Enlightened Reforms (late 18th century). The case of Pitigliano
in the Grand-Duchy of Tuscany. Paper presented at the Xth Congress of the European Association
for Jewish Studies, 21-24 July 2014, Paris.
2. ‘Gravamina’ juifs et contentieux judéo-chrétien. Le cas de Pitigliano dans le Grand-duché de
Toscane à l’âge des réformes éclairées (fin XVIIIe siècle). Paper presented at the research workshop
“Plaintes et suppliques dans les sociétés médiévales et modernes” organised by Simona Cerutti and
Massimo Vallerani. 31 May 2012 Paris, CRH-EHESS.
3. Bouchers juifs et chrétiens à Pitigliano (Toscane) en 1799: économie de l'urgence et
transgression de rituels religieux dans le cas d'un procès pour vol. Paper presented at the seminary
“Études juives: recherches en cours” directed by Sylvie Anne Goldberg. 30 May 2011 Paris, Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
4. Suppliques juives et réseaux sociaux judéo-chrétiens: le cas de Pitigliano (Toscane, fin XVIIIe
siècle). Paper presented at the seminary “Procès, plaintes, suppliques: la communication avec
l’autorité judiciaire dans les sociétés de l’époque moderne” directed by Simona Cerutti. 19 May
2011 Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
5. Tanin Pigu’a of Assaf Gavron: how to tell the two voices of the conflict. Paper presented with
Stefano Zolli at the international conference “The reception of David Grossman and Hebrew
literature in Europe and the US” organised by the University of Stanford et “Ca' Foscari” University
of Venice (14-16 March 2011). 16 March 2011 Venice, “Ca' Foscari” University.
6. Hitkomemut leil ha-orvietani be-pitiliano bi-shnat 1799: 'iyunim al mikreh shel anomalyah
historit [The Uprising of the Night of the Orvietani in 1799: Notes on a Case of Historical
Anomaly]. Paper presented at the PhD. seminary directed by David Katz. 19 January 2010 Tel-Aviv,
School of History, Tel-Aviv University.
7. Towards Jewish Emancipation in the Grand-Duchy of Tuscany: the Case of Pitigliano Through
the Emblematic Figure of David Consiglio. Paper presented at the international conference “Italia
Judaica Jubilee Conference” organised by the “Goldstein-Goren” Diaspora Research Centre (3-5
January 2010). 5 January 2010 Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv University.
8. Sciattini e macellari di Pitigliano a fine Settecento: le relazioni tra ebrei e cristiani nell'ambito
del commercio delle carni. Paper presented at the “Petilia Festival” organised by the Cultural
Committee of Pitigliano Municipality. 27 August 2009 Pitigliano, Jewish Museum.
9. 'Macellari' e 'sciattini' nel 1799: la comunità ebraica di Pitigliano all'epoca della prima
emancipazione. Paper presented at the meeting organised by the Group of Historical Studies of the
Jewish Community of Florence, directed by Mrs. Lionella Viterbo. 3 June 2009 Florence, Jewish
Community of Florence.
10. 'Giacobini' di Pitigliano nel 1799. Paper presented at the conference “Pitigliano, terra di
accoglienza e libertà” organised by Giovanni Greco and Roberto Giusti. 23 May 2009 Pitigliano.
11. Ha-mehkar ha-arkioni be-pitiliano [The archival research in Pitigliano]. Paper presented at the
MA seminary in Early-Modern History directed by Benjamin Arbel. 3 March 2009 Tel-Aviv, TelAviv University.
12. 'Sciattini' e 'macellari' a Pitigliano durante la prima emancipazione ebraica. Paper presented at
the first annual conference of ASSEI (22-24 February 2009). 24 February 2009 Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv
13. Uri Zvi Grinberg, poeta del Hurban: vita e opere. Lecture delivered at the class of Modern
Hebrew literature directed by Emanuela Trevisan Semi. 10 January 2003 Venice, Eurasian Studies
Department, “Ca' Foscari” University of Venice.
14. La conoscenza del mondo ebraico attraverso la sua letteratura: Rav e il Macellaio. Una
narrazione talmudica sul modello di pietas ebraica nel commentario di Admiel Kosman. Paper
presented at the conference “Culture nella narrativa. Gli scrittori delle minoranze” organised by the
Iprase Institute (5-6 December 2002). 6 December 2002 Trento, Iprase Institute.
15. L'estraneità e il dilemma arabo di Israele. Reach Oranim di Yehuda Gur-Arye e l'immagine
dell'arabo nella letteratura israeliana. Paper presented at the meeting “L'altra umanità” organised
by Montemurlo Municipality. 22 November 2002 Montemurlo, Town Cultural Centre.
16. Le infrastrutture del Libro dello Splendore: una storia della Kabbalah. Lecture delivered at the
meeting organised by the Rezzara Institute. 10 October 2000 Vicenza, Rezzara Institute.
From Medieval Hebrew and Aramaic to Italian
1. “Lo Zohar” (anthology of selected texts), Giorgio Agamben (ed.), Angeli. Ebraismo,
Cristianesimo, Islam, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2009, pp. 383-432.
From Modern Hebrew to Italian
2. Galit Hatan, “Sparare e guadagnare” (article), in Roberto Saviano, Gomorra, Mondadori, Milano
3. Assaf Gavron, La mia storia, la tua storia (novel), with Stefano Zolli, Mondadori, Milano 2009.
4. Aharon Shabtai, Politica. Poesie scelte (1997-2008) (anthology of selected poems), Multimedia,
Salerno 2008.
5. Admiel Kosman, “Siamo giunti a Dio (poesie)” (six selected poems), Nuovi Argomenti, “Schiavi
e Schiavitù”, 37, January-March 2007.
6. Dror Burstein, “Confini su misura” (three selected short proses), Trickster, 1, 2006.
7. Avraham Heffner, Come Abelardo, come Eloisa (novel), Giuntina, Firenze 2004.
8. Yehuda Gur-Arye, Vetro di Hebron. Racconti israeliani (stories), Giuntina, Firenze, 2002; second
ed., Garzanti, Milano 2004.
From English to Italian
9. Linda Grant, La gente per strada (novel), Alet, Padova 2007.
10. Emanuela Trevisan Semi et Tudor Parfitt, Ebrei per scelta. Movimenti di conversione
all'ebraismo (essays), Cortina, Milano 2004.
Il Cantico dei Cantici, audiobook, Il Narratore, Vicenza 2008.
Archival assistant, cataloguer of Hebrew and Yiddish archives
Archives Department, Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris