Curriculum Vitae - Pagina del Personale Unimore


Curriculum Vitae - Pagina del Personale Unimore
Full Professor of English, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Professor Silver’s research interests focus on the interrelation between language and culture, with
particular interest in the language and culture of the United States, on argumentation as it manifests
itself in discourse across academic disciplines and on the relationship between forms and strategies of
argumentation and epistemology. He has also written extensively on EAP (English for Academic
Purposes), translation theory, the application of psychoanalytic theories to dialogue analysis, corpus
linguistics and discourse analysis.
Academic Degrees
1993 (December)
Ph.D. in Clinical and Human Sciences, University of Paris VII (Jussieu), Paris, France.
Ph.D. Thesis, accepted for publication "avec mention très honorable," entitled:
"L'Éthique de la psychanalyse: le parcours de la perversion chez Freud et Lacan". ["The
Ethics of Psychoanalysis: the meanderings of perversion from Freud to Lacan"]. Ph.D.
examining board: Prof. Pierre Fédida, Prof. Patrick Guyomard, Prof. Monique
Schneider, Prof. Alain Badiou, Prof. Monique David-Ménard.
Ph.D. under the supervisor of Prof. Michel Tort.
1987 (July)
Advanced Degree in Psychoanalysis ["DEA" Diplômes d'études approfondies],
Department of Psychoanalysis, University of Paris VIII, Paris, France.
1985 (June)
Masters Degree in Philosophy [Maitrise "avec distinction"], Department of Philosophy,
University of Paris VIII, Paris, France.
Masters Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Alain Badiou.
Bachelor of Arts (cum laude) in European Intellectual History, Department of History,
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Honors Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dominick LaCapra.
Main Publications
Books written
Language across Disciplines: Towards a Critical Reading of Contemporary Academic
Discourse. Boca Raton / Milton Keynes: Brown Walker Press. 2006.
L’Etica della psicoanalisi: il percorso della perversione da Freud a Lacan. Milano: Bruno
Mondadori. 2003.
Arguing the Case: Language and Play in Argumentation, The Adams Press, Chicago,
Illinois. 1996.
Books edited
Silver Marc, Cacchiani Silvia, Morgan Sian.
Standardized Language Testing:
contemporary issues and applications, 2/3:2012, Special Issue. Rivista Italiana di
Linguistica Applicata. Roma: Bulzoni Editore.
Silver Marc, Nasi Franco. Per una fenomenogia del tradurre. Roma, Officina Editore.
Silver Marc, Bertucelli Lorenzo, Procacci Giovanna. Le stragi rimosse. Storia, memoria
pubblica, scritture, Turin, Unicopli. 2008.
Silver Marc and Buonanno Giovanna. Cross-Cultural Encounters: identity, gender,
representation. Roma: Officina Editori. 2005.
Silver Marc, Bondi Marina, Gavioli Laura Academic discourse, genre and small corpora.
Roma: Officina Edizioni, 2003.
Silver Marc, Favretti Rossini, Gasser Rachel, Tamburini Fabio The Self-Access Facility in
a Language Centre, Centro Interfacoltà di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata "Luigi Heilmann"
(CILTA), Bologna, 1994.
Critical Translations - Book
Panebianco Angelo. Political Parties: Organization and Power. New York, London,
Melbourne, Cambridge University Press. 1988.
Articles in Journals or Book Chapters
“Introduction” In Standardized Language Testing: contemporary issues and applications,
Silver Marc, Cacchiani Silvia, Morgan Sian (eds). 2/3:2012, Special Issue. Rivista Italiana
di Linguistica Applicata. Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 2012, 3-16.
“Tradurre senza testo originale: verso una teoria psicoanalitico della traduzione” In Nasi
Franco & Silver Marc (eds) Per un fenomenologia del Tradurre. Roma: Officina, 2009, 7386.
“Rethinking Ideology: A Critical Analysis of How Historians Read and Respond to
Ideology” In Giuliana Garzone & Srikant Sarangi, (eds.) Discourse, Ideology and Ethics in
Specialized Communication Bern: Peter Lang, 2007, 22-49.
“Introducing abstract reasoning: reader position and writer argument across disciplines” In
Bondi Marina & Hyland Ken (eds.) Academic discourse across disciplines. Bern: Peter
Lang, 2006, 71-97.
“Situating Speech and Dialogue in the Psychoanalytic Setting”. In Studies in
Communication Sciences Vol. 4 Num.2, 2004, IV-XV.
Bondi, Marina and Silver, Marc. “Textual Voices Across Disciplinary Study of Attribution in
Academic Discourse” In Anderson / Bamford (eds.) Evaluation in Oral and Written
Academic Discourse. Roma: Officina, 2004, 117-136.
Silver, Marc and Bondi, Marina. “Weaving voices: a study of article openings in historical
discourse”. In Del Lungo Camiciotti, Tognini Bonelli (eds.) Academic Discourse – New
Insights into Evaluation. Bern: Peter Lang, 2004, 141-159.
“The Stance of Stance: a critical look at ways stance is expressed and modeled in
academic discourse”. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 2, 2003, 359-374.
“The Argumentational Consequences of Disciplinary Constraint”. In Bondi, Gavioli, Silver
(eds.) Academic discourse, genre and small corpora. Roma: Officina Edizioni, 2003, 139157.
“Ricreare il mito americano delle origini. Shane e il western”. In Schermi della Dispersione:
Cinema, storia e identità nazionale. Torino: Lindau Editori, 2003, 181-195.
“Il fantastico di E. A. Poe: sguardo ad una scienza inquietante”, Il Fantastico: Lo Specchio
dei Mondi Impossibili, Firenze: Aletheia Editore, 2001, 109-119.
"The Binomial Before the Law: Paradoxical Effects of Simplifying the Language of the Law
in America", British/American Variation in Language, Theory and Methodology, CLUEB,
Bologna, 1997,203-214.
"Deconstructing Subject-Audience Assumption in Argumentation Theory: A Reading of
Freud's 'A Comment on Anti-Semitism'", Understanding Argument. La Logica Informale del
Discorso. CLUEB, Bologna, 1997,139-152.
“A Strategy of Self-Concealment in Scientific Discourse: Steven Hawking and
Astrophysics”, Forms of Argumentative Discourse: Per un’analisi linguistica
dell’argomentare, CLUEB, Bologna, 1997, 127-142.
"The 'Reawakening' of Puritan and Early Protestant Thinking in Cold War Rhetoric: A
Linguistic Unpacking of Dwight D. Eisenhower's First Inaugural Address", Il discorso
persuasivo, Quaderni Linguistici del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di
Trieste, n.1, Cedam, Padova, 1996, 111-139.
"Language and the Machine: Jacques Lacan’s Reading of Poe’s ‘The Purloined Letter’" Testo revisitato della relazione pronunciata all’Interdisciplinary Graduate Seminar,
Queens’ College, Cambridge University, pubblicato in proprio e depositato, 1995, 1-24.
"Investing in Self-Access at a University Language and Linguistics Center", in The SelfAccess Facility in a Language Centre a cura di R. Rossini Favretti, M. Silver, R. Gasser, F.
Tamburini, Centro Interfacoltà di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata "Luigi Heilmann",
Bologna, 1994, pp. 1-12.
"The Role of Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Instruction in Second Language
Learning", in Il Computer nell'apprendimento e nell'auto-apprendimento linguistico, Rema
Rossini Favretti (ed)., Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1992, pp. 121-131.