bulletin june 1 2014_Layout 1


bulletin june 1 2014_Layout 1
Week of June 1 2014
A Word from Father Sam
Our receptionist, Mr Davide Capone, is moving on and after
seven years at the front desk is going to explore new horizons. We wish Davide every success and many blessings as
he explores new endeavours. We will miss his sense of
humour, his technical computer skills, his gentile manner and
his sharing of movie trivia with me. We pray God’s blessings
with his new career choices and I know we’ll stay in touch.
As our school year winds down many of us head to the cottages on the weekend so please be careful driving (no drinking and driving). Our bulletin will be printed until the last
week of June. Special announcements will be printed on the
reverse side of the mass intention sheet during July and
August. During July and August the office will be closed on
Have a wonderful week and after this horrible winter let’s
not complain about the summer heat (if it really comes).
Please Print Clearly
When filling out donation or mass envelopes please make
sure to print your information clearly on the front. Neatly
printing your information will assure we correctly record
your donations and mass requests.
Sacrament Update
• Confirmation
Sunday, June 29, 2014 Noon
What is RCIA
If you have found yourself asking questions for which you
have no answers, consider joining others like you on a journey of faith called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The RCIA is the process by which adults join the Catholic
Church. It uses Scripture, the tradition of the Catholic
Church, prayer and service to help a person reflect on his or
herown journey of faith.
It is designed to allow a person to explore membership in the
Catholic community, and in our case, the local Church of
Holy Rosary.
Who is this process for?
This process is for the unbaptized who wish to become
Catholic, for those baptized in another faith who wish to
become Catholic, and for those baptized as infants in the
Catholic Church who never received any formal religious
education in the Catholic Church.
If interested in finding out more please feel free to call Holy
Rosary Church and ask for:
Tonina Fiorentino, RCIA co-ordinator. 204-284-5140
Parish Financial Support 2014
Weekend, May 18, 2014
Loose Cash
Sharing God’s Gift
Least Coins
Pope’s Pastoral Works
An evening for vocations
The Knights of Columbus invite you to attend an evening
dedicated to vocations. A few speakers will talk about vocations in their families and how they became priests/nuns. Our
special guest speaker will be Archbishop Richard Gagnon.
The evening will be held on Wed., June 4 at Blessed John
XXIII Parish Church, 3390 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, starting
at 7 p.m. (Doors open at 6:15 p.m.) The session will be followed with a light lunch. Tickets are available at $15 each
from the Knights of
Columbus Office, L01-1311 Portage Ave., or reserve by
phone (204) 663-8022. Tickets will also be available at the
door. All proceeds will be donated to vocations in the
Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Salt + Light TV
Vatican II: Inside the Council
Vatican II: Inside the Council is a new series focusing on the
history of Vatican II, which seeks to educate, enlighten and
entertain viewers with a joyful, inspiring, and faithful perspective of our Catholic Church. By examining the events leading
up to this milestone, the Council itself, and how it has shaped
the faith of people today, this fast-paced program includes
commentary from experts around the world. The show focuses
on the changes that Vatican II brought about, while clarifying
its teachings and shedding light on the intentions of the council fathers. With unique, compelling insight and images of
beautiful Rome – Inside the Council will transport its audience
into the living history of the Church. Vatican II:Inside the
Council airs Sundays at 8pm ET/5pm PT.
Serena Manitoba’s Walk/Run
for the Family
On Sat. June 14, Serena Manitoba will be having its first
Walk/Run for the Family beginning and ending at Holy Cross
School, 300 Dubuc St. Registration at 9:30 a.m., event begins
at 10 a.m. Participants can print off
their pledge forms from the Serena Manitoba Facebook page
at www.facebook.com/serenamanitoba or at
http://tinyurl.com/SerenaMB-Walk-Brochure. For more information, contact Janelle Lafrance at [email protected] Free
hotdog lunch
for all participants and volunteers. All indoors in case of rain
La Parola di Padre Sam
Church Office Summer Hours
Il nostro ricezionista, il signor Davide Capone, ci lascia dopo
sette anni presso la ricezionesta andando ad esplorare nuovi
orizzonti. Auguriamo a Davide ogni successo e molte benedizioni, mentre egli esplora nuovi impegni. Ci mancheranno il
suo senso dell'umorismo, le sue doti tecniche informatiche, i
suoi modi gentili e la sua condivisione di film trivia con me.
Preghiamo benedizioni di Dio con le sue nuove scelte di carriera e so che resteremo in contatto.
July: Tuesday – Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm
August: Tuesday to Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Mentre il nostro anno scolastico sta’finendo molti di noi ci
dirigiamo verso il cottage al fine settimana quindi per favore
fate attenzione alla guida (non bere e guidare). Il nostro bollettino verrà stampato fino all'ultima settimana di giugno.
Annunci speciali saranno stampati sul retro del foglio di
intenzione di massa nei mesi di luglio e agosto. Nei mesi di
luglio e agosto l'ufficio sarà chiuso il lunedì.
Auguro una settimana meravigliosa e dopo questo terribile
inverno cerchiamo di non lamentaci del caldo estivo (che
speriamo verra).
Rest in Peace
Fr Marcel Brodeur, pastor of Holy Rosary from 1979-1983
passed away in Ottawa on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. His funeral mass was celebrate on Thursday, May 29, 2014. May he
rest in peace.
Archbishop Richard Gagnon announced the following
Ordinations to the Transition Diaconate.
Christopher Dubois will be ordained on Thursday, July 24,
2014 at St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish in Brandon at
Peter Nemcek will be ordained on Friday, July 25, 2014 at Ou
Lady of Perpetual Help parish in Winnipeg at 7:30pm.
The office will be closed on Mondays for the
months of July and August.
Cana Session for Couples
July 6-12, 2014
Offered by the Chemin Neuf Community: CANA is a six-day
retreat for married couples to strengthen their marriage and
deepen their spiritual life. The weeklong, live-in session
includes talks, prayer, time together as a couple, relaxation
and celebration. Children come too and follow their own program of activities. It will be held in Winnipeg at the St.
Charles Retreat Centre. Click here for a brochure. A "Come
and See" meeting will be held Sun., May 4, 3 to 5 at the St.
Charles Retreat Centre, 323 St. Charles Street. Come and see
what to expect from a Cana session. Childcare will be provided, but you must RSVP, (204) 885-2260, email: [email protected]
Thank You and Farewell
I would like to take this opportunity to say farewell to
everyone in the Holy Rosary Church community. I am very
thankful for the opportunity to serve the wonderful
parishioners of the church and will carry very fond memories
of you all with me. I thank you for the kindness and patience
you have shown me over the last seven years and I hope that I
served you well.
I wish all the staff, volunteers, and parishioners of Holy
Rosary the absolute best. May your lives be blessed with
happiness, good health and above all, love.
Davide Capone
All are welcome to attend.
Caboto Children Summer Day Camp!
July 14 - August 1, 3 weeks. Kids ages 5-12, hours 9:00 to
4:00, $140/week for the first child and $125/week for the second child. Lunches are included!
The camp will be based on teaching Italian traditions and
games, as well as everyday fun!
Some of the activities include: a trip to the Splash Park in
Lindenwoods, Italian cooking classes , a bocce tournament
and more! Sign up ASAP as there are limited spots!
For more info call 204-487-4597 or
email: [email protected]
Grazie e Addio
Colgo l'occasione per dire addio a tutti nella comunità della
Chiesa del Santo Rosario. Sono molto grato per l'opportunità
di servire i meravigliosi parrocchiani della chiesa e porterò
tanti dolci ricordi di tutti voi con me. Vi ringrazio per la
gentilezza e la pazienza che mi avete dimostrato nel corso
degli ultimi sette anni e spero che vi ho servito bene.
A tutti il personale, i volontari e parrocchiani di Santo Rosario
vi auguro buon proseguimento al tuo lavoro. Possano le vostre
vite essere benedette con la felicità, buona salute e,
soprattutto, l'amore.
Cordiali saluti,
Davide Capone