

Paola Bianchi – Charles Healey
Trevisini Editore
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Page 7
➊ b; c; e.
Page 9
➊ a. True; b. False; c. True; d. False; e. True; f. False; g. True.
➋ a. Alexis likes reading, writing, and photography; b. No, she doesn’t like coffee;
c. No, Milo Ventimiglia is not her boyfriend.
Page 11
➊ a. A fictional nineteenth century detective; b. “Elementary my dear Watson”;
c. They meditate and they use their ‘grey cells’;
d. Viewers like unusual camera angles, editing techniques, and hi-tech gadgets;
e. Some parents say there is too much much violence. They also say the show is unrealistic favourable parents say it is witty and that it makes you think.
Page 13
➋ a. Chaotic; b. Pet; c. To tag; d. Strange e. To be vainly proud.
Page 15
➊ a. Meteor shower hit Smallville; b. Kansas; c. They are the people who find Clark.
d. Inside a space capsule; e. No; f. Pete Ross, Chloe Sullivan; g. Lana Lang.
➋ a. Intriguing, genuine, original; b. He is a perfect hero. He is a good actor and is good looking;
c. Ten out of ten; d. It continued for too long;
e. Life lessons, about being respectful, and having self-esteem; f. Paula.
Page 17
➋ a. 4; b. 3; c. 2; d. 1; e. 5.
Page 19
➊ a. In the ‘50s; b. In Milwaukee; c. Arthur Fonzarelli; d. Four people; e. In Ritchie’s house.
Page 20 – Dr. House *Questions
➊ Gregory House is played by the actor, Hugh Laurie;
➋ Lisa Edelstein is the actress who plays the role of Lisa Cuddy;
➌ Three; ➍ Eccentric and unorthodox;
➎ Patient lies, doctors produce incorrect diagnosis, incorrect treatment is given to patient, Dr. House intervenes and discovers the correct ailment and treatment;
➏ Because he finds that many patients do not tell the truth when discussing their medical condition.
*Fill in the blanks
➊ Does not ... Princeton, New jersey; ➋ Muscle infection ... right... at once... permanent damage;
➌ Crisps, pretzels, ... peanut butter sandwiches.
Gilmore Girls *Interaction
➊ Because it explores family, friendships, generational divides amd class problems;
➋ Subjective response; ➌ They both like coffee; ➍ Wealthy. Her mother is headstrong;
➎ She worked as a maid; ➏ No.
➊ C; ➋ E; ➌ B; ➍ D; ➎ A.
Crime Scene Investigation *Pair Work
➊ Dr. Watson is Sherlock Holmes assistant; ➋ Poirot is Belgian; ➌ Poirot was created by Agatha Christie;
➍ Various actors, including Peter Ustinov; ➎ Colombo is a 1970s tv detective; ➏ 160.
Criminal...; films...; meditating...; theory...; modern...; clues...; machinery...; minutes...
fragments...; DNA...
The O.C. *Multiple Choice
➊ Lawyer; ➋ Singer; ➌ Paris; ➍ Jazz; ➎ Dog; ➏ California.
Page 21 – *True/False
➊ False; ➋ True; ➌ False; ➍ True; ➎ True; ➏ True.
Smallville *Language Practice
➊ Huge; ➋ Beautiful; ➌ Begins; ➍ Original; ➎ Intelligent; ➏ Superb; ❼ Dynamic; ❽ Intriguing;
❾ Black; ❿ Wanted.
➊ B; ➋ D ➌ A; ➍ E; ➎ F; ➏ C.
The Simpsons *Questions
➊ Matt Groening; ➋ 1989; ➌ No; ➍ 20.00-20.30 period most viewed; ➎ Almost 400;
➏ Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie.
Happy Days
➊ 1950s; ➋ Richie’s family; ➌ Subjective response; ➍ At Al’s Diner; ➎ Monday Tuesday, Happy Days.
Page 23
➊ a. False; b.True; c. False; d. False; e. False; f. False.
Page 29
➊ a. Yes; b. 20 miles long and has 40 rapids; c. Eighty five dollars; d. Sixty five dollars;
e. 20 miles long.
Page 31
➋ a. What is going on; b. Let; c. Cool; c. Shots; d. Crazy; e. Pressure; f. Expectations.
Page 33
➊ a. 3; b. 1; c. 5 ; d. 2; e. 4.
➋ a. Naples; b. 1979; c. Cannavaro; d. Owen;
e. The Berlin Wall, The Human Bus, Mandrake, The Submarine; f. Striker.
Page 35
➊ a. What was the original name of surfboarding?
b. With which music cultures was it originally associated?
c. Who is famous for being the first person to jump into the air with a skateboard?
d. How many skateboarders are there in the world?
e. Are skateboarders boys or girls?
➋ a. 5; b. 6; c. 1; d. 2; e. 4; f. 7; g. 3.
Page 36 – Beckham: the new hero? *Questions
➊ Manchester United; ➋ No; ➌ Ronaldhino; ➍ He himself; ➎ 128 millions dollars over five years;
➏ Tom Cruise; ❼ A training centre for school-age footballers.
*Language Practice
➊ To train; ➋ Stress; ➌ To encourage; ➍ Smart; ➎ Rich; ➏ Deprived; ❼ Boy.
Wrestling *Matching
➊ C; ➋ B; ➌ E; ➍ D; ➎ A.
Language Practice
➊ Worse; ➋ First; ➌ Past; ➍ Bad; ➎ Low; ➏ Immorality; ❼ Same; ❽ To learn; ❾ Violent;
❿ To permit; ⓫ Often; ⓬ Correct.
Olympics Games *Matching
➊ C; ➋ A; ➌ G; ➍ D; ➎ E; ➏ F; ❼ H; ❽ B.
*Pair Work
Running, discus, javelin, horse racing, boxing, jumping, pentathlon, pankatrion;
A five-race event;
Winner of the first race at the ancient Olympics;
It commemorates the long-distance run of Filipides to announce the Greek victory over the Persians;
The winner of each event.
Page 37 – 81 points in a single game *Pair Work
Carmelo Anthony;
I played since I was three years old;
In American sport it is a game or series of games after the end of the season in order to determine who
is the champion.
Football award *True/False
➊ True; ➋ True; ➌ False; ➍ False; ➎ True; ➏ True; ❼ False.
*Multiple choice - correct ending
➊ Is a football award given to men and women; ➋ Coaches and captains;
➌ The youngest winner; ➍ The oldest winner.
The adventure of Skateboarding *Questions
The boys from Venice Beach, California;
Sport, and a means of transportation;
Jumping, spinning, slalom;
Eighty five per cent;
‘Drop-in’ means to enter the ramp or obstacle from the top;
A ramp used to give the skater some air to perform a trick;
The curved part of the obstacle between 0 and 90 degrees.
*Language Practice
➊ Terreno/terra; ➋ Identità; ➌ Trucco; ➍ Incrementare; ➎ Drammaticamente; ➏ Ragazzo/tizio;
❼ Sentimento; ❽ Navigare; ❾ Grado/3ª classe
Page 39
➊ a. Hamburg, Germany; b. Origins unknown; c. They carried falt patties of lamb or mutton as a source of food;
d. A burger made without any meat content; e. Food sold and consumed in the street;
f. Noodles, falafel, hotdogs; g. Plastic, to minimise production costs.
Page 41
➊ a. 5; b. 4; c. 4; d. 2; e. 4.
Page 43
➊ a. False; b. True; c. True; d. False; e. True; f. True.
➋ 62% meat; 38 % vegetables; 63% mushroom, extra cheese, sausage, green pepper an onions;
36% pepperoni.
➌ a. All’incirca; b. Buongustaio; c. Almeno; d. Media; e. Tendenze; f. Produzione.
Page 45
➊ a. False; b. False; c. True; d. False; e. False.
Page 47
➋ a. False; b. True; c. True; d. True; e. True.
➌ a. Fruit IS an important part of our diet; b. People LOVE to eat pasta; c. We eat DIFFERENT foods;
d. Proteins give US energy; e. ITALIAN food is very good.
Page 50 – Fast Food *Matching
➊ E; ➋ D; ➌ F; ➍ G; ➎ C; ➏ A; ❼ B.
Fish and chips *Summary
Owner, Manchester, open, week, twelve, sector, old, nineteenth, industrial, famous, by, Britain.
Pizza *Matching
➊ B; ➋ D; ➌ A; ➍ F; ➎ E; ➏ C.
*Language Practice
➊ A; ➋ C; ➌ B; ➍ A.
Page 51 – Be a fit kid *Multiple choice
➊ Rubbish; ➋ Beginning cooking; ➌ With other healthy food; ➍ Your height.
*Language practice
➊ Cheap; ➋ Unhealthy; ➌ Child; ➍ NB: delete this ➎ Damage; ➏ NB: delete this; ❼ Big;
➑ Overweight; ❾ Chunks; ❿ NB: delete this.
A healthy diet *Matching
➊ B; ➋ E; ➌ D; ➍ C; ➎ A.
➊ What do you eat for breakfast? ➋ Which is the best diet? ➌ Wich other foods are popular?
➍ Why do we need to eat food? ➎ What do they eat in Africa?
➊ False; ➋ True; ➌ False; ➍ True.
Page 53
➊ a. True b. False; c. True; d. False; e. True; f. False; g. True.
➋ a. What are his favourite sports? b. What is justin’s mother’s name? c. Can justin act?
d. How is his music categorised? e. What was the title of his debut album?
Page 55
➊ a. ‘Pursuit of happyness’; b. Chris Gardner; c. Will Smith; d. Jaden Christopher Syre Smith;
e. Five years old; f. Michael Mann; g. Gabriele Muccino.
Page 57
➊ a. Competitiva; b. Ambiziosa; c. Fortunata; d. Energica; e. Solidale; f. Difficile; g. Imbarazzante.
Page 59
➊ a. Who wrote the original James Bond books? b. How many Bond books did he write?
c. Which were the films with the biggest audiences?
d. How many actors have played the role of James Bond?
e. What colour was Bond’s most famous car, the Aston Martin DB5;
f. What did the ‘water sphere’ do?
➋ a. Equipment; b. Device; c. Which shoots d. Bullet; e. High tech; f. Espionage g. Science fiction.
Page 61
➊ a. When was the first oscar ceremony held? b. How do they choose the winners?
c. Who has won the most oscars? d. Where is the ceremony held?
Page 62 – Justin Timberlake alphabet *Language practice
➊ B; ➋ E; ➌ F; ➍ G; ➎ A; ➏ C; ❼ D.
Will Smith talks about ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ *Questions
➊ Unpaid intern; ➋ Homeless shelter; ➌ When he saw Gardner in an interview on television;
➍ Yes; ➎ Yes; ➏ California.
*Language practice
➊ Unlucky; ➋ Child; ➌ True; ➍ Found; ➎ Arrogance; ➏ Naivety; ❼ Expert; ➑ Role.
An interview with Hilary Duff *Matching
➊ D; ➋ H; ➌ C; ➍ F; ➎ A; ➏ G; ❼ B; ➑ E.
Page 63 – *Language practice
➊ A; ➋ B; ➌ A; ➍ A.
My name’s Bond: James Bond *Questions
➊ No, he is scottish; ➋ Over fifty per cent of the world’s population;
➌ In 1952 by Ian Fleming; ➍ Other authors continued writing bond adventures; ➎ Sean Connery;
➏ The actor who currently plays the role of James Bond; ❼ Twenty one.
The Oscars *Language practice
➊ Win; ➋ Future; ➌ War; ➍ Best;
➎ New; ➏ Different; ❼ Receive;
➑ Following; ❾ Top; ❿ Following.
Page 67
➋ a. English – italian – french – german – greek; b. Filipino – hindi – japanese – mandarin chinese – tahitian;
c. English – gaelic – scot gaelic; d. Esperanto.
Page 69
➊ a. 3; b. 4; c. 2; d. 1; e. 5.
➋ a. 4; b. 2; c. 3; d. 1; e. 6.
Page 71
➋ a. Who takes care of the children of other people when they are out;
b. Who takes care of other people’s dogs when they are out;
c. Who tends a garden;
d. Who teaches computer skills to other people.
Page 73
➊ a. 5; b. 1; c. 4; d. 3; e. 6; f. 2.
Page 77
➊ a. Imbarco; b. Assistenza; c. Posizione verticale; d. Uscita di emergenza; e. Prenotare; f. Procedere;
g. Sotto; h. Compartimenti sopra la testa.
➋ a. Small baggage; b. Screen; c. To fall.
➌ a. Flight number 232; b. London Heathrow; c. Air britain; d. 35,000 feet; e. 380 miles per hour.
Page 78 – Love *Language practice
➊ Long; ➋ Soft; ➌ Healthy; ➍ Satisfactory ➎ To take; ➏ Impossible; ➑ Temporary; ➑ Last.
A problem shared * True/False
➊ False; ➋ False ➌ True; ➍ True; ➎ False.
Part-Time Jobs for teenagers *Questions
➊ Fast food outlet, store assistant, shelf stacker; ➋ Too young, no transportation, no suitable time available;
➌ Car washing and cleaning; ➍ Older people; ➎ By selling advertising;
➏ About five euro per hour.
*Language practice
➊ To earn; ➋ Enough; ➌ Available; ➍ Reliable; ➎ First aid; ➏ Owner; ❼ Vacuun cleaning;
❽ Firm/company; ❾ Page/wages.
Pocket money *Questions
➊ To help them to learn how to manage money;
➋ What the family can afford; the ‘going rate’, the expenses of the child;
➌ Primary school children buy stickers or sweets; ➍ To pay for things that they damage in the home;
➎ Presents, magazine, clothes.
Page 79 – Travel Vocabulary for Jetsetters – Airline announcements *Language practice
➊ A man named Thomas Cook organised a trip for the members of his church, booking tickets, hotels, and
➋ Airlines lowered their prices and travel became possible for the middle classes.
➊ He established the first package tour holiday company; ➋ The world’s first travel magazine;
➌ For the sunshine; ➍ With travellers’ cheques;
➎ Because people have credit cards, passports are not needed to travel around europe, and most european
countries use the same currency.
*Language practice
➊ Did anyone ask you to take something for them? ➋ Fasten your safety belts.
➌ Have you left your bags unattended? ➍ Did you pack your suitcase yourself?
*Language practice
➊ Delete ‘on’. Insert ‘off’; ➋ Delete ‘under’. Insert ‘above’; ➌ Delete ‘push’. Insert ‘pull’;
➍ Delete ‘childrens’. insert ‘children’; ➎ Delete phrase. Insert: you cannot smoke on any flight.
Page 81
Giant panda
Black bear
25 years
not given
not given
50 years
not given
75 years
not given
not given
not given
fashion accessories, ornaments
shark fin soup
tiger-skin rugs
ivory ornaments
medicine, knife handles
fur coats, fur hats
Page 83
➊ In the air we breathe there are LOW LEVELS OF POLLUTANTS.
They are not dangerous. But if they are in CONFINED spaces, for instance a BUILDING OR A HOUSE,
they may become HARMFUL.
If we want to control IMPORTANT air pollutants, we should their cause, for instance we should improve
the AIR ventilation.
➋ a. 2; b. 4; c. 5; d. 3; e. 1.
Page 85
➊ a. A glass house used to grow plants; b. Gases which are causing an increase in global temperatures;
c. They prevent heat from escaping from the earth, maintaining the temperature of the planet;
d. They cause temperatures to rise too much; e. From the late eighteenth century onward;
f. When we burn carbon based fossil fuels.
Page 87
➊ a. At the supermarket; b. Cushion covers, teapot cosies; c. Packaging material; d. Three per cent.
Page 88
➋ a. False. 3rs stands for: reduce, re-use, re-cycle; b. True;
c. False. Compost may be made from vegetable peelings; d. True;
e. False. Most plastic is made almost entirely from oil; f. True;
➌ a. Conscions; b. Throw away; c. Toxic smoke; d. Steel; e. Alluminium; f. Components; g. Producters.
➍ a. Black; b. Red; c. Red; d. Black; e. Black; f. Red.
➎ a. Plastic; b. Metal; c. Paper; d. Glass.
Page 92 – Animals under threat *True/False
➊ True; ➋ False; ➌ True; ➍ True; ➎ False; ➏ True; ❼ True.
Indoor Pollution *Questions
➊ Carbon monoxide, formaldehyde; ➋ Regular vacuuming; ➌ Air-conditioners which are not well-cleaned;
➍ Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide; ➎ Cleaning agents, pesticides, personal care products, paints, solvents.
Greenhouse affect *Language practice
➊ Vapore acqueo; ➋ Metano; ➌ Calore; ➍ Pannelli di vetro; ➎ Respirare; ➏ Arrivare; ❼ Riscaldamento;
❽ Scienziati; ❾ Combustibile fossile; ❿ Olio.
It is caused by certain gases which TRAP ENERGY from the sun. This causes a temperature rise.
Climate changes caused by man started during THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. During this period, people began using MACHINES. Since then we INCREASED ENORMOUSLY THE NEED OF ENERGY.
The Recycling Cycle *Language practice
➊ Bidone; ➋ Insaponato; ➌ Inchiostro; ➍ Graffette; ➎ Colla; ➏ Foglio.
*Pair work
➊ Recycling plant; ➋ With soapy water; ➌ Cardboard, newsprints, office paper;
➍ And cardboard; uk 12.5 million tonnes; ➎ Twenty four.
Page 95
Young people
because they wish to appear
grown up
because they are influence by advertising.
some women think it will help them to remain thin.
➋ a. July; b. Because she had started a new relationship; c. Yes; d. Shortness of breath, tightness in her chest.
Page 97
➊ a. Walk on the pavement; b. Walk side by side if there is no pavement;
c. Make sure that the brakes are working properly;
d. Ride on pavements; e. Be aged at least 16 and follow a training course;
f. Carry passengers.
Page 102 – The dangers of a cigarette *Fill in the blanks
Young people start smoking for a lot of REASONS.
When you START smoking, it is very HARD to give UP, because nicotine is a DRUG.
Advertising PLAYS an important role in convincing PEOPLE to START SMOKING.
Even if it is prohibited to ADVERTISE ON TELEVISION, cigarette producers carry on campaigns, SPONSORING sport or FASHION events.
Some of the affects of smoking on a person’s health are: BOTH, SHORT-TERM and LONG-TERM.
➊ E; ➋ D; ➌ C; ➍ B; ➎ A; ➏ F.
Safety on the roads *Language practice
➊ Part of the street; ➋ Efficacious; ➌ Wound; ➍ Bundle; ➎ Permission.
Bullying: the way weak people hide their weakness *Language practice
➊ Popular; ➋ Wrong; ➌ Different; ➍ Shorter; ➎ Fatter; ➏ Stronger; ❼ Sad; ❽ Unsafe; ❾ Secure; ❿ Last.
Write the Italian translation of the following verbs:
➊ Minacciare; ➋ Danneggiare; ➌ Colpire; ➍ Battere; ➎ Colpire con un pugno; ➏ Ignorare; ❼ Credere;
❽ Trattare.
Page 105
➊ a. Young people spend forty two per cent of their viewing time on the internet;
b. Young people are turning more and more to the internet;
c. Most of all they use this material on devices such as ipods and mobiles phones;
d. A recent survey found that young people prefer the computer and especially the internet instead
of television and radio.
➋ a. Consumers; d. In public; c. Contest; b. Quick; e. Sities; f. Audience.
Page 109
➊ a. I’m happy; b. I’m sad; c. I’m surprised; d. I’m sad; e. Send; f. I’m laughing; g. Too much.
➋ a. Sys – see you soon – ci vediamo presto; b. Pm – private message – messaggio confidenziale;
c. Bfn – bye for now – ciao per ora, d. Cu – see you – ci vediamo;
e. Afaik – as far as i know – per quanto io sappia; f. Btw – by the way – a proposito;
g. Syt – see you tonight – ci vediamo stasera.
Page 111
➊ a. Sat nav – stands for satellite navigation;
b. GPS helps drivers – to find the right way;
c. GPS was invented – for military purposes;
d. Some sat nav systems – are plugged into the cigarette lighter;
e. When you have bought one – you don’t have any extra costs.
Page 112 – The Internet or the television? * Fill in the blanks
It is a regulatory body in the telecommunications industry;
He is ofcom’s chief operating officer; ➌ A social networking site; ➍ A social networkng site;
Songs, ringtones, photographs and films;
They confirm its findings Do they agree with it? Yes Why? Delete this question Why not? Delete this question;
She feels it is old fashioned.
A RECENT survey has found that young people like the Internet MORE than television.
They like SOCIAL networking sites where they can TALK with other people or other SITES where they can
download what they LIKE.
Mobile PHONES are also very popular among YOUNG PEOPLE. They use mobiles for calling people and for
SENDING texts.
Google Sky *Questions
➊ The first human may visit the planet mars; ➋ Stars and galaxies; ➌ 400 hundred years ago;
➍ 250 million people; ➎ Delete this question; ➏ Because we know so little about the universe.
Satellite Navigator *Fill in the blanks
➊ On the dashboard; ➋ From Euro 200 to Euro 600;
➌ It enables you to find your way without taking your eyes off the road to read a map; ➍ The language;
➎ Colonel parkinson of the u.s. air force; ➏ Rom the cigarette lighter.
Page 115
➊ a. People blaming you; people telling lies about you; to experience disaster.
b. Make a heap of your winnings; walk with kings, to experience triumph.
➋ a. Too; b. Much; c. Minute; d. Tools; e. Disaster.
Page 117
➊ a. Yes; b. Because it is associated with a particular family; c. Inconstant and variable.
➋ a. Tu/voi; b. Tu/tu; c. Tua/tuo; d. Arte/abilità; e. (to stamble) Inciampare; f. Appassire, avizzire.
Page 119
➊ a. He is a police detective; b. To ask him to come to the scene of the crime; c. No;
d. Because he responds on the telephone in french; e. The victim; f. There was a suicide or a murder;
g. She lives at the house where the dead person is found; h. He is a colleague of detective Japp;
i. He explains the sequence of events leading to the discovery of the body.
➋ a. At the same moment; b. Chauffeurs; c. Open mouths; d. At the foot of; e. Clear.
Page 121
➊ a. 4; b. 6; c. 11; d. 8; e. 10; f. 11; g. 9; h. 5; i. 3; j. 2; k. 7.
➋ a. Piove a dirotto/a catinelle; b. È un mondo in cui cane non mangia cane; c. Buttar benzina sul fuoco;
d. Leggere tra le righe; e. Lavare i panni sporchi in pubblico; f. Non è tutto oro ciò che luccica;
g. Essere la pupilla degli occhi di qualcuno; h. Rompere il ghiaccio; i. Tutte le strade portano a Roma;
j. Tutto pelle e ossa.
➌ a. Golden gate bridge in the form of an alligator; b. A diner restaurant in the form of a dinosaur;
c. The empire state building; d. Stonehenge ancient stone monument in the shape of bones.
Page 123
➊ a. ∕∕ ; b. Yes.
Page 125
➊ a. Travel; b. Meeting new people; c. They can develop their thoughts; d. Difficult.
What about you?
e. Subjective response; f. Subjective response.
Page 126 – Romeo and Juliet *Reading comprehension
➊ An angel; ➋ She wants to forget the family she belongs to; ➌ Yes; ➍ I have not yet heard;
➎ Because the moon is not constant; ➏ By himself.
Murder in the Mews *Language practice
➊ Man; ➋ Chauffeurs; ➌ Children; ➍ Staring; ➎ Constable; ➏ Quickly; ❼ Shut; ❽ Foot; ❾ Deceased;
❿ At once.
Cartoons and language *Language practice
➊ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; ➋ Achille’s heel; ➌ Like two peas; ➍ To be all ears;
➎ Misery loves company; ➏ All roads lead to rome; ❼ All skin and bones; ❽ To be the right-hand man;
❾ to ill two birds with a stone; ❿ The toungue ever turns to aching tooth.
With a Little Help from My Friends *Writing practice
➊ Would you do; Won; ➋ Would he do; Won; ➌ Would they go; Had; ➍ Would you visit; Went.
*Fill in the blanks
➊ Somebody; ➋ Anything; ➌ Nothing; ➍ Anybody.
Page 131
What to see
Dragon Knights’ Castle
Captain’s Bridge
Clore Rainforest Lookout
Legoland windsor
Natural history museum
HMS Belfast
London zoo
Natural history museum
➋ a. In the natural history museum; b. At the stamford bridge stadium; c. A family theme park;
d. About 12,000; e. By the british troops during the second world war; f. Farm animals;
g. About 11,500 tonnes
➌ a. Changing room; b. Sailor; c. Heart; d. Unforgettable; e. To surprise; f. Comfort; g. Busy;
h. Floating.
Page 133
➊ a. Seven; b. 11,500; c. 1849; d. Notting Hill gate, Ladbroke Grove, Westbourne Park;
e. Friday, Saturday; f. Piccadilly circus.
Page 135
➊ a. Walt Disney company; b. 1955; c. Main Street, USA; Adventureland; Frontierland; Fantasyland; Tomorrowland; d. Pars, Hong Kong, Tokyo; e. Florida; f. 2009; g. J.K. Rowling; h. 250million pounds sterling.
Page 137
➊ a. 1872; b. A geyser; c. Home, hunting grounds, transportation routes; d. Grizzly bears, wolves, bison, elk;
e. Camping, boating, cycling, hiking, fishing, horseback riding; f. Colorado plateau, Arizona;
g. Five/six million years ago; h. You can do outdoor activities include camping, boating, cicling, hiking...
Page 139
➊ a. 2; b. 4; c. 6; d. 5; e. 1; f. 8; g. 3; h. 7.
Opera House
Harbour Bridge
Jorn Utzon
of construction
Number of visitors
Bennelong point
Opera House
1.5 million
in the foreground
Royal Botanie Garden nearby
Page 143
➊ a. 27 member states; b. Ludvig Van Beethoven; c. The coal and steel community;
d. The treaty of Maastricht; e. Is europe’s executive body; f. Twelve stars.
➋ a. When did the treaty of rome establish the common market?; b. When was the euro currency introduced?
c. What os the annual budget of the european union? d. What does ‘r and d’ stand for?
e. What does the european parliament represent?
Page 146 – Shopping in London *True/False
➊ True; ➋ True; ➌ False; ➍ False; ➎ True; ➏ True; ❼ False; ❽ True.
*Pair work
➊ Hamleys, Harrods, Covent Garden Market, Portobello Market, London Trocadero;
➋ You can buy everything from food to fashion, forniture or sportwear; ➌ Covent garden;
➍ Friday/saturday; ➎ Piccadilly.
Disneyland and Potterland *Matching
➊ B; ➋ D; ➌ A; ➍ C.
The American national parks *Questions
What are the outdoor activities in Yellowstone National Park?
When did the first Europeans arrive in Yellowstone?
Where are the oldest rocks in the Canyon? ➍ How long does it take to go through the Canyon by raft?
For what did the Native Indians use the park?
Sydney *Questions
➊ Sydney Cover, New South Wales; ➋ Canberra; ➌ 1788; ➍ Sydneysiders; ➎ Harbour city;
➏ Finance, property, retail, manufacturing, tourism, health and community services;
➐ British Empire Games 1938, Olympics 2000, Rugby World Cup 2003.
The European Union *Matching
➊ G; ➋ A; ➌ E; ➍ D; ➎ B; ➏ F; ➐ C.
6 – History
Page 149
➊ a. True; b. False; c. True; d. False; e. True; f. True; g. True.
➋ a. Delete four; b. Delete beginning; insert end; c. Delete London; insert Scotland;
d. Delete William’s; insert Arthur’s; e. Delete monotheist; insert polytheist.
Page 151
➊ a. No; b. All the people; c. Yes; d. Yes.
➋ a. The Pope; b. Elections; c. apparent; d. Forever; e. Kingdom; f. Quarrel;
g. Observed; h. Freedom; i. Observed.
Page 153
➊ a. 2; b. 1; c. 3; d. 4.
➋ a. True; b. False. Mary succeeded Edward VI; c. True; d. True.
➌ a. Essere condannato a morte; b. Sorellastra; c. Potere; d. Ostinato; e. Arruolare.
Page 155
➊ a. Thirteen; b. It changed england from an agricutural society into an industrial society;
c. Admiral Nelson was the commander of british naval forces that defeated napolean’s french fleet at the
battle of Trafalgar in the early eighteenth century. d. Subjective response; e. Subjective response.
➋ a. Event; b. To widen; c. Fraternity; d. To compel; e. To return; f. To beat; g. Rapidly.
Page 156
➊ a. A good queen; b. More than fifty years; c. 1945; d. Germans and italians.
Page 160
➊ a. False; b. True; c. True; d. True; e. True; f. False.
➋ 1492
Columbus discovers America.
Pilgrim fathers arrive in America.
Declaration of independence by American colonies.
American civil war/war of the states.
Slavery abolished.
U.S. intervention in the First World War.
The great financial crash of Wall Street stock exchange, marking the start of the great depression.
1942-1945 U.S. involvement in the Second World War.
U.S. astronauts land on the Moon.
U.S. involvement in the Korean War.
1960s-1970s Civil rights movement.
Gulf War in the early 1990s.
The attacks by islamic fundamentalists on Washington and New York city, which destroyed
the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre.