What is your astrological sign? (Qual è il tuo segno astrologico


What is your astrological sign? (Qual è il tuo segno astrologico
What is your astrological sign? (Qual è il tuo segno astrologico?)
 What’s your name?
 Steven
 Steven what? (Steven come?)
 Steve Nichols
 Could you spell that? (potresti fare lo spelling?)
 N-I-C-H-O-L-S
 What is your astrological sign?
 I’m a Capricorn
 What are Capricorns like ? (come sono i capricorni ?– qui like ha il valore di come)
 Capricorns are very quiet(1). They are very reliable(2), and they are at the top of the
 Hey
1. quiet : quieto; calmo; tranquillo; cheto; zitto; silenzioso; taciturno; placido; buono
2. reliable :attendibile; degno di fiducia; fidato; affidabile; credibile; sicuro.
3 they are at the top of the Zodiac: stanno in alto nello zodiaco (fig.)
What is your astrological sign?
 Aquarius
 What are Aquariuses like?
 Uh, fun-loving(1). Get along with (2)everybody( vanno d’accordo con tutti )
 Happy (felici)
 Yeah
 What is your name?
 Kathy
 Could (potresti) you spell your name?
 K-A-T-H-Y
1. Fun-loving
amano il divertimento
2. Get along with andare d’accordo con…
What is your astrological sign?
 Pisces
 Oh, and what is a Pisces like?
 Calm and flexible (che si adatta; arrendevole; docile).
What is your astrological sign?
 Aries
 What are Aries like?
 Impatient (impaziente), dogmatic (dogmatico; intransigente), kind (buono).
What is your astrological sign?
 Taurus
 What are Tauruses like?
 Stubborn (testardi)
 Stubborn?
 Yeah
 But not nice?
 They’re very nice. They’re wonderful…but stubborn, too( ma anche testardi).
 Is that true? (E’ vero?)
 I…Yeah, that’s true.
 Yeah, I’m her mother. I can vouch for that(1).
1. I can vouch for that “ Ve lo assicuro io; posso confermare ciò; ve lo garantisco “
…And what is your astrological sign?
 Gemini
 What are Geminis like?
 Versatile(1), talkative(2), young in appearance(3), split-personality type(4).
1 Versatile: versatile; eclettico; multiforme
2. Talkative: ciarliero; loquace; a cui piace chiacchierare
3. Young in appearance: giovanile
4. Split-personality type: tipo di personalità dissociata; schizofrenico
What is your astrological sign?
 I’m a Cancer
 And what are Cancers like?
 Fun(simpatico, divertenti), loving(affettuoso), impulsive (spontaneo, impulsivo).
 Do you agree with that? (Lei è/ tu sei d’accordo su questo?)
 Sure(certo)
 O.K
What is your astrological sign?
 Oh I’m pride of that one( ne vado fiera). I’m a Leo
 You’re a Leo?
 And what are Leos like?
 Leos are fun and loving, and wonderful (meravigliosi)
 And aggressive?
 And aggressive.
 And mean (crudele, malizioso, - anche avaro). Come on! (Dai!)
 Non, no, not mean. Never mean.
 Just a little mean?
 Maybe a little bit (Forse un po’) ostentatious (presuntuoso,borioso, che si da delle arie),
but never mean(ma mai crudele).
What is your astrological sign?
 I’m a Virgo
 What are Virgos like?
 Uh. Easygoing(1), easy to get along with(2). They say we’re…got a good business
mind(3). I don’t know if that’s true in my case, but(4)…
Easygoing: alla mano, bonaccione, accomodante;
Easy to get along with: con cui si va d’accordo facilmente
Business-minded portato/ incline agli affari
I don’t know if that’s true in my case, but (Non so se ciò sia vero nel mio caso, ma…)
What’s your name?
Could you spell that?
What is your astrological sign?
What are Libras like?
Well-balanced (equilibrato)
What’s your star sign?
 My star sign is Scorpio
 Mine is Capricorn.
 What are Scorpios like?
 Sexy, sensual, secretive(riservato), egotist ( egocentrico, egotista),
egomaniacs( - questo termine è ambiguo: maniaco del proprio ego ), I think.
ATT. Il termine per “egoista” è “selfish”
What’s your name?
 My name’s Jenny
 Could you spell that?
 What is your astrological sign?
 Sagittarius
 What are Sagittariuses like?
 We are outgoing (socievole; estroverso), athletic, and we are prone to hiccups (1)
 Prone to hiccups?
1. Prone to hiccups (fig. incline al pianto – hiccups significa singhiozzi)