(edd.), Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e


(edd.), Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e
E. Acquaro & B. Cerasetti (edd.), Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e
riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca (392)
S. Agusta-Boularot et X. Lafon (dir.), Des Ibères aux Vénètes (395)
G. S. Aldrete, Floods of the Tiber in ancient Rome (429)
P. Arthur, Byzantine and Turkish Hierapolis (Pamukkale). An archaeological guide (621)
F. A. Bauer (ed.), Visualisierungen von Herrschaft. Frühmittelalterliche Residenzen. Gestalt
und Zeremoniell (727)
M. Beard, The Roman triumph (389)
T. Bekker-Nielsen (ed.), Rome and the Black Sea region. Domination, Romanisation, resistance
U. Bellwald, M. al-Huneidi, A. Salihi, D. Keller, R. Naser, D. al-Eisawi, edited by I. Ruben,
The Petra Siq. Nabataean hydrology uncovered (696)
A. Berlan-Bajard, Les spectacles aquatiques romains (458)
J. Berry, The complete Pompeii (447)
B. Borg, H. von Hesberg, A. Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturen in Castle Howard (542)
A. Bouet et F. Verdin (edd.), Territoires et paysages de l’âge du Fer au Moyen Âge. Mélanges
offerts à Philippe Leveau (563)
L. Bricault, M. J. Versluys & P. G. P. Meyboom, Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman world (515)
M. Buora (ed.), Le gemme incise nel Settecento e Ottocento. Continuità della tradizione classica
A. Butterworth and R. Laurence, Pompeii, the living city (447)
M. Carroll, Spirits of the dead. Roman funerary commemoration in western Europe (566)
M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli & F. Zevi, Epigraphie latine (433)
A. Chavarría Arnau, El final de las villae en Hispania (siglos IV-VII d.C.) (725)
K. M. Coleman, M. Valerii Martialis Liber Spectacvlorvm, edited
translation and commentary (465)
with introduction,
H. E. M. Cool, Eating and drinking in Roman Britain (557)
S. Cormack, The space of death in Roman Asia Minor (624)
F. D’Andria, Hierapolis of Phrygia (Pamukkale). An archaeological guide (621)
M.-P. Darblade-Audoin, Nouvel Espérandieu, tome II; Lyon. Recueil général des sculptures sur
pierre de la Gaule (560)
Books reviewed in this issue
C. Delplace & J. Dentzer-Feydy, L’Agora de Palmyre (652)
S. De Maria e S. Gjongecaj (edd.), Phoinike II. Rapporto preliminare sulle campagne di scavi e
ricerche 2001 (583)
S. De Maria e S. Gjongecaj (edd.), Phoinike III. Rapporto preliminare sulle campagne di scavi e
ricerche 2002-2003 (583)
J. J. Dobbins and P. W. Foss (edd.), The world of Pompeii (450)
D. Dueck, H. Lindsay & S. Pothecary (edd.), Strabo’s cultural geography. The making of a
kolossourgia (598)
C. Edwards, Death in ancient Rome (401)
J. Elsner, Roman eyes. Visuality and subjectivity in art and text (505)
R. M. Errington, Roman imperial policy from Julian to Theodosius (719)
G. D. Farney, Ethnic identity and aristocratic competition in Republican Rome (387)
S. Ferdi, Corpus des mosaïques de Cherchel (580)
D. Foy et M.-D. Nenna (edd.), Corpus des signatures et marques sur verres antiques (501)
M. Galinier, La colonne trajane et les forum impériaux (471)
S. Grainger, Cooking Apicius. Roman recipes for today (416)
C. Grocock & S. Grainger, Apicius: a critical edition with an introduction and English
translation (416)
V. Jolivet, Ruines italiennes. Photographies des collections Alinari (747)
S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli & K. Strutt, Portus. An archaeological survey of the port o f
Imperial Rome (437)
D. Keller & M. Grawehr, Petra ˚ Ez Zantur III. Die Gläser, Die Lampen (687)
D. Kennedy, Gerasa and the Decapolis: a virtual island in northwest Jordan (665)
R. Langlands, Sexual morality in ancient Rome (399)
Y. Le Bohec, Histoire de l’Afrique romaine, 146 avant J.-C. – 439 après J.-C. (569)
E. Lo Cascio (ed.), Innovazione tecnica e progresso economico nel mondo romano (519)
N. Lubtchansky, Le cavalier tyrrhénien: représentations équestres dans l’Italie archaïque (377)
C. Lyons, J. K. Papadopoulos, L. S. Stewart & A. Szegedy-Maszak, Antiquity & photography.
Early views of Mediterranean sites (750)
M. Mackensen, Militärlager oder Marmorwerstätten. Neue Untersuchungen im Ostbereich d e s
Arbeits- und Steinbruchlagers von Simmithus/Chemtou (577)
A. Marzano, Roman villas in central Italy. A social and economic history (479)
J. McKenzie, The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, c.300 B.C. to A.D. 700 (703)
S. Michel, Die magischen Gemmen. Zu Bildern und Zauberformeln auf geschnittenen Steinen d e r
Antiken und Neuzeit (713)
G. Montali, Il teatro romano di Gortina (604)
K. Mustakallio, J. Hanska, H.-L. Sainio, V. Vuolanto, Hoping for continuity: childhood,
education and death in antiquity and the Middle Ages (410)
J. P. Oleson (ed.), The Oxford handbook of engineering and technology in the classical world
J. Osgood, Caesar’s legacy. Civil war and the emergence of the Roman Empire (405)
D. Palombi, Rodolfo Lanciani. L’archeologia a Roma tra Ottocento e Novecento (745)
S. T. Parker, with contributions by others, The Roman frontier in Central Jordan. Final report on
the Limes Arabicus Project 1980-1989 (669)
J. T. Peña, Roman pottery in the archaeological record (498)
G. Petzl & E. Schwertheim, Hadrian und die dionysischen Künstler. Drei in Alexandreia Troas
neugefundene Briefe des Kaisers an die Künstlervereinigung (609)
U. Roth, Thinking tools. Agricultural slavery between evidence and models (419)
P. Salama, Promenades d’antiquités africaines. Scripta varia (574)
A. Schmidt-Colinet, Palmyra. Kulturbegegnung im Grenzbereich (652)
F. Sear, Roman theatres: an architectural study (489)
C. Sfameni, Ville residenziali nell’Italia tardoantica (479)
A. Simon Stefan, Les guerres daciques de Domitien et de Trajan. Architecture m i l i t a i r e ,
topographie, images et histoire (589)
C. J. Smith, The Roman clan. The gens from ancient ideology to modern anthropology (379)
M. Sommer, Roms orientalische Steppengrenze. Palmyra – Edessa – Dura-Europos – Hatra. Eine
Kulturgeschichte von Pompeius bis Diocletian (635)
J. Spier, Late antique and Early Christian gems (741)
M. Spoerri-Butcher, Roman provincial coinage vol. VII.1. Province d’Asie (595)
M. Sternini, La romanizzazione della Sabina Tiberina (423)
C. van Tilburg, Traffic and congestion in the Roman Empire (442)
R. B. Ulrich, Roman woodworking (537)
J. D. Uzzi, Children in the visual arts of Imperial Rome (509)
Books reviewed in this issue
C. Vibert-Guigue and G. Bisheh, Les peintures de Qusayr ‘Amra. Un bain omeyyade dans l a
Bâdiya jordanienne (734)
F. Vistoli (ed.), Emergenze storico-archeologiche di un settore del suburbio di Rome: La Tenuta
dell’Acqua Traversa (426)
A. Walmsley, Early Islamic Syria: an archaeological assessment (737)
Z. Weiss, with contributions by others, The Sepphoris synagogue. Deciphering an ancient
message through its archaeological and socio-historical contexts (700)
G. Wiplinger (ed.), Cura Aquarum in Ephesus. Proceedings of the twelfth international congress
on the history of water management and hydraulic engineering in the Mediterranean region