Paris, March 16, 2010 - Publicis Healthcare Communications Group


Paris, March 16, 2010 - Publicis Healthcare Communications Group
Comunicato Stampa
Rosemary Abendroth
Tel: +1.212.468.3438
Mob: +1.917.650.3567
Email: [email protected]
PHCG amplia l’offerta digitale globale di PHI con l’acquisizione di un’agenzia
in Germania
Salerno (Italia), 13 Dicembre 2010 — Publicis Healthcare Communications Group (PHCG),
divisione di Publicis Groupe, ha annunciato oggi l’acquisizione di Digital District, agenzia
basata a Düsseldorf in Germania.
Digital District, un’agenzia riconosciuta quale leader nel campo delle strategie di
comunicazione digitale in ambito salute, diventerà parte di Publicis Healthware International
(PHI), il “braccio” di PHCG nella comunicazione digitale a livello globale.
Digital District offre servizi integrati di comunicazione che includono digital branding, content
management, strategie di e-commerce e social media, web 2.0, e on-line marketing.
L’agenzia rimarrà nella sua attuale location e sarà guidata dal General Manager Aleksandar
Stojanovic, che riporterà direttamente a Roberto Ascione, Presidente di PHI.
Ascione ha dichiarato, “Acquisizioni come quella di Digital District contribuiscono ad ampliare
le nostre capabilities. I nostri clienti richiedono una sempre maggiore expertise ed un’ampia
gamma di competenze per far fronte ai rapidi cambiamenti resi possibili dalle nuove
tecnologie digitali, che assieme all’approccio ‘full-service’ consentono di realizzare
campagne sempre più mirate ed integrate”.
Stojanovic ha detto, “Digital District rappresenta un nuovo approccio alle strategie di
comunicazione digitale. Diventando parte di Publicis, riusciremo a passare ad un livello
successivo: da leader nel mercato tedesco, estenderemo questa nostra visione in modo da
offrire a tutti i nostri clienti, esistenti e nuovi, una vasta gamma di servizi digitali completi e
L’acquisizione è un ulteriore passo verso lo sviluppo di un unico global brand digitale, PHI,
che espanderà il suo business nella consulenza e nella ricerca di mercato.
Fondata a Salerno in Italia, Publicis Healthware International si è sviluppata rapidamente.
Come prima agenzia digitale nella salute, PHCG ha recentemente annunciato l’espansione
di Healthware nel mercato statunitense con la fusione di iMed Studios, un’altra agenzia del
Alain Sarraf, Presidente di Publicis Healthcare Communications Group Europe, ha
dichiarato, “Insieme al crescente obiettivo di offrire ai nostri clienti esperienze digitali
innovative, l’acquisizione di Digital District aumenterà le nostre capacità in questo settore.
Con la guida di Roberto e di Aleksandar, miglioreremo la nostra presenza globale creando
una più forte entità digitale europea”.
Digital District è stata fondata nel 2002, con l’obiettivo di definire ed implementare strategie
di comunicazione digitale. Digital District possiede una comprovata esperienza nell’ambito
della comunicazione e della salute, offrendo i propri servizi a clienti quali AstraZeneca,
Siemens, Bellicon, Weleda e Sara Lee. Per la seconda volta quest’anno, l’agenzia ha
ottenuto il primo posto nella classifica Benchpark Interactive Agency Quality Ranking.
# # #
About Publicis Healthcare Communication Group
Publicis Healthcare Communications Group (PHCG) is the largest health-oriented agency network in the world. A division of
Publicis Groupe S.A., PHCG manages top-tier agencies specializing in promoting innovative solutions in advertising, medical
education, sales and marketing, digital, market access, and medical and scientific affairs. PHCG is dedicated to delivering ideas
of purpose that compel action, change lives, and amplify business outcomes. With more than 3,000 employees, PHCG
manages nearly 20 agency brands through 42 offices located in 11 countries. For more information, visit:
About Publicis Healthware International
Publicis Healthware International is a pure digital communications agency specialized in healthcare communications, with a
strong e-health and information technology focus. Founded in Italy in 1996, Publicis Healthware International employs more
than 150 professionals both in Europe and USA and is a division of Publicis Healthcare Communications Group (PHCG).
Through integrated research and development with consulting services, and a full range of digital capabilities, Publicis
Healthware International develops projects and business solutions aimed at improving communication and dialog on healthcare
matters. Publicis Healthware International’s key areas of expertise are digital strategy and communications delivery for
pharmaceutical industries such as web development, e-marketing, e-detailing, e-CRM, e-learning, e-science, health 2.0, KOL
management, multi channel delivery and specific services for Hospitals, Scientific Societies, Health Institutions, as well as Food
and Consumer Goods industries. For more information please visit
About Digital District
Established in 2002 Digital District focuses on defining and implementing digital communication strategies. Acting as the leadagency and general contractor for its clients, Digital District plays a crucial role in all projects reaching from digital branding,
content management and e-commerce strategies to social media, web 2.0 and online marketing initiatives. The agency
combines an efficient and scalable structure with a new “real full service” approach. By taking advantage of a sophisticated
global partner network Digital District managed a project volume of about 7 Mio € in 2009, while billing about 2 Mio € in
revenues. Clients include global brands such as MAN, Lanxess, Ferrostaal, Fressnapf, Volkswagen or E-Plus. Chosen by their
vote the agency outranked 450 interactive agencies and captured the number 1 position in the Benchpark interactive agency
quality ranking for the second time in early 2010. Web site:
About Publicis Groupe
Publicis Groupe [Euronext Paris: FR0000130577] is the world's third largest communications group. In addition, it is ranked as
the world's first largest media agency, and is a global leader in digital and healthcare communications. With activities spanning
104 countries on five continents, the Groupe employs approximately 45,000 professionals. Publicis Groupe offers local and
international clients a complete range of advertising services through three global advertising networks, Leo Burnett, Publicis,
Saatchi & Saatchi, and two multi-hub networks, Fallon and 49%-owned Bartle Bogle Hegarty. Media consultancy and buying is
offered through two worldwide networks, Starcom MediaVest Group and ZenithOptimedia; and interactive and digital marketing
led by Digitas and Razorfish. Publicis Groupe launched VivaKi to leverage the combined scale of the autonomous operations of
Digitas, Razorfish, Starcom MediaVest Group, Denuo and ZenithOptimedia to develop new services, tools, and next generation
digital platforms. Publicis Groupe’s Specialized Agencies and Marketing Services offer healthcare communications with Publicis
Healthcare Communications Group (PHCG), sustainability communications and multicultural communications. With MS&L
Group, the world’s sixth PR and Events network, Publicis Groupe expertise ranges from corporate and financial communications
to public relations and public affairs, branding, social media marketing and events, sports marketing and events. Web site: