peter pan and wendy - Circolo Cultura e Stampa Bellunese


peter pan and wendy - Circolo Cultura e Stampa Bellunese
Introduzione di un ragazzo dell’isola , senza musica, senza preavviso, salta fuori in
mezzo ai bambini, dal fondo platea e si va a mettere sul palco, in piedi, ! Non si
accorge del pubblico.
NIKI: Caricaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Abbassate le reti !! Alzate i ponti !
Capitan uncino sta arrivandoo ! Peter !! Peter …dove sei ?
Guarda con la mano sulla fronte, lontano per vedere se arriva…e vede tutti i ragazzini
Ohh! Dove sono finito ? Questa non è la mia isola ! Sono certo che
Trilly mi ha fatto una magia! ::buongiorno a tutti voi, signori !
Io sono zufolo. Sono uno dei bambini dell’isola dì Peter pan.
L’isola dei bambini smarriti…Conoscete la nostra storia?
Conoscete la nostra isola ? Noo ? Venite con me… voglio
portarvi nel magico mondo dei bambini che vogliono restare
bambini per sempre … Andiamo !! Venite ….voglio farvi
conoscere Peter Pan e Wendy…Loro sono sempre là…
Sale nella scena e va dietro al telo a vestirsi da Wendy
Miriana entra vestita da narratrice e inizia a raccontare mentre Wendy si prepara
…potrebbe essere la stessa Wendy versione moderna
L’ideale sarebbe tradurlo in Inglese e poi lo facciamo leggere ad un’insegnante
I giardini di kensington si trovano a Londra, dove vive la regina .
I giardini sono immensi e ci sono centinaia di milioni di alberi.
Camminando per questi giardini, improvvisamente ci si trova dinanzi una salita
che porta alla casina di legno detta “ la casa dei bambini smarriti…
camminando ancora attraverso i giardini si arriva al laghetto dove ci
sono bambini e grandi che fanno navigare le loro barche, le loro navi, i loro la nave più bella è un semplice pezzo di legno.
quando si arriva là… pare improvvisamente di essere in mezzo al mare,
con una nave corsara che punta la prua verso il largo… vi battete contro navi di pirati
e in fine gettate l’ancora sull’ isola di corallo.
Laggiù ci sono tutti i bambini smarriti che non vogliono crescere.
Le mamme portano sempre i loro bambini nei giardini di kensington…ma…devono
stare molto attente perché se i bambini si perdono…penserà Peter Pan a trovarli.
E quando qualcuno incontra Peter Pan…non vuole più tornare a casa perche restare
bambini è il sogno di ogni essere umano.
I giardini di Kensington sono pieni di fate che al giungere della notte, sotto la luna
Si divertono a scherzare con la natura e con Peter….Ma bisogna fare attenzione …
le fate possono combinare brutti scherzi….conoscete Trilly , thinker bell ?
Trylli è una di loro ma è soprattutto la fatina amica di peter…anche Wendy è
un’amica di Peter…è stata una bambina smarrita ma poi la sua mamma l’ha ritrovata
ed è tornata fuori dai giardini di Kensington…è diventata grande, si è sposata ed è
diventata mamma….ma nel suo cuore…porta sempre…il suono del flauto di Peter Pan.
Una donna vestita con un abito a fiori entra in scena: è Wendy.
Spinge una carrozzina. Una ninna nanna e il sottofondo musicale.
Poi si sente il bambino che ride e gli uccelli che cantano.
Wendy passeggia avanti e indietro.
Oh James listen to the birds. They are singing. Look A
blackbird. Look at it fly. Birds can fly. What beautiful
flowers. What a lovely smell. Listen... a bee! Can you see the
bee? Bees can fly. Birds can fly. Look a butterfly a blue
butterfly. Butterflies can fly. Oh hello boys and girls.
I 'm Wendy and this is my baby. He is a boy and his name is
James. Now, James must sleep. SShhh. Look at the
butterfly. It can fly. When I was a girl I had a friend .
His name was Peter Pan. He could fly, too.
Now I'm a mummy. I'm not a girl. I wonder where Peter Pan is now.
Fuori scena si sente un dolce suono di flauto
WENDY: Listen... can you hear music? It's Peter Pan! Where are you
Peter? Peter!
PETER PAN: (entra Peter Pan con il flauto e gira attorno a Wendy)
Hello, my dear Wendy. Wow you are different! You are older!
You're not a girl, you're a woman now! You're so big.
You are so old!
WENDY: Yes Peter, time has not stopped for me! Time waits for nobody,
except you. I'm a mummy now. This is my baby. Sshhhh! He is sleeping.
PETER PAN: What's his name? How old is he?
WENDY: His name is James. He is one year old. How old are you now, Peter?
PETER PAN: How old am I? I don't know! Well, perhaps I'm 10. Yes! I'm 10years
WENDY: Oh Peter, are you sure you're 10? When is your birthday?
PETER PAN: My birthday? My birthday is in October!
WENDY: So Peter now you are 10 and in October you will be?....You'll be 11!
PETER PAN: No I won't! In October I will be 10!
WENDY: Peter, no! Now you are 10 so in October you will be
PETER PAN: (Stamping his foot) No Wendy now I am 10 and in October I will
be 10 again and next year I will be ten. Peter Pan is always 10.
I want to be a boy. I want to be a boy forever! I don't want to be a
daddy. I don't want to be old. I want to be a child!
WENDY: ssshhh! Be quiet! You'll wake up James.
(Suddenly the pram is pulled across the room by an invisible string)
WENDY: Peter stop it. Why did you do that? Why did you move the pram?
PETER: What did 1 do? I didn't do anything! What's wrong?
(The pram moves again.)
WENDY: Peter stop it! Oh no! (sound of a baby crying). Now you have
woken up .lames!
PETER : Oh no! I'm sorry...he's crying! What can I do? I know! I'll sing to him. (Peter
sings a lullaby to James)
Lullaby song- words : Go to sleep Go to sleep Go to sleep my darling. Go to sleep Go
to sleep Go to sleep my dear.
Children, sing with me.
(The baby stops crying and the sound of a bell is heard and someone laughing)
PETER PAN: Boys and girls, did you hear the bell? (The bell rings again).
Wendy, it's Tinkerbell!
WENDY: Oh, Tinkerbell. That naughty friend of yours. Children,
Tinkerbell is a fairy. Do you know what a fairy is?
Fairies can fly, they have wings. Can you see Tinkerbell?
Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell where are you?
(The pram moves again)
PETER PAN: Tinkerbell stop it. Where are you?
(A light is seen through the backdrop. The light disappears and reappears and the
sound of the bell is heard.)
There you are Tinkerbell! Look children here is Tinkerbell.
(The light Moves near Peter then disappears again)
Where are you Tinkerbell? (The sound of a bell is heard)
Boys and girls can you see Tinkerbell? Where is she?
(The light moves around the audience and the walls of the theatre).
Where are you Tinkerbell?
She is a bad fairy sometimes. Come here near me Tinkerbell or
I will be cross! At last! Hello, Tinkerbell, say hello to the boys and girls.
(The light returns near Peter.)
(There is the noise of the bell.)
WENDY: What did she say, Peter?
PETER: (Embarrassed).
She is a bad fairy. Tinkerbell said you are old and ugly and big now. Just like an
(Peter mimes an elephant around the stage). (Musica Carnevale)
WENDY: Me an elephant! Thank you Tinkerbell
PETER:Don't be offended, Wendy...she's only joking and you are not an
elephant! I'm going home with Tinkerbell now.
Do you want to come with can see the lost boys, Never
Never land, even Captain Hook! Please, Wendy, come with me,
to my island.
WENDY: Peter, I'm sorry! I can't come with you. I can't fly and what
about my baby ? I can't leave James!
PETER: Well, that's true. But....wait a moment! I've got an idea!
Tinkerbell, come here please! Tinker bell please come here.
(The light moves towards Peter)
PETER: Tinkerbell please stay with James and look after him .
(The bell is heard)
PETER: She says she is sorry she offended you before and she will look
after James . Tinkerbell likes babies. (The bell is heard)
WENDY a butterfly : Thank you, Tinkerbell. But there is just one problem.
I can't fly, Peter. I am not bird, I am not a fairy!
PETER: Ohh ! That's not a problem! If you want to fly all we need is to sing a magic
song, you help me, boys and girls? Are you ready?
(The children sing a song)
WENDY: I'm sorry Peter. I still can't fly.
Mentre le ombre di Wendy e Peter vengono proiettate, e loro volano, cioè viaggiano
sul mare in attesa di arrivare alla casa di Peter sull’isola , entra in scena Zufolo( Niky)
che porta il baule contenente i vari oggetti che dovrà spargere in giro per dare l’idea
della casa disordinata di Peter. Porterà anche un grande libro che metterà a terra.
Toglierà dal baule la sveglia e la nasconderà sotto a qualche corda, ben nascosta ( non
si deve vedere !).
Nel baule lascia la spada di Hooke e l’uncino. Quando ha fatto questo parla ai
bambini. Potrei farlo io in italiano…? Dopo tutto i bambini dell’isola appartengono a
stati diversi…o no ?
Niky (Zufolo)
Avete visto ? Peter riesce anche a volare ! Anche Wendy vola…fra poco arrivano qui.
Questa è la casa di Peter. Questa è la nostra isola . E’ il luogo più meraviglioso del
mondo. Sapete perché ? Perché qui si resta sempre bambini. Veramente solo Peter è
sempre bambino ma noi diventiamo
grandi…purtroppo…lavoro…dovere…casa…ufficio…Caricaaaaaaaaaaa !
arrivando Peter !! Abbassate le reti !! Alzate il ponte !!
Amici …sta
(In Peter's house: There is a chair, there are some clothes lying around on the floor
and some toys. There is a toy box with Captain Hook's hat and hook in it. There is an
alarm clock on the floor.)
Peter enters stage right.
Peter looks behind him for Wendy
PETER: Wendy! Wendy! Where are you? Come on! Hurry
are slow!
Wendy stumbles onto the stage, breathless.
WENDY: Oh Peter. How wonderful to be back here in your house.
(She looks around)
What a mess. Look at all your clothes on the floor!
(She begins to pick up and fold the clothes, as she does this she names the items.)
Your jeans! Your jumper. Look, here's a sock! Where is the other one?
(Peter finds it)
PETER: Here it is!
(Then she begins with Peter's help to tidy the toys and she puts them in a
And your toys.
Peter give me your toy train.
Thank you. That book looks
interesting. Can you give it to me please?
(Wendy sits down and turns the pages of the book.)
PETER: Oh come on Wendy! Don't read! Reading is BORING!
Let's play! 1 want to play!
WENDY: Peter! I'm too old to play! I'm not a child. You're a child..
you play! I'm an adult and i' want to read this book! So, please. Be quiet!
(Peter is annoyed. He picks up the clock goes behind Wendy and winds the clock. A
loud ticking is heard- Wendy is frightened and jumps up to ask the audience
WENDY: Listen! Can you hear that noise? What is it?
(Peter hides the clock up his jumper and the noise stops.)
PETER: What noise? There is no noise. Listen
WENDY: Oh you are right. How silly of me!
(She returns to reading her book).
(Peter removes the clock so that the noise of the ticking is heard again and Wendy
jumps up again
WENDY: Listen
be quiet. I can hear that noise again. What is it?
PETER: What noise. (Finally Wendy sees the clock)
WENDY: Oh Peter you are a naughty boy!
The clock.. .the clock reminds me Of
something... I remember!
The crocodile. The crocodile who ate the clock. (M)
PETER: Look! Here is a crocodile! Do you remember the pirate's ship?
Look! Here is a crocodile! Do you remember
(Ombra della nave dei pirati)
Do you remember Captain Hook Hook,Wendy?
WENDY: Oh yes, I remember Captain Hook! That horrible man!
PETER: Here is Captain Hook's hat.
Here is his hook and his sword.
(Peter dresses up as Captain Hook)
PETER: My name's Captain Hook.
WENDY: (Vede l'ombra di Capitano Uncino dietro ).
Oh no Peter! You're not Captain Hook! There's the real Captain Hook!
PETER: Come on Wendy! Let's fight him!
(Wendy picks up another toy sword and they have a sword fight against Captain
(The noise of a bell is heard at first faintly but then louder.)
WENDY: Stop, stop, Peter! Please be quiet. Can you hear that noise?
PETER: Yes. It's Tinkerbell. Tink, where are you?
Where are you? Can you see her children? Can you see Tinkerbell?
(A light is seen at the back of the audience)
PETER: Look! There she is.
(The light moves to near Peter and the noise of the bell is heard)
PETER: Wendy, Tink says there is a problem with James.
WENDY: James…oh,my little boy. Oh no...I can't stay here and play!
I'm not a child! I'm a mummy and I've got
Responsibilities! James needs me....what's wrong with him?
PETER: He is crying.
WENDY: He's crying! (looks at her watch)'s nearly time for him to
eat. He must be hungry. I must go to him at once.
Thank you for the visit, Peter! Thank you for a wonderful day.
You made me feel like a child again, thank you!
I hope you will come and visit me and James soon. Bye bye
Tinkerbell! Thank you for babysitting James.
Bye bye Peter! (Wendy exits)
PETER : Bye Wendy.
WENDY : (Reappears) Peter! I can't go home! I can't fly!
PETER: Oh silly me! We need a song and the magic dust!
Boys and girls, can you sing the song with me?
(The children sing the song and Peter sprinkles Wendy with the invisible magic dust).
Bye bye, Wendy!
WENDY: Bye bye, Peter! I can fly! What fun! Goodbye!
PETER: Look at my room. Ugh! How tidy it is! Yuck! Tinkerbell, let's
have some fun!
(Peter begins to throw his clothes about)
Musica mentre Peter mette sua camera in disordine, poi si gira e si rivolge ai bambini
I will be a child forever. I will always be a little boy. Children,
never forget the magic of being a child and perhaps, one night when the
sky is full of stars, I will come and knock at your window and we will
fly together to Never Never land, where children are children forever!
PETER PAN: I'm coming Tinkerbell! Wait for me! Goodbye, children.
I will leave you my butterfly so you never forget me. Goodbve and
see you soon!
(Ombra di Peter e Thinkerbell che volano su di una dolce musica)