Bibliografia del Corso Sistemi Complessi


Bibliografia del Corso Sistemi Complessi
Bibliografia del Corso Sistemi Complessi M.E.J. Newman, Pareto distributions and Zipf’s law, Contemporary Physics 46 (2005) 323-­‐351 W.J. Reed, B.D. Hughes, From gene families to incomes and internet file sizes: Why power laws are so common in nature, Physical Review E 66 (2002) 067103 P.Rossi, Metodologie fisiche per le scienze umane, (dispense) G.U. Yule, A mathematical theory of evolution, Phyl. Trans. Roy. Soc. B 213 (1925) 21-­‐87 H.A. Simon, On a class of skew distribution functions, Biometrika 42 (1955) 425-­‐440 T.E. Harris, The theory of branching processes, Springer (Berlin) 1963 P. Bak, C. Tang and K. Wiesenfeld, Self-­organized criticality: an explanation of the 1/f noise, Physical Review Letters 59 (1987) 381-­‐384 K.G. Wilson and J. Kogut, The renormalization group and the epsilon expansion, Physics Reports 12 (1974) 75-­‐199 S.K. Baek, H.A.T. Kiet, B.J. Kim, Family name distributions: Master equativo approach, Physical Review E 76 (2007) 046113 A.De Luca and P. Rossi, Renormalization group evaluation of exponents in family name distribtions, Physica A 388 (2009) 3609-­‐3614 S. Radicchi, S.Fortunato, C. Castellano, Universality of citation distributions: toward an objective measure of scientific impact, Proc. Nat. Acc. Science USA 105 (2008) 17268-­‐17273 B. Derrida, S.C. Manrubia and D.H. Zanette, Statistical properties of genealogical trees, Physical Review Letters 82 (1999) 1987-­‐1990 B. Derrida, S.C. Manrubia and D.H. Zanette, Distribution of repetition of ancestors in genealogical trees, Physica A 281 (2000) 1-­‐16 P. Rossi, Surname distribution in population genetics and in statistical physics, Physics of Life Reviews 10 (2013) 395-­‐415 P. Rossi, Invariant expectation values in the sampling of discrete frequency distributions, Physica A 394 (2014) 177-­‐186 

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