Curriculum ENG - Luisa Giacoma


Curriculum ENG - Luisa Giacoma
Curriculum vitae
Personal information
[email protected]
Work experience
With publishing firms
I am a Lexicographer (German-Italian Dictionaries) for
Zanichelli (Bologna, Italy), Klett (Stuttgart, Germany) and
Buske (Hambug, Germany) publishers.
I am co-author, together with Susanne Kolb, of Dizionario di
Tedesco. Groβwörterbuch Italienisch für Experten und
Universität, 2001, Bologna, Stuttgart, Zanichelli, Klett as well as
of its second, revised, edition (2009).
Together with Susanne Kolb and Silvia Verdiani, I am author of
Guida all’uso del dizionario di Tedesco, 2001, Bologna,
I am a member of the team of co-authors of Dizionario
Idiomatico Tedesco-Italiano, 2009, Bologna, Zanichelli.
Together with Susanne Kolb, I am author of the PONS
Wörterbuch, Studienausgabe Italienisch-Deutsch/DeutschItalienisch, 2010, Stuttgart, Klett.
I am a member of the team of co-authors of Idiomatik DeutschItalienisch, 2011, Hamburg, Buske.
Author of 4 books for the German exam preparation (Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages) for Loescher
(Torino-Italy) and Praxis (Athens-Greece) publishers
University job
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Member of the exams commission for the courses in German
Linguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, Translation and History of
the German Language, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literatures at Turin University.
I teach four courses (12 ECTS) of German Language for all
undergraduate students (Language and Translation - German
Language L-LIN/14) at the Faculty of Economics, University of
1) German language level A1/A2 (Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages)
2) German language level B1 (Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages)
3) Translation
4) “Specialized language” (in economics, financial, legal etc.
technical vocabularies).
In this framework, I am responsible for international exchange
with the University of Bremen (Germany), under Tandem
project and Distance learning (Nettuno project).
Assistant Professor in “Computer-aided and multimedia
publishing” courses at “Libera Università di Lingue e
Comunicazione IULM”, Milano.
I held two workshops on lexicography (40 hours) for students
for the University Diploma for Translators and Interpreters at the
University of Turin (Fossano centre).
27-29 September 2010
4-6 February 2010
24-26 September 2009
1-2 October 2009
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I participated in the international conference held in Viterbo by
Società di Linguistica Italiana, where I presented a poster on
“Lessicografia bilingue e innovazione: il superamento dei
confini della lessicografia tradizionale nella resa dell’intorno
linguistico del lemma ne Il nuovo dizionario di Tedesco
lexicography and innovation: overcoming the limits of
traditional lexicography in Il nuovo dizionario di Tedesco
(Giacoma/Kolb, Zanichelli/Klett, 20092”).
The article has been accepted for publication in the conference
I participated in the DSWI (Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in
Italien) international conference, organized in Rome by Prof. Di
Meola, where I presented a poster on “Over 100 years of
lexicographical evolution: from Rigutini/Bulle (1896-1900) to
Giacoma/Kolb (20092). A comparative analysis of the entry
I participated in the international conference held in Verona by
the Società di Linguistica Italiana, where I gave a talk on: “Una
bella gatta da pelare o una noce dura da schiacciare? Difficoltà
di traduzione delle espressioni idiomatiche e dizionari bilingui
(“A hard row to hoe, or a tough nut to crack? Difficulties in the
translation of idiomatic expressions and their registration in
bilingual dictionaries”).
The article was published in the conference proceedings.
I was a member of the scientific, as well as of the organizing
committee of the international conference on Italiano e Tedesco:
confronti linguistici (Turin 2009), where I gave a talk on
February 2008
6-9 September 2006
“Übersetzungsfehler und Gebrauch von zweisprachigen
Wörterbüchern Deutsch-Italienisch: ein Erfahrungsbericht”
(“Avoiding translation errors and the use of German-Italian
bilingual dictionaries”). This article was published in the
conference proceedings.
I participated in the DSWI (Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in
Italien) international conference, convened in Rome by Prof. Di
Meola. On that occasion I gave a talk on “Eine harte Nuss zu
knacken haben: Schwierigkeiten bei der Übersetzung von
Phraseolexemen und ihre Darstellung in zweisprachigen
Wörterbüchern” (“A tough nut to crack: Difficulties in the
translation of idiomatic expressions in bilingual dictionaries”).
I was with Susanne Kolb a speaker at the international
conference “Euralex 2006” (Turin 2006) organized by the
European Society of Lexicography. The text of this presentation
was published in the conference proceedings as “L’utilità
dell’introduzione sistematica delle collocazioni nella voce
lessicografica bilingue. L’esempio del Dizionario di Tedesco
(GIACOMA-KOLB, Zanichelli-Klett, 2001)” [“Benefits
deriving from the systematic introduction of collocations in
bilingual lexicographical entries. The example of the Dizionario
di Tedesco (GIACOMA-KOLB, Zanichelli-Klett, 2001”] in E.
Corino/C. Marello/C. Onesti., Atti del XII Congresso
Internazionale di Lessicografia – Torino, 6-9 settembre 2006,
Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, pp. 967-978.
Academic qualifications and awards
May 2003
June 2002
January 1993
Expert assistant in German Language at the Faculty of Foreign
languages and Literatures, University of Turin
The Dizionario di Tedesco was awarded the “National Prize for
Translation” by the Ministry of National the Heritage and
Culture. The award grounds are:
"... ... The Dizionario di Tedesco represents an excellent
standard in lexicographic activities. It is distinguished by the
breadth of its vocabulary, as well as by wealth of information,
not only semantic but also stylistic, of register, etc. , which allow
the readers to insert single lexemes in the chain of the sentence
in the most appropriate and idiomatically correct way.
... is felt most clearly an updated scientific knowledge, which
goes beyond the traditional bilingual dictionaries. "
The Dizionario di Tedesco had a special mention of Monselice
Prize for Translation.
I won the international competition organized by the Accademia
di Studi Italo-Tedeschi of Merano and was awarded a prize for
best degree-thesis, resulting first in the list.
Education and training
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Ph.D. in German Studies, University of Turin
Thesis: Teoria e pratica della fraseografia bilingue di TedescoItaliano (“Theory and practice of bilingual German-Italian
Tutor: Prof. Marcella Costa
My doctoral thesis was published 2012 from the publisher Peter
Lang (Frankfurt a. M.) in the series Linguistica
contrastiva/Kontrastive Linguistik with the title Fraseologia e
fraseografia bilingue. Riflessioni teoriche e applicazioni
pratiche nel confronto Tedesco-Italiano.
Master of Arts (Italian equivalent) in Foreign languages and
Literatures, at University of Turin. First language: German,
second language: English, third language: French.
Thesis: Problemi linguistici e lessicografici connessi alla
realizzazione di un dizionario di espressioni idiomatiche
Tedesco-Italiano. Progetto del dizionario
Tutor: Prof. Donatella Ponti
Refreshment courses (last years)
April 2012
April 2012
April 2012
May 2010
May 2010
October 2009
October 2009
April 2009
April 2009
March 2009
April 2009
January 2009
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I attended the seminar Dictionaries from the point of view of the
users (Prof. Paul Bogaards, Leiden University)
I attended the seminar What is the use of a defining vocabulary?
(Prof. Paul Bogaards, Leiden University)
I attended the seminar Tra Combinazioni Lessicali e
Universali Traduttivi; dalla lingua ‘impacchettata’ ai
linguaggi controllati (dott. Francesco Urzì, European
I attended the seminar Prosodie und Informationsstruktur im
Deutschen with Prof. Hardarik Blühdorn (IDS-Mannheim).
I attended the seminar Syntax der Präpositionen und
Subjunktoren im Deutschen with Prof. Hardarik Blühdorn (IDSMannheim).
I attended the seminar Gesprochene Sprache im DaFUnterricht-Praxis Grundlagen-Ansätze in Milan at the Catholic
University of Sacred Heart and the Goethe Institut.
I attended the seminar Die deutsche Idiomatik with Prof.
Schemann Hans (Braga).
I attended the seminar The language of tourism with Prof.
Alessandra Lombardi (Brescia).
I attended the conference on opportunities for study and research
in Germany by Prof. Ursula Heming.
I attended a seminar on Ist Deutsch eine sterbende Sprache? by
prof. Görlach (Köln)
I attended a seminar on Translation and Comparable Corpora:
Cross language meaning variation and collocation. Examples in
English, French and Italian by Prof. Geoffrey Williams
(Université de Bretagne Sud-Lorient - France)
I attended a seminar on La guerra con la bibliografia: come
combatterla con speranze di vittoria by Prof. Guido Milanese at
the Catholic University of Sacred Heart (Milan).
January 2009
October 2008
September 2008
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
March 2008
March 2008
January 2008
12 December 2007
April 2006
September 2005
April 2005
April 2005
March 2005
February 2005
I attended the workshop Introduction to Cosmas II (Beate
I attended an exercises course in Trados (Prof. Paola Banino).
I attended a workshop on “Introduction to Trados”.
I attended Intensive Graduate Seminars on German Learner’s
Dictionaries, by Professor Lutz Köster (University of Bielefeld)
at the University of Turin (Faculty of Languages).
I attended a seminar on Competenza verbale nell'insegnamento
del tedesco come lingua straniera by Ursula Hirschfel (MartinLuther University Halle-Wittenberg).
I attended the seminar on Syntax und semantics of sentence
connectives by Prof. Hardarik Blühdorn (IDS-Mannheim).
I attended a seminar on Textkohärenz by Prof. Hardarik
Blühdorn (IDS-Mannheim).
I attended a seminar on Die Feldestruktur des deutschen Satzes
by Prof. Hardarik Blühdorn (IDS-Mannheim).
I attended a seminar on German syntax by Alessandra Tomaselli
(Verona University).
I attended a seminar on Linguistische Arbeit mit Lernerkorpora
am Beispiel des deutschen Lernerkorpus Falko by Dr. Hagen
Hirschmann (Humboldt Universität Berlin).
I attended a seminar by prof. Lutz Köster on Kurzfilm im DaFUnterricht at the University of Turin (Faculty of Languages).
I attended a conference on Corpora in rete at the University of
Turin (Faculty of Languages).
I attended a lecture on Lesefertigkeiten A1-B1 at the Goethe
Institut of Turin.
I attended a lecture on Deutsch-Englisch Fehlerseminar at the
Goethe Institut of Turin.
I attended a lecture on Intercultural competences and teaching
of German at the University of Turin (Faculty of Languages).
I attended courses on Start 1, Start 2, Fit in Deutsch 1 and Fit in
Deutsch 2 at the Goethe Institut, in Turin.
Personal skills
and competences
Mother tongue
Other languages
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
very good
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• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
very good
Social and
organizational skills
and competences
I enjoy team-work and I like to think of myself as especially
good in communication and team organization.
For 5 years (2003-2007), I organized the work of 5 German
readers for the Faculty of Economics (Turin University).
For 10 years (1992-2001), I organized the work for the team that
helped Susanne Kolb and myself in writing our Dizionario di
For 10 years (1986-1995), I was Director of a ballet school and
organized the work of two other ballet teachers.
Technical skills
and competences
I usually work with PC (Word, Power-point, etc.) and Electronic
databases (Corpora).
Artistic skills
and competences
Music, writing, design,
From the age of 7 to 30 years old, I studied ballet, Jazz dance
and Modern Dance. I became a teacher and directed a ballet
school from 1986 to 1995.
I like writing very much.
Other skills
and competences
not mentioned above.
I have organized a large number of dance recitals.
I was part of the team that organized the international
conference on Italiano e Tedesco: confronti linguistici, Turin,
September 2009.
Driving licence(s)
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