Abstract Adele Cacciagrano, Guerrieri-Grotowski


Abstract Adele Cacciagrano, Guerrieri-Grotowski
AAR Anno II, numero 3 – Maggio 2012
Adele Cacciagrano, Guerrieri-Grotowski: appunti di un incontro mancato.
In the early seventies Grotowski decided to abandon the theatre. In the
same years, the Italian critic and intellectual Gerardo Guerrieri, after a
career devoted to writing essays, translations, dramatic texts and directing
the Teatro Club, decided to go back to writing reviews for the newspaper Il
Giorno. Two very different paths. A coming-out from the theatre versus a
going-back. Yet, at the heart of the two choices there is the same idea of
theatre as a space for a true human encounter. This essay seeks to shed
light, briefly, in a sort of travel in time, on the moments when
misunderstandings, tangential events, breaks and estrangement sealed the
failed encounter between Guerrieri and Grotowski: two men who, in spite
of their antithetical directions they chose, came from similar backgrounds
and shared a similar vision of the future of the theatre.