PAI?I5 - Faculté Jean Monnet


PAI?I5 - Faculté Jean Monnet
Année universitaire 201 3-2014
Diplôme de D.A.E.U
- Option A
- Juin 2014
Droit - Économie - Gestion
lntitulé de la matière : Anglais
Nom de I'enseignant : Mme AZZIMANI-ROUSSEAU
Date de l'épreuve : Jeudi 12 juin 2014
- 13h30/16h30
Document autorisé : Aucun
Nature de l'épreuve : Part 1 : Grarnmar
Part 2 : Written comprehension
Part 3 : Essay
L'épreuve est divisée en trois parties. Vous devez traiter les trois parties.
Merci de traiter les parties 1 et 2 sur le sujet d'examen.
La partie 3 sera rédigée sur la copie anonymée.
Le sujet d'examen sera agrafé à la cople anonymée au moment où vous
rendrez votre copie.
Merci de rendre le texte sur lequel portait I'exercice de compréhension.
Bon travail à tous
sur 7
1. Gornplete the following sentences with the preterite (simple/lNG) or the
present perfect (simple/lNG). 2,5 pts
this book about Martin Luther King.
a) I (already/read)
in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
b) Many famous activists (take part)
c) You must (walk)
for hours ; you look tired.
d) I (noUattend)
the history class yet.
e) In the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement (include)
forms of protest.
2. Gomplete the following sentences with the preterite (simple/lNG) or the past
perfect (simple/lNG). 2,5 pts
a) The little girl
at the people who (stand)
the steps of the school and
in the street.
the door of the building. He
b) He (open)
so many books before.
3. Put the following sentences into the passive voice. 3 pts
a) The police arrested Rosa Parks in 1955.
b) A young woman threatened Ruby Bridges,
c) Barack Obama invited Ruby Bridges to the White House.
4. Put the following sentences into indirect speech (Use the preterite to
introduce indirect speech). 2 pts
a) Laura (to Patrick) : "Have you watched the new documentary about Rosa Parks?"
Page 2 sur 7
b) Michael : "l went to Montgomery two years ago."
5. Complete the following sentences with the correct rnodal. 2pts
a) I have just bought her a ticket to New Orleans. You
is a secret I
b) "Teachef,
"Yes, you
tell her I This
leave, now ?"
c) Watch out lYou
6. What is the superlative of.... ? 2 pts
a) large
b) intelligent:
c) tall
d) good
7. Complete the following sentences with WHO, WHICH or WHOSE. 2 pts
a) The woman standing over there is one of the students
Little Rock Central High School.
b) The book
is on the shelf was written by Ruby Bridges.
c) The house
d) The man
door is blue, was bought by the new history teacher.
leg is broken is a famous activist.
8. Complete the following sentences with A, AN, THE or @. 2pts
a) ln 1963, Martin Luther King organized a march on Washington. _march was
_ important event. lt is known as _ March on Washington for _ Jobs and
c) Rosa Parks was _
activist. She is one of
"ordinary woman". Overnight, she became
symbols of the Civil Rights Movement.
Page 3 sur 7
9. lrregular verbs : Complete the following grid. 2 pts
Base form
Past participle
1. Circle the correct statement. 2 pts
a) The text is : - an extract from a novel
- a web article
- an extract from a speech delivered by Barack Obama.
b) The text deals with : - the famous group of black people who enrolled in a white
high school.
- the results of the former American presidential election.
- Racism in the United States in 2008.
2. True or false ? Circle T (true) or F (false) and justify your answer by quotinq
from the text. 12pts
a) The "Little Rock Nine" are African Americans who enrolled in an all-white high
school in Arkansas in
b) Barack Obama refused to invite the "Little Rock Nine" to his first presidential
Page 4 sur 7
c) When they were in high school, the nine students faced threats and physical
d) "Brown vs Board of Education" decreed that segregation was legal in schools.
e) President Einsenhower had to send military forces to help enforce the law.
f) The nine black students decided to run
g) Martin Luther King asked the nine students to run
fhe Arkansas events had psychological consequences on the students.
3. Elizabeth Eckford did not go to Washington for the presidential inauguration
for two reasons. Quote these two reasons ? 1 pts
4. Martin Luther King said (to one of the students) : "Melba, you are not doing
this for yourself, you are doing this for generations yet unborn" (1. 25). What
does it mean ? Circle the correct statement. 1 pt
- You are causing troubles for future generations.
- You behave like a baby.
Page 5 sur 7
- You are making things easier for future generations.
5. What does the following sentence mean ? Circle the correct statement. 1 pt
Melba Patillo said "When I look at what Nelson Mandela did and slaves who revolted,
and Rosa Parks, and Gandhi, we are all one." (1l.26-27)
a) "The Little Rock Nine" can be compared to all those who stood
up to (opposed
b) "The Little Rock Nine" refuse to be compared to Gandhi.
c) Melba Patillo refuses to be compared to Rosa Pàrks.
Circle the correct word. 2 pts
a) "Mobs"
2) means
b) "Whining" (1.24) refers to
c) "Yells"
d) "Fierce"
30) means :
30) means
a plainting
speaks slowly
7. What do the following numbers refer to ? 1 pt.
1,900 (t. 19)
1a (1.22)
Choose ONE of the following subjects and write at least 200 words.
Subjet 1 : Why was Barack Obama's first presidential inauguration a symbolic event
in American history ?
Sub.lect 2 : lmagine what the "Little Rock Nine" felt and said when they learnt that
theywere invited to Barack Obama's presidential inauguration.
Page 6 sur 7
The president-elect has invited as inauguration guests the nine black people who as children
defied racist mobs in Arkansas over 50 years ago.
Beaten, kicked, spat at, threatened with death and abused daily for months after enrolling in a
white high school in Arkansas, the "Little Rock Nine" have been invited as honoured guests to
perhaps the most eagerly awaited inauguration in American history.
The Nine did not know each other before they were enrolled at Central High School in 1957
following the historic Brown vs Board of Education ruling in the US Supreme Couft, which
decreed that the traditional segregation
schools separating whites from blacks was
When they tumed up at the prestigious all-white school, the group, who were only 14 or 15
years old, were confronted with hostile crowds. Pupils and their parents had formed a hate
mob, and the racist govemor of Arkansas ordered soldiers of the National Guard to bar their
way into school.
In a momentous action that reverberated around the world, President Eisenhower ordered
troops of the l0lstAirbome to protect the nine and ensure their passage into the school. From
then on the teenagers attended lessons (...). "We were hit, we were kicked down the steps, we
had snowballs with rocks inside thrown at us. We were called everything and had death
threats sent to us," said Brown.
They were nine black pupils among 1,900 white peers. "It was pretty tough to handle, but we
20 didn't run away. We knew we had a right to be there. All we wanted was equal access to the
best education available and have a chance to be a part of the American Dream," said Carlotta
Walls, who at barely 14 was the youngest of the nine. (...)
The civil rights leader Martin Luther King met the nine and encouraged them not to give up.
Patillo said: "I had eggs thrown all over me and I was whining to Dr King about it. He said
25 'Melba, you are not doing this for yourself, you are doing this for generations yet unborn'.
Now when I look at what Nelson Mandela did and slaves who revolted, and Rosa Parks, and
Gandhi, we are all one."
Not all of the group will make it to Washington on 20 January. Probation offrcer Elizabeth
Eckford, who appears in one of the most famous newspaper pictures of the time walking to
school with her books while a fierce mob yells at her, said she could not afford the trip. But
she also explained that she still suffers from a fear of crowds, however benign, after those
early years in Little Rock. "I'm really looking forward to the inauguration, but I'11 watch it on
rny television. It would be very uncomfortable for me to be in such an immense crowd. I have
post-traumatic stress disorder because we were knocked about daily at Central. I still can't
35 stand to have people close behind me, even in an elevator."
Gloria Ray (...) worked âs an aerospace research technician. "I was hit and kicked and I bear
the mental and physical scârs, but because of what happened in Little Rock more doors were
opened, notjust to schools but to jobs," she said.
Adapted from " 'Little Rock Nine' prepare to celebrate day of victory", Joanna Walters in New York,
The Observeq Sunday 28 December 2008, The Guardian,
http ://www.the guardian. com/world/200 8/dec/2 8/usa-barack-obama-race
Page 7 sur 7
Année universitaire 201 3-201 4
Diplôme de D.A.E.U
2è'" session
- Option A
Septembre 2014
Droit - Écônômie - Gestion
lntitulé de la matière : Anglais
Nom de l'enseiEnant : Mme AZZIMANI-ROUSSEAU
Date de l'épreuve : Mardi 9 septembre 2014- 13h30/16h30
Document autorisé : Aucun
Nature de l'épreuve : Part 1 :
Part2: Written comprehension
L'épreuve est divisée en trois parties. Vous devez traiter Ies trois parties.
Merci de rendre le texte sur lequel portait I'exercice de compréhension.
Merci de traiter les parties 1 et2 sur le sujet d'examen.
La partie 3 sera rédigée sur la copie anonymée.
Le sujet d'examen sera agrafé à la copie anonymée au moment où vous
rendrez votre copie.
Bon travail à tous
Page 1 sur 7
1. Complete the following sentences using the present tense (simple/lNG). 2 pts
in South Africa.
a) Her brother (live)
b) South Africa's currency (be)
the rand.
b) "What (you/do)
"l (listen)
to a speech by Jacob Zuma."
2. Complete the following sentences using the preterite (simple/lNG). 2 pts
a) Nadine Gordimer was a famous South African writer and an anti-apartheid activist. She
on July 13,2014.
a book by Nadine Gordimer when the telephone (ring)
b) He (read)
c) Nelson Mandela (meet)
Nadine Gordimer after his release in 1990.
3. Complete the following sentences using the preterite (simple/lNc) or the present
perfect (simple/lNG). 2 pts
from Johannesburg.
a) He fiusUcome)
the ceremony for hours. We still have a lot of work to do.
b) We (prepare)
television when he (hear)
c) He (watch)
the news.
4. Complete the following sentences using the preterite (simple/lNc) or the past
perfect (simple/lNG). 2 pts
to South Africa last year. They (already/visit)
a) They (go)
the country two years before.
b) Nelson Mandela (become)
1994. Severalyears before, he (spend)
the first black president of South Africa in
27 years in prison.
Page 2 sur 7
5. Put the following sentences into the passive voice. 2 pts
a) They awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela and Frederik de Klerk.
b) Jacob Zuma announced Nelson Mandela's death on television.
6. Put the following sentences into indirect speech (Use the preterite to introduce
indirect speech). 2 pts
a) He said : " I am happy to have been invited to the ceremony".
b) Lisa said : "Mark should visit South Africa".
7. Complete the following sentences using the correct modal. 2 pts
a) lf I were you, I wouldn't go out now ! It _
visit the Apartheid Museum. lt is really interesting.
b) You
be risky
you lend me your car? I would like to go to Pretoria.
8. Gomplete the following sentences using WHO, WHICH or WHOSE. 2 pts
a) Thabo Mbeki is the
b) The
succeeded Nelson Mandela as president.
is next to this building is the most prestigious school of Pretoria.
d) The building
door is open is the headquarters of the A.N.C.
Page 3 sur 7
9. Complete the following sentences using A, AN, THE or A. 2 pts
_ multicultural country. lt attracts a lot of tourists. lf you go to South
Africa, you can see
impressive number of animals and plants. South Africa has 3
capitals '. _ Pretoria (administrative capital), _ Cape Town (legislative) and
Bloemfontein (udicial). _
country is headed by _ President Jacob Zuma. South
Africa is now _ democratic country but it is marked by social inequality.
South Africa is
10. lrregular verbs : Complete the following grid. 2 pts
Base form
Past participle
1. Circle the correct statement. 2 pts
a) The text
- an extract from Nelson Mandela's memoirs
- a pamphlet
- a web article
b) The text deals
- a meeting organized by Nelson Mandela before his death
- the election of Nelson Mandela
- Nelson Mandela's death
Page 4 sur 7
2. True or false ? Circle T (true) or F (false) and justify your answer by quoting from
the text. 14 pts
a) Jacob Zuma announced that Nelson Mandela had gone to the United States the day
before at 8.50 pm
b) Jacob Zuma is an
c) For Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela was a role
d) Nelson Mandela is compared to Gandhi and Martin Luther
King' T
e) ln 1964, Nelson Mandela declared that he was ready to sacrifice his life for his ideal.
f) For the first time in history, South Africa hosted the World Cup in 2010.
g) Tambo and Sisulu were two major figures of the fight against
Page 5 sur 7
3. What was the Truth and Reconciliation committee (1. 28) ? 2 pts.
4. What do the following words mean ? Circle the correct word. 2 pts.
"Towering" (1. 1)
Great sorrow
Voted for
Let out of prison
Ghoose ONE of the following topics and write an essay of at least 200 words. 20 pts
Topic 1 : Why was Nelson Mandela considered to be a hero ?
Topic 2 : lmagine that you are a journalist. You have been asked to write a short article
about Nelson Mandela. (Don't forget to give your article a title)
Page 6 sur 7
Nelson Mandela, the towering figure of Africa's struggle for freedom and a hero to millions around
the world, has died at the age of 95.
South Africa's first black president died in the company of his family at home in Johannesburg after
years of declining health that had caused him to withdraw from public life.
5 The news was announced to the country by the current president, Jacob Ztma, who in a sombre
televised address said Mandela had "departed" around 8.50pm local time and was at peace. (...)
Early on Friday morning Archbishop Desmond Tutu led a memorial service in Capetown where he
called for South Africa to become as a nation what Mandela had been as a man. (...)
Barack Obama (...) said: "Through his fîerce dignity and unbending will to sacrifice his own
10 freedom for the freedom of others, Madiba transformed South Africa (...). His journey from a
prisoner to a president embodied the promise that human beings - and countries - can change for
the better. His commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who jailed him set an
example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal
David Cameron said: "A great light has gone out in the world" and described Mandela as "a hero of
our time".
FW de Klerk
with him (...)
- the South African president who freed Mandela
- said : (...) "He was a great unifier." (...)
[and] shared the Nobel peace prize
[Mandela's] death sends South Africa deep into mourning and self-reflection, nearly 20 years after
led the country from racial apartheid to inclusive democracy. But his passing will also be (...) felt
by people around the world who revered Mandela as one of history's last great statesmen, and a
moral paragon* comparable with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Martin Luther King. (...)
Conducting his own defence in the Rivonia trial in l964,he said: "I have cherished the ideal of a
democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal
25 opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for
which I am prepared to die." (...)
His presidency rode a wave of tremendous global goodwill but was not without its difficulties. (...)
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who headed the truth and reconciliation committee after the fall of
apartheid, said: "He transcended race and class in his personal actions (...). And he restored others'
30 faith inAfrica andAfricans." (...)
Mandela continued to make occasional appearances at ANC events and attended the inauguration of
the current president, Jacob Zuma. His 91st birthday was marked by the first annual "Mandela Day"
in his honour.
He was last seen in public at the final of the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, a tournament he had
35 helped bring to SouthAfrica for the first time (...).
Sisulu having gone before Mandela,
With other giants of the movement such as Tambo and
the defining chapter of Africa's oldest liberation movement is now closed.
*paragon : model, ideal
Adapted from'Nelson Mandela, SouthAfricas first black president, dies aged 95" by David Smith, The Guardian,
December 6,2013, lworldl2}l3ldec/O5/nelson-mandela-dies-aged-95-south-africa
Page 7 sur 7
Année universitaire 2013'2014
Diplôme de D.A.E.u
1"'" session
- option A
- Juin 2014
Droit - Économie - Gestion
Nom de l'enseiqnant :
Date de I'épreuve :
Document autorisé :
Nature de l'épreuve :
lntitulé de la matière
13h30 à 16h30
épreuve écrite
L'épreuve est divisée en trois parties. Vous devez traiter les trois parties.
Merci de traiter la partie 1 sur le sujet d'examen.
Les parties 2 et 3 seront rédigées sur la copie anonymée.
Le sujet d'examen sera agrafé à la copie anonymée au moment où vous
rendrez votre copie
Merci de rendre le texte sur lequel portait l'exercice de compréhension
Bon travail à tous
Gornplete con Ser o Estar seqün convenga
- EI Museo del Louvre
- Anoche (nosotros)
- Mi hermano
- Esta chica
cerrado los lunes.
en Parls para mi cumpleaôos.
muy rico porque no le gusta gastar dinero.
morena porque se pasa todo el dfa en la playa.
- Los estudiantes piensan . « iOjala el examen
Page 1 sur 4
Gomplete poniendo los verbos en la forma correcta
el 5 de diciembre de 2013 en
- Nelson Mandela (morir)
Doctor Honoris Causa de 9
Johannesburgo. Mandela (ser)
much[simos premios y distinciones.
niversidades y (recibir)
pasteles y (poner)
- Cuando (hacer, yo)
a los nifros a mi lado que
chocolate , siempre (tener)
meter los dedos dn la masa.
- La semana pasada, cuando los obreros (destruir)
el edificio
demasiado amianto, (descubrir)
porque (tener)
un montôn de monedas de oro escondidas en las
- No le (deciQ
a Marla que hemos hablado.
- Antes de que (ierminar)
la semana, tenemos que pasar por
la biblioteca para devolver los libros.
- Es posible que él (venir)
- Cuando (conocer, nosotros)
el resultado del examen,
podremos irnos de vacaciones tranquilos.
- Si no (llegar, nosotros)
a tiempo para
eltren de las 7h38,
tomamos el de las 7h58.
Page 2 sur 4
Lea elsiguiente texto
Por qué soy sojoescéptica
Mi hija Jimena, que se dedica a la publicidad, empieza a estar cansada de su madre.
Dice que no es plan trabajar hasta las tantas y luego, volver a casa, tener que seguir
hablando del tema con la pesada de mamâ, que, con cada anuncio publicitario que ve, le
interroga sobre el diseflo y otros detalles. Pena me dar ser tan latosa, pero estarân ustedes
de acuerdo conmigo en que los anuncios son lo mâs interesante que uno puede ver en la
En los anuncios hay de todo, las aspiraciones de Ia gente, su forma de ver la vida, lo
que les gusta y lo que no les gusta. Hay un tema que me tiene fascinada y es la sojomanla
o, lo que es lo mismo, la omnipresencia de este vegetal. Si hacemos caso de lo que dicen,
la soja debe de ser algo asi como la panacea universal. Porque hoy en dla resulta que hay
soja en Ia leche y en los yogures, en las pizzas y en salsas dulces, en las cremas para la
cara y en el champü y el gel de bafio.
Como estoy a punto de entrar en eso que llaman « la edad complicada de la
mujer », he estado informândome y he descubierto que no es tan mâgica. Por lo visto, en
un principio se creyô que aliviaba los slntomas de la menopausia, porque las japonesas no
sufren sus caracteristicos sofocos. Sin embargo, muy pronto se llegô a la conclusiôn de que
el secreto debia de estar en algün otro ingrediente de la dieta japonesa, porque las
coreanas, que comen tanta soja como las japonesas, s[ sufren los sofocos de la edad. Aün
as[, ya se habian lanzado campanas al vuelo. Las sociedades occidentales exageraron las
virtudes de la soja, y ahora tenemos soja para aburrirnos. Conste que para ml tiene un
aspecto muy positivo esta manfa. Gracias a ella, en Uruguay se estân plantando enormes
extensiones de tal producto de modo que mi pais podrâ empezar a salir de su dif[cil
situaciôn econômica. Pero, dicho esto, yo soy sojoescéptica. Dudo mucho que con
desayunar leche con soja vaya a rejuvenecer, veo improbable que comer pan de monde con
soja sea el santo remedio y estoy segura, vamos, segurisima, de que ducharme con soja no
va a convertirme en top-model.
Mi hija Jimena dice que soy muy drâstica, que algo tendrâ la soja cuando la
bendicen, pero a mi me parece una pamplina. Lo ünico en lo que yo creo es en comer mâs
sano, mâs o menos rico. S[, creo que hasta que un espabilado industrial le afrada soja a mi
vicio favorito, el chocolate, seguiré siendo escéptica, sojoescéptica, quiero decir.
Adaptado de la Vanguardia
Conteste con sus palabras a las prequntas siquientes
1. aQué hacen la madre y Ia hija cuando estân juntas en casa después
aCômo es presentada la soja en la televisiôn ?
aQué dicen a este respecto los anuncios en la televisiôn ?
aQué aspecto del tema sile parece bien a Ia autora ?
;Cuâl es Ia opiniôn general de la autora
de trabajar ?
Page 3 sur 4
Escriba una redacci6n de unas 150-200 palabras (15-20 lineas) de uno de los temas
Tema A'. Muchas personas intentan mejorar su esfado fîsico gracias a /as llamadas « dietas
mâgicas » que se presenf an en los medios de comunicaciôn. aQué le parece a usfed esfe
tipo de dietas ?
Elabore una redacciôn en la que deberâ
- Explicar su opiniôn.
- Compararla con otras opiniones.
- Hablar de una experiencia que la apoye.
- Afradir una conclusiôn.
Tema B : n Los medios de comunicaciôn que presentan métodos para adelgazar deberân
explicar siempre en qué esfudlos cientïficos estân basados » lQué le parece a usted esta
afirmaciôn ?
Elabore una redacciôn en Ia que
- Exprese su opiniôn a favor o en contra de esta afirmaciôn.
- Dé ejemplos que justifiquen su posiciôn.
- Hable de Ia influencia de la televisiôn en nuestras costumbres.
- Af,ada una conclusiôn.
Page 4 sur 4
An née
tJ!\t!v Et<:t I t:
niversit aire 201 4-201 5
Diplôme de D.A.E.U
1è'" session
Option A
- Juin 2015
Droit - Économie - Gestion
lntitulé de la matière :
Nom de I'enseiqnant:
Date de l'épreuve :
Document autorisé :
Nature de l'épreuve :
Epreuve écrite
La filologa a capo di un sito di e-commerce cinese
di Nicola di Turi
Dagli incunabolir, agli ideogrammi. Passando per il marketing, l'e-commerce e la Cina. La storia di
Simona, in fondo, è quella di tantissimi altri giovani italiani.
Storie a volte retoriche, ma spesso sospese soprattutto tra ambizioni e difficoltà: «La lingua è un
grosso limite perché nessuno parla inglese. Per me è come vivere su un altro pianeta e ci sono cose a
cui non potrei abituarmi nemmeno se vivessi qui altri dieci anni. Ma al momento non tornerei in
Italia nemmeno guadagnando di più», racconta Simona.
Ventisei anni, di Avellino, Simona si è laureata in Filologia a Siena e ha trascorso un periodo di studio
all'Università di Edimburgo. Oggi vive e lavora a Chengdu, nel Sichuan, ed è responsabile di un sito
di abbigliamento online che vende capi2 in Europa. «Faccio un po' di tutto: marketing, social media,
servizio clienti, public relations. Sono partita sola, senza conoscere nessuno. La prima notte in Cina ho
sognato di essere finita in un film horror: c'era una ragazzina con i capelli neri, lunghi, immobile al
centro della stanza. I miei amici cinesi mi prendono ancora in giro. Ma le differenze con l'Italia sono
dawero infinite, ed è come vivere su un altro pianeta», spiega.
Dfficoltà d'ambientamento a parte, I'ostacolo principule è stato invece superare le resistenze prima
della partenza: «Dopo la laurea ho mandato curricul« ovunque. Ho avuto più di un'offerta e ho
scelto quella più interessante. Ma owiamente erano tlttti contro quest'idea. Prima di partire mi
ricordo di aver detto a mia madre che, al massimo, sc la situazione.fosse stata dawero ingestibile3,
sarei tornata a casa)), racconta Simona.
Al contrario di molti, perô, la scelta di trasferirsi in Cina non è scaturitaa da esperi enze di lavoro
deludenti in Italia. «In Italia non ho mai lavorato. Ho fatto uno stage ad Edimburgo, e dopo la laurea
ho vinto qualche borsa di dottorato nel Regno Unito e in America. Ma le borse non erano sufficienti ad
assicurarmi una vita tranquilla, e avrei dor.uto trovare un altro lavoro, o chiedere aiuto ai miei. Adesso
invece guadagno discretamente e soprattutto imparo cose nuove)>, dice Simona.
Ma quel che l'ha segnata di più, senza dubbio, è la fiducia accordatale nel breve volgere' di qualche
mese. <<Ho già fatto parte di un gruppo ristretto di colleghi che hanno lavorato a una start-up. Dopo
sei mesi mi è stata datalapossibilità di guidare cinque persone e decidere la strategia di
marketing. È vero, la start-up poi non è diventata una vera impresa, ma l'esperienza accumulata è
stata comunque enonne. Non credo che in Italia mi sarebbe stata data la stessa opportunità di
imparare». confessa la giovane.
Sorprendentemente, invece, finora la lingua non è stata un problema neanche per lei, che racconta
di non poter contare certo su un vocabolario cinese untplissimo: «Tutto il sistema interno della mia
Incunabolo : nome der primi libri stampati (fino all'anno 1500).
'3 Cupo
: vestito.
Ingestibile : che non si puô gestire e controllare.
Scaturire : derivare
Volgere : passare, trascorrere.
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azienda è in cinese. Ma tuttora non so leggere le parole, so solo che li ci sono le vendite, li i costi di
promozione. Dopo mesi, perà, dovendo leggere i dati ogrti giorno, ho imparato a riconoscere quello
che mi interessa. Le mie colleghe sono ancora senzu pttrole, ma nella vita privata, perfortuna, ho
diversi amici cinesi che hanno studiato in America e mi oiutano su tLttto».
Sugli amici italiani, invece, non ripone grandi aspettative. «Se aiutati, vivere in Cina non è difficile.
Infatti ci sono molti italiani, per 1o più di mezza età. Ma onestamente non credo che dall'Italia mi
imiterebbero. Stare a casa è bello per tutti»., lJ dicembre
20 14
A. Compréhension (20 points)
A.1. Cocher Ia bonne réponse (une seule bonne réponse par question).
1/ Simona ha
di 30 anni
b) più di 30 anni
c) non lo sappiamo
a) meno
2/ Simona ha studiato all'università di
a) Avellino
b) Siena
c) Chengdu
3/ Simona ha già guidato un'équipe di
a) 15 persone
b) 5 persone
c) 25 persone
4.2. Répondre le plus précisément possible.
l) In che cosa consiste il lavoro
che Simonâ svolge in Cina?
2) Che cosa ha segnato di più Simona dopo
suo arrivo in Cina?
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3) La lingua cinese è stata un problema per Simona?
B. Grammaire (20 points)
8.1. Transposer les phrases suivantes au passé composé.
1) La storia è quella
2) Nessuno parla inglese
3) Lavora a Chengdu
4) Faccio un po' di tutto
5) I miei amici mi prendono in giro
6) Non so leggere
8.2. Transposer les phrases suivantes à la forme de politesse.
1) Studia le lingue!
2) Cerca di accumulare molta esperienza!
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3) Devi superare le difficoltà!
C. Expression écrite (20 pts)
Vous traiterez
des deux sujets proposés, au choix (150 mots,
- l0 %)
Immagina l'e-mail che Simona scrive a una sua amica rimasta in Italia per raccontarle
la sua vita in Cina.
Ti piacerebbe vivere all'estero per lavoro? Perché?
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