Progetto Italica: Integrating Online Courseware Through Student


Progetto Italica: Integrating Online Courseware Through Student
Progetto Italica: Integrating Online Courseware Through Student Web Page Term
Colleen Ryan-Scheutz
University of Notre Dame
Appendix A
ROIT-235 Netscape Composer
Prof. XX
Guida breve per l’uso del compositore
Spring 2001
Come si usa? Come si compone una pagina sul web?
Cliccare –click; Battere –type; Trascinare-drag; Rilasciare-release; Premere-press
Per cominciare:
1. Clicca l’icone e apri una finestra su Netscape.
2. Clicca sul “toolbar” e apri Netscape Composer. (Questo apre una pagina bianca esattamente
come “blank page” che usi in Word o Word Perfect.
Per scrivere testi: Batti come fai normalmente in Word or Word perfect. Non dimenticare di
conservare (save) ogni tanto!
Progetto Italicaappendices.doc
Copyright ©2004 Heinle, a part of the Thomson Corporation.
Per variare la scrittura: Puoi cambiare disegno, misura, o colore del “font”, usa gli stessi iconi
che trovi in Word. C’è anche la possibilità di usare grossetto o corsivo.
Per aggiungere foto/immagini: Clicca sul “jpeg” image che hai, o sulla foto sul Web che
vorresti prendere in prestito (borrow only, and cite source, please!). Trascina l’immagine,
premendo sulla freccia (cursor) tutto il tempo. Quando l’avrai trascinato al posto giusto sulla tua
pagina web, rilascia la freccia.
“Wrapping” (circondare immagini con testi scritti): Clicca su “format”. Scegli “image
properties”. Ci saranno diverse scelte per organizzare il testo insieme all’immagine.
Creare links interni (dentro la stessa pagina): Evidenzia (highlight) la parola che vorresti
raggiungere come target. Clicca su “insert”. Scelgi la parola evidenziata come “target” nella
scatola che appare.
Creare links esterni (con siti sull’Internet): Clicca su “insert”. Batti l’indirizzo http://... Nella
scatola per il testo (text field).
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Appendix B
ROIT-235 Final/Term Project
Prof. X X
University X
Spring 2000
Your final exam project will be the construction of a mini-unit, just like your lessons in Progetto
Italica, but based on unused authentic video clips in our archive.
Get an early start: Visit unused clips linked to our class page. They are fun to explore.
You will create your project largely with Netscape Composer. Netscape Composer is very easy
to use and is on all campus computers. You can ask any lab assistant or your instructor for help.
Your project should include the following, and resemble a simplified version of the basic
Progetto Italica organization and design:
clip of choice
transcription of clip in Italian
translation of this into English
one listening/ aural comprehension exercise
one copy of the transcription with a grammar aspect (of choice) highlighted
a set of grammar (min. 2) exercises to accompany the highlighted forms.
mini cultural readings connected to the topic of your clip. (2 x 100 words)
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a lexicon or brief vocabulary activity for pre-reading (min. 10 parole)
a comprehension check for post-reading
an output/speaking exercise (set of 3-4 discussion questions)
a writing exercise for (dialogue or essay) for fellow classmates/users.
links other Internet sites that you find interesting and pertinent to your topic
(“Approfondimenti”) (min. 3)
additional illustrations pertinent to your subject (min. 1)
Basic research for main cultural topic can be done with search engines online or more traditional
paper research materials.
* Please remember that cutting and pasting from original sites is considered plagiarism. You
must paraphrase cultural information and cite your source in a footnote to your text.
Important Dates:
1. Choice of clip, partner and general outline (Week 5): 20 febbraio
2. Mid-term oral interview and detailed outline of project (Week 8):7-8 marzo
3. Complete draft of work in progress (Week 12): 2 aprile
4. Final Presentation (Week 15): 28 aprile, 18,00-20,00. 102 DeBartolo Hall
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Appendix C
Timeline for student online webpage project:
Weeks 1-15 : One or more Progetto Italica units per week as base model for project, through
which students become familiar with their task.
Week 1: As part of syllabus and course outline, students learn about the project (Project Guide)
and are invited to visit the PI site extensively to be sure they accept the responsibility of this
Week 5: Pairs established and choice of video clip decided.
Week 8: Mid-term oral interviews with instructor.
Weeks 9, 11, 13: Friday computer laboratory classes for student-student and student-instructor
collaboration in target language with web-page projects displayed on screen.
Week 13: Draft of primary reading text and all main pages “in-the-making.”
Week 15: Final presentation night & Follow-up lab day for peer editing and exchange
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