July 2014 - Welcome to Goozmo


July 2014 - Welcome to Goozmo
July 2014
Note to our readers
In July and August we will not have any cultural meetings at Mt. Carmel parish hall.
However we will have our Dante Picnic on August 24th. In July there is the Mt. Carmel
Bazaar, which we ask that, our member support. The dates are July 18, 19, and 20. Fr.
Hugh and the staff support our organization and we ask that you support their Bazaar as
well. Go and have a good time.
Denver’s Italian Immigrant Farmers Fought for Denargo Markets
L to R: Mary Alice Bramming, Alisa
Zahller, Kristina Bonarelli, and Margaret
Italian immigrant farmers fought hard to
change Denver’s food distribution industry,
creating the former Denargo Markets. For the
May Cultural Meeting, Dante welcomed Alisa
Zahller, of the Colorado History Center, to
speak about these changes and more. Her
presentation preceded the Colorado History
Center’s May 31st opening of the exhibit “Food:
Our Global Kitchen.” Alisa Zahller is Senior
Curator for Artifacts and the Curator of Art and
Design for the Colorado History Center.
Zahller described the rise and fall of North Denver’s Denargo Markets, a particular
interest to many in the audience. As far back as 1862, Denverites have requested “curb
markets,” which are the forerunners of today’s farmers’ markets. The curb markets
were not formally established until 1883, under the supervision of a market master,
who enforced rules and verified licenses. The markets, however, were chaotic and
unsightly. Zahller explained how markets in downtown Denver, Cherry Creek and the
area in what is now known as the Auraria campus evolved from city commerce to
private markets. Farmers won an elaborate fight with the city of Denver over the site,
which later became the Denargo Markets, according to Zahller.
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Denargo Markets opened on April 21, 1939. The markets flourished in the 1940’s, but
experienced a huge decline between 1950 and 1960. At that time, smaller markets such
as Cerrone’s Market in North Denver were squeezed out by larger grocers like Safeway
and King Soopers. During the same time period, Denargo Markets lost a substantial
government contract to provide food to troops.
Zahller also highlighted the importance of Mrs. Condies to the current marketplace in
Denver since the 1950’s. She stressed that 40 percent of the company’s produce comes
from Colorado farms, which provides produce to both US and international companies.
For a more complete story on the food distribution industry, please attend the Colorado
History Center’s exhibit “Food: Our Global Kitchen,” at 1200 Broadway, until September
1. The exhibit is free with admission to the museum. For additional information, visit
Team Adducci and Carol’s Girls Led May’s Bi-Annual Memorial Bocce Tournament
On Saturday, May 24th, 16 teams competed in our Bi-Annual Memorial Bocce
Tournament at Mickey’s Top Sirloin. Players enjoyed a continental breakfast and lunch
before stiff competition in the last rounds of the tournament proved a real highlight of
the event. Team Adducci won the tournament; team members included Joe Adducci, Jr.,
Angelo Adducci, Grant Neptune and Ted Lavelle. Second place honors went to Carol’s
Girls: Carol Marsala, Vera Buffalo, Julie Meirsonne and Maryanne Pannarella.
Tournament winners received cash and gift certificates. The raffle winners took home
gift certificates and wine. Thanks to everyone who participated! Watch for
announcements on Dante’s next bocce tournament in the Fall.
First and Second place winners. Left to Right:
Ted Lavelle, Joe Adducci Jr., Angelo
Adducci, and Grant Neptune the first place
team. Carol Marsala, Vera Buffalo, Maryann
Pannarella, and Julie Meirsonne second place
Some serious action during the tournament,
some great teams participated in this tourney.
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President’s Letter – Susan Gurule
Yes, the Dante Society is taking the month of July off, no cultural meeting or Italian
Movie Night. Why? Because it’s summer – and summer is a time to enjoy family and
have fun. We will be back in August with family fun events. Here’s a preview.
Join us Wednesday, Aug. 20, at 7:30 p.m., for an evening with the Zoppe Circus. The
Zoppe Circus has offered the Dante Society a considerabley discounted group rate. The
Zoppe Circus will be performing at Anderson Field at 44 th and Field. More details to
This year’s annual picnic is Sunday, August 24th. Additional information on the Dante
Society picnic can be found elsewhere in this Notiziario and will be published again in
next month’s issue. It will be held at our usual spot; Oakhurst Park, 9311 Lark Bunting
Drive, in the city of Westminster, CO. The picnic will be at noon under the pavilion.
Last names starting with A-M side dish or salad, N-Z dessert. Any questions call Nina
Incampo: 303-423-4811.
But let’s not let the summer get away too quickly. We have invitations to other Italian
summertime events..
On July 27th, the Italians of America (IOA) will host its Red Lion Run. The event,
complete with food, beverages, a raffle and vendors, will begin at 9:00 a.m. at Country
Club Village Shopping Center at 12131 N. Federal Parkway in Westminster. Live music
will be provided by the Cruisin’ Cats Band with additional music by Cruisin’ Oldies AM
So enjoy your summer. If you don’t have any travel out of town, why not grab a couple
of friends and play bocce. I’m available for a game: call me.
2014 World Cup Soccer
The gathering at Mickey’s Top Sirloin for the game between Italy and England showed a
lot of enthusiasm during the match. A huge celebration took place when Italy’s Claudio
Marchisio scored the first goal but the exultation calmed down when England’s Rooney
tied the game. Attendees erupted into celebration when Italy’s Mario Balotelli scored
with a head shot for the winning goal resulting in a 2-1 win.
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The world tournament goes on with both Italy and U.S.A. teams having a chance to
qualify for the second round. The U.S. won its first game against Ghana 2-1 and tied with
Portugal 2-2 in the last few seconds of the game. Unfortunately, Italy lost its second
game to Costa Rica 1-0. As it stands, both teams will have to get at least a tie in the final
game to access the elimination round. Stay tuned!!!
Fans enjoying the Soccer match at
Mickey’s Top Sirloin.
Nominating Committee In 2014 all of the current officers of the Dante Society
are up for election. A Nominating Committee consisting of two board members
and three at-large members was appointed at the Dante Society board meeting
on April 1st. Those members serving on the Nominating Committee are:
Veronica Goodrich, board member, Chairperson
Nina Incampo, board member
Jim Scalmanini, member-at-large
Gina Oldenburg, member-at-large
Corrine Bush, member-at-large
Ray Bush, alternate, member-at-large
If you are interested in running for President, Vice-President, Secretary, or
Treasurer, please let one of the committee members know. The election of
officers will occur at the November General Membership Meeting.
Per i bambini del mondo
Unite for Literacy is an organization headquartered in Ft.
Collins that promotes literacy for children throughout the world. They provide a free
digital library of picture books for children ages eight and under. Children and their
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families can download and listen to these books, which are currently translated into 18
different languages. Unite for Literacy is seeking native speakers of Italian to translate
picture books into Italian. Also, native English speakers who are fluent in Italian could
assist native Italian speakers with the translations. Public libraries have made recorded
book studios available for the translation work, or it could be done at a home computer
with a microphone. Time commitment would be about 12-15 hours over a flexible
length of time. These free digital picture books would then be made available to families
in Italian speaking communities worldwide.
Italian is the 9th most common home language in Colorado, and it is spoken by 5.9
million children from birth through age eight in Italy. For more information, please visit
the website of Unite for Literacy, www.uniteforliteracy.com or contact the Dante
Education Chair, Suzanne Fasing at 303-810-9042, or by email at
[email protected]
NOTIZIE DALL’ITALIA Gli Italiani tornano ad emigrare.
A partire sono soprattutto i giovani. Mete principali: Regno Unito, Germania, Svizzera,
Stati Uniti e Brasile
Gli Italiani sono tornati ad essere un popolo
di emigranti. La conferma arriva dai dati del
Rapporto Annuale dell’Istat, in base al quale,
se nel 2012 gli Italiani di rientro dall’estero
sono stati circa 29 mila, 2 mila in meno
rispetto all’anno precedente, al contrario
risulta marcato l’incremento dei
connazionali che decidono di trasferirsi in
un Paese estero. Il numero di emigrati italiani
è stato infatti pari a 68 mila unità, il più alto
degli ultimi dieci anni, in crescita del 35,8%
rispetto al 2011.
Ad emigrare sono stati soprattutto i giovani,
spinti dalle difficoltà incontrate sul mercato del lavoro in patria. Nel 2012 hanno così
lasciato l’Italia oltre 26 mila giovani italiani tra 15 e 34 anni, 10 mila in più rispetto al
2008; negli ultimi cinque anni, si è trattato di 94 mila giovani.
Il dato è di particolare rilevanza anche tenendo conto che non tutti i giovani che si
trasferiscono all’estero formalizzano la loro uscita dal Paese. I flussi in uscita dei
giovani italiani superano quelli di rientro, con una perdita netta di residenti nel
2012 pari a 18 mila unità, di cui ben 4 mila laureati.
Analoga variazione in negativo si osserva per i giovani con un titolo di studio fino alla
licenza media (-8 mila) e per i diplomati (-7 mila).
Le principali mete di destinazione dei laureati con meno di 35 anni sono il Regno
Unito, la Germania (oltre 900 emigrati in ciascun Paese) e la Svizzera (706).
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Al di fuori dell’Europa, i giovani laureati italiani si recano soprattutto negli Stati Uniti
(circa 460
emigrati) e in Brasile (circa 290).
(ItalPlanet News)
Parole ritrovate: Tesoriere
Il termine, di origine francese, compare in italiano molto
presto: lo troviamo già in due racconti del Novellino, la
celebre raccolta di novelle di fine Duecento. In entrambi si
parla di ricchi e generosi sovrani che, per mano dei tesorieri,
elargiscono discrete quantità del proprio denaro a individui
meritevoli. Non ci fosse di mezzo il Medioevo, verrebbe da
considerarla fantascienza.
(a cura di Alessandro Masi, dal supplemento Sette del Corriere della Sera)
I was informed by Gianfranco Marcantonio that the Italian wording I was using for my
little joke section was incorrect. The translation of the phrase that I was using is a
physical joke, in the previous issues of the Notiziario, that is played on oneself. Our new
title for our little joke section is “Barzelletta”.
Rosa enters her kitchen and finds her husband Angelo waving a fly swatter around
frantically. “What in God’s name are you doing Angelo?” she asks. “Killing flies”
Angelo replies. “Well did you get any?” She asks. “Yep, two males and three females!”
Angelo answers. “ Come on now, how do you tell them apart?” Rosa asks. “ Simple”
Angelo answers, “two were on my beer can, and three were on the phone”.
Welcome To Our New Members
Palma Plume---Juliet Mann---Daisha Walton---Robert Didi--- Britni Rotunda
Patricia Paul---Mary Mazzuca
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! Be sure to "like” us on Facebook so you're the
first to know about upcoming events. We will post pictures and activities as they
arise. Lately our page has been visited by hundreds per day. We have had
several join the Dante Society’s classes from viewing our page.
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Societa' Dante Alighieri di Roma - Sede Centrale, http://www.dantealighieri-roma.it
Dante Alighieri Society of Denver, Colorado - http://www.dantealighieriofdenver.org
DAS of Denver in Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dante-Alighieri-Society-ofDenver/153670041417079
News from Italy - http://video.sky.it/news/diretta
Italian art - http://www.arte.it/
Italy news in English - http://www.thelocal.it/
Travel and Events - http://www.i-italy.org/
The World of Dante - The study and teaching of the Divine Comedy,
Events in Colorado's Italian-American community http://www.italianamericanheritage.com/index.html
Web site for TG5 (Mediaset) Notizie dall'Italia http://www.mediasetitalia.com/nazioni/colorado.shtml
US Citizenship - http://www.uscitizenship.info/italian-american-history-and-culture
Have a great summer and be safe!!!
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