Critical Encyclopedia of Re-use and Restoration of Twentieth


Critical Encyclopedia of Re-use and Restoration of Twentieth
CUS – Swiss Cooperation Project in Architecture
Project review
Critical Encyclopedia of Re-use and Restoration
of XXth Century Architecture
Mendrisio, 15th September 2010
= Bioclimatic architecture
= Use of renewable energy sources
= Recycling, reuse of what already exists: REUSE OF EXISTING BUILDINGS
Critical Encyclopedia of Re-use and Restoration of XXth-Century Architecture
= systematic inventory of topics related to XXth century buildings as objects of
= critical reflection on the state of the art of culture and practice of XXth century
building reuse and restoration
Subject domains:
Theory and history of re-use and restoration
Theory and history of XXth century architecture
Material history of buildings
History of urban design
Documentation, decay, diagnosis and intervention
Scholars: MA level
MAS level (3d level courses)
PhD level
I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI (AAM, AdM)
1. History of XXth century preservation: theory and practice
Entries and case studies
2. Critical tools for XXth century architectural history geared towards preservation
Entries and case studies
II. Material history of buildings and preservation design – EPFL/USI
3. XXth century construction materials, techniques and conservation issues
Critical introduction and monographic studies
4. Documentary history of building structures in engineering and architecture
Critical introduction and monographic studies
5. Building services and engineering, from artificial comfort to energy retrofitting
Critical introduction and monographic studies
III. Historical-critical tools for urban preservation – ETHZ
6. Documentary history and theory of urban preservation
Entries and case studies
IV. Tools and methods for preservation practice – SUPSI
7. Documentation
Entries and case studies
8. Decay: diagnosis and intervention techniques
Entries, illustrated glossary and case studies
9. Project and works management in preservation
Entries and case studies
- Heterogeneous and collective dimension of the research, developed by an
international team of researchers from different backgrounds
(architecture, history, engineering, etc.)
- Cumulative character of the knowledge developed by the research team
- …
- Ambitious goal of the proposed project and the difficulty in calibrating it to
available resources
Limitations of the research scope
- Geographic scope
- General organisation (external
cooperation, seminars, etc.)
- Articulation by entries and case studies
Chronological program / Timeline
based on the commitments and
possibilities of the researchers involved
Chronological Program
Phase 1
"Documentation and Organisation"
Review of the “state of the art” for each section
Phase 2
"Further research and synthesis"
Drafting of entries/essays and case studies/monographic studies
Phase 3
Preparation of texts and documentation
(illustrations, drawings) for the printed version
Issues identified by the Scientific Committee Assessment
1- Start the production of text samples
Production of text samples has started: 2 case studies attached to the assessment-report.
Issue n. 1 – Text samples. Current state of progress
Section I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI
Resp. prof. Reichlin, USI
Researchers: Roberta Grignolo, Dorothea Deschermeier
Entries + 30 Case-studies
The notion of authenticity
- Duiker, Bijvoet, Zonnestraal Sanatorium, Hilversum, 1927-31
- Haefeli, Moser, Steiger, Eternit Headquarters, Niederurnen, 1954-55
- Jean Tschumi, Nestle Headquarters, Vevey, 1960
- Loos, Building in Michaelerplatz, Vienna, 1910
- Gaudì, Güell Park, Barcelona, 1900-14
- Lopez, Réby, Caisse d’Allocations Familiales, Paris, 1955-59
- Hannes Meyer, ADGB Schule, Bernau (Berlino), 1928-30
Monument restoration and Museification (private residences)
- Brinkman, Van der Vlugt, Sonneveld House, Rotterdam, 1933
- Portaluppi, Villa Necchi-Campiglio, Milano, 1932-35
- Adolf Loos, Mueller Villa, Prague, 1928-30
Time stratifications
- Le Corbusier, Residential district in Pessac, Gironde, 1923-26
- Le Corbusier, Maison Blanche, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1912
- Rietveld, Schroeder House, Utrecht, 1923-24
- Gropius, Bauhaus Building, Dessau, 1925-26
Large scale industrial sites. Planning and management over time
- Brinkman, Van der Vlugt, Van Nelle Factory, Rotterdam, 1926-31
- Schupp, Kremmer, Zeche Zollverein (Schachtanlage XII), Essen,1928-30
"Abords des monuments"
- Le Corbusier, Chapelle de Notre Dame du Haut, Ronchamp, 1950-55
Unwanted monuments, Monuments with a political connotation
- Hans Dollgast, Altes Pinakothek, München
- Graffunder, Swora, Kulturpalast o Palast der Republik, Berlin, 1976
- Mies van der Rohe, German Pavilion, Barcelona, 1929
- Erich Mendelsohn, Mosse Haus, Berlin, 1921-23
- Le Corbusier, Esprit Nouveau Pavillion, Paris, 1925
- Le Corbusier/Oubrerie, Eglise de Saint Joseph, Firminy, 1963/2006
Representative typologies and building genres (Gattung)
- Reuse of office buildings: Haefeli, Moser, Steiger, Hochhaus zur
Palme, Zurigo, 1956-64; H. Koella, Office Building in
Weinbergstrasse, Zurigo, 1972
- Reuse and adaptation of residential buildings, Zurich, around 1960
Updating of original functions
- Vicariot, Aéréport Orly-Sud, Paris, 1957-61
- Egender, Hallenstadion, Zurich, 1939
- Suvretta Hotel, Saint Moritz, 1912-15
Specific restoration issues
- Van Doesburg, Arp, Tauber, Café Aubette, Strasbourg, 1926
- Mallet-Stevens, Villa Cavroix, Croix, 1929-32
- F.L. Wright, "Fallingwater", Mill Run, Pennsylvania, 1935-39
Restauration, regulations and exemptions
- Le Corbusier, Maison La Roche, Paris, 1923
- Steger and Egender, Kunstgewerbeschule, Zürich, 1933
Section I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI
Brinkman, Van der Vlugt, Van Nelle Factory, Rotterdam, 1926-31
Section I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI
Haefeli, Moser, Steiger, Hochhaus zur Palme, Zurich, 1956-64
H. Koella, Office Building in Weinbergstrasse, Zurich, 1972
Section I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI
Van Doesburg, Tauber, Arp, Café Aubette, Strasbourg, 1926
Issue n. 1 – Text samples. Current state of progress
Section I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI
- Entries which introduce or link different parts
- Theoretical Entries
A list of entries and authors (internal and external) has been prepared (annexe A of assessment report).
- Essays on restoration in the main countries:
Authors: Adolph Stiller (Austria), Bernard Toulier (France), Michael Petzet (Germany),
Marieke Kuipers (Netherlands), Margherita Guccione (Italy), etc.
- Essays on XXth century preservation institutions:
Authors: Lodovico Folin Calabi (UNESCO), Eduard Müller, Ruggero Tropeano (ICOMOS), Ana Tostoes
(DoCoMoMo International), etc.
- Essays on XXth century inventories:
Autori: Lodovico Folin Calabi (UNESCO), Georg Germann (national Swiss inventories: INSA, ISOS, IFP, IVHS),
François Goven, Sylvie Denante ("Label Patrimoine XX siècle" and inventory of the Région PACA, France).
- Essays on specific topics:
Mariel Polman, Restoration of Polychromy
Arthur Ruegg, Restoration of Le Corbusier's Interiors
Chronological program: essay assignments by Feb 2001, to have first essays by Dec 2011, last essays by Feb 2012.
Issue n. 1 – Text samples. Current state of progress
Section II. Material history of buildings and preservation design – EPFL/USI
Resp. prof. Graf, EPFL/USI
Researchers: Francesca Albani, Yvan Delemontey, Giulia Marino
Introductory essays
35 Monographic studies
Edificio per uffici della Montecatini, Gio. Ponti, Milano, 1935-1939
Shell Haus, Emil Fahrenkamp, Berlin, 1930-1932
Palazzo delle Poste, Giuseppe Vaccaio, Napoli, 1928-1936
Finlandia Hall, Alvar Aalto, 1967/1971
IG Farben Fabrik, Hans Poelzig, Frankfürt, 1928-1931
Alusuisse, Hans Hoffmann, Zürich, 1955-1956
Pavillon de l’Aluminium, Jean Prouvé, Paris, 1954
Ca’ Brütta, Giovanni Muzio, Milano, 1919-1922
Olivetti Training Center, James Stirling, Haslemere, 1969-1972
Olympiastadion, Frei Otto, Munich, 1972
Eternit AG, Niederurnen, 1954, 1964
Tour Nobel, De Mailly, Depussé, Prouvé, La Défense-Paris, 1964-1966
Cité du Lignon, Addor, Julliard, Payot, Genève, 1963-1971
Tour de la Bourse, Luigi Moretti, Pier Luigi Nervi, Montréal, 1964-1972
Système GEAI, Marcel Lods, Rouen, Villeurbanne, 1971-1974
Grattacielo Pirelli, Gio. Ponti, Pier Luigi Nervi, Milano, 1956-1961
Technikum, Franz Füegg, Brugg-Windisch, 1964-1966
IBM-Haus, Rolf Gutbrod, Berlin, 1960-1961
Magazzini La Rinscente, Franco Albini, Franca Helg, Roma, 1957-1961
Ilots 1, 2, 4, 5, Orléans (FR), Pol Abraham, 1944-1949
Ensemble de la production Honegger frères, Genève, 1954-1966
Unité d'habitation, Marseille (FR), Le Corbusier, 1946-1952
Ancienne Cité administrative, Pantin (FR), Jacques Kalisz, 1964-1973
SHAPE, Fontainebleau (FR), Lods & Cammas, 1951-1953
Tour Bois-le-Prêtre, Paris (FR), Raymond Lopez, années 1960
Université libre, Berlin (D), Candilis, Josic, Woods, 1963-1974
Marburger Bausystem (D), Spieker, arch.
Station de Flaine (FR), Marcel Breuer, 1959-1972
Immeuble Clarté, Genève (CH), Le Corbusier, 1931-1933
Tour Croulebarbe, Paris (FR), Edouard Albert, 1956-1961
Maison de l'Iran, Paris (FR), Parent, Foroughi, Ghiai, Bloc, 1961-1969
Ecole CLASP (UK), Hertfordshire county council,, années 1950
Ensemble de Meudon-la-Forêt, Meudon (FR), Pouillon, 1957-1962
Centre de vacances pour enfants, Mumliswil (CH), Meyer, 1937-1939
Section II. Material history of buildings and preservation design – EPFL/USI
Sub-section 3. XXth century construction materials, techniques and conservation issues
Gio Ponti, Montecatini Headquarters, Milan, 1935-39
Section II. Material history of buildings and preservation design – EPFL/USI
Sub-section 3. XXth century construction materials, techniques and conservation issues
Pol Abraham, Ilots 1, 2, 4, 5, Orléans, 1944-49
Section II. Material history of buildings and preservation design – EPFL/USI
Sub-section 5. Building services and engineering, from artificial comfort to energy retrofitting
Jean De Mailly, Jacques Depussé, Jean Prouvé, Tour Nobel, La Défense-Paris, 1964-66
Issue n. 1 – Text samples. Current state of progress
Section III. Historical-critical tools for urban preservation – ETHZ
Resp. prof. Magnago Lampugnani, ETHZ
Researcher: Konstanze Domhardt
Anthology of theoretical texts on urban planning issues in preservation
Key case studies / Minor case studies
for each of the following 3 themes:
a. The application of classical methods of heritage preservation to the urban structure – "Ensemble"
I.C.O. Olivetti-Werke, since 1934
Stalinallee, since 1950
Sulzer Areal Winterthur
b. Preservation and Design. The "Stadtbild" between urban preservation and city development – "Neighborhood"
Grosssiedlung Britz (Hufeisensiedlung), Berlin, 1925–1933
Siedlung Neubühl, Zürich, 1928–1932
Le Havre Town Centre, since 1945
Hamburger Speicherstadt
Bata-Areal, Zlín
Hansaviertel, Berlin, 1953–1957
c. The City as a whole. Building preservation in "Stadtumbau" and "Stadtruckbau" – "City"
Eisenhüttenstadt (Stalinstadt), since 1951
Halle-Neustadt, since 1961
Stevenage, since 1946
Vällingby, 1940
Coventry, since 1941
Section III. Historical-critical tools and urban preservation – ETHZ
Bruno Taut, Grosssiedlung Britz (Hufeisensiedlung), Berlin, 1925–1933
Section III. Historical-critical tools and urban preservation – ETHZ
Eisenhüttenstadt (Stalinstadt), since 1951
Issue n. 1 – Text samples. Current state of progress
Section IV. Tools and methods for preservation practice – SUPSI
Resp. arch. Jean, SUPSI
Researcher: Alessandra Colombo
Guides to intervention on main XXth century materials
- Concrete
- Asbestos
- Pigments
- Metals and metal alloys
- Plastic
Each "guide to intervention" comprises leading questions, essays on the main decay phenomena, illustrated specifications on
damage measurement instruments
- Epiqr+
- Documentation techniques (sources database)
- Survey techniques
- Necessary administrative practices
- Health and safety in buildings
Section IV. Tools and methods for preservation practice – SUPSI
Guide to intervention - Asbestos
Domande guida
1. Amianto: caratteri del materiale
Riconoscere il materiale oggetto di studio e le
sue caratteristiche
Che cos’è l’amianto, Quali proprietà ha, Perché è stato usato, In quali forme è
commercializzato, Perchè è pericoloso
Quali normative esistono, che validità hanno, come sono cambiate negli ultimi
anni, che differenze ci sono tra la Svizzera e l’Europa
Testo introduttivo illustrato
con foto e schemi grafici
2. Manufatti che potenzialmente contengono
Elenco illustrato dei manufatti suddivisi per
macrotipologia e prodotti
In quali parti della costruzione posso trovare l’amianto
In quali manufatti
Glossario illustrato
dei materiali che possono
contenere amianto o su cui
possono esserci dei sospetti
3. Riconoscimento
Analisi macroscopica
Come è possibile riconoscere se un manufatto sospetto contiene amianto ?
Cosa guardare e cosa osservare
Quali sono, se esistono, i fattori che innescano o aggravano il degrado
Testo introduttivo illustrato
con foto e schemi grafici
4. Indagini diagnostiche
Finalità delle indagini
Indagini non invasive
Indagini invasive
In caso di sospetto quali approfondimenti diagnostici sono necessari ?
Definizione degli obiettivi e del contenuto del piano diagnostico.
Esistono già dei protocolli diagnostici ?
Quali normative sono in vigore ? Sono valide solo per la Svizzera ? Che cosa
succede in Europa ?
Dove e come vengono eseguite le analisi ?
Finalità, potenzialità e limiti delle indagini possibili
Testo introduttivo illustrato
con foto e schemi grafici
Rimando alle schede sulle
indagini diagnostiche
Rimando alla scheda di rilievo
del degrado
5. Gravità del degrado
Valutare la gravità dei fenomeni e i rischi ad
essi correlati
Come è possibile valutare il grado di urgenza di un risanamento (stato del
materiale e stato di agglomerazione delle fibre)
R1 agire immediatamente
R2 agire a medio termine
R3 agire in tempi lunghi
Testo introduttivo illustrato
con foto e schemi grafici
6. Forme di intervento
Finalità dell’intervento
Segregazione e Smaltimento
Definizione degli obiettivi progettuali
Valutazione dei pro e dei contro di diverse possibilità operative
Testo introduttivo illustrato
con foto e schemi grafici
Rimandi alle schede sulle
tecniche di intervento
7. Controllo
Controllo dell’intervento eseguito e di eventuali
zone critiche
Cosa voglio controllare ?
Quali sono le zone critiche ?
Come eseguo i controlli ?
Con quale frequenza ?
Testo introduttivo illustrato
con foto e schemi grafici
Rimando alle schede di
controllo e di manutenzione
Section IV. Tools and methods for preservation practice – SUPSI
Guide to intervention - Pigments
Emil Fahrenkamp, Monte Verità Hotel, Ascona 1929
Laboratory Analysis
(stratigraphy, composition)
Interpreting analysis results
> Possible interventions
Issue n. 1 – Text samples. Current state of progress
Section articulation and current stage of work
Section I. Historical-critical tools and preservation design – USI (AAM, AdM)
30 case studies (6/30 written ones)
Section II. Material history of buildings and preservation design – EPFL/USI
Introductory texts
35 case studies (6/30 written ones)
Section III. Historical-critical tools for urban preservation – ETHZ
Anthology of texts
3-6 Case studies (1 written one)
Section IV. Tools and methods for preservation practice – SUPSI
6 Guides to intervention (3/6 written ones)
Issues identified by the Scientific Committee Assessment
1- Start the production of texts samples
Production of text samples has started: 2 case studies attached to the assessment-report.
2 - Check the balance between goals and resources
Issue n. 2 – Balance between goals and resources
Articulation by entries/essays and case studies/monographic studies
Chronological Program
Phase 1
"Documentation and Organisation"
Review of the “state of the art” for each section
Phase 2
"Further research and synthesis"
Drafting of entries/essays and case studies/monographic studies
Phase 3
Preparation of texts and documentation
(illustrations, drawings) for the printed version
Issues identified by the Scientific Committee Assessment
1- Start the production of texts samples
Production of text samples has started: 2 case studies annexed to the assessment-report.
2 - Check the balance between goals and resources
- Articulation by entries/essays and case studies/monographic studies
- Chronological Program
Issues identified by the Scientific Committee Assessment
1- Start the production of texts samples
Production of text samples has started: 2 case studies annexed to the assessment-report.
2 - Check the balance between goals and resources
- Articulation by entries/essays and case studies/monographic studies
- Chronological Program
3 - Reconsider the dissemination process: paper and on line publication
Issue n. 3 – Dissemination of research outcomes
On line publication
Paper publication
- It raises the accessibility of research results,
and thus the visibility of the research project;
- It motivates external authors to participate in
our project, especially if publication is
"guaranteed" by an editor;
- It allows frequent updates of research
contents and regular follow-up of how the
disciplinary debate develops;
- It fosters interactivity through the
participation of the international community of
researchers and creates a scientific platform.
- It needs specific IT competencies
- It needs supplementary starting funds
- It needs resources for management over
time (in terms of funds and researchers).
- It produces tangible results of the work in
terms of scientific publications for the
researchers involved;
- Working with an editor from an early stage
allows the management of relations with
external authors to be delegated, as well as
"mechanical" tasks (image search, definition
of editorial limits, etc).
- It exploits professors and researchers
involved in what they know how to do best,
i.e. paper publications.
- It needs an editor
Issues identified by the Scientific Committee Assessment
1- Start the production of text samples
Production of text samples started: 2 case studies annexed to the assessment-report.
2 - Check the balance between goals and resources
- Articulation by entries/essays and case studies/monographic studies
- Chronological Program
3 - Reconsider the dissemination process: paper and on line publication
Paper publication and on line publication are complementary.
No funds were allocated for publication (paper/on line) since the start-up of the project.
At the end of the SCPA period we will deliver a solid research report.
The "official publication" (paper or on line) will be possible after the SCPA period
for several reasons: final text editing, translations, obtaining authors' rights for images, etc.