press release Netmage 11 eng + progr


press release Netmage 11 eng + progr

Netmage 11
International Live-Media Festival - 11th edition
20/21/22 January 2011
Palazzo Re Enzo - Bologna - Italy
The eleventh edition of the Netmage festival (Bologna, 20,21,22 January 2011) will present, in the historical castle of
Palazzo Re Enzo, an unpredictable scenario of contemporary audiovisual research featuring live media, live cinema,
concerts, performances, sound and visual installations.
Netmage festival, focusing on multi-media design, electronic arts and cutting-edge style, works as a meeting point
for video-makers, multi-media and visual artists, musicians and performers from Europe, North and South America . In its
ongoing investigation, Netmage presents some of the latest trends in live media. Together with research on essential
aspects of perception and the intersection of visual and acoustic phenomena, the festival introduces a very wide
range of approaches.
Featuring: ZAPRUDERfilmmakersgroup (I), Home Movies/In Zaire (I), Calhau! Marta Ângela/Oão Alves (P),
Thomas Köner/Jürgen Reble (D), Ries Straver (NL), Massimiliano Nazzi (I), Barokthegreat/Michiel Klein (I/NL),
Luke Fowler/Keith Rowe/Peter Todd (UK), Cao Guimaraes/O Grivo (BR), Gaëtan Bulourde/Olivier Toulemonde
(F), Bruce McClure (USA), James Ferraro (USA), Prince Rama (USA), Pippi Langstrumpf (I).
Netmage festival was conceived and created by Xing, a cultural network operating in Italy and abroad, with the purpose of
planning, supporting and promoting products and events characterized by an interdisciplinary approach toward the issues of
contemporary culture. Artistic direction: Daniele Gasparinetti, Andrea Lissoni. Performing Arts: Silvia Fanti. International
Live-Media Floor: Lino Greco.
Netmage 11 is supported by: Regione Emilia-Romagna, Comune di Bologna. Media partners: The Wire, Mousse,
Kaleidoscope, Edizioni Zero, Blow Up, Nero, Digicult, Alias, Il Manifesto, Città del Capo-Radio Metropolitana, Radio Città
Netmage 11
venue: Palazzo Re Enzo - Piazza Nettuno Bologna - Italy
headquarters: Xing - Via Ca' Selvatica 4/d Bologna - Italy
info: tel +39.051.331099 [email protected] [email protected]
press: [email protected]
Netmage 11
International Live-Media Festival - 11th edition
20/21/22 January 2011
Palazzo Re Enzo - Bologna - Italy
thursday 20 January
9.30 pm
Massimiliano Nazzi (I) Life Kills
10.15 pm
Barokthegreat/Michiel Klein (I/NL) Russian Mountains
11 pm
ZAPRUDERfilmmakersgroup (I) Criptofonia
friday 21 January
9 pm
Gaëtan Bulourde/Olivier Toulemonde (F) Not every object used to nail is a hammer
9 pm
Massimiliano Nazzi (I) Life Kills
10 pm
Barokthegreat/Michiel Klein (I/NL) Russian Mountains
10.30 pm
Calhau! (P) Quadrologia Pentacònica
James Ferraro (USA) Toilet Toad T.V. Overdrive
Bruce McClure (USA) Se Volessi Fare Un Fuoco Che Seza Dano Infuocherebbe Una Sala, Farai Cosi
Cao Guimaraes/O Grivo (BR)
saturday 22 January
9 pm
Gaëtan Bulourde/Olivier Toulemonde (F) Not every object used to nail is a hammer
9 pm
Massimiliano Nazzi (I) Life Kills
10 pm
Barokthegreat/Michiel Klein (I/NL) Russian Mountains
10.30 pm
Ries Straver (NL)
Thomas Köner/Jürgen Reble (D) Camera Obscura
Home Movies/In Zaire (I) Paper Mache
Luke Fowler/Keith Rowe/Peter Todd (UK) The Room
Prince Rama (USA)
Pippi Langstrumpf (I)