Francesco Manco II AL


Francesco Manco II AL
“The vineyard of dreams, in its bare thoughts, is waiting for you.”
By Francesco Manco – 2 Al –Liceo Linguistico Scalea
I am Francesco and I do not get up early in the morning (when possible!).I could describe my
family, tell you how it is composed of, who my parents and brothers are but it would be too long
and pathetic and also too personal.
I could talk about my life expectations, but I am too lazy to think……when I talk, I do not think, in
fact my mother is always complaining about that and she often claims “before talking nonsense,
you have to think”, in a shrill and annoying voice. To tell the whole truth, she loves me even if her
priorities are my little brothers and above all her family duties. I am the eldest, I love my little
brothers even if they often disturb me, they are very cheerful but annoying, they always want to
attract their attention and therefore I usually feel lone and neglected.
My future? I do not want to deal with, because it is something far from me and also because I
have not clairvoyant powers.
My dreams? To win a lot of money, to be very rich. Of course, I am joking!! Money is not
important (my mother says..) but it is necessary.
This is my life style, without too many expectations, quite lonely, a normal life together with
special people, the same who I live with. My vineyard could seem very poor and bare but I believe
in God, I have faith in Him and in everyone who loves me, so the rest will come to. However I hope
I will catch from my vineyard a lot of good and nourishing fruits, to be a very special person.