WORD FORMATION - PRACTICE 1 Inserisci in ogni spazio


WORD FORMATION - PRACTICE 1 Inserisci in ogni spazio
1 Inserisci in ogni spazio uno dei prefissi elencati. Ogni prefisso può essere usato più volte.
dis- un- im- rea) I can't answer this question. It's impossible.
b) Kate started crying because she was so __happy. c) Paul never waits in queues. He is too
__patient. d) Stealing other people's pens is __honest! e) A million pounds was given to the
hospital by a/an __known person. f) When you __write this, make it a bit shorter. g) Mary was
wearing a/an __usual hat, shaped like a giant flower. h) I don't think you are right. I __agree
Ex 1: a) impossible b) unhappy c) impatient d) dishonest e) unknown f) rewrite g) unusual h) disagree
2 In ogni frase, ricava una parola negativa o contraria aggiungendo al prefisso un vocabolo
appropriato scelto dall' elenco.
advantage agree appear appointed correct employed fortunately interesting patient
a) I didn't read all of the book because I found it uninteresting.
b) Cycling to school has one dis_________ . It makes you feel hot and sweaty. c) Paula had a ticket
for the theatre, but un_________ she fell ill that night. d) Terry can't stand waiting in queues,
because she is very im_________. e) My little brothers always dis_________ when it's time to do
the washing up. f) My teacher underlined the word in red because it was in_________. g) After
Jack lost his job, he was un_________ for three months. h) I'm sorry, but I completely
dis_________ with you. I think it was a great film. i) Because of a mis_________, half the class
went to the wrong classroom for their maths lesson. j) Ann felt really dis_________ when she
didn't get the job.
Ex. 2: a) uninteresting b) disadvantage c) unfortunately d) impatient e) disappear f) incorrect g) unemployed h) disagree i) misunderstanding j) disappointed
3 Utilizza i prefissi elencati per completare in modo appropriato le parole precedute da uno spazio.
out- over- under- inter- rea) My alarm clock didn't go off, and so I overslept this morning. b) Peter packed some shirts and
socks, some ______wear, and his jeans. c) You have to go to the ______national airport to catch a
plane to the USA. d) It's very cold this morning, so wear your ______coat. e) Helen decided to
______line all the important words in her French book. f) Our team was completely ______played
by the team from Wales. g) I've decided to ______write my letter, because I made too many
mistakes. h) Bill ______cooked the meat, and it was burnt in places. i) I have to go to the library
today and ______new my ticket. j) The staff went on strike because they were ______paid and
EX 3: a) overslept b) underwear c) international d) overcoat e) underline f) outplayed g) rewrite h) overcooked i) renew j) underpaid
4 Utilizza i suffissi elencati per completare in modo appropriato le parole seguite da uno spazio. In
due casi, è necessario elidere la –e muta prima di aggiungere il suffisso.
-er -let -ess -hood -ship -ful -ery
a) After two years of friendship, Kate got to know David really well. b) If you don't speak the
language you feel more like a foreign______. c) Sarah spent a very happy child______ on a small
island. d) I asked a steward______ what time the plane arrived, but she didn't know. e) Every
teenage______ knows that parents worry a lot. f) Don't forget to add a spoon______ of sugar, and
some milk. g) We live in a beautiful neighbour______ on the outskirts of the city.
h) Tina picked up a hand______ of snow, and threw it in my face. i) Under the floor there was a
rumbling sound of machine______. j) The college sent Sue a small book______ describing its
EX 4: a) friendship b) foreigner c) childhood d) stewardess e) teenager f) spoonful g) neighbourhood h) handful i) machinery j) booklet
5 Completa ogni frase con un nome derivato dalla parola data aggiungendo un suffisso appropriato.
a) There are over one million inhabitants in this city.
b) Greg often suffers from ________ in the school holidays.
c) This is the tallest ________ in the whole of the country.
d) Some students can't find suitable ________.
e) I was upset by Carol's ________ to help me.
f) It took Tim years to become a successful ________ .
g) Every ________ in this company has received a pay rise.
h) You need a lot of ________ to write a good story.
i) Don't forget to turn off the ________ before you leave.
j) I read an interesting ________ in the local paper.
EX 5: a) inhabitants b) boredom c) building d) accommodation e) refusal f) actor g) employee h) imagination i) cooker j) advertisement
6 Inserisci in ogni spazio uno dei suffissi elencati. Ogni suffisso può essere usato solo una volta.
-ing -ed -ance -ful -able -ly -ous -ity -er -ure
a) Don't stand near the water! It's dangerous. You might fall in! b) Thank you for your advice. You
have been very help______ . c) Our new science teach______ is very young. d) Harry didn't think
the book was very interest______. e) Will all passengers please go to the depart______ lounge. f)
When Chris got married, she changed her national____. g) I don't like this fish. It's not very well
cook______. h) I like this town. The people are very friend______. i) If you have a haircut, it will
change your appear______. j) That was a great film! It was really enjoy______.
EX 6: a) dangerous b) helpful c) teacher d) interesting e) departure f) nationality g) cooked h) friendly i) appearance j) enjoyable
7 Scegli la soluzione corretta.
a) By 11.00 I felt so tired/tiring that I went to bed. b) I heard the film was good, but it was very
disappointed / disappointing. c) Being alone in an old house at night can be frightened/frightening.
d) Julie was so embarrassed / embarrassing that her whole face turned red. e) Jim gets
bored/boring if he has to study too much. f) It's very confused/confusing to be taught in so many
classrooms. g) Andy said that the twenty mile walk was exhausted / exhausting. h) Are you
interested/interesting in going to the beach tomorrow? i) I was really surprised/surprising when my
boss gave me the day off. j) Why don't you go away and stop being so annoyed/annoying!
EX 7: a) tired b) disappointing c) frightening d) embarrassed e) bored f) confusing g) exhausting h) interested i) surprised j) annoying
8 In ogni frase, aggiungi alla parola sottolineata un prefisso o un suffisso appropriato. Scegli dall'
-age dis- -ful im- un- - y
a) I suppose Paul might help us, but it seems likely.  unlikely ___________________ b) Fred
can't fill his pool because there's a water short.  ___________________ c) I found most of the
maths questions completely possible.  ___________________ d) Jan has taken up photograph as
a hobby.  ___________________ e) Thanks for those notes. They were really use. 
___________________ f) I like winter sports so I never go skiing.  ___________________ g)
When it's time for bed I start feeling sleep.  ___________________ h) This is a really usual
stamp. I've not seen one like it before.  ___________________ i) I really like Dan. He's always
so happy and cheer.  ___________________ j) I'm writing to thank you for the kind you showed
me.  ___________________
EX 8: a) unlikely b) shortage c) impossible d) photography e) useful f) dislike g) sleepy h) unusual i) cheerful j) kindness
9 Completa ogni frase con un vocabolo appropriato derivandolo dalla parola data con l' aggiunta di
un prefisso o/e un suffisso. In alcuni casi vi sono altri cambiamenti ortografici.
a) It's .unusually cold today, considering it's still summer.
b) Actually I found Tony's book was __________ interesting.
c) __________ , my father used to go to school with your father.
d) The police __________ managed to find the missing children.
e) Jean's compositions are always __________ written.
f) I am __________ ashamed of your behaviour!
g) This question is __________ difficult, isn’t it!
h) Mike tried __________ to phone Cathy several times.
i) These instructions seemc __________ complicated.
j) Someone had __________ left the front door open.
EX 9: a) unusually b) surprisingly c) Interestingly d) successfully e) beautifully f) thoroughly g) awfully h) unsuccessfully i) unnecessarily j) obviously
10 Partendo dai vocaboli dati e utilizzando i prefissi / suffissi indicati negli spazi, crea delle parole
adatte per completare le frasi. Ti serviranno altri suffissi (vedi l' esempio: -able).
a) I can't sit on this chair. It's really unconfortable.
b) Ann has left home and is in_________ of her parents.
c) These old envelopes are re_________ so we can save money.
d) Not being chosen for the team was a great dis_________.
e) Maria and Louis have a really good _________ ship.
f) Being un_________ means that you share with others.
g) Not taking exercise is rather un_________.
h) David has a really un_________ temper, and gets angry easily.
i) These trousers won't get smaller. They're un_________.
j) They didn't give Gary the job as he was in_________.
EX 10: a) uncomfortable b) independent c) reusable d) disappointment e) relationship f) unselfish g) unhealthy h) uncontrollable i) unshrinkable j) inexperienced
11 Completa ogni frase con una parola derivata dal vocabolo dato (formula un'ipotesi e verificala
suI dizionario).
a) Harry asked for a receipt and the cashier gave him one.
b) Nina wants to be a _________ and join the government.
c) No one knows the exact _________ of the water here.
d) You have to have a lot of _________ to go fishing.
e) _________ is a serious matter, and you have to think about it.
f) Tom sent in his _________ for the job the next day.
g) Helen's mind is filled with all kinds of unusual _________.
h) There was no _________ for the crash of the airliner.
i) Experts predicted the _________ of the city in an earthquake.
j) Arnold's great _________ enabled him lift heavy weights.
EX 11: a) receipt b) politician c) depth d) patience e) Marriage f) application g) knowledge h) explanation i) destruction j) strength
12 Completa ogni frase con una parola affine al vocabolo dato o da esso derivata (formula
un'ipotesi e verificala sul dizionario).
a) The theft of the diamonds baffled the police. thief
b) Most people have no real _________ in ghosts. believe
c) Tina had no _________ that anything was wrong. suspect
d) We measured the _________ of the room with a ruler. long
e) Our teacher was really _________ when she found out. anger
f) George won a medal for _________. brave
g) Looking in the mirror too much is an example of _________. vain
h) Do you think you have the _________ to pass the test? able
i) Eddie put the _________ food in the freezer. freeze
j) Sheila has got the right _________ for the job. qualify
EX 12: a) theft b) belief c) suspicion d) length e) angry f) bravery g) vanity h) ability i) frozen j) qualifications