Newsletter n°26 - Directory has no index file.


Newsletter n°26 - Directory has no index file.
3l.1-l qltlbf
l, L13trlJtrUt Oht)flh t I'tr tif tlh lJ'l'.9-U.9.+U
Uq 5nh fùhhtr
I N. I ' I J I N
r \ r 't 'lr lr islr oll Nor u- yr I loghar ian
( ) llil r r : r r y
Obituary Archbishop Norayr Bogharian
Obituary Kevork Pamukciyan
Obituary Ara Kochunian
From Byzantium to Iran: Festschrift in Honour of Nina G. Garsoian
Dr. Dickran Kouymjian honored
AIEA Congratulatory Letter to Prof. Dickran Kouymjian
Armenian History Position University of Michigan
Library of Congress New Mellon Foreign Area Fellowship
1997 Armenian Language Summer Institute in Yerevan
Venice Summer Course of Armenian Language and Culture
Rektifikation Ôkumenischer Lepsius-Festàktin Potsdam
Armin T. Wegner e gli Armeni in Anatolia, 1915.Mostra
La diffusione dell'eredità classica.Seminario a Trieste
DAG Conference on Armenian Christian Minorities in Turkey
Armenian Film Course directed by Prof. Kouymjian
Sayat Nova Colloquium Vanier College,Montreal
Ilook on Sayat Nova by Prof. Charles Dowsett
Conference:Saroyan PIus Fifteen
NAASR Winter-Spring Lectures
Convegno:Gli Armeni lungo le strade d'Italia
Drew University Armenian GenocideConference
Congrès: La Liturgie Comparée 50 ans après Anton Baumstark
Call for Papers: Armcnian Language in the European Diaspora
Tlte Glory of Byzantiunr Metropolitan Museum Exhibition
Armenistica a Ilologna
A Noticc Concerning the Leiden Armenian Database
Intenret Site: Arnrcnian f)iasporan Archives
Armenian Adanr Litcraturc
"Gernlan Rcsponsillility in thc Armcnian Genocide"
Eastern Armcnian Dictionary and Grammar
Pubblicazioni di intcrcssearnrenisticoin ltalia
At Limina ltaliae. Un 4pnùtu hnu1ftn1
Contents of Journals of ArnrcnokrgicalInterest
Publicationsby Mcnrbcrs
Publications Reccivedlly thc Sccrctary
E-mail Addresses
Workshops and Conferencc,s
Organizcd under Auspicesof AIEA
A r c h b i s h o p N ( ) r l t- yr l l o 1 ',l t:ttr i u r ( ) l
t h e B r o t h ctl to o tl o l St .l :ttttt'stl i t'tl
o n T h u r s t l l y l ( ) l ) t'r 'r 'tttl r t't l ( ) ( ) ( r .
H e w a s i lttct'r t'tl o tt Sr tl r u tl r r y .l l
D e c e m b c r r tl l ct s( 'r \/ l ( '( 's l n St
J a m e s C a th ctl r l r l , .l ctttsr tl t'ttt.
A r c h b i s l r tl yt l l o ti l r ;tt t:tl t tvr ts l r o ttt
i n A i n t u l l o r ) l 1 .l l r r r r t;r t,y.l ( ) o .l
A f t e r t h c tl r 'p o tl :r ti o tts tl tttttr l ',
w h i c h h c w u s t'l r i r '1 1 1i,r r Syr r ;r , l r t'
s t u d i e d : r t St. .l :ttttcs. .l t'ttts;r l t'ttr .
t l r c l t'l tt ttt',1 l ':r l r i ;r t t'l t
E , g h i s h c 'l 'u t'i r ttt. I l e u ';r s o r tl ;r i r r t'r l
a s c e l i L l a tc 1 l r i t'sl o tt'l 't;r r r :.,1 r 1 ',r r r ;r
( ) .)S I It'
t i o n S u n cl i ty, .lr rl y .).) . I
t h e n s t t r t l i cd l i r t l u 't) .y( 'i r t:,i tr L o tr
d o n a l t c l I'cttttttt'tl l o .l t't tt:',r l t'r r r .
w h e r e l t c l i vcr l l o r tl tt'tt'..,1 o l l r r s
l i f - c , e x c c yr t l i r r l ( ) l ) l ( ) .1 0 r l r r ri r r l i
w h i c h h c w :ts l ) t';ttt o l l l r t' St'ttti
n a r y i t t A rr tr :l i r r s
A r c h b i sl r o p l l o l l l u r r u u r l r t't'r r n ) e
K e e p e r o l ' N 4 r l r r tr st'r i p ts u r l ( ) ,1 ( )
a n d h e k l tl r l l p o si ti o r r r r r r tr l l r t' w ;r s
9 0 y e a r s o l cl .
B o g h a r- i a r r \\'r s ;r r ( 'r r r ;r r k;r l r l t'
s c h o l a r , l u ttl r vr o tc vcr y n u l l l ( 'r ( ) u s
a r t i c l c s o tt At'ttr cn o l o l i r 'l r l n u r l l t'r .>
i n S i o n l o t' tl r c r r to sl 1 r r r t, l r r r I l r l so
i n H a s k . l tcl r r r r i l tl z,i r t r ttr tl o tl tt'r '
j ournal s.
F I i s i r r a- i o r l i l c's r vo r k r v;r s l l tt'
f u l l c a t a l og u c o l tl r c r r l r r r o s(.1 ,0 ( X)
n t a r t u s c : ri p tso l "tl r c L i l l r l r ry o l ' tl r t'
P a t r i a r c : h a te .'l 'l tcst: cl cvt'r r vo l
L l l l l c s a p p ca r cd [r ctr vcen l ( ) ( r ( r l r r tl
1 9 9 1 . H i s o th cr w o r ks i n r :l r r r l c;r
c r i t i c a l c d i ti o n o l ' th c p o e n r s o l
Y o v h a n n cs T'l ku r An c'i ,
h i s w o r .k
L i tcr a tu l c,/I;r
G r o l n a r , o n Scr i b cs, 1 1 :r y'( ,.r 'i r ti r r 'r
ancl Pairiters, Lli'ty ,ôVkar.rc=ircr.
l v r o t e u p L o th e l a st d a ys b cl 'o r c
I r is t lc: ut hand since his r et ir em ent
l'r or r rt lr c M anuscr iptLibr ar y, had
lr r t r t lr r ccda new edit ion of G ir k'
'l''l! '<t t - '( 'l'hc
Book of Let t er s) and
r r r r ur r r t r cr
of ot her books.
Nor : r yr Sr pazan was wit hout
t lor r bt t hc pr em ier Ar m enologist
ol't lr c t inr c. He was a sm all m an,
ol r:nonnous learning, who loved
lcru'ning and did not suffer fools
liglr t ly. But a hum an m an, wit h a
scr ) scol- hum or t o be appr eciat ed.
llc was a f ait hf ul ser vant of his
( lhur ch and of St . Jam es all his
lil'c. 'l'hoscwho have been touched
1, y hini will car r y t he im pr int
: r lwuys.
llc was a pat r onm em ber of AI EA
li'or r rit s lir unding.
I I is lil'c will bc a lisht f or our
M ic:lurclStonc,Jcrusalem
( lliogr r r phical det ails t aken f r om
l'ct c Cowc's sket ch in t he
l; t ', st s<: lt r i.l'or
f 't liim published in
l( cvuc clcs h, t udes Ar m éniennes
ll"i. l I l9t J4l lor his eight iet h
b ir thr lav) .
Kevork Pamukcivan
Kevork Pamukciyan,a prominent Armenian philologist and
historian, and author of numerous
Armenologicalbooks and articles,
died in Istanbulon 23 September
1996,at the ageof 73.
The Armenian Patriarchateof
Istanbul arrangedfor a national
funeral service (azgayin yularkaworut'iwn) which took placein
the Surb Astvacacin Patriarchal
Church in Kumkapl on Thursday,
26 September,after which he was
laid to rest in the Armenian National Cemetaryof Shishli.
A large crowd of hundredsof
community members, Armenian
high school and university students, intellectualsand Turkish
academiciansattendedthe funeral
His BeatitudeKarekin II of Constantinoplefollowed the services
from his patriarchalthrone, while
the Chairman of the Patriarchal
Religious Council, His Grace
Archbishop Mesrob Mutafyan
presidedover the funeral services.
Before the eulogy, Archbishop
Mutafyan read the messageof
condolencesthat His Holiness
CatholicosKarekin I of Atl Armenians had sent to the Istanbul
Kevork Pamukciyanwas born in
Uskudar,on the Asian bank of the
Bosphorusstraitin Istanbul,on 23
February 1923, of Caesarean
(Kayseri)descent.He is the grandchild of the famous Armenian
martyr Haji Mardiros Lusararian.
Pamukciyan studied at the
Nersessian-Yermonian Parish
School in Uskudar.He continued
his educationat St JosephFrench
A well informed Bible reader
andsharakan expert,he servedas
a cantor (dpir) of the St Gregory
the Illuminator Armenian Church
of Kuzgun while in primary
He beganto publish his articles
in the Nor Lur Armenian daily on
2 July L943 and thereaftersigned
uncountablearticles in the Istanbul Armenian press.After L949,
his articleswere occasionallypublished by the DiasporaArmenian
papersas well.
Starting in 1950, he began to
contributeto the Istanbul Encyclopaedia. It was after 1956 that he
began to write in the Turkish
languageas well. He has contributed to and edited more than
thirty volumeson history.
In 1953 he was one of the
founding membersof the Cultural
ResearchAssociationand in 1961
he became a member of the
Literary Commission formed on
the 500th anniversary of the
Armenian Patriarchatein Istanbul.
Pamukciyan served as a staff
member in the Patriarchatebetween 1967and 1982.Until 1975,
he was also the Chancellor.Later
on he servedas the Librarian and
Chief Secretary.Between 1968
and 1978,and since L993until his
death, he served in the editorial
board of the Solakaf'Journalof
the Armenian Patriarchate.
He becarne a nrcnrbcr of thc
Istanbul Technical Univer sit y I nsti tute of Ar chit cct ur c in 1976,
and the Associatiotrllttcrnaticlnalc
des EtudesArménicnllcs in l9tt3.
He is the author ol'twtl books:
Yakob Nalean Ptttriarclt, itncl Yovhannes Kol o tPa tr i ar clt
He has annotatcd ancl cditcd Ercmi a C ' elebi K'iwm iwr ëcan's/ ) af ntut'iwn hrakizm itn Kosfitnc/ltttpolso.
P amukciyan has co- cdit cd t hc
booklets in the5olakat' scrics clcdicated to Yakob Nalcan, Yovhannës K ol o t , Zaxar ia Kalzvanc'i,
Nersës Varjapetc;rnancl Yttvhannês Teroyenc Patvcli C'armurècan.
The Pat r iar chal Sec, in 1993,
propose d t o celcbr at c t hc 70t h
bi rth anniver sar y and also t he
5Oth Lit er ar y annivcr sar y of
Kevork Pamukciyan. He refused,
opposedto such celebrations.
A further proposal was made to
collect his numerous articles in 5
volumes. He said the time dedicated for such an undertaking
could be used to unearth new historical data. In 1993, he was
diagnozed with cancer of the intestines, but refused all medical
On 6 Sept 1996, the AIEA General Meeting in Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium, moved to send the scholar a message of cordial greetings
and best wishes for recovery.
Kevork Pamukciyan died in
Istanbul on 23 September 1996.
R.H. Lola Koundakjian
Ara Kochunian
The 83 year old cdit or - in- chielof
the A rrllenian languagc I st anbul
dai l y Zam anak, Ar a Kochuniau,
died in the Surb P'rkiè' Antrenian
Hospital on Tuesday, 4th December. S on of Sar kis Kochunian,
w ho founded Zanr anak in t 908,
Ara Kochunian edited in the past
the A ha li and Ar Éav Ar m enian
weeklies as well. A staunch supporter of Etchmiadzin and a popular figure in community administration, Ara Kochunian liked to
a "people's gacal l Zamanak
by his wife
Mrs Li l y Kochunian, also a wr iter, his son Sarkis Kochunian and
hi s gran dson Ar a Kochunian I I ,
the fresent editor of Zamanak.
A specialmemorialservicewas
held today at 11:00hours at the
of the Journalists'
Associationof Turkey in Ca$alo$lu-Istanbul,wherethe President
of the Association, Mr. Nail
Gureli,delivereda moving speech
in memory of the Armenian editor. The Chancellorof the Armenian Patriarchate,the Revd Dr.
Krikor Damadyanwas present.
The Presidentof the Armenian
Academyof Sciences,Mr Fadey
Sarkissian,senta messageof condolencesto His BeatitudePatriarch Karekin II of Istanbul,
expressingthe sympathy of the
intellectualsof Armenia on the
demiseof Ara Kochunian.
The Zamanak Armenian daily
of Istanbul, with a present tirage
of 3,000 per day is the oldest
Armenian paper in the world and
in Turkey as well. Since 1908 it
hasneverceasedto exist.
From Lraber,Istanbul, 6 December 1996.
From Byzantium to Iran:
Armenian Studies in Honour of Nina G. Garsoïan
A Festschrift with the title From
Byzantium to lran. Armenian
Studies in Honour of Nina G.
Garsoïan hasjust been published.
The editors are two of professor
longstandingclose colleagues, Jean Pierre Mahé and
From Byzantium to lran
volume 5 in the Suren D. Fesjian
Academic Publications, of the
Columbia University Program in
Armenian Studies.It is published
by Scholars Press in Atlanta,
AIEA likes to expressits congratulationson the appearanceof this
Festschriftin honour of professor
Garsoïan,who is Patron Member
of AIEA.
Mahé, Jean-Pierre,and Thomson,
RobertW., Preface,xiii-xv
Bibliography of Nina Garsoïan,
Gignoux, Ph., Quelquesréflexions
sur la répresentationdu paradis,
Russell,J.R.,A Parthian 'Bhagavad Gita' and lts Echoes,l7ff.
Toumanoff, C., The Princely
Nobility of Georgia, 37ff.
Aleksidza,2., Sur Ie vocabulaire
de la'Conversion du Kartli': miap'ori ou minap'ori? 47ff.
Martin-Hisard, 8., Jalons pour
une histoire du culte de sainte
Nino (IVe-XIIIe s.), 53ff.
Avdoyan, L., Afro - Centrism,
Armeno-Centrism, and the Uses
of History, 81ff.
Hewsen,R.H., An Ecclesiastical
Analysis of the Naxarar System:a
Re-examinationof Adontz's Chapter XII,97ff.
Sm-batay' or 'i Spahan'? ('I
Smbatay'or 'I Spahan'?Sebéos,
ch.25), 151ff.
Thierry, N., Héraclius et Ia vraie
croix en Arménie, l65ff.
Somerville,R., Pope Urban II and
the Canonsof St.Jean-des-Vignes
et Soissons,229ff.
Renoux, Ch., SamuêI Kamtiajorec'i, Le traité sur l'Aiaiawot
(lère partie),379ff.
Lamberterie,Charlesde, Le préverbearménien(h)an-,245ff.
Mahé, J.-P., Les humeurs et la
Iyre: fragments arméniennesd'un
ensei gnement médico'musicolo gi'
Périkhanian,A., Deux Notes: sur
une inscription araméenned'Artaxata et sur l'arménient'armatar,
269ff .
Thomson, R.W., Uses of the
Psalms in Some Early Armenian
Outtier, 8., La version arméniennedu Commentairede Cyrille
d'Alexandriesur Isale et les douze
petits prophètes. Deux fragments
Arevs'atyan,S., Mas'toc'et les débuts de la patristique arménienne,
Yuzbas'yan,K., L'atnertume de
L' qzar P'arpec'i, 325ff.
Cowe, S. Peter, EIiéë's 'Armenian War' as a Metaphorfor the
SpiritualLife,34lff .
Van Esbroeck,M., La postérité
littéraire des villes fortifiées de
Stone,M.8., Three Observations
on Early Armenian Inscriptions
from the Holy Land,4l7ff.
Thierry, J.-M., Le monument
tétrapoded'Ani, 425ff.
Kouymjian, D., Identifying the
Apostlesin ArmenianArt,453ff.
Mathews,T.F. and Daskalakis,A.C.,The Portrait of PrincessMarem of Kars, Jerusalem2556, fol.
Evans, H., Kings and Power
Bases.Sourcesfor Royal Porffaits
in Armenian Cilicia, 485ff.
Teixidor, Javier., Science versus
foi chezPaul le Persan.Une note,
[Levon Avdoyan]
Dr. Dickran Kouymjian honored
Kazhdan,A., Joseph the Hymnographer and the First Russian
Attack on Constantinople,187ff.
Dédéyan,G., Le cavalier arménien, I97ff.
On Sunday10 November1996at
California State University, Fresno, Dr. Dickran Kouymjian,Haig
and Isabel BerberianProfessorof
Armenian Studies,was honoredat
the twentieth anniversaryof the
was celebratedwith a banquet,
hostedby the Advisory Board of
the Kalfayan Centerfor Armenian
For the Fall 1996 Semester,
doctor Kouymjian taught as the
William Saroyan Professor of
Armenian Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.
After having receivedhis Ph.D. in
Armenian Studies in L967 from
Columbia University, Dr. Kouymjian taught at severaluniversities,
and in 1987 was choosen Fulbright Senior Lecturer in the
Departmentof Foreign Languages
and Literature at Yerevan State
University, Armenia.
Dr. Kouymjian was a founding
member of the Association Internationaledes EtudesArméniennes
and of the Society for Armenian
During the last twenty years the
Armenian StudiesProgram at California State University has been
extendedwith 2 faculty members.
From Hye SharzhoomVol 18, No
AIEA Congratulatory Letter on the Occasion of Professor
Kouymjian's 20 Years of Tenure at Armenian Studies
Program CSU, Fresno
Prof Dr. M.E. Stone
Saturday,November9, 1996
ProfessorDickran Kouymjian,
Armenian StudiesProgram
Calif. StateUniversity Fresno,
Armenian History Position
University of Michigan
Pendingauthorization,the University of Michigan Department
of History is seekingqualified applicants for a faculty position in
Armenian history, any specialization. Appointment is probable at
the Assistant Professor Ievel
(tenuretrack), but may be at any
ABD candidatesmust have substantialportions of their dissertations available for reading, and
must completetheir doctoratesby
September 1, L997. To apply,
pleasesenda letter of application,
c.v. and suggestedreferees,or for
junior candidates,placementdossiers containing letters of refer-
ence to: Rebecca Scott, Chair,
Departmentof History, University
of Michigan, 1029 Angell Hall,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003.The
appointmentcommitteewill begin
reviewing dossiersno later than
'November1, 1996.
The University of Michigan is a
non-discriminatory, affirmative
action employer.
Jean A. Jones,Admin. Manager
E-mail: [email protected]
History Department
Phone: 313-936-3021
1029Angell Hall 1003
Fax: 313-647-4881
Library Seeks Applications For New Mellon Foreign Area
Fellowship Research Awards
Dear Dickran,
It is with great pleasurethat, in the name of the Committee and
Members of the Association Internationaledes Etudes Arméniennes,I
congratulateyou on a tenure of 20 years at the helm of the Armenian
Studiesprogramat CSU Fresno.
You have brought to Fresnoboth your depth of learning and your
breadthof horizons,combinedwith a devotion to Armenian Studiesand
the cultural creationof the Armenian people.'We have had the benefit of
your membershipof our Committee, and wish to note the international
perspectivewhich you undoubtedlybring to the Fresnoprogram.
May I wish you many future yearsof teachingand of scholarshipin
good healthand with renewedenergies,
V/ith bestwishes,
M. Stone
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the Library of
Congress$330,000to enableit to
seek applicationsfor the Mellon
Foreign Area fellowship research
awards,aimed at U.S. citizens
with Ph.D degrees who are
interestedin pursuingresearchin
the Library's unrivaled foreignlanguage and area studies collections.The Mellon Foundation
grant finances three years of
competitionfor the fellowships.
In addition to the requirementsof
U.S. citizenshipand possession
a doctoraldegree,the awardsare
for scholarswho are proposingor
working on a second major
researchproject with a focus on
fellowshipswill last from five to
eleven months and can begin no
sooner than Aug. 1, 1997. Stipendsof $3,000per month, up to
a maximumof $33,000for eleven
months,will be awardedand may
be used to extend the research
period supportedby other funds.
"These fellowships for younger
scholarswill play a major role in
sustaining our understandingof
other culturesat a critical time,"
said Director of Scholarly Programs Professor Gifford. "They
also make possiblethe arival of
fellows when we can provide new
scholarlyfacilities in the Jefferson
Building." The Office of Scholarly Programswill administer the
program and ensurethat fellows
have opportunities to meet other
scholars with experiencein the
relevantlanguageareasand disciplines.
The Library of Congress is already committed to working with
foreign scholarspursuingresearch
in the collectionsthrough its CongressionalResearchService and
Law Library as well as through
support from the Soros, Korea
and Thatcherfoundations.
Selectionfor the fellowships will
be made by u five-membercommittee including at least three
outsidemembersappointedby the
Librarian of Congressand chaired
by the Director of Scholarly programs. Mellon Foreign Area
Fellows will be brought together
once every month to discusswork
in progress, research strategies
and findings.
Fellows are expectedto residein
the greater Washington area
during the course of their researchand to devote full time to
their projects. They will have
accessto specialresearchfacilities
at the Library of Congress.
The applicationdeadlineis March
L5, 1997.Forms may be obtained
from the Offige of Scholarly
Programs, Library of Congress,
101 IndependenceAve., S.E.,
Washington, DC 20540-4860;
telephone (202) 707-1517; fax
7 07 -3595;
[email protected]
be submitted by mail, fax or email. Additional information will
be availableat the Library's home
page at http://www.loc.g
ov| .l-1497 PR97-2
Library of Congress News,
January17, 1997.
Levon Avdoyan
1997 Armenian Language Summer Institute in Yerevan
The Armenian StudiesProgramat
the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor is pleasedto announcethe
1997 Armenian Language Summer Institute to be held in
Yerevan, Armenia from June 27
to August 23, 1997.The program
is open to all undergraduate,graduate,and professionalschoolstudents, practicing professionals,
and high school seniorswho wish
to learn Modern Eastern or
Armenian. Supplementing the languageclasseswill be a
series of lectures on Armenian
culture and history by distinguished scholarsand experts,as
well as an extensiveprogram of
excursionsand cultural events.
Upon successfulcompletionof the
course, each participant will receive eight credit hours from the
University of Michigan.
This unique program offers high
quality intensivelanguageinstruction and the unusualexperienceof
living and learning in Armenia
and is directed by Dr. Kevork
Bardakjian, Marie Manoogian,
Professorof Armenian Language
and Literature and Director of the
Armenian StudiesProgram at the
University of Michigan, Ann
For more information or for an
Maud S. Mandel,Coordinator
The Armenian Studies Program
204 Lane Hall, 204 South State
Street, The University of
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 3131764-0351
Fax: 3131763-4765
lntensive Summer Course of Armenian Language and Culture
Universitv of Venice
The intensivesummercourseof
Armenian Languageand Culture
of the University of Venice, in
collaboration with the Cultural
take place from August 4th to the
22nd. Examinationson the 23rd.
Arrivals on August 2nd-3rd,
departureson August 24th. The
Coursehas five basic levels from
the Absolute beginners'to the
Advanced,with a specialsection
of scientificArmenology.Lessons
take place from Monday to Friday
five hours a day in the morning.
Attendanceis compulsory.Applicationsmust be done personally
and by written giving a phone
and a fax number,if availablealso
E-mail. For acceptanceit is
to be at leastof eighteen
yearsof age.Culturalinitiativesas
well as excursionsto sightseeing
places around Venice will be
Tuition fee is 1.050.000(One
million fifty thousand)Italian Lire
or its equivalent in foreign
currencyaccordingto the change
of the moment. Of this amount
500.000(five hundredthousand)
Lit. must be sentas a registration
within May
fee upon acceptance
31st.After this datethe amountof
the registration fee will be
600.000 (six hundred thousand
Lit.). The total amount will be
settledon the arrival day. Money
oncepaid will not be refundedfor
any reason.A lÙVo discount is
appliedto thosewho have already
attendedthe course,at least twice,
with a good result as well as to
one of the close relatives(parents,
Internationalchequesor moneyordersmust be made out only to
mailed to: Assoc.Padus-Araxesc/o Dipt. Studie Eurasiatici - S.
Polo 2035 - 30125 Venezia
(Italia). All are kindly requested
not to do bank transfersfor the
high commissionrates.In any case
all bank expenseswill be charged
to the applicant.A lodgementis
offered to the paticipants at a
StudentHome, in Venice. Accomodationfee for the whole period
from August 2nd to the 24th of
August,included,is 535.000(Five
hundredthirty five thousand)Lit.
for a double or triple room, and
860.000 (eight hundred sixty
thousand)Lit. for a single room.
A lunch or dinner will cost about
12.000(twelve thousand)Lit. to
be paid on place. For urgent
information call Fr. Levon
Zekiyan at (041) 52.07.737from
9 to 10 p.m. (Italian rime). Be
sure you have taken into considerationthe time differencewith
your country. In case of temporary absenceleave a clear, under-
standablemessageto the automatic
answeringdevicegiving nameand
phonenumber.Do not call the offices of the university of Venice.
You can also send a fax to the
given phonenumber.
2u1lbgn{t tu 'I2ulng1pft
funugbul çuughpugg
0qnunnu 1997
,Ihtuhnlt+h TutfiupupurItft /*t
lhrytft ht Ufuutllrût, fumughutl
ryuu2fup u ggg, qnpt u Ig ntphut tlp
qln-Upupu (fu
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24hft, Uhllltnti 74nunnu 24fItt
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Ilumupfu ubàut\p h +p[ni
h2bp{ rflrZ* thnuàut1fulr, bQt
lu1' ltuth thnutulumthfuft (Fax)
nL bftl1mpnfuu-{tnumlt (e-mail)
Fh, tly, aluylufu t yrugntrut
Elltut mu ufuntp mu p hlufu 2t
Upô,uhut4pntphutfu uutQh É'
1.050.000 (tIt| ûfftnIt lftuntlt
Çuryup) ltnyullutfu lhtrh* 4-rI
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( çlrtu+ {uplnp lutqup)
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ntlr- ftuitfuut{tun7 lg pupàpubu1 600.000 ([hs Çupftry 9uquttù gftp hn fu Upà,uttu
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bqpu17t,hnryt+ltg)t Uûttu 2tp Qutr|
t"!"*+ht, oÉ*,p t luugtu+Itnlh
ûlruft uyultu' AssociazionePadus-AraxesÊr qtr|nrh lbtnhthul
lutugtlrh' Associazione PadusAraxes-c/o Dipt. Studi Eurasiatici
- S. Polo 2035 - 30125 Venezia
(Italia)r Ir4 fuhrTpntf pnpptlt'
htrphe UIrtI\
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Zurm Fult^tr uutllbpntfu ulutmtun
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Ôkumenischer Lepsius-Festakt
in Potsdam am 3. und 4. Februar L996
Dr. Johannes Lepsius ( 18581926), "Anwalt der Armenier" in
den Jahrender Vernichtungund
Verelendung des armenischen
Volkes. wurde anlâBlichder 70.
einem ôkumenischenFestakt in
Potsdamgeehrt.Die Gedenkfeier
standunter dem Titel Zwischen
Deutschland und Armenien:
Pfarrer Dr. JohannesLepsius.Die
Initiative kam von Prof. Dr.
HermannGoltz und seinenMitarbeitern am Johannes-LepsiusArchiv an der TheologischenFakultât der Martin-Luther-Universitât in Halle-Wittenberg.
waren auBerdemdie Deutsch-
ArmenischeGesellschaft(Frankfurt/M) und die Evangelische
Kirche in Berlin Brandenburg.
Der Festakt wurde am Samstagnachmittagin der evangelischen
St. Nikolaikirche in Potsdam
erôffnet, in jener von dem
bertihmtenArchitekten Schinkel
im klassizistischen
Stil enichteten
Kuppelkirche,in der auchLepsius
gepredigthatte.Unter den Anwesenden befand sich hochbetagt
auchdie letztenoch lebendeTochter von Lepsius.Die AIEA wurde
durch Frau Prof. Andrea Schrnidt
Nach der Begrûssunghielt Prof.
Goltz den Festvortragi.iber den
gegenalle Wiederstândeund Ignoranzen unnachgiebigen Einsatz
von JohannesLepsiusin der Zeit
des Todesgangsdes Armenischen
Volkes. Prof. Goltz leitet seit
Jahrendas Archiv und den NachlaB von Lepsius,der ihm von der
Familie Lepsius anvertraut worden ist. Zusammenmit seinem
Mitarbeiter Dipl. theol. Axel
MeiBner arbeitet er an der Erfassung und Ordnung dieser
Materialien tiber die deutsche Kulturund Theologiegeschichte
und die
um die Jahrhundertwende.
Tausendevon Einzeldokumenten
erhellen u.a. das Schicksalvon
Menschenaus den armenischen
(orthodox,katholisch,protestantisch) und syrischen Kirchen
(chaldâisch, syrisch-orthodox,
syrisch-katholisch)wâhrend der
Massaker.Fûr den Fortgang der
Arbeit am Lepsius-Archiv hat
Prof. Goltz um ideelle und finanzielle Unterstùtzunggeworben.Er
beabsichtigt,Mittel bei armenischenund deutschenInstitutionen
ftir die Publikation des Katalogs
des Lepsius-Archivszu beantragen. Das Lepsius-Archivist ein
Bestandteilder Potsdamer Resolution fiir den Erhalt armenischen Kulturguts. Letztere wurde
im Rahmendes Festaktesvon den
Teilnehmern der Akklamation
Im AnschluB an den Festvortrag
fand eine Gesprâchsrunde
ûber die
gegenwârtigendeutsch-armenischen Beziehungen statt. Das
Gesprâchhat der stellvertretende
Vorsitzendeder DAG, Dr. Raffi
waren Persônlichkeitenaus Kirche, Politik,
und Wissenschaft:Bischof Karekin Bekdjian, (ArmenischeKirche
in Deutschland), Oberkirchenrâtin Dr. h.c. Christa Grengel
(Kirchenamtder Evgl. Kirche in
Deutschland),der armenischeBotschafter in Deutschland, Prof.
Felix Mamikonean,und der deutsche Botschafter in Armenien,
Herr Norbert Heinze,sowie Prof.
Christian Hannick als Vorsitzender der Deutsch-Armenischen
Das Gedenkenan Lepsius,dessen
schônesPortrât vor der Rednertribi.ine aufgestellt war, fand in
einem musikalisch-literarischen
Abend einen der V/ûrde des Gedenkensangemessenen
und beeindruckendenAusklang. Dant zog
die Festgemeindein die Friedenskirche von Potsdam tber, die
durch ihren byzantinischen
Schmuck auffâllt. Das junge
spielte alte und neue Werke von
armenischenund deutschenKomponisten.Zwischen den MusikstùckenhabenHermannGoltz und
Axel MeiBnerLesungenaus dem
literarischenWerk Lepsius' vorgetragen.
war dabei, daB sie Passagenaus Werfels
Roman Vierzig Tagen des Musa
Dagh Lepsius'eigenenTagebuchaufzeichnungenund dramatischen
Theaterstticken(diese literarischdramatische Begabung in der
von Lepsiusist den
meisten unbekannt) gegenûbergestellthaben.Im Dialog zwischen
Realitât und Nachdichtungist die
Enver Pascha wieder lebendig
Am Sonntagwurde das LepsiusGedenkenin der St. Nikolaikirche
mit einem ôkumenischenGottesGeneralsuperdienstbeschlossen.
intendent Bransch und Bischof
Karekin hoben in ihren Predigten
deln von Lepsius hervor. Das
das Vater-Unserund der Segen
wurden auf Armenisch und
Chôreder St.
Nikolaikirche und der armenischenGemeindezu Berlin begleitetendie Liturgie mit armenischen
Prof. Dr.
Armin T. Wegner e gli Armeni in Anatolia, 1915
Mostra fotografica
Il22 apriledel 1995,in occasione
genocidio del popolo armeno, è
al pubblicopresso
il Civico Museo Archeologicodi
Milano una mostra fotograficae
documentariadedicataad Armin
T. Wegner (Wuppertal 1886Roma 1978),intellettualetedesco
rifugiatosiin Italia nel 1936,fotografo, scrittore, poeta, rnilitante
dei dritti civili, testimoneoculare
del massacro
degli Armeni.
Si tratta di 80 fotografie scattate
tra il 1915 e il 1916 dall'intellettualetedescoArmin T. Wegner
e da altri ufficiali nei campi dei
da materiale
La mostra itinerante ha avuto
grande successodi pubblico in
tutte le città che la hannoospitata:
Milano, Firenze,Bari, Pisa, Vicenza,Venezia,Rovereto,Feltre,
Nel corso del
1997 la mostra si sposterà a
Camponogarae a Matera ed è
probabileun suo trasferimentoa
Vienna. Richestesono giunte anche da parte di altre città straniere: Salonicco, Brema, New
York. L'ultima tappa sarà il
Museodel Genocidiodi Erevan.
Il catalogodella mostra è pubblicato in italiano e in inglese:
T. Wegner e gli
Armeni in Anatolia, 19I5.
Immaginie testimonianTe,
e Associati,Milano, 1996.
Seminario Nazionale a Trieste:
La diffusione dell'eredità classica nell'età tardo antica e
medievale. Forme e modi di trasmissione.
Nei giomi 19 e 20 settembre1996
pressoI'Universitàdi Triestenell'
Aula Magna e poi nella Sala riunioni dellaFacoltàdi Scienzedella
Formazione,si è tenutoil 14 Seminario Nazionale interuniversitario organizzato dal prof.
Alfredo Valvo. ordinariodi storia
romanadella Facoltà,sulle ricerche, di studi classicigreco-orientali e armeni, e dal prof. Giancarlo Bolognesi,Direttore dell'Istituto di Glottologiadell' Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di
Partecipanoal progetto i dipartimenti di Paleografiae Medievistica di Bologna, di ScienzeGlottoetnologichedi Genova,di Studi
e Ricerchesu Africa e PaesiArabi
dell'IstitutoOrientaledi Napoli, di
Scienzedell'Antichità di Padova,
di Studi sul Mondo Antico della
III Universitàdi Roma,di Scienze
dell'Antichitàdi Triestee di Studi
Eurasiaticidi Venezia e I'Istituto
di Glottologiadell'UniversitàCattolicadi Milano.
il campod'indagineLa
diffusione dell'eredità classica
nell'età tardo antica e medievale.
Forme e modi di trasmissione,
rispettoa quello degli anni precedenti (Ricerca di testi classici
greci e latini conservatiin redazioni del vicino e medio Oriente),
è apparsoprogettualmenteallargato a tutta la classicità,con I'intento di accoglierealtre istanze,
per tutti presentate dal prof.
LeandroPolverini dell' Università
di Roma,e generalmenteaccettate.
Dopo il benvenutodel Decano
della Facoltà, il prof. Ruggero
Fauro Rossi, del Direttore del dipartimentodi Scienzedell' Antichità prof. Sergio Sconocchiae
del prof. Pasquale Smiraglia,
ordinario di letteratura latinomedioevale all'Università di
Roma, il prof. Alfredo Valvo alla
presenzadelle Autorità ha introdotto i lavori ed organizzato il
Il piano scientificoè statopresentato dal prof. Bolognesi,indiscusso 'princeps'di quella che è nota
come "la scuolamilanese"che ha
continuità attraverso gli allievi
nelle altre università, Bologna,
Genova, Verona, Ginevra, ed è
ormai alla terza generazione!
Egli ha ricordato, aprendoi lavori, che nei prossimianni ci saràla
celebrazioneper I'anniversario
della conversionedegli Armeni al
cristianesimo,che divenne per
loro religione di stato e non una
semplicepossibilitàdi professione
di fede come fu per il resto del
mondo cristiano dopo I'editto di
Costantino del 313:-perciô nel
prossimo seminario gli studi
armeni dovranno tener conto
Anche quest'annoa Trieste i lavori sono apparsiincentratisui quattro centri d'interessedelle passate
edizioni: arabisticae armenistica,
studi sullalingua grecaed ebraica,
volti a recuperareinediti classici
in ottica di letteratura e lingue
comparate,ma deve esseresegnalata anche un'aperturanell' area
Il prof. Umberto Cozzoli(1),
leaderdella scuolaromana,aperti
gli studi con un pensieroall'amico
e animatoredei precedentiseminari, MassimilianoPavan,ha presentatouna chiararassegnastorica
dei 13 Seminaripassatitenuti nelle
varie sedi (2) che è tanto più
preziosa dato che non tutti i
Seminarihannovisto la pubblicazionedegli Atti.
Per gli studi di arabisticasi sono
analizzatele traduzioni e le utilizzazioni arabedi Aristotele.
Da Baghdad Yusif Habbi ha approfondi t o, su11'oper a di I bn
Hayyan, maestro di al-Farabbi, le
relazione con l'Organon di Aristotele; da Padova Giuseppe Serra
ha analizzato la traduzione araba
del De generatione et corruptione
citata nel Kitab al Tasrif attribuito a Gabir.
Dalla scuola napoletana Patrizia
Spallino ha esposto con ricche estrapolazioni dal testo di lbn Sab in
le sue Questioni siciliane che rispondono alle interrogazioni di
Federico II sul fine della metafisica, questioni interamente fondate sul pensiero aristotelico, rivisitato in chiave araba; Carmela
Baffioni I'uso e la rielaborazione
che nella Risala al - gami a è stato
fatto delle opere degli autori classici, opere scritte con l'intento di
trasmettere alla crema degli eletti
la somma della scienza che non
puô essere né ridotta né banalizzata.
Da Roma Vincenzo Poggi ha illustrato I'opera di Ammonio d'Erntia, maestro di Severo d' Antiochia ad Alessandria.
Per la sezione di armenistica folta
la presenzadella "scuola milanese"
di studi orientali che da Milano.
B ol ogna, G inevr a ha pr esent at o
analitici lavori di precisa natura
filologico-testuale ed artistico-iconografica, spessoin chiave di analisi comparata, armeno-greco. Si
va dall'acquisizionedi epistemi nel
Porfirio armeno sotto il profilo
interlinguistico di Romano Sgarbi
da Milano, alla traduzione dei verbi composti greci nella versione
armena delle O r azioni di G r egorio Nazianzeno e delle Regole di
B asi l i o di Cesar ea. di Anna
Sirinian di Bologna. Valentina
Calzolari (da Ginevra) ha dato le
ragioni del successodella versione
armena degli Atti di Paolo e
Tecla, mentre Marco Bais (da
Bologna)ha illustratola presenza
di topoi classici in belle pagine
Giusto Traina da Perugia ha
esaminatoi vari problemi testuali
della Lettera di Alessandro ai
Tirii, sia nella bipolarità della
recensiosia interpretandoin modo
interessantee convincentele ragioni storico-linguistichedella
versione armena,mentre la versionearmenadi Teone,studiatada
Riccardo Pane, ha fatto luce sul
fr. 153Jacobydi Teopompo.
Per il settorepiù ampio dei rapporti fra testi orientali e greci,
CarmeloPrimi da Catania,ha dato
relazionedello studio sulla posizione stemmaticadella traduzione
siriaca dei Carmi di Gregorio
Da Venezia, per I'areadegli studi
ebraici, Mauro Zonta ha analizzato le forme e i modi di trasmissione della logica antica nel
medioevoebraico,e Giuliano Tamani la tradizioneebraicadel romanzodi Alessandroche si è rivelato ricco di spunti per ulteriori
ClaudiaCiancagliniha focalizzato
il tema dell'incentiodi Persepolis
nelle tradizionigrecae iranica.
Paolo SerraZanettida Bologna ha
presentatostralci delle versioni
Qualcheampliamentodei temi di
ricerca è parso già ipotesi di
lavoro e non solo futuro progetto
in due interventidellascuolamila-
nesesulla classicitàgreco-romanaromanza.
Una relazionedi CelestinaMilani
fondatasu organicheanalisi testuali ha avuto come oggetto lo
studio della continuità della tradizioneclassicadal IV all'V[I secolo negli ltineraria ad loca sencte,
I'altro intervento, di natura metodologica sulla classicitàlatina in
connessionecon quella greca, di
Maria Paola Mossi, era una comunicazione sulle forme e sui
modi di diffusione dell'eredità
classica dal latino al volgare
Tutti i lavori sono stati consegnati
ed il volume degli Atti sarà alle
stampe nel 1997, e certamente
sarà disponibile all'apertura del
Fra i partecipantinumerosigli esperti: attiva la presenzadella prof.
Gabriella Uluhogian che ha annunciato il completamentodel
catalogo dei manoscritti armeni,
lavoro fondamentaleper tutti gli
studi, e di Rosa Bianca Finazzi,
che ha tra I'altro curato con Paola
Tornaghi la raccoltae la pubblicazione degli Atti dell'VIII
Convegnointernazionaledei linguisti, nei quali gli interessatipossono trova utili lavori sulle varie
sezioni oggetto anche di questo
Il clima dei lavori era, più che da
seminarionazionale,quello elitario e raccolto delle Accademie
internazionaliche ricevono nuovi
impulsi ed energie dalla riflessione comunein strettarelazione
con le esigenzedei luoghi nei
quali le lingue hannole loro radici
perchè la viva memoria dei loro
messaggiè il vero bene inaliena-
bile dei popoli. Cosi dopo le ultime relazioni una sosta,guidata
dal prof. Gino Bandelli e dalla
sovrintendentealle antichità, a
Cividale del Friuli ha chuiso il
Seminario. I ritrovamenti antichi
paleoveneti,romani e longobardi,
qui gelosamenteconservatiin una
progettualitàpiù vasta di approfondimento e continuità, appare
simile a quella assicurataalla
ricercalinguisticadagli allievi che
conservanoe continuanoil lavoro
dei maestri. E forse la semplice
betlezza policroma delle collane
vitree longobardee delle fibule
aspidatee lo splendoredelle croci
auree battute a foglia e a bulino
sono un simbolo della bellrezzae
della fede antica che è necessario
ritrovare e portare alla luce, in
modo che tutti ne possanogodere.
Esse hanno resistito sepolte per
secoli sugli strapiombidel Natisone per risplendereora ai nostri
occhi, sotto la guida dei maestri,
ai bagliori delle luci fuggenti della
sera friulana.
Maria PaolaMossi-Fontana
(1) Il gruppo di ricerca che ha
organizzatoil Seminariodi Trieste ha prodottoin passatoi seguenti
L'eredità classica nelle lingue
orientali, a cura di M. Pavane U.
Cozzoli, Roma 1986. Istituto
Autori classici in lingue del
Vicino e Medio Oriente, a cura di
G. Fiaccadorie M. Pavan,Istituto
Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato,
Roma 1990.
(3) AA. YY . Lingue e culture in
cont at t o nel m ondo ant ico e
alt om edievale, Paideia, Br escia
(2) Bologna, Brescia, Genova,
Milano, Napoli, Padova,Roma,
Conference on Armenian Christian Minorities in Turkey
100 years after the massacres
of Abdulhamid of the Armenians: Christian minorities in
Turkey was the subject of a
three-dayconferenceheld by the
(German-ArmenianSociety) in
cooperationwith the Evangelische
Akadernie Mùlheirn/Ruhr on
October l8-20. The conference
not only dealt with the historical
aspectsbut also with the present
situationof Christianminoritiesin
Lecturers were Prof. Vahakn
Motika, representativesof the
christianminoritiesand others.
The conferencetook place at the
/Ruhr, Uhlenhorstweg29, 45479
Mùlheirn/Ruhr,Fax 0049I 208 I 5
99 06-600.
On October 9, 1996,Mr. Wartan
Pogosianoutlined the details of
the Armenian constitution.The
lecturewas given at the Hessische
Landesvertretung,Kurt-Schumacher-Str.2-4, 53113 Bonn,
phone:0049I 228| 2600 60.
For more informationabout the
German-AnnenianSociety please
havea look at the homepageof the
Society in the World Wide Web:| -Iev
Thereyou will find
a) a brief accounton the history
of the society,
b) the contentsof the newestissue
of the quarterly "Armenisch(ADK),
c) two articlesfrom that issue,
d) the quarterly comprehensive
report about the situation in
Raffi Kantian
Armcnian Film Course
On MondayeveningOctober21,
from 8:15-10prn, ProfessorDickran Kouymjian showedDimitri
Keusseyan's1977 ftlm The Soldier and the Eleplrant.The viewing took placeon the UC Berkeley
campus.Eachweekfrom 7-10 pm
films by Annenian directorswere
shownas part of the courseFilnr
Studies 160, National Cinema:
On MondayNovember11, there
was a specialshowingof Gore
Vidal: The Man Who Said No, a
1982 film by Gary Conklin. The
film is a documentarybased on
Vidal's campaignfor presidentin
the 1980election.DirectorConklin was presentand introducedthe
film. Also on the program was
Conklin's 1970 movie P auI
Bowlesin Morocco.
Classesincludedfilms by Sergei
Paradjanov, Artur Peleshian,
Atom Egoyan, Nigol Bezjian,
Frunze Dovlatian. and Roxanne
For more information:
[email protected].
Dickran Kouymjian
Colloquium Sayat Nova
Commemoratingthe Bicentennial
death of Sayat Nova at the University of Montreal Vanier College Auditorium, a colloquium
was held, organized by the
Armenian MusiciansAssociation
(AMA) underthe Auspicesof the
Armenian Church Diocese of
Canada. The Colloquium comprised conferenceson Armenian
Gusan-Ashugh(Troubadour)musical traditions, the poetic and
melodic legacy of Sayat Nova,
Armenianreligiousmusic,as well
as lectures on Georgian and
Iranian musical traditions. Sayat
Nova's melodies were presented
by the Kotchnal<ensemblefrom
Paris, France, from
through Sunday,October 25-27,
M. Stone
Book on Sayat'-Nova by Professor Charles Dowsett
Following up on the message
announcingthe Montreal Colloquium (Oct. 1996) on Armenian
troubadoursand Sayat'-Nova,I
aln glad to announcethat ProfessorCharlesDowsetthaswritten
a very importantbook on Sayat'Nova's works and place in the
literary tradition of the Near East.
This book is now in pressin the
Subsidia Series of the Corpus
talium, and is due to appearin the
Springof 1997.
Prof. BernardCoulie
Universitécatholiquede Louvain
Institut orientaliste
B- 1348Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel.: 32-(0)10-47.37.93Fax: 32(0)10-47.20.01
Conference Sarovan Plus Fifteen
An internationalconferenceon
the occasionof the fifteenth anniversary of the death of William
was held on
the University of California Berkeley campusNovember15, 1996,
The conferencewas part of this
year'sWilliam SaroyanEndowed
Chair of Armenian Studies Program and jointly sponsoredby the
Center for Slavic and East European Studies, International and
Area Studies,the English Department, Armenian StudentsAsso-
ciation, and the U.C. Berkeley
Armenian Alumni Association.
The all day event was coordinated
by Dickran Kouymjian, William
Saroyan Visiting Professor of
Panelsof writers, scholars,and
students were organized around
threethemes:1) William Saroyan
Fifteen Years Later, 2) Saroyan
and the Beats,3) Saroyanand the
Critics. All lecturesand discussionstook place in the Maude Fife
Conference Room, in Wheeler
Hall, on the UC Berkeleycampus.
Other activities were the
inauguration of the Krouzian
Conferencein Room in the UC
Berkeley Bancroft Library and a
mini-festivalof Saroyanworks on
Among the scholars and Bay
Area writers who participated
were Edward Halsey Foster
(Stevens Institute, NJ), David
Stephen Calonne (Ann Arbor),
writer Herb Gold, Harold Aram
Veeser (V/ichita State), writer
Barry Gifford, Aram Saroyan,
Jon Whitmore (University of
Iowa), Harry Keyishian (Fairleigh
Dickenson University, NJ),
biographerJack Leggett (Napa),
Aram Kevorkian (Paris). A number of graduateand undergraduate
studentswho havestudiedSaroyan
also participated.
Dickran Kouymjian
[email protected].
NAASR Winter-Springlectures
Feb. 20, The Image and Importance of Armenian Womenin the
Arts, by Dr. Levon Chookaszian,
UNESCO Professorof Armenian
Art History - Yerevan StateUniversity.
March 6, Remastering Our
Musical Roots:ArmenianFolkoric
Music irt the United States,
Lecture by Prof. Leon Janikian,
April 3, A Journeythrough Eastern Turkey to Armenian Villages
and Towns, IllustratedTalk by
JosephDagdigian,SoftwareEngineerand CommunityActivist.
April 17, Building a Stronger
Armenia through Education,Illustrated Talk by Dr. Armand
Bedikian, Medical Director and
Visitor to Armenia 15 timessince
the earthquakeof 1988.
May 8, An Americqn Son Discovers His ArmenianPast, Author
Talk by Prof. PeterBalakian,Colgate University,upon publication
of his memoir,Black Dog of Fate.
May 22, Early Fame and Tragic
Fate of Poet Eghishe Charents,
Lectureby Dr. JamesR. Russell,
MashtotsProfessorof Armenian,
June 5, Armenian Life and
Society as Observedby a Peace
Corps Volunteerin Armenla,Illustrated Talk by Donald Flumerfelt.
For more information: NAASR
395 ConcordAve., Belmont,MA
Tel: (617)489-1610
Fax: (617) 484-1759
G. Bolognesi, Università Cattolica
di Milano, La cultura armena a
Milano all' inizio dell' Ottocento.
Convegno internazionale di studi
Gli Armeni lungo le strade d'Italia
Sotto I'altro patronato di S.S.
Karekin I Supremo Patriarca e
Catholicosdi tutti gli Armeni, e
con il patrocinio della Regione
Piemonte,dell'Associazione"Padus-Araxes",della Fondazione
Serapian,della Provincia e della
Città di Torino, il Politecnicodi
Torino ha promossoun convegno
internazionaledi studi sul tema
Gli Armeni lungo le strade
d'ltalia. Le sessionisi sonotenute
a Torino (8-9 marzo),Genova(10
marzo) e Livorno (11 marzo).
Sono state presentatele seguenti
comunicazioni-vedi programma.
In concomitanzacon il convegnoè
statainauguratala mostraL'organizzazione assistenzialearmena
lungo la strada Genova-Venezia
Torino, sabato, 8 marzo IggT
Sessionemattutina ore 9.00
Apertura Convegnoe saluto delle
Inizio dei lavori con introduzione
di C. Bonardi.
Presiedeprof. M. Viglino Davico,
direttoreDip. Case-Città.
B.L. Zekiyan,Universitàdi Venezia, Il monachesimo armenobasiliano in ltalta.
A. Bozoyan, Accademia di
Erevan, Les premières lettres des
Papes conservéesdans la littérature arménienne(XIIe siècle).
E. Mongiano, Universitàdi Torino, La questionearmeno-cipriota
nella storia delle istituzioni
V. Barkhudaryan, Accademia di
Erevan, Lo stato attuale della ricerca sulle colonie Armene.
H . A v e ti syan, A ccademi a di
Erevan, La prima Repubblica
armena e I'ltalia,
Inaugurazione della mostra
L' organizzazione assistenziale
armena lungo Ia strada GenovaVenezia.
Se s s i o n e pomeri di ana
prof. B.L. Zekiyan.
A. Kharatyan, Accademia di Erevan, 1 commercianti armeni di
Smirne e il loro ruolo nella cultura del Mediterraneo.
P. Tcholbianian, Accademia di
Erevan, Gli insediamenti degli
armeni in Italia nel XIil secolo.
E. Consiglio, Politecnico di Torino, Fondachi e ospizi mercantili
nell' I t alia medievale.
M.G. Sandri, Politecnico di Milano, Seffer Kharaja armeno di
Giol-fa dalla Persia di Abbas iI
grande all'Europa.
S. Benedetto, Archivio storico del
Comune di Torino, Alla 'Croce
bianca'; viaggiatori e ospitalità nel
Torinese basso -medievale.
E. Lusso, Politecnico di Torino,
Notizie circa Ia consistenza e distribuzione della 'Nation Armena'
a Venezia nell'età moderna.
M.A. Lala Comneno, Testimonianze di armeni nell'ltalia meridionale.
Tori no, Dom enica 9 m ar zo
1997 - ore 9.00
Presiedeprof. G. Bolognesi
C. Tosco, Politecnico Torino, Ipotesi sui contatti tra il Romanico
lombardo e l'arte annene.
M. H asrat yan, Accadem ia di
Erevan, L'architettura dei gavit e
di nessi con elementi analoghi in
C. Bonardi, Politecnico di Torino,
Il culto di san Simeone a San
Benedetto Po.
M. Maggi, Univer sit à di Pisa,
Khatchk'ar e altre croci latine 'del
sole' in area anglosassone.
D. Taverna, Archivio del castello
di Masino, Casi di tessuti rotati irt
relazione alla presenza ar,îtena in
A. Pepe,Università di Bari, Te.çtimonianze iconografiche del culto
di san Gregorio Armeno in Puglia
tra Medioevo ed età ntoderna.
E. Santoro,
San Secondo di Cortazzone e il
nnnastero di Gehart in Armenia:
due rapporesentazioni del'rnondo
alla rovescia'.
Genova, L unedi
m ar zo
ore 9.00
Presiede prof. G.B. Varnier,
Universitàdi Genova.
Armeni: un cardinale genovese
nunzio a Leopoli nel XVIII secolo.
P. Bertolina,L'organizzazionedi
servizi per gli armeni lungo Ia
direttrice Genova-Venezianel
G. Calcagno,BibliotecaFranzoniana di Genova,Nuovi documenti
sul proselitismo e la presenzaarmenaa Genovanel XIV secolo.
V. Pambakian,TestimonianzedelIa presenzaarmenanel milanese.
M.L. CristianiTesti, Universitàdi
funzionali della losanga dal V al
XII secolo,tra le aree tosco-pisane
e armeno-georgiane.
M.S. Mariani Calô, Universitàdi
Bari, Losanghedecorativenell'architettura romanica della Capitanata; rapporti con l'area mediterranea.
G. Uluhogian,Universitàdi Bologna, Un armenonella diplomaz,iadella corte del re di Sardegna:
appunti per una ricerca su DeodatoPaltasian.
Visita alla chiesa di San
Bortolomeo degli Armenia
ore 15.00
In concomitanza
con I'ostensione
dell'iconadel 'SantoVolto', gentilmenteconcessadai Padri Barnabiti, interverrà
C. Dufour Bozzo.Università di
Genova,Il'Mandilion' a SanBartolomeodegli armenidi Genova.
Seguilà la S. Messa in Rito
Armeno- ore 16.00
C. Paolocci,BibliotecaFranzoniana di Genova, Genova e gli
Livorno, Martedi 1.1 marzo
Sessionemattutina - ore 9.00
Inizio dei lavori con introduzione
di C. Bonardi.
PresiedeB.L. Zekiyan.
C. Otten-Froux, Università di
Strasburgo,L'Armenia minore
nella rete dei rapporti commercisli dei mercanti pisani con il
vicino Oriente.
F. Luzzati Lagana, Università di
Pisa,Aspetti dell'insediamentoreIigioso armeno in Pisa nel XIV
L. Frattarelli Fischer, Università
di Pisa,Presenze armene nella
Livorno del Seicento.
R. Ghezzi, Università di Napoli,
Le disavventuredi un mercante
armeno nella Livorno del XWil
G. Panessa,Scuola Normale di
Pisa, Una famiglia armeno-livor-
nese a Smirne tra Sette e Ottocentro:gli Hagi.
Sessione pomeridiana - ore
A. Costa, Politecnico di Torino,
La chiesa e I'ospedale degli
armeni a Livorno.
D. Pesciatini,Archivio di Stato di
Livorno, I tre ciribi del bagno
P. Castignoli,Archivio di statodi
Livorno, I Mirman di Livorno
M. Sanacore,Archivio di Stato di
Livorno, Gli Scermandi Livorno
R. Ciorli, Archivio di Stato di
Livorno, L'insediamentoarmeno
di Livorno nel Settecento.
Chiusuradei lavori
Marco Bais
Armenian Genocide Conference
Drew University
April 28, 1997
AIEA received the following
messagefrom Armenian News
Network, written my Mr. James
Pain, Dean of the GraduateSchool
at Drew University.
Drew University's Graduate
School is sponsoringa conference
on the Armenian Genocide.Over
the past fifteen years several
relatedcontroversieshave focused
on the ArmenianGenocide.
One causeof debateis the attempt
by some scholars in the United
Statesand elsewhereto argue that
the Genocidenever occurred,or
if it did occur, it was the result of
civil war and the chaos surrounding the breakup of the
Ottoman Empire and not part of
an active governmentcampaign.
The other sourceof controversyis
the active effort by the Turkish
governmentto make this version
the dominant scholarly interpretationof the Genocide,as well
as their efforts to block such
things as commemorativeresolutions of the Genocide by state
legislaturesand Congress.These
two issues have come together
throughthe Turkish government's
funding of scholarly chairs at
severalleading American universities and the placing in at least
one of these chairs, a former
Turkish government employee
and ArmenianGenocideRevisionist.
Drew University is interestedin
exploring these complex issuesthe actual evidence of the
Genocide, the historiography
since,and the involvementof the
Turkish governmentin American
higher education.Thus, following
consultationwith leadersof the
Armenian scholarly community,
we have constructedthe attached
programon the ArmenianGenocide.
The date for the conferenceis
April 28th. The month of April is
the commemorativemonth for the
Genocide and April 24th the
actualdateof commemoration.
The conference
includeslunch and
reception.Contactthe organizers
for price. V/e ask that you respond to us by April 14. Responses
shouldcome to Drew University
Graduate School, by e-mail
(V/ROGERS),phone (201) 4083285 or fax (201) 408-3040.
Checkscan be made out to Drew
University (Armenian Conference).
The Armenian Genocide:
Political and Historical
Controversy und Academic
BaldwinGym, Drew University,
9:00-5:00,April 28, 1997.
Introductory Remarks
Keynote / An Introduction to
Armenia. Richard Hovannisian,
A leading historian of Twentieth
Century Armenian history, Dr.
Hovannisian will review the
history of Armenia for those in
the audiencewho are less familiar
with this people.He will highlight
the cultural and religious differences in the region and end up
with an account of the Armenian
genocide. He would also present
some of the historiographyof the
genocideover the past80 years.
Keynote 11The Historiography
of the Armenian Experience
in the Ottoman Empire-The
Genocide Controversy. Robert
J. Lifton, CUNY; Israel Charny,
Institute on the Holocaust and
Genocide(Dr. Charny cannot be
with us, but will be sendingan
unpublishedpaperto be read.)
Thesescholarswill concentrateon
the eventsof the last 15 years,the
campaign to change history and
the Princetonsituation.The idea is
to show how the "story" of the
genocidehaschangedin the scholarly and popular communities.
This recounting of the changing
"story" will be fascinating and
show clearly how history is constantlybeing rewritten-notalways
for the better.
The Armenian Genocide: The
Evidence of the Missionaries.
SuzanneMoranian; Dale Patterson. UMC Archives: Barbara
Merguerian;SusanBillington Harper, (invited).
This panelwill discussthe role of
the missionariesin documenting
the Genocide.This is where the
pictures from the Methodist Archivesat Drew will be presented.
The Role of Memory in the
Meaning of the Genocide
Vigen Guroian G'78, Loyola
Univ., MD; Peter Balakian, Colgate University;Paul Boghossian,
New York Univ., (invited).
Comparisons of Genocides in
the 20th Century
Robert Melson, Purdue University; Helen Fein, (invited); Ervin
Staub,Univ. of Massachusetts;
Sybil Milton, Senior Historian,US
(1915-1923)to the Armenian
David Eisenberg,UCLA, (a session on the testimonyof Ambassador Morgenthauand other witnesses)
Impact of Lewis Civil Trial
in France on the Armenian
Genocide Controversy
RoubenAdalian, Armenian National Institute.
Concluding Remarks
Reception (Serving traditional
Armenian foods)
Mead Hall
Mr. Greg Arzoomanian,who put
this note on the net, addedthe following information on some of
the participants:
* Thomas Kean, the Presidentof
Drew, is the former Governor of
New Jersey.He is also the Chairman of the Board of Trusteesof
the CarnegieFoundation.Lastly,
he is a Princeton alumnus from
the classof '57, and is upsetover
the Heath Lowry situation. [Note:
Lowry has decidedto step down,
acc. to a messagereceived from
[email protected],
April 1, 1997TMvLI
* David Eisenbergis a Professor
of Biochemistryat UCLA. He did
his post-doctoralwork at Princeton, and was invited back by the
Princeton Chemistry department
to talk at a symposiumthat was
put on as part of Princeton 250th
anniversitycelebrationlast year.
He is also married to the greatgrand-daughterof Henry Morgenthau,Sr.
* Susan Billington Harper has
done researchinto missionary archives.She is also the daughterof
JamesH. Billington, the Librarian
of Congress, and a Princeton
alumnusfrom the classof '50.
Greg Arzoomanian
[email protected]
This messagewas takenfrom:
ArmenianNews Network
<[email protected]>
"La Liturgie Comparée, 50 ans après Anton Baumstark'
fi 1e48)
Congrès International Pontificio Istituto Orientale/Centro di
Studi F,zio Aletti, Rome, 25-29 Septembre 1998
1998 sera le 50ème anniversaire
de la mort d'Anton Baumstark(T
1948),justementcélèbrepour la
féconditéde sa contribution à la
scienceliturgique et avant tout
pour sa formulationdes "lois du
de la liturgie et sa
réflexion sur les méthodesde Ia
liturgie comparée.Pour commémorer cet anniversaire, nous
avons pris I'initiative, en accord
avec les autoritésacadémiques
I'InstitutPontificalOrientalet son
Institut dépendant associé le
Centro di Studi Ezio Aletti, d'organiserun Congrèsinternational
que se tiendraà Rome,à I'Institut
Oriental/CentroAletti, du Vendredi soir 25 (arrivée,accueil)au
mardi midi 28 Septembre1998.
Thèmedu Congrès:"La liturgie
comparée,50 ans après Anton
Baumstark(+ 1948): Réflexion
critiquesur la scienceliturgiqueet
Le programmedu Congrèsprévoit d'inviter un certainnombre
de conférenciers,
tous spécialistes
confirmés dans le domaine des
étudesliturgiques.Bien qu'aucun
Symposiumne puissecouvrirtous
les aspectsd'un sujetdonné,néanmoins nous projetons d'inviter
qui se sont
aussides spécialistes
à l'étudehistoriquedes
deux traditionsliturgiquesorientales et occidentales.Il sera
demandéà certainsde ces spécialistes invités de traiter un thème
précis,les autresrestantlibres de
choisirle sujetqu'ilsjugent entrer
dansle cadredu themegénéraldu
On prévoit aussi d'offrir à
d'autresparticipantsau Congrèsla
possibilitéde présenterdes communicationsen rapport avec le
thèmedu congrès.
Le but du Congrèsest de stimuler la réflexion sur la nature
propre de la discipline des études
du point
de vue méthodologique.
On se demanderaoù en est cettediscipline,
quellessont ses méthodeset leur
validité, les resultatsacquis,ce qui
reste à faire (ou à refaire), eventuellementquel est le secteurle
plus avancéet s'il est sur la bonne
voie et dans le cas contraire,
quelle orientationlui donner.
Nous voulonsaussi,en relation
avec le Congrès,lancer un concours destinéaux jeunes spécialistes.
Essai Pour Le Concours Du
Prix Baumstark
L'essai pour le concoursdu prix
Baumstark est destiné a promouvoir I'intérêtet encouragerla
participationdes jeunes spécialistes. Le lauréat sera, en tant
qu'hôtedes organisateurs
du Congrès,invité à se présenteren personne pour recevoir son piix,
donner sa conférence selon le
programmeprévu et remettreson
texte pour publication dans les
Actesdu Congrès.
Tous les frais de voyage et de
séjour seront pris en chargepar
les organisateurs
du Congrès.
Règlement du concours:
1. Le but du concoursest de fournir à un jeune spécialisteI'occasion de se faire connaîtregrace à
la présentationd'un essai de
niveau scientifique,à un Congrès
internationalavec publicationgarantie.
En conséquence,
seuls serontadmis a participerau concours:
(a) les professeurs non titulaires, ou ceux qui n'ont pas
encore obtenue leur "habilitation" (= agrégation, dans le
(b) les candidatsau doctorat qui
n'ont pas encoreobtenule titre de
docteurou les nouveauxdocteurs
qui ont soutenuleur thèseou obtenu leur titre aprèsle 1er Octobre L992.Un (une)qui a soutenu
sa thèseavantle ler Octobre 1992
mais en a publié I'extrait après
cette date, ne pourra pas particlper au concours.
2. Les candidatsdevront fournir
une preuveécrite attestantla date
de la soutenance
de leur thèse(ou
obtentationde leur titre de docteur) ou de l'étape actuelle de
leurs études.Pour cela, il suffira
de presenterune lettre émanant
d'une quelconqueautorité (patron
de thèse,doyen de faculté, directeur de leur programmed'études
3. L'essai devra traiter un sujet
qui entre dans le cadre du thème
du Congrès.Comme langueson
pourra utiliser I'anglais, le français,l'allemandou I'italien.
4. L'essai devra être un article
original, de niveau scientifique,
20-30pagesde texte,sanscompter
les notes, saisi sur ordinateur et
remis sous forme de discetteaccompagnée
d'unecopie sur papier,
imprimée avec double ou 1/5 interligne (non avecun simple interligne), des margesnormaleset des
notesde bas de page rédigéesde
facon claire et scientifique.(Des
directivessont donnéesplus bas à
ce sujet). On devra utiliser abondammenttitres et sous-titrespour
bien mettreen évidencele plan de
5. Pour le prix de I'essai,contrairementa ce qui est demandéau
No. 8 des directives ci-après,le
textedoit être remis avecune page
initiale contenantseulementles
nom et adressede I'auteuret le
titre de son essai.Ce titre doit être
répété ensuite au sommet de la
page I mais sans le nom de
I'auteur, lequel ne doit être apparaître nulle part ailleurs, ni
pouvoir être identifié à partir du
texte ou des références.En outre,
les pagesseront numerotéesà la
suite et chacune portera à son
sommetle titre couranten abrégé,
à côté du numéro de la page, en
vue de prévenir toute confusion
entre les pagesdes divers essais,
au moment d'en faire une photocopiepour lesjuges.
6. L'essai qui aura remporté le
prix sera présenté au Congrès
dans la langue dans laquelle il a
êté êcrit. Il n'est pas nécessaire
que la conférencecorrespondeexactement au texte écrit, lequel
pourrait être trop long pour être
donnéen sa totalité.
7. Les essais ser ont soum is au
j ugement d'un jut y d'ém inent s
spécialistesdont aucun ne devra
faire partie des organisateurs du
Congrès ou appartenir aux facultés de l e ur s inst it ut ions académiques (Rome ou Tûbingen). Les
juges ne connaîtront pas les noms
des auteursdes textes qu'ils seront
appel ésàjuger .
8. Le Com it é du Congr ès se
réserve le droit de n'attribuer aucun pri x , au cas où aucun des
essaisne serait jugé d'une mérite
9. Les textes devront être entre les
mai ns du Com it é, le ler Fevr ier
1998. Les candidats devront envoyer leur essai comme lettre recommendée de pr em ièr e classe
(= lettre), et, s'ils (elles) sont hors
d' E urope occident ale, par post e
aeri enne. Chaque aut eur y joindra son Curriculum Vitae complet
et, le cas échéant,la liste de toutes
ses pub licat ions. I l gar der a un
doubl e d e son essai, vu que les
textes envoyés au Cornité ne seront pas retournésa leurs auteurs.
Pour toute la correspondenceconcernant le Concours ainsi que les
essaiseux-mêmes,il faudra specifi er cl air em ent qu'il s'agit du
C oncou r s et envoyer le t out à
P rof. D r . G . Winkler
Universitât Tûbingen
Kath. Theol. Fakultât
Lehrstuhl Liturgiewissenschaft
" B aumstark-Wettbewerb
D-72016 Tiibin{ren
Directives pour la présentation du texte des essais:
1. Tous les textes doivent être
saisissur ordinateur(IBM compatible,Macintosh)avec notesen
bas de page plutôt qu'à la fin du
texte.Ces notesdoivent être rédigéesavecun logiciel de traitement
de texte et non tapéesséparément
en utilisant I'ordinateurcomme
une machineà écrire.
2. On devrairnprimerle texte sur
papier de format standard,A4 de
préférenceet aussi le copier sur
diskette.Indiquerquel logiciel de
traitementde texteestutilisé.
3. Languesde I'essai:Anglais,
français,allemandou italien.
4. Aucun type précisde présentation du texte n'est imposé.Pour
les citationsdansles notes,chaque
auteur observerales normes en
usagedansla languequ'il utilise,
pourvuque ce soit avecune coherence absolue.Voici cependent
quelquesrèglesà observer:
(a) les noms des auteurscités en
note ne doivent PAS être écrites
en italiqueni en majuscules.
(b) utiliser les abbrévations
standard habituellementen usage.
Cependant,elles ne doivent pas
être écritesen italiqueni comporAinsi:
ter despointsde séparation.
OCA, non OCA.
(c) Ibid. (ou ibid) sera utilisé
à lacluelleil est fait référence,
commedansle cas ou une'seule
ocuvre est citée dans la note
(cl)Ne jamais utiliserop. cit. (ni
son equivalentallemanda.a.O.).
Mais touteréférenceà une oeuvre
se fera
cléji\citée antérieurement,
en donnant le nom de I'auteur,
suivi du titre abrégéde I'oeuvre
citée (Tafe, Great Entrance).
Eviter le systèmequi se repand
actuellementaux USA, qui consiste a faire suivre le nom de
I'auteur de la date de I'oeuvre
(e) Les auteurs fourniront dans
une note initiale la liste des titres
abrégéset des sigles qu'ils utilisent dans leur essai. Cette note
serasignaléepar un astérique(on
5. Dans les citationsdes titres des
ouvrages (qu'ils soient mis en
italique ou entre guillemets),les
auteurs doivent suivre avec une
totale cohérencele systèmenormalementen usagedansla langue
de leur essai.
6. Les citationsen caractèresnon
latins (grec, syriaque,arabe,ar-
ménien, géorgien) devront être
faites avec un logiciel contenant
ces polices de caractères.Une
copie de ces policesdevraêtre inseréedansla diskette.
7. Il faut obligatoirementfaire un
usage abondant des sous-titres
dansle texte de I'essai.Cela facilite grandementla lisibilité et la
consultationdu texte. Un essaiqui
ne pourrait être divisé logiquement avec des sous-titres,aurait
8. Le nom complet de I'auteur
(Robert F. Taft S.J. - R.F. Taft)
sansaucuntitre avant, devra être
placé avant le titre en tête de I'essai, à la page 1. Ne pas prévoir de
page de titre separée.A la fin de
I'essai,I'auteurdevra répéterson
nom, en ajoutantsa situationprofesionnelleprésentéet son adresse
complèteavecle codepostal.
Second call for papers "Armenian in the European Diaspora"
The Glory of Byzantium
Byzantine and Armenian Manuscripts at the
Metropolitan Museum in New York
demonstratesthe richness of
Middle Byzantine culture, explores the relationship of
Byzantium to the art and culture
of neighbouringpeoples as the
Georgians,Syriansand Egyptian
exhibitionwill be
accompaniedby a fully illustrated,
604-page catalogue with 667
illustrations,including 542 in full
color, at a cost of $85.00
(clothbound).For futher information on the catalogue,call
Marilyn Abel, (212) 879-6850.
From M ar ch 11 t o July 6, 1997,
the Metropolitan Museum in New
Y ork exhibit s Byzant ine m anuscripts. Part of the exhibiton are
two superb Armenian manuscripts
lent by the Mekhitarist fathers of
S an La zzar o in Venice: t he
Trebizond Gospel and the Adrianople Gospel, which was created
for an Armenian serving as a high
official in the military of the ernpire. Arnong the works of art featured in The Glory o.f Byz.antiunt
are icons, mosaics, frescoes, ivori es, enam els, silks, st one car vi ngs, gem s, cer am ics, lnanuscri pts , coins, jewelr y, and gold
and silver liturgical objects fi'orn
the major museums and church
treasuries of lnore than 20 nations. TIte Glory of Byzantium
Taken frorn the information leaflet of the MetropolitanMuseumof
Art, The Glory of Byzantium,
Armenian language in the European Diaspora Grazer linguistische Monographie13. Institute
of Linguistics GrazlAustria.Ed.
Jasmine Dum-Tragut. Having
received a few abstracts from
severalEuropeancountries I am
still looking for contributorsfrom
GreatBritain, Switzerlandor East
identity, Armenian schools and
courses and Armenian language
Those who are interestedshould
contactme and sendme a title and
short abstract until March 15th
1997. The monograph shall be
publishedin October1997.
Deadline for contributors is the
endofJune 1997.
The monographshall contain:
a) short reportson various European-ArmenianDiasporacommunities,
b) various linguistic perspectives
of Diaspora-Armeniansuch as
language maintenance,language
loss, languagecontactwith majority languages,loans, Armenian
For further information :
Dr. JasmineDum-Tragut
Institut ftr Sprachwissenschaft
A-8010 GrazlAustria
Tel.: ++/3161380-2419
[email protected]
Ar m enist ica a Bologna
Presso la F'acoltà di Letttere e
Fi l osof ia dell'Univer sit à degli
Studi di Bologna è attivato dall'a.a
1913-14 il cor so di Linguct e
Letteratura ennena, del quale è
ti tol are , f in dall'inizio, la Pr of .
Gabri ella Uluhogian. L'insegnamento è opzionale per gli studenti
di Letter e classiche e di St or ia
ori enta le, che possono seguir lo
per uno o due anni. Il primo arlno
ha carattere propedeutico: oltrc a
un' i ntroduzioneai diver si aspet t i
della cultura arrlena, viene insegnato il grabar; alla gramrnaticadi
base si accolnpagna la lettura di
faci l i test i del V sec. , in connessione con la letteraturae la storia
dei primi secolidell'Armeniacristiana.Nel secondoannoè possibile
la sceltatra l) approfondimento
del grabar e lettura di testi più
complessi,con particolareattenzione ai problemi di traduzione
dal greco in armeno(in età clasdell'armesica),2) apprendimento
no moderno(orientalee occidentale) con lettura seminarialedi
poeti o prosatoridell'uno o dell'
altro ramolinguistico.
La ricerca,collegataalla didattica, si svolge principalmentesu
due linee: l) studio della cultura
annenasia nelle sue espressioni
originali sia come importantee
sempre più rivalutato strumento
Per la promozione degli studi di
armenistica presso I'Università di
Bologna, è stato di recenteistituito
un im por t ant e pr em io annuale
dalla Fondazione Stefano Serapian
di Milano.
L'Univcr sit a
degli St udi di
Bologna è sede consor ziat a del
Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in
Armenistea che ha per sede amministrativa I'Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore di Milano.
per il recupero dell'eredità classica e alto-medievale;2) relazioni
tra gli armeni e I'ltalia in età medievale e moderna.
La biblioteca, che costituisceun
settore specifico del Dipartimento
di P al eogr af ia e M eclicvist ica
(PrazzaS. Giovanni in Monte 2 40124B o logna,t el. ( 51) 645- 781l,
(5 1) 645- 7815,
E- nr ail
ul uho@ alm a. unibo. it ) è f or nit a
dei principali strumenti di base e
di buone collezioni di periodici.
Marco Bais
A Notice Concerning The Leiden Armenian Database
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
Lent by Congregazione
Over mo r e t han l0 year s t he
Lei den Ar m enian Dat abase has
col l ected Classical and M edieval
A rmeni a n t ext s. These t ext s ar e
available free for every interested
user. This is a permanent off-er,so
pleasedon't you ask all of you all
texts at once. Ther e ar e t hr ee
restrictionsfor users:
l. There are colnputerizedtexts of
which the Leiden Anneniart Dcttctbase i s not t he owner : t hey m ay
have been deposit ed by ot her
schol ars,or publisher s r nay have
made the t ext s condit ionallyavailabl e. In or der t o r cceivc t hcss,
consent of ot her per sons bcsidcs
me myself is necessary.Sucl-rtcxts
are marked below with the siglunr
2.The texts arc frec, but clicl not
corne i n cheap. Thcr cf or c, I do
not auth or izet he inclusion ol- t hc
rl ateri al below in ot hcr t cxt
3. My r nain per soual int er est in
tlie texts is of a lexical nature. I
would like to be involved if texts
of the Leiden Armenian Database
are going to be used for the manufacture of indices and lexicons. In
this way, a certain degree of uniformity rnight be reached. This is
a request,not a condition.
In addition, if substantialresearch
is done on the basis of a text obtained from the Leiden Armenian
Database,mention of this should
be made in the resulting publication. You might even consider to
send a free copy to Leiden. When
you find errors in the texts, the
Leiden Armenian Databasewould
appreciate to be informed about
t hem .
You will be asked to sign a form
mcntioning theserestrictionswhen
a t cxt will be sentt o you.
Tltis notice and a sarrple of one
ol't he t ext s, will be placed at t he
AI EA hom e- page suppor t ed by
Lola Koundakjian. More detailed
information is presented in Wei-
tenberg, The Leiden Jerusalem
Armenian Database. A Report,
Annual of Armenian Linguistics
13, r9g3,3l-47,
The format of the texts in the
Leiden Armenian Databasemirrors the printed versions; thus,
pages,lines,and words are broken
off as in the original. There are
line, chapter,verseetc.; such referencesare placedbetweenpointed brackets:<P l>, <L 5> etc.
This procedureenableselementary concordancing.Information
which surpasses
thesebasicindications (e.g. referencesto a critical
apparatusor to explanatorynotes)
is not regularly reproduced.As
yet, a critical apparatushas never
The texts are stored on a DOSmachinein a transcription,called
Leidenduo-codeusingASCII 32 126. This admittedlyclumsy encoding enablesto read and search
the textsimmediatelyon any platform. In the future, the Leiden
ArmenianDatabasetextswill conform to the T(exr) E(ncoding)
I(nitiative) standard.The transscriptionis as follows:
el e^ t^ z^ i I
x c k h j l"
ol f
The Leiden ArmenianDatabaseis
ableand willing to give out a text
in any encoding(on both DOS and
MAC), if you procurea complete
(254 sign) table of the encoding
which you use (much in the sryle
of the Fontographerprogram).If
you wish so, the text can also be
provided without line breaks or
hyphenation(though even simple
concordancingsoftware knows
how to handlethese).
The Leiden Armenian Database
startedon the initiative of Prof.dr.
M.E. Stone(Jerusalem)
as a joint
JerusalemLeiden project.A complete set of the texts is stored in
Jerusalemand copiesof new additions will be depositedthere in
future, too. Many of thesehave
beentransferredto the MAC platform in a format slightly diverging from the Leiden texts. This
collectionhasbeentermedJerusalem Armenian Database. For
these, please refer directly to
Prof. Stone.
The following texts are at present
(February 1997) available in rhe
Leiden Armenian Database.They
are available free on the conditions outlinedabove.(textsnot yet
thoroughly proofread are indicatedby an asterisk)
-The 4 Gospels.
text: B.Kûnzle,Das altarmenische
Evangeliunt.TeIl I: Edition Bern
etc. (Peter Lang) L984, l-286.
(V/ith corrections to the printed
edition which were supplied by
the editor; with kind permission
of the publisher,Lang, Bern).
This is the text of MatenadaranMs
2374. restricted.
The Zohrab-text of John is
availablein Leiden.
Also, the texts for the Gospel
editionwhich is beingpreparedby
His GraceArchbishopAjemian is
availablein the Leiden Armenian
Database.For this text pleasere-
fer to Archbishop Ajemian. The
Gospel of John is morphologically
analyzed and aligned with the
Greek text.
-Acts of the Apostles.
(ed. Zohrab Venice 1805, Vol. 4,
pp 242-317), (commissioned by
Prof. C. Osburn, the New Tcstament E dit ion Pr oject , Abilene
C hri sti an Univer sit y, Texas) .
-D euteronom y ( in t hc cdit ion of
C. Cox, The Arntenian 'l'ransLation o.f Deuterononty, Chico Ca.
(S chol ars Pr ess) 1981, 73- 217) .
-* A l so,
t he Zohr ab- t ext
-A l so, this t ext is pr escnt in ir
morphol ogically analyzcd I 'or nt
which is the basis for Weitenberg
- D e Lee uw van Weenen, Lem matized Index of the Armenian
Versiort of Deuterononty, Atlanta
(S chol ar s Pr ess) ( - Societ y of
Biblical Literature Septuagintand
Cognate Studies 32) 1990.
-The Leiden Armenian Database
al so has pr epar ed an indcx
(accordingto lexeme) of this tcxt.
-Jonah (e d. Zohr ab, Venicc 1805,
Vol. 3, 475-478). (Inputting l'unded by the Societ y of Biblical Lit crature).
-The Leiden Arrnenian Databasc
also made a bilingual index of this
w ork. S e e Weit enber g, Par ullcl
Aligned Text and Bilingual Concordance of the Anneniun uncl
Greek Versiorts of the lJook 0.1'
Jortal t, Am st er dam ( Rodopi) ( D utch S tudies in Ar m enian Language and Literature l) 1992.
-Song of Songs(Contributedby
Prof.Dr. M. Stone). Text: Ms.
- IV Ezra. Text A (- Ms.
Jerusalem1933) as publishedby
M. Stone, Concordanceof Texts
of Armenian IV Ezra, Jerusalem
l91I (text 2-82).(Contributedby
Prof.Dr.M. Stone) resticted.
- The Leiden ArmenianDatabase
also disposesof the grammatical
analysesand data which were
printed as the concordance(ibid.
-*Genesis, *Exodus, *Leviticus, *Numeri (Zohrap and
critical Zeyt'unyan edd.). Among
them are the texts which are
connectedwith the new edition of
the Arrnenian Old Testament
which is preparedat the Mount of
Olives Center for the Armenian
Bible (Contributedby His Grace
-*Abraham Xostovanol
Vkayk' arewelic' (Ed. Ëimiacin
-xABat'angelos, History, ed.
Tiflis l9l4 (sic!).
-xAdam-texts. Various short
apocryphalAdam texts.Texts and
of Stone,Texts and
Concordancesof the Armenian
Adam Literature Vol. I, 1996
(Contributed by Prof.Dr. M.
-*Aelius Theon, Progymnasmata, Erevan1938.
1960) and Commentary
Proclus: ed. A.
Vardanean,Dasakanmanr bnagirner,Yol.II (Vienna1923):L9-40.
courtesyDr. Even-Vered,Jerusalem).
-Frik, text: Frik, The Divan,
publishedby ArchbishopTirayr,
New York 1952,243-558.
(correction courtesy A. Nakashian).Another version is extant
in part (edition prepared by
Armen Ter-Step'anyan
-Eli5ë, History of the War of
the Vardanians ed. Erevan 1951
(correctioncourtesyB. Vaux).
-*Afak'el Siwnec'i, Adamgirk'
(ed. Erevan 1989):partly, Draxtagirk'( ed. Venice 1956 Courtesy Prof.dr.M.Stone).
Ephrem, An Exposition of
the Gospel (CSCO 291) ed. H.G.
Egan, Leuven 1968), text 1 -99
(with kind permission of the
-tAristakës Lastiverc'i Patmut'iwnEd. Tiflis 1912. (ed.
Erevan 1953in progress).
(ed. B.
C'ugaszyanc'. Erevan1980)p.
37 -169.
-*Epiphanius De gemmis Epitome (=Mat. 9100, 372a-373b,
contributed by Prof. M. Stone)
- Canones of the Armenian
Church ed. V. Hakobyan,Kanonagirk' hayoc', Vol I, 376-537.
Texts (including indices) of the
Erevan editions
Yiéatakaranner: 5 - LZth c. (E.
1988); 13th c.(E. 1984);14th c.
(1950); 15th c. E. 1955. 1958.
1967);17th c. (r974. 1978).
Completematerialavailableby the
end of 1997 in a unitary format.
Onomastic material is marked.
Copies will be housedin Aarhus
University, the Matenadaranand
the ErevanLinguistic Institute.
- *CPG 4202 (In Chananaeamet
in Pharaonem):ed. Meknut'iwn
t'It'oc' Pawlosi, Vol. 2, Venice
t862, 694-7t5.
-*Caik' (Ed. Venice 1861).
- * Dawit' Anhalt' Sahmank'
imastasirut'ean (ed. Erevan
- *E u s e b iu s o f Ca e s a re a ,
Church History (ed. Venice
1877). Unfortunatelyonly the
-Eznik Kolbac'i Elc Alandoc'
-*Kirakos Ganjakec'i, History, (ed.Erevan1961),399pp.
-*Geoponica, (ed. Vcnicc I ti77)
Partsare lacking.
-*Girk" pitoyic', ed. G. Muradyan, Erevan1993.
-Koriwn, The Life of MaStoc'
ed. Abetyan, 1940.
-Grigor Aknerc'i History of
the Nation of the Archcrs, ccl.
N. Bogharean,Jerusalem 1974
(ref. to pagesof the Blake-Frye
edition 1954 have been addcd;
contributed by V. |ihanyan,
-Kostandin Erznkac'i, Poems.
Ed. A. Srapyan,Kostandin Erznkac'i Taler, Erevan (AN) 1962,
L17-233. (correction courtesy
T.M. Van Lint).
-*Lazar Parpec'i, History (ed.
Tiflis 1903).
-Lewond, History (Ed. SPb.
1877) (CorrectioncourtesyJ. FIagopian).
-Grigor Magistros, Otanawor
bank' ai Manuë'ë (ed. Venice
1868) (contributedby Prof. M.
Stone; correction courtesy J.
-Commentary on Numeri
1 -1 3 (e d . N.
-Ho milie s
-*Hamam Arewelc'i Meknut'iwn Aiakac', Erevan I994
(courtesy A. Ter Step'anyan).
-*GirK t'lt'oc', (ed.Tiflis l90l)
-Eusebius of Emessa (inputting
funded by the Danish Science
Foundation/ Prof.H. Lehmann,
-Commentary on Genesis (ed.
Venice 1980:p. 1Yovhanesean,
95) (also, this text has been
-Commentary on Exodus
(ibid. 97-r24).
-Commentary on Leviticus
-*Grigor Tat'ewac'i, Meknut'iwn Salmosac' Erevan 1993.
(courtesy A. Ter Step'anyan).
-*Grigor Narekac'i, Matean
olbergut'ean (ed. Ercvan 1985).
-Grigor Nazinzenus: Orationes II, XII, IX as editcd by B.
Coulie, Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera Versio ArmeniacaI,
Turnhout 1994 and Oratio VII
in the edition of A. Sirinian,
Museon107 (1994):55 ff. Togcther with morphologicalanalysis.
-Mkrtië' Nala5, text: Mkrtië'
Na la.i aSxatasiriwt'eambEd.
Xondkaryani, Erevan(AN) 1965,
r 0r - 182.
-Movsës Xorenac'i, History
(ed.Tiflis 1913)p.1-366.
-*Mxit'ar Herac'i, |ermanc'
Mxit'arut'iwn, Venice L832.
-*Nersês Snorhali, Encyclical
Letter (ed. St. Peterburg1788
(sic!)),Elegy on Edessa(ed.).
-*IJxt'anës, Patmut'iwn
yoc', ed.ValarSapat1871.
-Pseudo Sapuh Bagratuni,
Anonymous History (Ed.
Eimiacin I92I; referencesto the
ed. Darbinyan-Melik'yan19 7 I
- * Patmut'iwn
Makedonac'woy, ed. Erevan
1989,p. 69 - 363 (Text A).
-*Pawstos Buzand, History
(ed.St. Peterburg1883).
-Philo Alexandrinus
= pp.33 - 104 of P'iloni Hebrayec'woy, Caik' T'argmanealk' I
Naxneac' Meroc' Oroc' Hellen
Bnagirk' Hasin Ai Mez (Venetik
L892); (Keank' Imastoc'). This
text and bilingual alignment in
preparation by P. Pontani,
Milano. restricted.
= ibid. 201-219. This is the text
treated by R. Sgarbi, Analisi
dell' InterpretazioneArmena della Trattazione Greca Filoniana Intorno
All'Altare (Memorie dell'Istituto
Lombardo, Acc. di Scienze e
Lettere,classedi Lettere,Sc.Mor.
e Storiche,Vol. XXXIX, Fasc.3)
Milano 1989.= De Sacrificantibus (De Specialibus Legibus
I, 69 ff.). The remainderof this
book is currentlybeing inputted.
*Quaestiones in Genesim,ed.
Aucher, Venice 1824 (correction
in progress.Contributedby S.K.
Wan) restricted.
tQuaestiones in Exodum, ed.
Aucher, Venice 1824 (correction
in progress . Contributed by
-Sebëos, History (ed. Erevan
I979). (correction courtesy B.
Vaux). Indicationof References
the St. Peterburg I8l9 edition
-*Severianos of Emessa,
CaiK (ed.Venice 1830).
-Sokratës Sk''olastikos Ekelec'akan patmiwt'iwn ed. ValarSapat1897.Togetherwith various
relatedmaterial.Edition prepared
by M. Sirinyan. restricted.
-*Yaëaxapatumed. Venice
-Yovhannës Erznkac'i,
Poems. ed. A. Srapyan,Hovhannës Erznkac'i Usumnasirut'yun ew Bnagir. Erevan (AN)
-*Yovhannës Kalankatowac'i,
Patmut'iwn. Ed. Erevan 1983.
-*Yovhannës Drasxanakertc'i
(Kat'olikos), Ed. Tiflis 1912
-*Step'anos Asolik, History
(ed.St. Peterburg1885),286pp.
-Yovhannës Mamikonean,
History of Taron (ed. Vcnicc
-*Step'anos Siwnec'i, Meknut'iwn ë'oric' awetaranac', Erevan 1994. (courtesyA. Ter Step'anyan).restricted.
-*Yovhannës Mandakuni, Cai
k'. Ed. Venice 1860.
-*T'ovma Mecop'ec'i , History
-Yovhannës T'lkuranc'i, Taler, Erevan1960,l19-213. with
addendum ibid. p. 217-230(8.
Pivazyaned.); Vasn stelcman
aSxarhi,Bazmavëp, 193U,lti9198;Ganjer from: Talagirk'(cd.
N. eps.Covakan,Jerusalern
-*Vardan Arewelc'i , History
-*Zenob Glak, History of
Taron (ed. Venice I tt32) (p. l-
-*Timot'eos Kuz, (ed. Leipzig
-*T'ovma Arc'runi, History
(ed.St. Peterburg1887).
-Xaè'atur Keè'arec'i, Poems.
ed. Erevan 1958. (correction
courtesyT.M. Van Lint).
-Plato, Minos. Text and bilingual alignment in preparationby
Dr.R.-8. Finazzi, Milano.
-(Pseudo-)Zeno, text: Gif akan
nyut'eri Zolovac'u, 2; 1950, 8198.
-Xosrov Anjewac'i, Meknut'iwn Pataragi. Text courtesyP.
De Leeuw Van
The Lemmatizationof the Armenian Deuteronomy.Reportsof the
Leiden Armenian DatabaseNr 1,
Leiden (Departmentof Comparativc Linguistics Leiden University), 54. 132pp.
'fhe Lemmatizationof Eusebius;
Commentaryon Genesis.Reports
of the Leiden ArmenianData Base
Nr 2, Leiden (Department of
ComparativeLinguistics Leiden
University),67 pp.
Automatic Lemmatizationof Classical Armenian Texts,in Ian Lancashareed., Researchin Humanities Computing 1, Oxford I99l
(Selected Papers from the
ALLC/ACH Conference.Toronto
Stone,Michael E. & Weiten-berg,
The Leiden Armenian Database,
Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol.2, No.4: 245-250.
Weitcnberg,Joseph J.S. 1990,
Armenian and the ASCII Table,
Annual of ArmenianLin-guistics
I l: 79-82.
Internet Site: Armenian Diasporan Archives
A home pageentitledArmenian
Archives (at
beenopened.One pagewill be de-
of interest,they can e-mail thern
to the mentionedaddress.
JohnL. Gueriguian
Rockville,MD 20853
voted to the announcement of
Armenian cultural and scholarly
ac t iv it ies of a l l k i n d s . If th e
readers wish to publicize anything
POBox 6996
Alpharetta,GA 30239-6996
instead of $49.50. Pleasemention
discount form sent to the author.
Scholars Press,
" Ger m an Responsibilit y in the Armenian Genocide"
Mr. John Clews has become the
new chair of the International Organiz at ion f or Sta n d a rd i z a ti o n
s ubc om m it t ee re s p o n s i b l e fo r
t r ans lit er at ion (IS O /T C 4 6 l S C Z :
' W ri tte n
Conv er s ion o f
Languages ) . T he n e w s e c re ta ry i s
Evangelos Melagrakis.
A n elec t r onic m a i l i n g l i s t fo r
f SO/TC4 6l SCZ ([email protected])
has now been set up by ELOT (the
Greek national standardsbody). It
is hoped that this list will attract
researchersand scientists who can
add us ef ul in fo rm a ti o n w h i c h
rnight assist in developing standar ds on t he C o n v e rs i o n o f
Written Languages.
There are now several with an
interest in Annenian transliteration, character coding ancl other
issueson the list.
The new chair and secretary also
hope to have an emphasison issues
of using computers to do appropriate transformations necessary
in automated transliteration, and
also look forward to having regular contact with those on this list
who are interestedin such issues.
Subscribingto the rnailing list for
In orderto join the list you should
be actively involved in using
transliterationsystems,or in developing transliterationsystems,
and should be preparedto contribute to the list from time to time.
If you wish to join the list, sendan
e-mail to [email protected]
with this messagein the body of
the text:
[email protected]
To find out further commands
you can use, send the command
"help" as the text of an e-mail
either to [email protected]
or to: [email protected]
John Clews (Chairrnan of
ISO/TC46lSC2: Conversion of
Written Languages).
SESAME ComputerProjects,8
Avenue Rd., Harrogate, HG2
+44 (0) 1423888432
F'romthe message
by JohnClews.
Armenian Adam Literature
Michael E. Stone,Textsand Concordancesof the Annenian Adam
Literature, vol. l. GenesisI-4,
Penitenceof Adam. Book of
Adam, Atlanta: ScholarsPress,
1996. Available to mernbersof
AIEA and SAS at discount:$34
cal and rnilitary allianceby virtue
ol which Germanywould not use
its power-leveragein order to
avertthe Armeniancatastrophe.
Gcrman Responsibility in the
Armenian Genocide, by V.N.
Dadrian, is published by Blue
Crane Books, P.O. Box 29I,
MA 02238,Tel: (617)
926-8585,Fax: (617) 926-0982.
The recent publicat ion G er m an
ResponsibiLity in the Armenian
Genocide: A Review o.f the Histori cal Evidence 0. f G er t nun
C ompl i ci t y, by V. N. Dadr ian,
concentrateson the powcrlul prcsence of I m per ial G cr m any in
Turkey at the tirne of the genocide. In this study, thc author cxami nes the com plex condit ions at tending the Turko-Gennan politi-
Eastern Armenian Dictionary and Grammar
A rmeni an ( East er n) - EnglishDicti onary. Com pilecl by Louisa
Baghdasarianand R. David Zorc.
K ensi ngt on, M D: Dunwoody
P ress, 1995. I SBN: I - 881265- 072, LCCN 95-67 162
The di ctionar y cont ains 17, 000
words. Each citation. in adclition
to vari ant def init ions, givcs it
transliteration for the worcl and
Armenian (Eastern)Newspaper
Readerand Grammar.R. David
Zorc and Louisa Baghdasarian.
Kensington, MD. Dunwoody
Press,1995.ISBN: 1-881265-00-5
The addressof the Pressis:
P.O.Box 400
MD 20895
Levon Avdovan
Pubblicazioni di intcressearmcnistico in Italia
Tra le iniziativeeditorialiitalianc
in ambitoarmenisticosegnaliamo
le seguenti:
La prima traduzioneitalianadello
4uglt bp7. di Varujan ha avuto
una calorosaaccoglienza,colne
testimonianole numeroseristampe:
Daniel Varujan,Il cantodel pane,
a cura di Antonia Arslan.tradu39
zione di Antonia Arslan e Chiara
HaiganushMegighian,Guerini e
Associati,Milano, 1992.Testoarnlenoa fronte.
Daniel Varujan, Mari di grano e
altre poesie ermene,a cura e con
introduzionedi Antonia Arslan,
traduzionedi Antonia Arslan e
Alfred HemmatSiraky, commenti
alle poesie di Siobhan NashMarshall, Ed. Paoline, Milano,
1995. Oltre al Canto del pane
questasilloge comprendepoesie
tratte dalle raccolte Fremiti, II
cuoredella stirpe e Cantipagani.
Claude Mutafian, Metz Yeghérn.
Breve storia del genocidio degli
Armeni, a cura di Antonia Arslan,
presentazionedi Mario Nordio,
postfazione di B.L. Zekiyan,
Guerinie Associati,1995.Traduzionedi Un aperçusur le génocide
desarméniens,Ed. SevigPressSa.
Ad limina ltaliae - Un ftpnûtu
ftuutftng. Irt viaggio per l'ltalict
con tnercqnti e monaci arnteni,a
cura di Boghos Levon Zek\yan,
Quademi del Dipartirnento di
Studi EurasiaticiUniversitàdegli
Studi Ca' Foscaridi Venezia,3'7,
Editoriale Programma,Padova,
1996.Vedi indiceper i contributi.
traduzionee note a cura di Alessandro Orengo, Edizioni ETS,
Pisa, 1996.
Kasangian,Harutiun, Otto gramrni
di piombo,mezzochilo di acciaio,
mezzplitro di olio di rieino. Vita
e avventuredi un ragazzoermeno,
a cura di Stefano Kasangian e
Anahid Kehyayan,a prefazionedi
Antonia Arslan, postfazione di
B.L. Zekryan, Il Poligrafo,
Ohanian,Vahan,Dizionario italianl-ertneno. Funupufu hmulbp$'-2u'1bptfu, Casa Editrice Armena,Venezia-5.Lazzaro,1995,
Ohanian,Vahan,Dizionarioarmeno-italiano Funutputfu Z,ut$ptfuhmuftptlr, Casa Editrice Arme[â, Venezia-S.Lazzaro, 1996,
Eznik di Kolb, Corlfutaz.ione
sette(Elc Alandoc'), introduzione,
Ad Limina ltaliae
Un rygnûtu hnugftnl
In viaggio per I'Italia con mercanti e monaci armeni
a cura di Boghos Lcvon Zekiyan
V. Barkhudarian,B.L. Zekiyan,
B.L. Zekiyan,Introduz.ione 13
Parte Prima
A. Zarian, Arnten Zarian. Cenni
P. Cunto, Armen Zarian come
stor iografo dell' urbanist ica e
T. Breccia Fratadocci,L'opera di
Armen Zarian architettonel periodo romano
M.A. Lala Comneno,Storiografia
italiana deli'architettura ennena
fino agli anni'50
P a r te S econda
P. Bertolina,Cli anneni a Pontecurone
G. Uluhogian,Notiziapreliminare
sul fondo "Deodato Papasian"
presso la biblioteca Ariostea di
C. Bonardi, Gli Scerimandi Ve'
neziada mercantia possidenti229
A.A. Kharadian, Le relazioni
economico-commercialidegli Ar'
meni di Smirne con Ie città
italiane (secc.XV- run
B.L. Zek\yan, In margine alla
storia. Dal fenomenodell'emigra'
zione verso un nuovo concetto
dell' identitàe dell'integrazione
G. Traina,Materiali sulla presenza armena nella Perugia medie97
G. Casagrande, S. Matteo degli
Armeni nel contesto insediativoreligioso di Perugia (secc. XIII-
F. Luzzato Lagana, Fondazione e
pri me vicende del m onast er o
qrmeno di S. Antonio di Spazza129
vento in Pisa (XIV secolo)
D. Taverna, Emanuele Filiberto e
gli Armeni
A. Orengo, Tipografie e stumpatori armeni a Livorno: una sitttcsi
A. Sirinian,Diciotto anni di studi
italiani sulle relazioniitalo-armene (bibliografia storica italiana
deglianni /,978-/,995)
M. Lamberti, Cenni sull'eremo
armenodi Santa Croce a Cava dei
G. Uluhogian, L.F. Marsili e il
Catolicosarmeno YakobIV Julat99
Articles of Armenological interest
Review of G. Bournoutian,A
History of the Arntenian People
Vol. I in InternationalJournalof
KurdishStudies7ll-2(1994) I l8l2l.
Haidostian, O. A Church-Sect
Continuum: The Ca,çeof the ArmenianEvangelicalChurch,Theol.
Rev. 15/2(1994).
Review of A. Keshishian,The
Christian Witnessat the Cross'
roads in the Middle East,
Theologicalrev. 15/1 (1994) 8890 (Haidostian).
Krikorian,Van. Z. Sisyphus'Oil:
Pipelinesand Politics in the Caspian Basira,CIS Law Notes (Deceber 1995)lff.
Levon Avdoyan
2ut4tu Uûuophul
Vol. 110 numbers l-12 January-December 1995
P tulûbqbutu, 1tftlnryi 2utùùnon
ullbutpQ2.u1 ûlruàupulttu bpuô2mntpbub futnrlhplr Çltifuullult
ulum[utllult qrup*utg[tufu, cols.
Sumntphutu, /. b*phQ { lufuqhu* *htr"t. 2. Çpftypftu 4.
Uutuhutult,cols. 2ff.
l! 2u/1utl1utu thnbu2lr*IrlE, cols. 284ff.
Aratta; Sumerian; Armenianbt'|htrf
luut2hphutlt, 1.9.' Z,ut1ut4ltp +uf
pntphutfu 4lrmu Qutp+htrh'huttphuttu pturypn'hntûy h llppuQufu
Suputglrpg b-2 rlu'pbp
1 l 8ff.
Armenian Literature (mediaeval);
Philosophy; Dawit' Anyalt' (David the Invincible)
Dasnabedian,Thamar. Encornium
de Sisianos Vardapet sur les
Martyrs de Sébaste, cols. 2l0ff .
Acts of Saints-Forty Martyrs of
from Armenian
A spaturi a n, Ver nof l V. , Ar m ct t ia
i n the W o r ld Ar ena, 1914- 1921,
, Ihtnfu' um[tuSur\rp
',luÇu4fufthp4'-nt[, cols. 304ff.
Armenian literature(mediaeval);
Armenianreligion (Ancient);Vahugr ; MovsësXorenac'i.
nt tIhufu,'1.2,' 4pn uL fu
lut rlput p3,
2upfuhutut l,'I\tb|rhuqutu2u $p bbu 4lrmnt plt tLp, cols. 360ff.
; Armeno*
logy; Armeniansin Vienna.
btr+"gh lft2tuur1utpÈutu [blftntp/rttutubpnuî h ryqhnu+hf FunupuLtubpp, cols. 244ff .
Lex ic ogr aphy ; Arme n i a n ma n u scripts-dictionaries;Song of Songs
Greppin,John A.C., A Medieval
Arabic-ArmenianBotanical Dictionary, cols. 380ff.
If u p tnbnubufu, r{utp ryult' lJnt tIh pru l1utfu utr1plttpfuhpnt Uputmmut
; urartu'
Thierry, J.M., La région de
Divrik; Tewrik'ë; Tyurike; Armenian-history(Mediaeval);Geography; Toponyms
ïp ft 4n p h uil I) nt uuutlt ut If ut Qup /r'
Funhpfr Fugumpntplttfup
I9I9 to I92l and in thc 1990's,
G enocide: Hist or y,
Ethics, 217-20
Polit ics,
Rogcr W. Smith, of Ara Sarafian,
United States Official Documents
on the Armenian Genocide,220-
Kechichian, Joseph A., Arnrcnian
Foreign Policy: Patterns antl I'rut,spects, 143-56.
Hilmar Kaiser, of Jeremy Salt,
Irrtpcriulism,Evangelismqnd the
P eroomi a n, Rubina. , Du, slt nukt sutiun-BolshevikRelatbn:;, l9 I 820: Dashnaktsutiurt'.s Quest .fltr
Peaceful Coexistertcc,157-82.
Virginia A. Tashjian,of Anne M.
Avakiarr.Armenian Folklore BibIiography,225-26
Ter Minassian, Anahide, 'l'lu' Iktlc
of the Individual: 'l'|rc Cusc o.l'
Rouben Ter Mina.ssian,ltt3-20I .
I{icharclGiragossian,of Suzanne
Goldcnberg, Pride of Small Natirtrts:The Caucasusand the PostSoviet D isorder, 226-28
Areshian, Grigor 8., Dctrtocrulic
Society or Efficient Statc? A Continuing Armenian Dile mnru,203-
Book reviews
Ronald G. Suny, ol' Ilichard G.
Hovannisian,ed., Thc Armutitttt
Razrnig B. Shirinian, of Levon
Chorbajian, Patrick Donabedian,
arrd Claude Mutafian, The Cauca.sianKnot: TheHistory and GeoPolitics of Nagorno-Karabagh,
Lcvon Avdoyan
Levon Avdoyan
Armenian Review
Vol. 46lI-4 U81-1841 (Spring-Winter 1993)
Special issue: The Republic
Armenia,19l8-1920:A Seventyfive Year Perspective,[RichardG.
Jones,StephenF., Georgian-Armenian Relationsin I9I8-1920
and l99l-94: A Comparison,5717.
The first volume of a ttcw jout'ltal,
cal l ed A s ht anak, has bscr t publ i shed i n Er evan. lndcx cr t t r ics
for each article arc givott bclow as
cataloguedby Levon Avcloyiur.
RichardG., MountainousKarabaghin 1920:An UnresolvedContest,L-26
Dudwick, Nora.,Armenian-Azerbaijani Relationsand Karabagh:
History, Memory, and Politics,
U2mutfuuQ( 4uyylmuQuù
ryrufphtr* + htù Vol. I ( 1995) lldit or :
Gfrpfttuytb, U., UIruhl{ ulutfu-
Upmu2bu Uupmltpnuytfu
ryntlptubplt $nfuu QhpulnuIp lurl
[t ln Lqufu ryutl1utfu hllh$gul1utfu
Hunter,ShireenT ., Trartscctucqs
and the Middle East: Patternsof
Mutttal Intpact,37-56.
Marashlian,Levon.,Ecortonticlrtterests Against Armenia front
P ubl i sher : U ulu
Q - Uu Zm ng
lù u p 4[urtu L- g U ft nt p y ût
Uutpmlrunu1utfu, U., Ppltumnfuhntplntfup h uqyutfttfu ltfuBfuntpgùty, 5 ff .
Armenian Literature/Historiography (Mediaeval); Eccl. History
1pu Qrutuntpyfi ûhy, I4ff .
Folktales, Traditions, Legends;
Eccl. History (Byzantine); Arm.
Literature (Mediaeval)
'lutp pftfuyù,
9uu1yufu, U., {n{Çutfu 0â,fuhgnt
l1utu puph$nfuntltubp/t
pu qurputl1ufupfunt 1pg, 97ff .
Eccl. History (Armenian);John of
U,, I u m lut SuLn t-
Fyfu h fuupmuuuhntplufu 4u-
pu phpu llgntp yuï I
2ntplf t
25ff .
Armenia-History(Mediaeval);Armenian;Literature/Historiography F*tr\h\tutu, /., dlrft\1uù 2,*y(Mediaeval)
umublt h pptqtufurTutllub h*ypntpyttu hqbûgu|utu $nfuuput[ù uûputqluù,
2,,, QgtputqnttutphpntpyttutuhpgL tuputugpulutulptmntuult*tu [a[h $f11ftu{uyr
puQub tulphpg, llzff.
pyttup tuupbQyutury"ttrrgh +ttutArmenian Kingdom of Cilicia;
Byzantine Empire; Ecclesiastical
I1uturu{uturynt1pfuhpt[, 35ff.
Arm. Lit (Mediaeval);Philos (Pythagoras;Plato);Schoolof Narek
2,upntp1nûtyth, F,, ltufult2hUupmlrpnulutfu, U, Unluhu lunItufuytfu uul [ubut ltfu ulutlprupp
phfuutgnt ulutm[ntplutb 2nppnprp
h fuputpuqtupurlufu lbmbtufuph
+f,ph |"tu+hfn
4btr*trArmenian History (Mediaeval);
t utpt nulp pufuutuftpntpyù [h2,
49ff .
Armenian Literature/Historiography (Mediaeval);MovsësXorenaUp4up1utfu,?., ïtrh+nt, Uuglruc l.
mp nulr''1,y t gutqfuu l1ufumutr1p',
[ùnrlt21utfu,U., Un{ubu lunpbbuGregory/Grigor Magistros; Armenian Literature/Poetry(MedignL llt2umulut
ûlr putfulr ulyaeval)
ultb, 7 sff .
p gtpùhp/r
Armenian Literature/Historiography (Mediaeval); Movses Xorenac'i -Sources
Gltplrtuyutu, U., Un{ubu lunphfuugnL ulutmûntfAWfu h Qnm ulurmf hruf plr 'mufufuryutprufuntp1wfu'
uqhpubhpp, 85ff.
Untpurlyufu, 9'., 0mup utfunûtfubtrl, upm u 4u yn ntûfubpp I ntfuuFufu putpyûufuntm1ntfufubpt[,
l51ff. Arm. Lit. (Mediaeval:
into Armenian;Names(Foreign)
Levon Avdoyan
Vol. 153, Numbers L-4 (1995)
Gmft8hutu, Untpttu'lhbbnltlllt
Ufuh[a* t,hutuLhplr' F u qûutlt u1'
u1uppbpuQutuy,5ff .
Armenians in Venice; Armenology; Mkhitarists/Mekhitarists
, 2,. Z,upntplttL' Futqr|u 4t u{' 150 utfhullt 1uLryftuntplrttu bt qftmul1utfufufumL-p
{htuhmltl[tû[2,29ff .
Armenians in Venice; Armcnology; Mkhitarists/Mckhitarists;
bupmgûhuh, 2,. Sutfuum., '{bfub'
*trlll, Ufu/rmuphututubpn1'2,ut!Qulyfu ltutluutnp', 37fï.
Armenians in Venice; MkhiArtarists/Mekhitarists-History;
UrIumntfuft, hupuulbm bulu',
àul1np 1, ttFb Intquftgft lt 2ut1
Iftrfupbnb( èÈ. +utù, 138ff.
ArmenianChurch-Catholicossatel7th century;Hakob IV of Jugha
(jowlayec'i)-Katholikos; Armenians in Italy (Livorno); Roman
dbtfiEhûhutu, 2, Uu1ul1, $ttZ.utlnp tltuntulr L Uumptnu
Ututfutuhut, I65ff.
Armenian Church-History-17th
century;Roman Catholic Church;
Dominicans in Nakhijevan; Fra
HakobHisusi (Giacomodi Gesu)
Sanjian,Avedis K. The Armenian
Unithufu, Qutpru1.,'{hbhmlt Qlr
Ufultmuphutu ûltupubntpbufu
+btrf Z*t ulumûutqpntpbult
[b3., 101ff.
Armenians in Venicc; Mkhitarists/Mekhitarists-History
; Armenology; ArmenianHistoriography
2. Qoqnu.,Pfuhuftu|t
bp 2ut1 bQbr1hg
tullutn nqn$lr ttutu
Sohutgngp, I23ff .
Armenian Church Documents;
Haysmawurk';S y n ax ar i e s ;
Upht2umbutu, Ubbu, U1rhhhtr-'
d2muQub û2uQn1p2h tupu thm
Quu1ntut 2u pu l1ufuu 4ltpfuhpp,
203ff .
Annenian Church-Music(MediaeMusic;Ani
val); SharakansÆIymns;
Kouyrnjian, Dickran., From Disintegration to Reintegration:Armeniansat the Start of the Modern
Era (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries),
bhpufuhutu,bryftutlù" Eltryutu F.
- h rupt upLhpnt' ryputtlu4lrt*'
Armenian-History (Ancient); Tigr anes I I ; Nu mi s ma ti c s ; S i l v e r
Coinage; Coin Hoards
S ttr-'lbtnfur1hufu, Z*tlt., 2*1*umufufr ln2utQutnp [hÇbufuLbpp,
27 Iff.
Armenian Religion (Ancient); Armenian History (Ancient); Armenian Pantheon (Gods and Goddesses);Temples;Armenian Historiography (Mediaeval)
Arkun, Aram., 'Le Temps' and
Other Parisian Newspapers on the
1909 Cilicictn Massacres and Their
P,utphult, U[*., Fnpputphp+ (q]n
n2uphprp u[pngp, 306ff.
Armenia-History (Late Mediaeval)
V ay oc ' J or ; si w n i k ' ; F o rtre s s e s ;
Uu nptnuhuit,,{upr1ult.,
bp lln' t
/* t u[teu luqnûtItbp
rI/t2fuurpupbufu Uulultlrnl ,lt1, Uo*uulht
lt ulutmtfntpftù, 404ff .
Armenians in Spain and Portugal
(l l th century); N akharars-A rts' ru n l
Orengo, Alessandro, La data di
pubblicazione delle' Institutiones'
del Galano,4I6ft.
Armenian Grammars (17th century); Clernento Galano; Grammaticae, et Logicae Institutiones Linguae Literalis; Armenicae
Sfp-lhntubui4 2u/1., [ù ufulltupôtq L Qlruuputu|*rdt|
424ff .
Preciousgems and stones;Anania
lu/u/tQhuù, lhtnlt b., luut2utmnLI
{tut. Èpryrnt[Ègnt rybpp lflulrmup butL ûltu putfuntphufu ,{bfuhmft Qnt[
con particolare riguardo al regno
d'Armenia, 37 5ff .
Kings, Emperors, etc. (idea o0;
Armeni an ki ngshi p; A rm Li t
(Mediaeval); Mysticism (Mediaeval); Eschatology (Mediaeval)
[ù bpbutL, ,{bÇufun12., Unt2hrl
Armeniansin Venice(16thcentury); Mkhitarists/Mekhitarists-His- hZl"*tu Up4utumuLlr ftntpltù,
tory; Khach'aturof Erzerum
bpufubufu,Uupl1., br1bnfu/t
lnnLFhrW hnumufupupbufulr rupàutUutmptnubufu,,{upr7ufu
4ttu,ft1, 343ff. Annenian Literaof QgynbutV, ïtrlr+ntr, hpugb
ture (Modem); ArmenianGenou l12'h.,lupntéufu/r Gntpy,
cide; KostanZarian
Giuseppe,Mi,sticaimpeDaniel Varuzhan;ArmenianLiteriule ed escatologicantedievale rature(Modern)
Futuphp ZutyuunutuftUpfuft
( 1ee3)
1( es ) - 2( e6)
Armenia (republic)-First;Nakhijevan; Sharur
Zut yt u m utfult lub1t utu1hnntp ytï
ophfupp Z.utlutumutbtr ruqpuftrb4
utpQft{tubplrV Sntur1lr [uulrtu.
Z.nthrlhplt 1993 ft, 3f1.
Armenia (Republic)-Laws
Armenian National Archivcs
Chapter[I: P ntpg-ft umupuQub lul1utlu /1utl1ufu4nptnqn*
Turkey; Tatars;Azerbaijan
ntP yult
2u yu u m ufult Zufup u u1L-m
Qutnut {upntp ytfufu utnpfup l;1, tttf -
aboutCh. 3l
lNo indications.
Chapter lY 2,uytumufuft Zufulrrttulhmntp yùt -lunpl r7uthfu h Znt p 1nût -P b[u 1utllutb lù nry lurufu
fulrlufttu +ntrth lup2ntplutlt
[ayb 1993P . Z.nùlrult 2-1,ph,l
29I npn2ûuûp, L5ff.
Armenia (Republic)-Rcgulations
,ph ut
Armenia (ReTurkey
lunttan+*th\t 2u1-chanter
[The issuesare dedicatcdt. cr.cuh!: LufultYb{ufu-Gutpnt[tflt
ments and other materialsrclati'e
to the.regions of Nakhijcvan anà
Sharur, ànd the first ]A,rnrcnian SovictArmenia
Notcs' 348ff'
l9 I 8-
l92l 7A7a.:Qutunutpl|Lf
fôhtr, 24-391
Introduct\on,24ff .
lt tuyt-
lnclcx of PublishedDocuments,
Irrdcxof PersonalNames,372ff.
1'oponymIndex, 378ff .
Chapter I: lutytutnufuft Z,utfuputulhtnntp 1utfulr 2fuult nt p y ût p L rufuf 2bt[ufunt[ h Gupntpntl,
FutuphpZu,1*un-I'h Apfuft{lthpft L(97)(1995)
uhulmhûphplr1926fa.-24 [upnlt
1927 p .:'huttnulluh Quunu-
P,utgutpltu\t, UyIuum, bfir2b 2utthfugh rTutmut t/upntp lnt\t I 5
Fq[Abf: Ffuuqpu lrtu lputmutputllntppùg, F u g u n F n t p 1ntLûhl1hu p uL nt p y tfufu
hp, 3ff .
Eli5e C'arenc'; Armenian Poetry
(20th century); Soviet Armenia;
Court Cases-sources
q-tuhg thlt44u ttt ht,E : Ut,luh4u thlt
t/tuumuprlphp U. hh1t1tltuttuftun
Armenian Genocide;Naratives
News from the Archives Ministry,
r26ff .
Uht b$ntult qnÇbplrÇf2uanut[t\t:
bfu pntlrgrullutb
Armenium; petra armenea;laPis
armenius; lapis lazuli; Gems,
Èt thlutuhlp
L994: L-31362,364 (JanuaryMarch)
Nothing of Armenological interest.
1995: L-31374,376(JanuaryMarch)
hutfulr hgutfu
, [ryntutpï, U. ït, I,+nt,
Uu p llnu1utIt,U2nn, Uh$u l1tufu
putulbmntpptfunt[, l-5
Republic of Armenia-Economic
policy; Privatization
ptpptby ,3-5
Christianity (Armenia)-Hisrory;
St. Gregory the Illuminator;
Grigor Lusavorich'
7 -91368,370 (July-Sept)
7utïlrh6ufu, trTrr*prp, Z,ftfu2,upg ulhmu l1uùntp1nûth Unuyut4"t, Uultulr hpllpfubplr luttfulup4nul, 30-33
1,373 (Oct-Dec)
hufu/rbguL, lrTntup7, Z.ut1Unughyu l1utu b 4hqhgnt Çft[butqpntûp, l-4
Christianity (Armenia)-History;
Unupbyu l1ufu pruf nqnLp1nût2
2,ut1ruumuLntt|,24f .
Christianity (Armenia)-Propagation (Map)
rl2utQnt$[t L m[rbqbpupufunr
fAyfu ullnùpbhpp tuyutulumlhplthpntû ,4-10
Armenia-Sociallife and customs
frpntupï, 2,u1 Unut'lufu/rh11ufu,
Levon Avdoyan
Ianfuuplufu, Quphfu', /*t
Uy[u q1ub, ZnlÇ ututuhu,'2u /1utQ*fu'llnytrut fuy$bplt ulutm[nt-
lunt ryu {hp ry1ufu
, Unumuthr7ftfu,,
1915 fa. 2,* pg ghryuuulutunr
p pù2 ôu ûutuut4* Ittrg * Zl"*trl,
u2pbpn{ , 4-6
Danielyan, Edoward, 7' h e
Historical Background to the Armenian State Political Doctrine,
7 -9 1380,382 (Ju ly - Sept. )
?uLlr h11utu,lrln tu p ry, (ùp llt 2 tîhp
Ppltumnult lrn",p2 2,-yg Utlp*
MovsesXorenac'i;Abgar (King);
Christianity (Armenia)-Traditions,legends,etc.
clurpnytfu, U., lhqnù
b llhqhg n t ut qqut ulut I ut -
llub 2tunpÇp,2-3
Armenian Church-Nationalaspects; Armenia-Sociallife and
Levon Avdoyan
Proceedings Second International Symposium on Armenian
Linguistics, Ycrcvan 2l-23 September 1987
The Second International Symposium on Armenian Linguistics
(21-23 September1987).ProceeL.,
dings.2 Volumes.[Hovsepian,
Parnasian, N., Simonian, S.,
eds.l.[Academyof Sciencesof thc
Republicof Armenia.Instituteof
Linguistics,Scienceand Technology. CentreAramazdl.Ycrcvan:
Armenian and Russian
Upputluûytfu, U. lu., QhpuSuu Qtult
lr ûutumlt h phpu l1utfu
Q fu4
1ub qup^b{,t,
4u gûtufuflr ubutQufurypuh{n p nuïtuhtrf lupg thq4,h ulumûntpyult
[b2, 5ff.
UrytphQlub, U. U., lLryhlgnu1ru*l-i u'pmugnptûy luftph|*fu
ùntt|, 15ff.
Ut/bmltuyit, .S. U., Uqqufufuu'
uttunù fltûBhplt Fful, It
Itu lutù utuà'fu
h ftputuutllult ybpmhpp' Zlff .
Furlpuûyth, U. U., luqrupnu
ÇuUryt yuùlt Éq4-+hnullu'lt
FupûLh1lub, U. q., qlum2h'
ltntufubpp 19-rd +utth $pufuuhtrhù-Çutftpbù FunuputfufuÈpntû,
Fpntpgult,1.'1, rhutftp Ufuauryplt
u 2fuumnt p p ùfubpntû 2u qllu ry'
tubtrh lhppttntpyutu
lbr/np qytfu, 9.9., Gu pntfuu lluIt
hhpSuttulutftpbtulr puppunhh'
lplr7npyulr, U.U., ïtrh+rt, SuphpunuûblftntppttuLbpIt
h pf h4 ulut m ûu llutb put nutpubu4pntpytfu ur1qlnL[l, 70ff .
bp qfrûu gIt- Uputu11utIr, U.L., Ib q4!
htrh 7npt hlupgbp g Bbput l1uttuît
thqtt-h ulutm[utQutfu prunruputfult
Qurylntp1ufu lutulrtu, 236ff .
p*t, btrh ft [u umu fittu qtutuntp y ût,
L57ff .
Ar t iclcs
V ol ume
Various Languages
Z.'1., 2,n{Çufufuhu UfuIryntpugn, +bFI utufuuplu-FuIr
Bolognesi, G., Sur lcs érnltrunts
de sensqu Grec: les dérutrrtittutitttts
de Ia'prose' en Arméniett e.rr(ircc
et en l -ati n, 5f f .
St cm pel, R. , Resle indoger m anischcr nt - St cim m e im Ar m eni.schen,l47ff .
ytun frllnult' b QbqhguQutfuulutu'ttlntpyult' , lUtt
ll nSputrnl ç n rpup4[ufuntp1nt| t2,
b u pufu
17gff .
Greppin, John A.C., Tlrc Devcktltment of *Ty in Clus.sicul Artttt'nian, l5ff.
Stepanov, Iu.S., Sistemnye sledy
indoevropeiskogo perfekta v armj unskont iaz,yke,l54ff .
Ol sen, 8.A. , O n t he O r igin. r o. f '
A rmeni an C' . 25f t .
9utnfuutuyufu, L.U., Lnp 4puSut\t
Zut $p htulr llut ryIut {np ntû lupglr
Oulouhogian, G.,',Stunlt Au/'1n(:
Ia traduction du gértiti.[ ub:;oltt
grec dans Ia version arnttlnicnne
de Basile le Grand.49(l'.
Upol', Ulrpulhl b,, Uhfu-tl,;p ttu (lt [u 4p ntp p ûttuhpnt
ft qlu l1utu u2ufuutllntp 1ntfu
pnt û, 75f f .
tuputp lutfu, 2.1,, 2,utûutubnntf7ptu Qtmnt[p Çut$phbnt[,93ff .
Çutftphtult lfttubptpyttu
p n t[ ,168ff.
U.b., Zutlbpbfult
u1u m ûu l1tufu 1b2ntL ut{rn fu nt IAyfu
û/r gu!tult I upg bp, I 02ff.
àufubytfu, U., 9upbr1 lu1utl1utfufuhtrf 2b2hr1ntp1ufu h pûruftnt-
U.U., Unllputut U,pn-
ZnLttZE, 184ff.
l,nttl ubLlru ytï,
Sa ganel i dze, N .G., O gl usheni e
zvonkikh i refleksy indoevropejskikh zvonko-pridykhatelnykh v
Armjanskom jaz,yke, l95ff .
Qlr unl/t 2, Ufurlp b1, 1 lr m nqn t p p ût hbp upb{_byuÇu thpbblr ulut 1pu-
Sakhokija, M.M., O morfosintaksicheskoj dinamike Armianskogo
jazykia: istoriia, tipologiia, rekonstruktsija, 200ff.
ttbtrl, [utuftfu, 67ff .
Ufr[nb yit, 2,U .,'l' frm nr1nt p pfu hp
U utI1hr1nfu
h. G., h p ufu u utplumtuhpft rypub{npntû-
tuhtrn Zutftpbtunt[,
l28ff .
Z.nlÇufufufuytfu, 1",ç., ltnp punhp
h lr[uumufttfu
furt, llftpunntp yùfu hp 1.,u'11*2 2n{but putL lr
mutqhpntû, l36ff .
2,nt/ubu1yttu, [.U., /,uûu Qgu Qtu\t
Qurlutulutpfuhttt +tt tuF tutth F u nut I1uryIu l1ufu I ut[ut llutp 4n t I l42ff .
rlutryupytb, F.q., Z,uftphfulr r/b-
9 u mûntp 1ufu' p u nut ultu yup lr lhpupbpytl, 218ff.
lltnnunytfu, ft.I., Unt$gufu, ï. o.,
U. lunpbfuugnt 'Z,*yg QJumtfint-
bpp, I 5 I ff.
p u p bput |1ututu
F!*fu' Çu2luuutpgu
tn tpytItp,232ff .
Schm idt , K. H. , Die indoger m anische Basis des Protoarmenischen. Prinzipien ihrer Rekonstruktion, I l4ff .
01tufuptfu, 2.U. 5-rd rlulltlt lutpg
U Ig m21utfu
, q,U., Zfurph{y nu1ullult
pfuuàutftut fuub *ghabh/*kap u p [umlrg
fttL {hppt-
Schûtz, Edmond, Phonetic Characteristics of Foreign Words in
Middle Armenian, 136ff.
Van Esbroeck,M., ^Slgnification
d'un court Traité basilien conservé en ctrménien,
l1ufuh lltuu2$ulufu
tubfh muppbp*hht
Vcnnenrann,T., On the Justifi:atitttt o.f Assumed Prehistoric
R ussel l ,J. R. , Anciut t Ar ut loliuns
and Armenians, T4ff .
Wcitcnberg,J.J.S.,Initial y- in
ClussicalArmenianand the Early
Devclopmentof Armenian Dialccts,208ff.
S aradzheva,L. A. , Ar nr jut t o-I Jultiiskie morfologicheskic iz.og,kt,r,si,
Wintcr, W ., Armenian, Tochariun, and the 'glottalic' Theory,
Saryan, S.S., A Metlutd ,,J'Introducing Comparative Lingui.stit:,sto
University Students, 92t1.
2L Qfph, 1., /,utftpttu ftqntlt
(upghp h uqyulrï ûlrntpgût,
Schmalstieg, W.R., Morc otr tlu:
Old Armenian Transilivc I'crfcct,
Lcvon Avdovan
Vol. 68 nos. tl'12
November-Decembcr, 1994
Vol. 68 nos. 7'10
JulY'Oct L994
9n zqut1bm2ft, Ià'np nu. 1tnlr p u u1hmnt p ft ttu bI1hqbm2t n1, 225 -228
lutu 4ftum'lut qqtll Qu Pnfit l1nulr
ufuItfu, Uulutu[ufug
ht, + 2,ntlÇ
ïlr2bp' 229
*De la Mare, Walter. T h e
xÇSIr-Uutl [u nr1fu
hp2' 234
Zut rlut no rn d u tfult u Qu 4p n t p lt tfu
* FëgQul1utfuZ.utry p r7nuI I87
*Z,uytmnufuft Itutfuu+uqh h htunu tfutp nt p butu f ltPP 188
* 3ntrlutp lluttnp ntpft ù'lu q4t\t U.
l,uIt4ntghutt hu Pn1ftQnult 189-
ïpftynpbutu, 4. èC Entguluqpntutt uytllâhqtb UnutPQtu-
* fà'. b. 9. ènû|ut1ntplrttu
llu fuutm utulrp ntPlr tt I 98
* P otlt2buttu, AltùlrQbgll
Sun{uQufi, b, Utrp. of Charles
Renoux.La Chaine Atménienne
sur Ia PremièreEPitre de Jean,
* Lfu
firthutL, U. Frup hulut2mu llult
Il n tlnpn tplt ûù bpnt rLu ulrfu, 202-
Fbg P uÇufuutllrg thnlr ur+[ nLpltù, 252
* llt ump utlilrn [ù b[[fu 252
*Qbfuuutqpntplrtfup'hufulrt1' ba'
Fuu, \utpuplru Putlufuuftt7' 253
*lf ufuntllhu\4 [ù np7nrfUtrg.luoug
0 r nnt 4but f u, D r. U f tL { tr+ .
ll ft u I1ut\nt p b utfu 'lut pryutulbmntl*Zmu!tttuf
lf ftruplttu Qntpbutb h bP I1uPfuu-
*qlnquphufu, ltnpu1p Utg'
* è u nu\t4u tnplr rIp [u{ P, 256
Ilntphuù, 205-207
4ftlt h utlt, U, 1tutp h llutI lrfu, 208-
2h\lllll hulb, P,urlftu Utre- 1thPufu
tttu pnqltQnuu QufuShryutufu I h U'
6fuItryhult eu It n qf f2ûltuttulr
U*tF Su2upnt[, 277-280
*ChristmasMessage01'thcPontifical Locum Tenens,Ztll
*h utpnr1ftlnu utQufu Sblut ulutI lr
funp Su p ntutfu Q)ututyut tIp, 2ti3-tt5
*ltutlulutltmhutb, p,l;funp PÇfu*
d2tIupftm fubPlutgtPltù Lt iutu-
\nrluQult,L. llFP. 2,u1clP2ntqhtuhp,311-13
%u4ttuUI'Q, Ul'hLffiyftltbuttu,
F,uf l)hpruuurutgh, 314-18
Q nt qruft gft , la'nPnu. ltnt[rPutulhn ntpf ût b Qhqbgtn1, 319-21
,lupu fuufu
, ïf h +ntr. 2,ut1ng
'hftgrupultft SolthP2, 322-28
Lyufuhuùlt, 329
Itutl1nunt F h tfu, 286-8tt
* ll utp4ftuhutfu
, Ubulnt{'Sz" k"L'
llpqntrlufubufu, Sg[f. S, *ut4tfu'
llq4uuyu rnnttl QthPQu 1 è ut[ubFpb,p,289-91
ItutlItbp), 331-41
* llpft umu Qtuhutl', Uun4f I ti u1u'
Lit er ar y:
PpftutnnuSufuutrbt ïutYnfuLgrut, IfutpQnubufu, UutPqulhm' 2n4292
lù nulufuhufu ûhP oPbPnt
mn tut, 342'
I p utlluit ntPhlt ffu ryf
Ncws lrotn Armenia:
*l,fuitntllbufu, lù np4n[ 0lnpp. ïltPoetic:
ht, + Zn
yutmutQftI utûPé u gnuI, 363-65
SutùPtul1rutuy)' * fl u
ïhZhf ( l-Yg
luù hufu,'lutpntdufu, lt nr1Uu
mntrut oPlful ÛbPrllrutufuntPltùP
*llfub1.àutuumP, 298
*Ehrmann,Max. Desidcrata,299
* h u pnr1ftQnuulutb ShrytuluÇ'
*Gttu lf utÇ ( mpu.), tryà,uttuPtuL'P'
* htop*buttu, ïPft 7nP. hutPnfir 8n'
uIuruQuIt Shqruulutalt lufu rfitu1n
luqftfuhu\', U. butPbQugnt UmLq* Qu nqftl1nuu QufuShryutu1uflt
t ut4npmuntPhutfu è
SbqhQutnntntPftûtP ( 3 Ànl1m'
IturlutQupçp 303-10
Eb$Qutrnntntpfût C18-19 Ln!.
* h u pn qlt l1nuu
QutIt Sbryt u1uI lr
Ugt UuftrtnutQh ?nttfpf (?b4n,
* It utpn r1/tI1nuu
Quth S brlu ulut Çlt
Qupnqg ?nttfpltf lJ, Llunntutu-
t l'tubbbrhgm1 tftZ, 382-84
u ûhut 112
l, lù nttlutbbu'bft I25
Ghtr* 41, 2,n4Êtnp
*2.2. U[r*, ïnprnu. butfuuputp7
bpntuurlttîh tltd,388
U, 2u lpplr Lhpu[It, 389-9 1
U u1ru11,
Republicof Annenia-politicsand
positionsof Armenia-social
l99l -
Qlr t 1u1
tfuth ub U u n b\t tuqut p utltlt
Levon Avdoyan
utunglrtu'ItZ, 385-87
7hûltpâyttu, U.ft., Uupnmlt lt
Lulufu2lr pbûutu u(tytnprulut1
qpu lubntp yutu [by, 85-90
Armenian diasporan literature
Ult[ntuytb, q].U., 1895-1896 [a[a.
2.ut/1u llutIt Qnut np ut m ult L-p ln Ltt ttt/ïntuul1ufu
lp u p bp Zututup tulufu $ft n nt p p ùIt bplr
1994 1/588 (January-March)
2pput21ufu, b.U., {tuÇutfu Shfp|'t, putp7[utuntpyûtLhpf muqtu2tu(tntppùg,3-L4
Vahan Teryan/Terian; poetrytranslationsinto Armenian:Veriification
U{b mlt uytlt , 2,.ll ., 2,ut/1u QuIt
/*t'gt 1918Ta4uttuthlr, 15-35
ArmenianQuestion;Armenia-history (twentiethcentury)
Futplbqthqlutu, lf .U., lbryftuulutnt hfuntûp 1u umu mn11bpt Qhtn*
2u$utIt!2lr [tuuftL (XtX tTutpnt[
$puttuuÈpÈI'hg 4pulutlt *f h4[muÇ ut1Èphfuulutnt blttf_utt
Futnuûlrut{nphhtrhfirtfub çru), 3643
Armenian Language (Modern
UutÇuQ1ufu, lI.ï.,
4*Fg E Z,uu 4u fit fuu rlutrytpyit
ûf yu qqu lrb l1nfu&
bphtuunt rI, 4451
ArmenianQuestion;Armenia-history (twentieth century); Hague
Grigorianc,V.E., Rossijskajakolonizacija SrednejAzii i nacionalnye menshinstvaTurkmenistana
/, n{u blr ytfu, U.,{.,'Il qutmu ûu p ut,
[abtr[af, 6I-11
Armenian newspapers(twentieth
Azatamart-1909-1915;ARF; DaSnakc'ut'iwn
Uqlhry blt1,u\r, II,1., 2,utyu uututltfr
àuL p u ulbrnnt p yult ungf ut1-putrlutpullutfu Qutgntplnûtg (19901993Fp.), t2-84
Armenian massacresI tt95-ltt96:
1utfu,9..U., lruytuttruitfr
p utulbmnt p ytfu qlu plt ql I u 2mntpytfu |nfu$bpbfuunttI,102-I 3
Republicof Armenia(First);Paris
Avakian, 4.G., Masonstvov rjadakh 'lttikhad ve terakki', 130-4I
Young Turks; Masonsin Ottoman
Ulbmyufu, 44., lt,u2htulr 4hhtn"t!-fu uûpnglt duûultulltuqpnr
pyufu 1*trgh ZnLItZ,142-150
Armenia-History(Ancient); Fortresses(Cyclopaean);
2,nlÇufufultuytfu,9"U., U{hmftuytfu, U.U., Qutum*[AqQhf *ttb[ûmruÇu1 2u 1*u*ufunt[
L894Itt96 [a[a.ghryuu1utuntp1utu{hpruphpytp 150-163
documents; Armenian Church;
Khrimian Katholikos
2,uQnpyttu,U,U. of Uph{hgu\t
Çulutum*tu8 1916-1917 IA[a.
U u p ryut1ut[u pfuhpnt [, 164-L66
EastcrnArmenia; Demographics;
U b[rp lut\], U.2,., Unglrru[tum- I Lr1u$n fuu llutIù hg /lu 1tuurtruitn tû
luut ttut m 1uit, U.U r rlu u tn ut l1u Zu m
h ufurypl1n{llutulr2,uyt2utu, gruulut m ûut p ult 2 (bpt/ubrl'l*q*fh
qupLhpnL[ (1903-1920),I 14-20
Uruptlulutblt tbfury1ufu80- utû1u(ArntcniSocialist-revolutionaries
an); Armenia; Transcaucasus; QftrunpftL), 167-169
Baku; Tiflis/Tbilisi
Ervand Ghazari Sargsyan;Armenists-biography
Untptfuu1Jufu, U.2., èuttlrufuru+*ltlrg tthq*41, upmuplttu mlr1995 l(589) (January-April)
ulutpufuntpyult tfh Z*fg lrupgbp
(tSl0- 8 0 - utQuIt pt/ut1uùitbp),
fi.8, Z.ut1dnr1"4tr+1,
tzt- 29
lipQnt[ht $npâ.ntppûùbpy, L-7
A rmeni an lit er at ur e ( M odcr n
Armenian Genocide;Armenians
Eastern); Short Stories
(Soviet)in World War II
Lbpulruyufu, U.9'., Ubt
ntpunûr mugltfu,8-I8
2.U,' Fntlqutpulutluuurpyit,
thtrh tIu uhu l1gntp 1nùt 2 Fn tylutp
tnryrtprTlr rylr[utrlpu llub Zultlt-
tIutfuy L fiu2ltumutlufu
Garibdzhanian,G.8., Uchastie
Armjan v Evropejskomdvizhenii
soprotivleniia1941-1945gg., 1930
Armeniansin World War II; EuropeanResistance
utth rybl tlrylutt
Armenians in World War II;
Armeniansin Bulgaria;Bulgarian
oqfuntp yù p UphltlmutÇut1 +u q(1895-1900),107puftututubt,htu
Annenian ûlassacresArmenian emigrationand immigration-Russia
Ultu q11rufu
, 4,1., Uquturtu4putllu|t
lthû|ut( ututgnlnt[g
yufu prufuutl1ntuntpyufu[hy, 1203l
Armeni ans i n C i l i ci a-hi stori cal
precis; Armenian Genocide-poetry
about; Arrnenian Poetry-twentieth
ultu lgupft
d n r1ntfurrput llut l1ufit mfum hu n tp gût
Çu gbfuuQutfu
mupfrtubpftL, 62-73
Armenians (Soviet) in World War
I I ; A r m enian SS R -e c o n o m i cc o n ditions-WW II
4nffhg Zutl ryumlr ptt[utu Ftu*u ufuÇp u é b 2mn t p 1ntfup,
Fu p uhq1utb, lu./,., [h u qtIu$ ruI1umulrfu
Zut1 [u[nt[t
U,l]'., Zruytpyufu
Armenian periodicals(Soviet)WW II era;Armenians(Soviet)in
World War II
ïuuu1utpyufu, ft .2., hlrftrl1utÇutptp ytfu p g bqututtltufuntp yufu fuu83-94
Armeniansin Cilicia-pre-l9 l5;
Armenian Genocide;Armenian
Z*ftnpytIr, q'.9., Urûmlt h rylt[utQufuntplutfu ufurypuryupà'bbpp
u p Ll[m utI ut1 funput(ltultu +[nL Fpb [by, 148-57
Ar ut jut t ian, A. K. , Dokum ent Y o
podvigukh voinov-Armian v Pervyc rJni Velikoj Otechestvennoi
Vojrry ttu Jugo-zapadnom fronte,
Arnrcrtians(Soviet) in World War
II-clocutuents;Armenians (Soviet)
in Worlcl War Il-biographical; inlirnnati<lu/cursushonorum
A r m e n i a n s i n Va n /Va sp ttt'i tki tl t;
Armenian emigraticltr atttl ittlrlrigration-Iran; Arnlcttiart (ictttlc:itlt:
Utfuuyyfu, P.lI., UIL7I QutI ru/, 1rlr
fuutpCut[u p mftfu, I 76- I ttt.|
A rmeni ans ( Ar ncr icat l) ir ) Wol'lt l
War II
Ulhguutfulufu, 2..2., Qnmu+mil'lt
hnfuShputltu7, 2u 1\u lpufu lmyy p,
LU l tptngp, 189- 195
W orl d W ar I I ; Pot st llr r t t( 'olt l'ct ence; A rrnenian Q ucst it t n, AI 'lt t c: nian Diaspora
Uutp4uyufu, U.ft., /,ru1 [ùntpprtt
Q*tu ÇutpupbpntpytlttuLpft rulUpfitfu '[17fu1,pft utpô,u11bpQhpnt [, 196-204
A rmi n W e gner - wor ks; AI 't t t ct t iit t l
luu2utmp ytfu , 9'.U., Zruyu urtruthft
lutgurlutpultfu pbullyrtpluth
mu Quputpntûp 2u lplifuutlutfu il,ù
ulutmbp u ryIft mu p \tfuli p fù, 20.5-I 0
A rmeni ans( Soviet ) in Wor ld Wr t r '
II: Statistics
ghryuuu1utuntp1utu {hPPbPYp
Ar m eniat r G enocide- docum ent s;
Van; Armenian Church; Katholikos Geworg V; Shatakh; Demogr aphics
Zruytp gùt yufu, U.2','trufu*'{ruu
ulntpulutblr pfuuQ2ntP
ulupulluluftplr l9l6 P. ryru1[dl,'
pft ulum[ntpyttulrg , 167- l7 5
[utufuutllgntp yût p Lyllpny4
yufu, 9.U., QutumutPillbt, l9I5 [A.
( u:l- I94sSqd.),
It.U., Ztu1 énqnlrupntp1ntfu1ufu,
{tr+h ûuubuQgntppûty 4u pb(L941tuultutu[hmu ulutmbpq'Ihfu
Armenians(Soviet)in WWII
Muradian,V.A., Nacionalnyifakstratetor v Nemecko-.fashistskoi
gii voittyprotiv SSSR,49-61
Nazi Germany;WWII; USSR
Iltlhtn lt uytlt,
Urnhrfufuyufu,U.U., lulng ghqru'
uulufuntplnûtp h FbniltfuYufu
ryuttnuttlnp ntp p ù p, I 58-66
ArmenianGenocide;Talat Pasltatrial (Berlin)-sources
I t cvicws:
Sahakyat t , R. G . of Leslie A.
l)avis, I)rovince de la mort. archivcs tttncricaines concernant Ie
pt ir t ot : iclcdes er m éniens ( 1915) , ,
250- 53
Ar nr cnian G cnocide- Docum ent s;
Ar chivos( LJnit cdSt at es)
Sir hukyiut , R. G . of Raym ond
Kovr r r kiat t ,Paul Paboudjian.Les
Annénit'nsde I'Empire Ottoman à
lu vaillc dt r gét ut cide
, p. 245
Anrrcniuns in thc Ottoman Empire
( icglur nr yat t ,G . M . of 89'ia Ar m .jttnskttjtt tctrnonskajastrelkovaia
diviz,iju v ltusladnei faze Velikoj
ol cchr'slvt'ttrtttj voiny, (Russian
rurtl Anrtcnian editions), 255-57
Anncrtiatrs(Soviet) in World War
I I : 'l'ar uanianDivision
1995 21590(May'August)
The entire issue has been devoted
to the Armenian Press-newsPapers
and periodicals. I have omitted
this subject heading, then, from
the index terms I usuallY assign
and will merely indicate location
and titles, when relevant.
Ufulrmupyufu, U.2.., Unut2fth Çut1
q.U., {p*u**fu ft /,ut1
4utfutnu l1ufuûru[ntgft ufug1ru[tg
Armeniansin Georgia;Mankavarùanoc';Saràum;Javaxk' (Axak'alak)
Iu,l., XIX a. 4btraZh
2* t e urqtug ut h*fu- I utu tuP u Qut|ufu ûu[ntp, 63-7 |
Political newspapers(Armenian)late 19th century; Russia; Georgia;
Azat Hayastan; Azatut'ean Avetaber; Hamaynk'
l+numufuIlub, L.U. of U,2,
Ufultmuplub, Uph{hyulu 1 [ut[ntfir uQqpfuut{npntt[ph lntuutlnpu l1utugupdntûp, 148-51
U.U., /,utlutmun
pnryBhphlt rluttfntlg (tS+O-1890Iuunutmlufu,
b. tupu fu[Put-
+htrt, 3-16
in India;MaAzdarar;Armenians
alu n ûu -Fufuu uftp u lut 2uù
2 1t421 le9s
u l p ù tdq .),72-85
Armeno-Turkish newsPapers/Peri o d i cal s- 19th centurY ; (several
titles discussed)
dras; A. Shmavonean
Ubutuyt\t, 9.S., Fu1lutuyutu htr*ryupà nt p 1ntfultbpI 1t. Ury u g*L h
fuu2hg 4utyg
gl;qutuulutfuntpytbp, 7ff .
A rmeni an G enocidc- r ccognit ion;
Petrosian, I.S., NekotorYe sudebno-pravovye aspekty dejatelnosti
sovretnennykh sredstv massovoj
infornmtsii, 86-96
Newspapers and periodicals-legal
1puulut put lut lununtp lub
(ts to- * 4uIt prftu IluItI' bp), I7 -29
A r m enians in th e B a l k a n s ; N .
Aghbalean; Nor Hosank; Horizort;
b r1lruqut p 1utfu, U.q., ?puSruIt
lU*Itgn /.utyuumufunt[ 1920h'Itn 1b[p bp"Ilro ttruQtuLfubplttu
l.tbpufruytL, U.9,., UpLl imuttrtrûtrl , 191 5- 1916p[ d. gLqut u't ! 't t funtpytb ulumûnt[il1uttu $ putfufr
1upgbph 2ntpyp, | | l'l'.
Armenian Genocido
Luryupyt\r, U.U., 2u1 qftmut[2urîut\ntftr tZbtrl,g ('S-lntpuftIt
F u 7 ' r' P ut m p nfu'r' l f q+ ut + [t urStu\t Z.uIt+hr'), 91- ll4
S c h ol arl y publ i cati ons; C ul tural
publications; Taraz; T'atron', A zgagrakan Handes
{u phppp, 30-43
Thrtnp4yutu,I.U., /.*1 17*+ttnLp yù [bt ttbpu ûnt"lrU, 43-52
Grigor Artsrowni; MÈak 1872L89Z
Makhmurian, G.G., T'cnttt 14t'ttttt'ida Armjan v Amerifutnskoj i.stori ografi i ( 1985- I 994 Sx. ) , 2l ll.
[in Russian]
Armenian Genocidc-analyscsantl
historiography (Anrcrican)
U.U., $putfuuutlu1
(1899ulruppbpuQuttu [upt1p
t9I4), rl5-22
Unhrltutfulufu, U.U., Upi/rfu ,{Lq-
Armenians in France; Hamalsaranë-1889-1902;HaY KYank'l9 l3- L9r4
Upyufu,1,U.,/,*[putpâ.nt[ Unuphguitp L'U 2utQp', 53-62
MÈak- twentieth century; HambarjumAiak'elyan
Arnrcnian Genocide-analysesand
historiography(Soviet Armenian);
Uupntfuufu yub, Slt4putfu, fi' trtttrttumufult u1bmul1rufuTntlutfu âm-
fuhtrf 2,*yg
ft .U., U lr yu q4ut lrfu glt m u qÇnqn(
2,- gg ghrluuulutfuntpyttu tl}-uûyuftù
, 49ff.
Ar r ncnian G enocide- 80t h Annivcrsary; International Conferencc.s-Republicof Armenia
Muradian, V.A., Kavkaz v agresl;ivrtykh planakh fashistskoj Gertrttttrii i tureckoj voenshchiny v
gody vtoroj mirovoj voiny, 63ff.
I in l{ussian]
Worlcl War II; Germany-Turkeyrclations; Transcaucasus
Abr ar r r ian,G . S. , O t Er evana do
I lt r linu- I ilby ( Voevoj put ' 89- i
Arnqjurt,skoj Tamanskoj divizii),
Arnrcnians (Soviet) in World V/ar
ll; ttgth TauranyanDivision
Zrup ntp 1ntfuyufu, Q.U., 2* 1ututntuUupntfuufuytb, 1r.F.,Uht L'r1Lnfulr fuft ruuftut urutr/np nt IAyh u (tufur1p
1utçr lifuutlltuï U bt Qu m bpu ryIntl
ulutnûut4pntp yufulh y, 4 | l'l'.
ûÈt bqhritlt lutulù,
Umb(rutfulufu, É.,S., lnûtu1u1
' bpQrtfup','lrrFULhp'
r' Uptup u,n'
Armeniansin Greece;Erkunk';
Nor AIik': Ararat
Armenia-History- 1790s; Armenian-RussianRelations
Armenians (Soviet) in W\WII
rlntQutulurfu, U.9',, 4utytlyuQult
UutCut Q1uttu, U,9-.,
p ut4u rtnp ntp yttu lh p u l1ufu4ûu\t
Ç*FgE ànttuhrft Uprytpyttulr optu-
oulbp utglt * th|', 93ff .
A r m enians ( S o v i e t) i n W W II;
h tuuûutlftb4pntpgtbhbpntû
pnt[,, pp.165ff.
Armenian Independence Movements-prirnary sources-18th century; Hovsep' Artut'yan -diaries
and letters
Fu r1pu [1ufu 2 ûut ub ut lg n t p 1ntfu2
'Futqpumltnfu' I u p à u l1nrlut QuIt
Qnqnuyo\', 2.U., P,b1pnùgttfu btrh
1895 p. uulumutûpntpyutu 100-
utûytl1p, 103
Zeytun rebellion ( I 895)
F,7t., 2,hghblrumut-
It*fu ntrlqntplutfu
Çu 1Qu Qub
Armenian history and culture
Infl uences
U.U., Z*t unu2ltlt
uluppbprulltufup ( 'U q_+ u [t * [r'
Z\\-urîytlftt unpftt!), t t ttf.
A z dar ar ;
A r m e n i a n s i n In d i a
(Madras); Annenian Newspapers
,QuÇntl11ufu,q'.F., Z,uçhprufuu\ufu th Tlu l1ufuqnt 4u rfitu1nt ûtuhp,
Linguistics;ArmenianLanguageetymologies;Persian Languageetymologies
fWords discussed+* tt Ztuulut[,
p2ntrun, fuutu, funpufu, h*trzfu,
Hov annis ian, R i c h a rd , S o e d i n e n nye Shtaty Ameriki i Armenija:
Mandat i granitsy, 1920 9., 1l9ff.
[in Russian]
Republic of A rrn e n i a -1 9 2 0 ; U n i ted States of Arnerica: Armenian
luutnut ut1ufu, U.U., Up hrpmut 1u 1
uqryll]u4npûutfu l, q*tr[u[nt1f
Sbp-4upr7ufuytfu, q'.1., of vols 4
and 5 of Uutg gnryut| luftPt|t
Quptuputp 1uttu, U.U.,'l'lltblt
u[rp ntP 1ufu
ulut m [nt-
à bnut qput g
U Qpm21utu,
qutlpo2utbh h put1rprunftrfutulrh,
Armeniandialects-Sivri -llislt;
Armeniansin Sivri-l-lisar-l
Annivcrsaries, BiograPhies,
0lrufu1utlt,1,, ç.F. 2ulntl11uIt
( ôIiltq1uit 75-urlythh *"[ah4),
A rnrcrtists
; [.inguistics
ft 4htuhmlth,
Armeniau Manuscripts-catalogues
Uutpq*pyufu,U.U.,Uuit,rt I llPl'ry
yfuh lnpluQufu u,Lut,tP1ntfuy,
C'utCp utt1yufu
, 2..,+,F.'l*trl, p Zufuyutu-,)Iitqluit 75- u û1ultlt * "[Ah4
Arntctti sts;Artttcttia-History
A beghyan;Linguist ic t hcor Y
/,u t\pu pô,ntrlutyuIt,'|itr., U'nI ul, u
lunphfuutgnt utm[nt[d yufu '.5rr,
1t ,
2ut1l)upbnhh *h41,tu' 1,,,,n'lttt<'t
llruill,11utfu, lu., lhrlnfu l*1"ll,pq luù ( mulitryyttï 7Ù-ut[yhlt
run[tfu), 2(r0ff.
t lt l
Movsës X or enac'i; Ar lt r cr t iit t ot
( 'hl is
tradi ti ons ,legends,ct c. - l) t 'c'
tian Satenik
B ook R eviews:
l/'uttl ttt11mtu, 4.U .'
qll, mut
19t4), I37ff .
P er iodic als ( W e s te rn A n n e n i a )History- 1832-1914
qJ.U.,2,u1 purlu.pu2nputfu1ufu,
Q*fu l1nr1[funpn2[uLulutm[ntpfùbg (XVttt +u.ttth 90-ulutlt
ol' Ii q l mptl
2ppu21ufu, [ùnt[utfu1utfuph ltul
4put Qubn tp yufu ut-tluttuqulphl'y p
Nir lbr ut r lyut t , V. S. and P. M .
M r u'ir t lylt t t ,obit t r ar y of Em anuel
Ar zr r r r uurl)i ivlz, yan,pp. 269f .
l'hi lology
Ar r t r cnist s;
A rmeni an Lit er at ur c- M ot lct 'lt
19th-2Oth cent ur ies; llovlt it llt t cs
( ) lr it r r iuyol' I ) uoloCuneo,p. 27I
Ar r r r crist
r s, AI 'c: hit cct ur c
S i monyan,Hasm ik, ol' I llt r lt ogi: r t r '
Gabri el l a( ed. and t r ar t sl. ) , I lt t , t 'ilit t
di Cesarea.,II libro dcllc tltttttttrttlr
(Le Regole) (1993), 24211.
Patristics:Basil of Cacsitrc'lt
tltt .), 149fT.
ttrtuplùt, 2631'l'.
I ir cvan St ut c [ Jnivcr sit Y
Muradian, P.M., Ideja konfessionalnoj tolerantnostii mezhnacionalnogo soglasija v Armianskoj
kniz.hnostiXII-NII vekov, 187ff.
Iin Russian]
Armenian literature-l2th- 13th
pyttulrg, l95ff.
Armenia-HistorY (rnediacval)
Dvin-Travellers'Accoutlts(post17th centurY); Dvin-Prilllary
sources(post I2th-ccrtttrrY)
( rI
l. cvot t Avr loylr t
LAZARSKI, Eustachy,O dokoniczenin zycisrysn Ks Adama
Bogdanowicza, Biuletyn Ormianskiego TowarzystwaKulturalnego,
No. 5, 1995,24-27
[Les arménienspolonais,histoire,
MATIOSSIAN, Vartan, Mâs alld
de Armenia: notaspara una lectura multiple, lnstituto de InvestigacionArmenologica,1996
[collectionof essaysdealing with
Armenian writers and non-armenian writers on Armenian subjectsl
El pais de Aratta: une locqlizaciôn
alt ernativa, Oriente-Occidente.
No. 1-2, 1996,39-64
[about a hypothericallocalization
of Aratta, a country mentionedin
Sumeriansources,in the ArmenianHighland
Who was Zariadres? SomeNotes
on an Artaxiad Coin, Armenian
NumismaticJournal,No. 1, 1995,
[attribution of an Armenian coin
to Zariadres, elder son of Tigranesthe Greatl
Upûufu btrhtrh mhrluttTpntphutlt
Ç*trgy. Z,ufur7tuUr\uophrul, No.
L-12, 1994,255-269
fiocalizationof the land of Arman,
mentionedby Akkadian Sources,
in the Armenianhighlandl
U n t tlbp u QuIt
Ugutmtnu htrfutrtrf h Cu/luQtuIt
ftntuu2fuultçy. Z,utturytuIIûuoIrh* t No. 1-12, 1995,284-303
[about the relation of the land of
Aratta, mentioned in Sumerian
sources,with the Armenian highlandl
Unuàltfu Upmu2tuhult\tbpp, è u [utï u l1u4p utQuh rfit mnqnt[Ahrb tubp.Ultntu,1995,176-181.
[chronologicalremarks about the
first Artaxiad kings of Armenial
huutÇul1bufult utfu1u1m FuFhIt*t|p Fut4ltL,No. 2, 1996,101-7
[relation between Kostan Zarian
and Avetik Isahakianin the mid
bp I1nt Çut1 rupp utg tpf tblt htr tfl,ZfuutryupbubUulu\4tnt tftz" ulurLnûntp/ttL bt unutuulhp FuryIuttltul
No. 1-4, 1995,404-414
[historicityof the 'Armenianprincess'in Compostela(1lth century)
and 'ArmenianKing Yovhannës'
in Aragon (14th cenrury)l
MOSINGIEWICZ, Elzbieta,prawnukowie Noego, GazetaWyborcza, 1,995,l2-L3
IImmigration armeeniens en
Pologne,la loi, commerce]
VAUX, Bert, Wackernagel'sLaw
in ClassicalArmenian,Revuedes
Vowel Harmony in the Armenian
Dialect of Karchevan,Proceedings
of the 9th NSL Conference,1996,
Chicago, University of Chicago
Publications Receivcd by the Secretary
Hye Sharzhoom,Armenian Action, The Newspaperof the CSU,
FresnoArmenian StudentsOrganization& ArmenianStudicsProgram, November I996, Vol. Itl,
No. l(55); December199(r,Vol.
18,No. 2 (56)
Byzantine Studies in Australia,
Newletter, Vol. XXXII, October
Newsletter,Societylilr Anttcttiiut
Studies , Vol. XX, No. I (45).
Summer1996; Vol. XXI, No. I
(46), Winter 1997.
Ultnfu,Sion,Vol.70., July, August,
No.7-8-9,A monthly
ol' rcligion literature and philoIogir:,ol'l'icialpublicationof the
llcpttrl ()unl
1996 Congressionctl
and PresidentialActivitv llcltttrt,
Office of GovernnrctttAl'l'lil's,
ArmenianAssemblyol' Arrtcrica,
Washington,D.C., Lus Attgclcs,
CA, and Yerevan,Arrttcnia,Sclltember 1996
I'APAZIAN, HrantLe patriarcat
Arménien d'lstanbul, Istanbul,
l 996
ItljNOUX, CharlesLa chaînearrttttttitttttt' sur Ies épitres catho-
liquc:;IV, Lu chaînesur 2-3 Jean
(t Jude. Patrologia Orientalis,
'l'onrc 47, l'asc.2, no. 2I0, Bre1996
Banber, [Panpercl Scptcrttbt'c
1996,No. 9, Octobrc 199(r,Nu.
10, Novembre1996,No. ll, l)ccembre 1996, No. 12, Jlnvicr/
Février,No. 1-2.
Gha-Ra-Bagh!The linu'rganct tql'
the National Denurcrulit:Mttvt'ment in Armenia, Mark Mllknsian, Wayne State Univcl'sity
Untpth U. Upbqhub. IuututpûuIt
4f2lrp. $puQubntphufu h tult'
nthumfi prub4rupuhlr lpunu'
Annetniutt vtti<:c,ljree Newsletter
lirr tlrc l-ontlon-ArmenianComnurrrily,Autunur1996,No. 29
bnp hbutbB,10 (1802), 1996.Il
( 1803), 1996.12 ( 1804), /,996
l)liR MANUtjLIAN, Lucy (coctlitor und co-projcctmanager),
'l'ha Stutt, Ilistory Museum of
Armrniu, Muscumsof Armenia,
I 994, St, Pctcrsburg, Russia,
Al,MA, ll;irst lirrglishlanguage
ol' thc State History
UUtt. Qb Eutplt 1996, lùlt 2 3,
Qbmpntutp-Uutpm, lùftt '1, Uu1'
E-mail Addresses
In the courseof revising the list of
e-mail addresses,we have discovered that the addressesof the following personshave changed.If
you have addressesfor any of
them, pleasesend them to our List
Administrator, Roland Telfeyan
at: aiea-request@
E. Barker
Michel van Esbroeck
Sotoku Kinosita
Krikor Ozanyan
Alexander Stollberg
J. Taylor
David Taylor
Richard Boffin
Claire Mouradian
DeaconH. Tchiringian
Pleasealso take this opportunity to
ask other personswho might wish
to join the list to write to Roland,
or else sendhim their addresses.
Michael Stone
R.H. Lola Koundakjian
[email protected]
Workshopsand ConferencesOrganlzedunder Auspicesof
La place de I'arménlen dans les languesindo-européennes
March21, 1985
Les Arméniensface à I'occldentet la questionde la
Chrysostyomicaand pseudo.chrycostomica
Aarhus,April 1987
Priorities, Problems snd Technlquesof Text Editions
July l6-20, l9E9
The Armenian Blble
July l6-19,1990
The HellenizingSchool
7 -9,1992
New Approachesto Mlddle Armenlan Languageand
Translation Technlqucr
t.10, 1995
AIEA Gcncrrl Confcrenceg
Auguct 29.t\
Septembcr 26.24 l9t{
Bruxelles Septembor22.24t l9t6
Fribourg October l2.lq
Bologna October 10.14, 1990
Septembor1.t, 1993
Louvain-la-Neuve Soptrmbrr 4.1, 1996
i*fflchlly r{htcrcd r|
174- Jerugalem
Dr V,
r J.J.S.
inf Comp. Llngulrtlo
ty of Leldcn
RA Leldon
i.Dr Chr. B
mo Heidelborl"'
of tho
C. Cox
Park Ch
Prof. Dr D.''NcuwË
The Publications Committee of AIEA undertakes to have Armenological
Studiespublished under auspicesof AIEA.
Bernard Coulie
Répertoire des catalogues et des bibliothèques de ntanuscripts
ar m éniens
(Corpus Christianorum. SeriesGraeca.)
Turnhout, Brepols, L992r280 pp.
Hardbound/relié 4000 BEF/700 FF; paperback/broché3500 BIIIt/(rl5 t'It.
This title is available with a25%odiscount for members of AIBA.
M . T hier r y
Répertoire des Monastères arméniens
Turnhout, Brepols, 1993XVI-249 pp.
Hardbound/relié 4000 BEF; paperback/broché3500 BBF
This title is available with a 25Vodiscount for members of AIBA.
R. W . T hom s o n
A Bibliography of Classical Armenian Literature to 1500 AI)
(Corpus Christianorum)
Turnhout, Brepols,1995,325pp.
ISBN 2-503-50455-8(bound), 2-503-50456-6
Price: 5.000Belgian F. (bound),4.500BelgianF.(pap.)
This title is available with a 25Vodiscount for members of AIBA.
Maurice Leroy et Francine Mawet (Eds.)
La place de l'urménien duns les langues indo-europécnncs
Fonds René Draget, Académie Royale de Belgique,
Classedes Lettres, Tome III
Leuven, Peeters,1986
Henning Lehmann and J.J.S. Weitenberg (Bds.)
Armenian Texts
Tasks and Tools
Acta JutlandicalXlX:1, Humanities Series68
Aarhus University Press,1993
Chr is t oph B u rc h a rd (Ed .)
Arntenia and the Bible
University of PennsylvaniaArmenian Texts and Studies 12
ScholarsPress,Atlanta, Georgia L993.
This title is available witlt a 30Vodiscount for members of AIBA.