Stefania Montemezzo


Stefania Montemezzo
Stefania Montemezzo
Born in Vicenza, February 8th, 1983.
Email: [email protected]
Current Position
Ph.D. student in Economic History, University of Verona (1/2011 – 12/2013)
Project: “Scambi commerciali e reti mercantili fra Asia ed Europa. Le aziende mercantili veneziane nella
seconda metà del Quattrocento”.
English title: “Among Trade and Culture. Merchant networks between Europe and the Near
East in the Renaissance”
Supervisors: Edoardo Demo, Renzo Sabbatini.
Master’s degree in Medieval History, University of Padua (2010).
Honor thesis: In galia. Giovanni Foscari e il suo viaggio per le Fiandre (1463 – 1464).
(In Galia. Giovanni Foscari and his Euro-Mediterranean network during the second half
of XV century).
Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Gullino.
Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
Erasmus Student enrolled to the course for the master’s degree in History (Geschichte), Leopold –
Franzens - Universität Innsbruck (2008/2009).
Bachelor’s degree in History, University of Padua (2007).
Thesis: Il volgare a Venezia. Edizioni di fonti medievali (sec. XIII - inizio XV).
Supervisor: Prof. Fernanda Sorelli.
Grade: 110/110.
Diploma of secondary school, I.T.C.S. Pier Francesco Calvi, Padua (2002).
Diploma of Technical High School in Commerce and Business Economy skilled in Foreign
Languages (English, French, Spanish).
Grade: 79/100.
Master’s degree in Medieval History, University of Padua (2010).
Bachelor’s degree in History, University of Padua (2007).
Fellowships, prizes and grants
Prize “Best paper”, awarded by the Board Experts of the ESTER Reasearch Design Course (Évora, 20
ocrober 2011) for the paper “Among trade and cultures. Merchant networks between Venice and the Near
East in the Renaissance”.
Doctoral schools Cultures marchandes (moyen âge / époque moderne), Roma, École Française de Rome,
october 24-28, 2011, organized by the École Française de Rome and CIHAM – UMR 5648
(France) in cooperation with the University of Erfurt, paper Strategie commerciali tra Europa e
Vicino Oriente: il caso dell’azienda veneziana Michiel (1470 – 1481).
ESTER Research Design Course 2011, Évora, Ocrober 17- 21, 2011, paper Among trade and cultures.
Merchant networks between Venice and the Near East in the Renaissance.
IV Doctoral school on “Fonti per la storia dell’economia europea (secoli XIV – XVII)”, “La
documentazione per la storia del commercio delle materie prime”, Arezzo, Fraternita dei Laici,
July 4 – 8, 2011, organized by the École Française de Rome in cooperation with the École
Normale Supérieure (Paris), the Université Paris – 7 ‘Denis Diderot’, the Institut d’Histoire
Moderne et Contemporaine (CNRS-École Normale Supérieure Paris), the Fraternita dei Laici of
Arezzo, the Università di Siena and the Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo; paper:
Commercial Networks and Mercantile Culture. Venice and the Near East in the Renaissance.
Articles and essays
La difesa di un diritto: le donne veronesi di fronte alla dote in Età moderna, in Donne a Verona. Una storia della città
dal medioevo a oggi, Verona, Cierre, 2012.
Conferences and seminars
V Congress of the Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (Rome, September 8 – 10, 2011), Macrosession Le congiunture, Under-session Tra crisi e congiunture positive: le città rinascimentali in Europa (E.
Demo), paper Città e congiunture commerciali tra Europa e Vicino Oriente: Venezia, Aleppo e Damasco fra
fine Quattrocento e inizio Cinquecento (September 8, 2011).
Presence as listener to conferences and seminars
IX European Social Sciences History Conference, organized by the International Institute of Social
History (Glasgow, April 11 – 14, 2012).
Università Ca’ Foscari and IUAV of Venice, Seminar Consumo e cultura materiale nell’Europa preindustriale,
La società premoderna di fronte al consumo: un problema storiografico, relator Paola Lanaro (Università
Ca’ Foscari), September 29, 2011.
Università Ca’ Foscari and IUAV of Venice, Seminar Consumo e cultura materiale nell’Europa preindustriale,
Retailing, consumption and material culture in early modern Germany: evidence from marriage and death
inventories, relator Sheilagh Ogilvie (Cambridge University), September 29, 2011.
Università Ca’ Foscari and IUAV of Venice, Seminar Consumo e cultura materiale nell’Europa preindustriale,
Consumare in una società gerarchica, relator Giovanni Levi (Università Ca’ Foscari), May 23, 2011.
Università di Padova, Formazione alla politica, politica della formazione a Venezia in età moderna, May 5, 2011.
3rd European Congress on World and Global History - London School of Economics, Global
Connections and Comparisons, 14 - 17 April 2011.
Università di Verona, Doctoral Seminar Donne a Verona, organized by professor Olivato, relators: Paola
Lanaro, Paola Marini, Alison Smith, January 13, 2011.
Linguistic skills*
OTHER LANGUAGES: English – C1 (Reading, Verbal)/B2 (Writing)
French – C1 (Reading, Verbal)/B1 (Writing)
Spanish – B2 (Reading)/B1 (Writing and Verbal)
German – A1 (Reading, Writing and Verbal)
* European panel for languages knowledge.
Main work experiences
June 2009, Collaboration (realization of interviews) for the project Con-ser srl and Confartigianato
provinciale di Venezia “Immigrazione = risorsa” for Venezia Opportunità, Via Banchina
Molini, 8 - 30175 Marghera (VE).
April 2009, Collaboration (reception and hostess) at Fiera di Padova for Glitter Comunicazione S.r.l.,
Via Marzan, 4 - 37019 Peschiera del Garda (VR).
June – July 2006, Tutoring (students supervisor, public relations, checking of official records) at CIPE
(Ente Scuola Edile di Padova), via Basilicata 10/12 - 35127 Camin (PD).
June, 2012