CV Andrea Fanelli English 15


CV Andrea Fanelli English 15
Dr. Andrea Fanelli Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit Policlinico S.Orsola -­‐ Malpighi, Bologna (Italy) Name: Andrea Fanelli Birth Date: 14th June 79 Birth Place: Milan Ci<zenship: Italian SSN: FNLNDR79H14F205N Home Address: Via Murri 49, 40137, Bologna, Italy Business Address: Policlinico Sant’Orsola -­‐ Malpighi, via Albertoni 10, 40138, Bologna E-­‐Mail Address: [email protected] [email protected] Mobile Phone: +39 344 1285388 Current posi<on: Since September 2014 -­‐ AYending anaesthesiologist Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit Policlinico S.Orsola -­‐ Malpighi, Bologna, Italy EducaDon and Training UNDERGRADUATE: 1993 – 1998 Liceo Scien<fico M. G. Agnesi, Merate, MI, Italy June 1998 Diploma di maturità scien<fica GRADUATE: September 1998 -­‐ July 2004 University, Faculty of Medicine: Seconda Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca 22nd July 2004 Final degree in Medicine Final Thesis: “Effects of regional cerebral oxygen satura<on on postopera<ve cogni<ve dysfunc<on in the elderly undergoing major general surgery” 1998 -­‐ 2004 Pre-­‐gradua<on Internship Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency Unit, Anaesthesiology, ICU, Urologic Surgery University Hospital Monza, MI Andrea Fanelli
August 2003 Visi<ng Scholar Anaesthesia Department at the Royal Infirmary Hospital Glasgow, Scotland, UK POSTGRADUATE: November 2004 – November 2008 Residency in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy University Hospital, Parma, Italy Opera<ng rooms aYended as Resident: Vascular Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Obstetric and Gynaecological Surgery, Urologic Surgery, Intensive Care, Chronic Pain, Cardiac Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Thoracic Surgery June 2005 -­‐ September 2005 Visi<ng Scholar Department of Anaesthesia, Acute Pain Service, University of PiYsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Shadyside Hospital, PiYsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA FELLOWSHIP February 2009 -­‐ April 2010 Fellowship in “Acute Interven<onal Periopera<ve Pain Service and Regional Anaesthesia” Department of Anaesthesia University of PiYsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Shadyside Hospital, PiYsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA COURSES: 10th -­‐ 11th of March 2008 Thromboelastography: clinical applica<ons, University of Parma, Italy 9th -­‐ 10th of July 2005 Fireworks in anatomy of regional blockade, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA 18th -­‐ 19th of April 2009 Fireworks in anatomy of regional blockade, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA April 2009 Difficult Airway Course, Wiser Simula<on Ins<tute, PiYsburgh, PA,USA June 2009 Fiberop<c Intuba<on Course, Wiser Simula<on Ins<tute, PiYsburgh, PA, USA March 2010 Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Wiser Simula<on Ins<tute, PiYsburgh, PA, USA 28th August 2010 Basic Life Support, BLS D Is<tu< Ospitalieri di Cremona, CR, Italia 30 September 2010 Organ dona<on Is<tu< Ospitalieri di Cremona, CR, Italia Andrea Fanelli
APPOINTMENTS AND POSITIONS: September 2008–December 2008 Dr Andrea Fanelli has worked as an Anaesthesiologist in General Surgery, Orthopedics, Vascular Surgery at the Private Ins<tute (IRCCS) Mul<medica Sesto San Giovanni, MI, Italy May 2010–March 2014 Dr Andrea Fanelli has worked as an Anaesthesiologist in General Surgery, Orthopedics, Vascular Surgery at the Is<tu< Ospitalieri di Cremona, Cremona, Italy April 2014-­‐August 2014 Dr Andrea Fanelli has worked as an Anaesthesiologist in Orthopedics at the Is<tuto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy SPECIALTY CERTIFICATION: 6th November 2008 Specialty in Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy MEDICAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE: 22nd July 2004 Degree in Medicine February 2005 Licensing as Medical Doctor Membership of ScienDfic Society From 11/2008 member of the Italian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) From 03/2012 member of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia (ESRA) From 2010 member of the SIAARTI Study Group: regional anaesthesia From 2010 member of the SIAARTI Study Group: anaesthesia in orthopedics Invited Speaker: VI European Orthopaedic Anaesthesia And Pain mee6ng: Istanbul 2007 4/26/2007 Spinal anaesthesia for ambulatory surgery EventONE: Rome 2009 16/01/2009 Rela<on Between Timing of First Dose of An<coagulant and Effec<veness and Safety of Venous Thromboprophylaxis in Pa<ents Undergoing Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Andrea Fanelli
SIAARTI Mee6ng: Florence 2009 8/29/2009 Mul<disciplinary Approach to the Orthopaedic Pa<ent: Welcome to a New Era! New An<coagulant OAPRS Pre-­‐ASA Mee6ng: New Orleans 2009 10/16/2009 Update in Regional Anaesthesia and Thromboprophylaxis -­‐ Chest Guidelines: What to Make of Them 8/31/2009 Pain Management Symposium: Nemacolin 2009 11/07/2009 Introduc<on to Factor X and II inhibitors: how do we expect our prac<ce to be affected? WSM Mee6ng: London 2010 21/01/2010 Back to the Future? EventONE: Siracusa 2010 26/02/2010 Timing of thromboprophylaxis in major orthopedic surgery ESRA Italian mee6ng: Cremona 2010 17/06/2010 The North-­‐American experience Current evidence in regional anaesthesia: Lecce 2010 24/09/2010 Dual guidance in regional anaesthesia SIAARTI Mee6ng: Parma 2010 14/10/2010 Spinal anaesthesia: the heavy but fast drug 14/10/2010 Thrombo<c and bleeding risks: the difficult role of the anaesthesiologist 14/10/2010 New guidelines in thromboprophylaxis: new drugs = new approaches? 4th Interna6onal mee6ng: dialogues on anesthesia and intensive care: Naples 2010 10/11/2010 Regional anaesthesia and thromboprophylaxis: the role of a correct <ming Andrea Fanelli
“Coagula” Project: Naples, Messina, Como, Bologna 2010 9/10/2010 Thromboprophylaxis in the orthopaedic Pa<ent 6/11/2010 Thromboprophylaxis in the orthopaedic Pa<ent 13/11/2010 Thromboprophylaxis in the orthopaedic Pa<ent 4/12/2010 Thromboprophylaxis in the orthopaedic Pa<ent and vascular access: Cremona 2011 (April, May, September, October 2011) STAT Mee6ng : Udine 2011 17/02/2011 Workshop: ultrasound and regional anaesthesia Hospital without pain: Cremona 2011 20/05/2011 Ultrasound techniques and pain: mith or reality? Ultrasound guidance for peripheral nerve blocks Anaesthesia and ICU from the University to the hospital: Modena 2011 17/06/2011 Learning ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks Territory and Hospital without pain: Pordenone 2011 17/09/2011 New Oral An<coagulants and Clinical Prac<ce SIAARTI Mee6ng: Turin 2011 6/10/2011 Regional Anaesthesia and dual an<-­‐platelet therapy 6/10/2011 New Oral An<coagulants and Clinical Prac<ce 7/10/2011 New Oral An<coagulants and Clinical Prac<ce 7/10/2011 Soprascapular Nerve Block Territory and Hospital without pain: Catania 2011 29/11/2011 Defini<on of pain 29/11/2012 Oncologic pain Andrea Fanelli
ESRA Italian chapter mee6ng: Rome 2011 1/12/2011 Tutor workshop in ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks and vascular access 2/12/2011 Rivaroxaban and regional anaesthesia: innova<on in thromboprophylaxis 2/12/2011 Prilocaine: heavy but fast 5 ques<ons, expert opinion The brachial plexus 3/12/2011 Pain in orthopedic surgery: Varese 2011 15/12/2011 Periopera<ve analgesia in major orthopedic surgery thromboprophylaxis: Bologna 2012 22/6/2012 Heparins and new oral an<coagulants thromboprophylaxis: Naples 2012 20/9/2012 Heparins and new oral an<coagulants Mul6modal approach to Mul6modal approach to 1st SARA annual symposium and workshop: Bellinzona 2012 20/10/2012 Which block for which opera<on? 20/10/2012 Con<nuous regional anaesthesia: <ps from experts SIAARTI mee6ng: Naples 2012 25/10/2012 Neuraxial blocks and thromboprophylaxis 25/10/2012 Applica<ons of ultrasound guidance in the treatment of pain 26/10/2012 New evidence in intrathecal anaesthesia: the Italian experience ESRA Italian chapter mee6ng: Milan 2012 14/12/2012 New Drugs: Prilocaine/Chloroprocaine 14/12/2012 Ultrasound Guided Cervical Plexus Block Andrea Fanelli
Anaesthesia Program University of Brescia: Brescia 2013 20/3/2013 Regional anaesthesia and Fast Track Surgery 17/4/2013 Single and Con<nuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks Isal Funda6on: Rimini 2013 13/04/2013 Acute Postopera<ve Pain Management: from interna<onal to na<onal guidelines 21/3/2013 Torino TAP and tPV Blocks 11/4/2013 Cagliari Con<nuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks Mul<modal Analgesia: Ketamine Fast Track Project: VTE Prophylaxis a mul<disciplinary approach: Piacenza 2013 18/5/2013 Mechanical VTE prophylaxis in ICU University of Parma: Parma 2013 7/6/2013 NSAIDs in the chronic pain pa<ent 8/6/2013 Emergency in Pain Therapy ESRA: Glasgow 2013 6/9/2013 How safe is spinal chloroprocaine? thromboprophylaxis: Benevento 2013 11/10/2013 Heparins and new oral an<coagulants SIAARTI mee6ng: Rome 2013 15/10/2013 Ultrasound and regional anaesthesia: basic images 17/10/2013 Regional anaesthesia and new oral an<coagulants 17/10/2013 Ultrasound and regional anaesthesia: when essen<al, necessary and useful 17/10/2013 Ultrasound guided blocks of the abdomen for day surgery SIMG mee<ng: Florence 2013 22/11/2013 NSAIDs: the clinician’s point of view Master in Pain Therapy & Pallia<ve Care Mul6modal approach to Andrea Fanelli
Amac< mee<ng: Lugano 2013 7/12/2013 Spinal anaesthesia and ambulatory surgery: indica<on, risk and benefit of ultrashort spinal ESRA Italian chapter mee6ng: Sorrento 2013 12/12/2013 Us Intra-­‐ar<cular injec<on: shoulder 13/12/2013 Update on an<coagulants and an<platelet drugs Periopera<ve major bleeding: preven<on and management: Siena 2014 29/03/2014 New oral an<coagulants: periopera<ve management Acute and Chronic Pain: research and clinical prac<ce Naples 2014 27/09/2014 NSAIDs: equal but different SIAARTI mee<ng: Venice 2014 23/10/2014 Management of con<nuous nerve blocks 24/10/2014 Regional anesthesia and postopera<ve pain auer joint replacement: peripheral nerve blocks and local infiltra<on analgesia 24/10/2014 NSAIDs in the treatment of chronic benign pain 24/10/2014 Periopera<ve managent of Rivaroxaban Trauma 2014 Bra<slava 2014 13/11/2014 New developments and benefits for pain treatment: the subcutaneous administra<on of low dose diclofenac. ESRA Italian chapter mee6ng: Assisi 2014 14/11/2014 NSAIDs: Shadows and lights 14/11/2014 Central Neuraxial Blocks and Ambulatory Surgery SIMG mee<ng: Florence 2014 27/11/2014 Opioid Therapy Adherence Andrea Fanelli
Master in Pain Therapy & Pallia<ve Care University of Parma: Parma 2015 24/02/2015 Polypharmacological Therapy in the treatment of chronic non cancer pain NSAIDs in the treatment of chronic pain Pallia<ve care and VTE prophylaxis Current Concept SIGASCOT Turin 2015 5/03/2015 How to reduce pain? SIMPAR mee<ng Rome 2015 27/03/2015 “New way to administer opioids for postopera<ve pain: PCA sublingual sufentanil” Blood transfusions in orthopaedics San Francisco Fanelli A, Ghisi D, Merman R, Chelly JE ASA 2009 Intrathecal hyperbaric 2% Prilocaine in outpa<ents general New Orleans surgery. Camponovo C, Fanelli A, Cris<na D, Ziegler S, Ghisi D ASA, CD 2009 Comparison between nerve s<mula<on and loss of resistance New Orleans technique for lumbar plexus block Fanelli A, Ghisi D, Danelli G, Chelly JE, Fanelli G ASA, CD 2009 Comparison between Supraclavicular and Axillary approach New Orleans for Ultrasound-­‐guided Brachial Plexus Block Ortu A, Ziegler S, Fanelli A, Ghisi D, Danelli G ASA, CD 2009 Factors Limi<ng the On-­‐Time Start of Surgery in a Level II New Orleans Trauma Hospitalisa<on Ghisi D, Fanelli A, Boretsky R, Chelly JE ASA, CD 2009 Abstracts/Posters: IARS 2006 ASA 2009 ASA 2009 ASA 2009 Andrea Fanelli
SIAARTI 2010 Thromboprophylaxis in Orthopaedic Surgery: New Florence An<coagulants. Fanelli G, and Fanelli A. Minerva Anestesiol. 2009 Aug; Supl SIAARTI Congress SIAARTI 2009 Mul<disciplinary Approach to the Orthopedic Pa<ent: Florence Welcome to a New Era! Minerva Anestesiol. Fanelli A, Kawabe T, and Ghisi D. 2009 Aug; Supl SIAARTI Congress ESRA 2009 Anaesthesia and postopera<ve analgesia: outcomes following Pamplona orthopaedic surgery Fanelli A, Yanovski B, Chelly JE XV Reunion Annual ESRA Espana. Pamplona, Spain, 2009 ASRA 2010 Double Blind Randomised comparison between lidocaine Toronto 0.25% and ropivacaine 0.2% for bilateral con<nuous thoracic paravertebral nerve blocks for Post-­‐bowel Surgery Analgesia. Fanelli A, Ben-­‐David B, Chelly JE ASRA, CD 2010 ESRA 2013 The Transversus Abdominis Plane block for total laparoscopic Glasgow hysterectomy: a randomized controlled trial. Ghisi D, Fanelli A, Danelli G ESRA 2014 Detrimental (and Non-­‐Detrimental) Effects of Intraneural Valencia Injec<ons into Peripheral Nerves. M. Baciarello, D. Ghisi, FANELLI A., G. Fanelli (2014). REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE, vol. 39; p. e75-­‐e76, LeNer to the Editor: Frequent Epidural spread can be prevented when performing an ultrasound guided approach to the paravertebral space. Montoya M, Fanelli A, Chelly JE. Br J Aneasth (E-­‐leYer) Jun 16, 2009 Andrea Fanelli
Is 23% the real incidence of urinary reten<on auer intrathecal 2% hyperbaric prilocaine in the ambulatory seyng? Fanelli A, Ghisi D. Danelli G. Br J Aneasth (E-­‐leYer) Apr, 2010 Response leYer to Dr del-­‐Rio-­‐Vellosillo et al. Camponovo C, Wulf H, Ghisi D, Fanelli A, Riva T, Cris<na D, Vassiliou T, Leschka K, Fanelli G. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2014 Aug;58(7):906-­‐7. doi: 10.1111/aas.12363. Epub 2014 Jul 3 Peer review arDcles: Imber< D, Ambrosoli A, Cimminiello C, Compagnone C, FANELLI A, Tripodi A, OYani F. (2015) Periprocedural management of rivaroxaban-­‐treated pa<ents. Expert Opin Pharmacother. Apr;16(5):685-­‐91. Ghisi D, Delaunay L, FANELLI A. (2014). Use of ultrasound for lower extremity. CURRENT OPINION IN ANESTHESIOLOGY, ISSN: 1804-­‐204X M. Baciarello, D. Ghisi, FANELLI A., G. Fanelli (2014). Detrimental (and Non-­‐Detrimental) Effects of Intraneural Injec<ons into Peripheral Nerves. REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE, vol. 39; p. e75-­‐e76, ISSN: 1098-­‐73392 Camponovo C, Wulf H, Ghisi D, FANELLI A., Riva T, Cris<na D, Vassiliou T, Leschka K, Fanelli G. (2014). Intrathecal 1% 2-­‐chloroprocaine vs. 0.5% bupivacaine in ambulatory surgery: a prospec<ve, observer-­‐blinded, randomised, controlled trial. ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, ISSN: 0001-­‐5172 Vigano’ R, FANELLI A., Danelli G, De Mar<nis S.E, Ghisi D. (2014). TraYamento farmacologico del dolore in ortopedia. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ORTOPEDIA E TRAUMATOLOGIA, ISSN: 0390-­‐0134 FANELLI A., Ghisi Daniela, Fanelli Guido (2013). Nonsteroideal An<-­‐inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in clinical prac<ce: managing gastric and cardiovascular risks. ACTA BIO-­‐MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE, vol. 84; p. 98-­‐101-­‐, ISSN: 0392-­‐4203 Andrea Fanelli
FANELLI A., Romualdi Patrizia, Vigano' Roberto, Lora Aprile Pierangelo, Gensini Gianfranco, Fanelli Guido (2013). Non-­‐selec<ve non-­‐steroidal an<-­‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and cardiovascular risk. ACTA BIO-­‐MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE, vol. 84; p. 5-­‐11-­‐, ISSN: 0392-­‐4203 FANELLI A., Ghisi D, Pergoloy B, Mar<noy M, Fanelli G, Danelli G (2013). Pilot double-­‐blinded study to assess efficacy and tolerability of morphine sulphate oral solu<on (Oramorph®) given preopera<vely as add-­‐on therapy within a mul<modal postopera<ve pain approach in pa<ents undergoing laparascopic cholecystectomy. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, ISSN: 1827-­‐1596 FANELLI A., Ghisi D, Allegri M (2013). Is spinal anaesthesia a suitable technique for ultra-­‐short outpa<ent procedures?. ACTA BIO-­‐MEDICA DE L’ATENEO PARMENSE, ISSN: 0392-­‐4203 FANELLI A., Romualdi P, Vigano' R, Lora Aprile P, Gensini G, Fanelli G (2013). Non-­‐selec<ve non-­‐steroidal an<-­‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and cardiovascular risk. ACTA BIO-­‐MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE, ISSN: 0392-­‐4203 FANELLI A., Ghisi D, Faneli G (2013). Nonsteroideal An<-­‐inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in clinical prac<ce:managing gastric and cardiovascular risks. ACTA BIO-­‐MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE, ISSN: 0392-­‐4203 Vigano’ R, FANELLI A., Ghisi D, Danelli G, De Mar<nis SE (2013). Il controllo del dolore nelle protesi totali di ginocchio. LO SCALPELLO, ISSN: 1970-­‐6812 Alemanno F, Ghisi D, FANELLI A., Faliva A, Pergoloy B, Bizzarri F, Fanelli G (2012). Tramadol and 0.5% levobupivacaine for single-­‐shot interscalene block: effects on postopera<ve analgesia in pa<ents undergoing shoulder arthroplasty. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, ISSN: 1827-­‐1596 Ghisi D, FANELLI A., Gardini M, La Colla L, Danelli G (2012). Blocco con<nuo del plesso lombare con approccio posteriore soYo guida ecografica in pazien< soYopos< a chirurgia dell’anca: studio pilota. ARCHIVIO DI ORTOPEDIA E REUMATOLOGIA, ISSN: 0390-­‐7368 FANELLI A., Ghisi D, Mensi G, Pergoloy B, Danelli G (2012). I nuovi an<coagulan< orali e l’anestesia in chirurgia ortopedica maggiore: cosa sappiamo?. ARCHIVIO DI ORTOPEDIA E REUMATOLOGIA, ISSN: 0390-­‐7368 Andrea Fanelli
G. Danelli, S. Bonarelli, A. Tognu´, D. Ghisi, FANELLI A., S. Biondini, E. Moschini, G. Fanelli (2012). Prospec<ve randomized comparison of ultrasound-­‐guided and neuros<mula<on techniques for con<nuous interscalene brachial plexus block in pa<ents undergoing coracoacromial ligament repair. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, ISSN: 0007-­‐0912 G Cappelleri, D Ghisi, FANELLI A., A Alber<n, F Somalvico, G Aldegheri (2011). Does Con<nuous Scia<c Nerve Block Improve Postopera<ve Analgesia and Early Rehabilita<on Auer Total Knee Arthroplasty?. REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE, ISSN: 1098-­‐7339 Ghisi D, FANELLI A. (2011). Regional Anesthesia and Trauma. PERIMED, ISSN: 2038-­‐3649 FANELLI A. (2011). Capsaicina topica all’8% per traYamento del dolore neuropa<co: novità dal seymo congresso EFIC. PERIMED, ISSN: 2038-­‐3649 C Camponovo, FANELLI A., D Ghisi, D Cris<na, G Fanelli (2010). A Prospec<ve, Double-­‐Blinded, Randomized, Clinical Trial Comparing the Efficacy of 40 Mg and 60 Mg Hyperbaric 2% Prilocaine Versus 60 Mg Plain 2% Prilocaine for Intrathecal Anesthesia in Ambulatory Surgery. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, ISSN: 0003-­‐2999 J. E. Chelly, D. Ghisi, FANELLI A. (2010). Con<nuous peripheral nerve blocks in acute pain management. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, ISSN: 0007-­‐0912 FANELLI A., Ghisi D, Cecchini I, Fregosi S (2009). Ges<one perioperatoria del paziente ortopedico soYoposto a protesi totale d’anca e ginocchio. PERIMED, ISSN: 2038-­‐3649 FANELLI A., Ghisi D (2009). Prilocaina: u<lizzo intratecale in chirurgia ambulatoriale. PERIMED, ISSN: 2038-­‐3649 Andrea Fanelli
G Cappelleri, D Ghisi, FANELLI A., G Aldegheri, L La Colla, A Alber<n (2009). Posterior Psoas vs 3-­‐in-­‐1 approach for lateral femoral cutaneous and obturator nerve block for anterior cruciate ligament repair. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, ISSN: 1827-­‐1596 G Danelli, D Ghisi, FANELLI A., A Ortu, E Moschini, M Ber<, S Ziegler, G Fanelli (2009). The Effects of Ultrasound Guidance and Neuros<mula<on on the Minimum Effec<ve Anesthe<c Volume of Mepivacaine 1.5% Required to Block the Scia<c Nerve Using the Subgluteal Approach. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, ISSN: 0003-­‐2999 G Danelli, FANELLI A., D. Ghisi, E. Moschini, M. Rossi, A. Ortu, M. Baciarello, G. Fanelli2 (2009). Ultrasound vs nerve s<mula<on mul<ple injec<on technique for posterior popliteal scia<c nerve block. ANAESTHESIA, ISSN: 0003-­‐2409 G. DANELLI, F. S. VENUTI, M. ZASA, D. SINARDI, FANELLI A., D. GHISI, G. FANELLI (2009). Con<nuous lumbar epidural infusion of levobupivacaine: effects of small-­‐or large-­‐volume regimen of infusion. ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, ISSN: 0001-­‐5172 FANELLI A., G Danelli, D Ghisi, A Ortu, E Moschini, G Fanelli (2009). The Efficacy of a Resis<ve Hea<ng Under-­‐Pa<ent Blanket Versus a Forced-­‐Air Warming System: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, ISSN: 0003-­‐2999 G Cappelleri, G Aldegheri, F Ruggieri, F Carnelli, FANELLI A., A Casa< (2008). Effects of Using the Posterior or Anterior Approaches to the Lumbar Plexus on the Minimum Effec<ve Anesthe<c Concentra<on (MEAC) of Mepivacaine Required to Block the Femoral Nerve: A Prospec<ve, Randomized, Up-­‐and-­‐Down Study. REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE, ISSN: 1098-­‐7339 A Casa<, G Danelli, M Ber<, A Fioro, FANELLI A., C Benassi, G Petronella, G Fanelli (2006). Intrathecal 2-­‐Chloroprocaine for Lower Limb Outpa<ent Surgery: A Prospec<ve, Randomized, Double-­‐Blind, Clinical Evalua<on. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, ISSN: 0003-­‐2999 A Casa<, G Squicciarini, G Malaguy, M Baciarello, M Putzu, FANELLI A. (2006). Transcutaneous monitoring of par<al pressure of carbon dioxide in the elderly pa<ent: a prospec<ve, clinical comparison with end-­‐<dal monitoring. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA, ISSN: 0952-­‐8180 Andrea Fanelli
Casa< A, Fanelli G, Pietropaoli P, Proiey R, Tufano R, Danelli G, Fierro G, De Cosmo G, Servillo G, Nuzzi M, Mentegazzi F, FANELLI A., Martani C, Spreafico E, Pugliese F, Aceto P, Monaco F. (2005). Con<nuous monitoring of cerebral oxygen satura<on in elderly pa<ents undergoing major abdominal surgery minimizes brain exposure to poten<al hypoxia. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, ISSN: 0003-­‐2999 D Ghisi, FANELLI A., M Tosi, M Nuzzi, G Fanelli (2005). Monitored anesthesia care. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, ISSN: 1827-­‐1596 G Danelli, G Fanelli, M Ber<, A Cornini, L Lacava, M Nuzzi, FANELLI A. (2004). Spinal Ropivacaine or Bupivacaine for Cesarean Delivery: A Prospec<ve, Randomized, Double-­‐ Blind Comparison. REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE, ISSN: 1098-­‐7339 Books & Chapters: Chapter: Regional versus general anesthesia and postopera<ve venous thromboembolism. Fanelli A. Decision Making in Orthopedic and Regional Anesthesiology. Editors Michael Anderson, Sylvia Wilson, Meg RosenblaY; Publisher Cambridge, 2015 Chapter: Regional anesthesia and trauma Ghisi D, Fanelli A, Rest K. Essen<al of Regional Anesthesia Editors Alan David Kaye, Richard D. Urman, Nalini Vadivelu; Publisher, Springer, 2011 Chapter: Ultrasound guided thoracic paravertebral block: “Classic Approach” Fanelli A, Montoya M, and Ghisi D. Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Techniques and Tips. Editor Paul Bigeleisen, Steve Orebough, Jacques E Chelly; Publisher, LippincoY, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, November, 2009 Chapter: Regional Anesthesia and Thromboembolic Prophylaxis in Pa<ents Undergoing Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Fanelli A, Ghisi D, Chelly JE, and Fanelli G. General Anesthesia Research Developments. Editor: Milo Hertzog and Zelig Kuhn; Publisher, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2009 Andrea Fanelli
Chapter: L’ossimetria Cerebrale (Cerebral Oximetry) Fanelli G and Fanelli A. Il malato cri<co (The Cri<cal Pa<ent). Editor: Ezio Romano; Publisher, UTET Scienze Mediche, Torino 2009. Chapter: Metodi di prevenzione Fanelli A, Spadini E and Ghisi D La profilassi tromboembolica in anestesia e chirurgia Editor: Guido Fanelli; Publisher, EDIMES, Pavia 2007 Chapter: Prevenzione nelle specialità chirurgiche Spadini E, Fanelli A La profilassi tromboembolica in anestesia e chirurgia Editor: Guido Fanelli; Publisher, EDIMES, Pavia 2007 Chapter: Tromboprofilassi e blocchi nervosi periferici Chelly JE, Danelli G and Fanelli A La profilassi tromboembolica in anestesia e chirurgia Editor: Guido Fanelli; Publisher, EDIMES, Pavia 2007 Chapter: Farmaci reversal degli an<coagulan< Fanelli A, Ghisi D and Nobili F La profilassi tromboembolica in anestesia e chirurgia Editor: Guido Fanelli; Publisher, EDIMES, Pavia 2007 Pocket Book: Dabigatran: Nuove prospeyve per la tromboprofilassi in artroprotesi Imber< D, Fanelli A, and Ghisi D © Springer-­‐Verlag Italia 2009 Pocket Book: Tromboprofilassi in Chirurgia Ortopedica Maggiore “Approccio Mul<disciplinare” Imber< D, Fanelli A, and Ghisi D © Springer-­‐Verlag Italia 2008 Andrea Fanelli 01/04/2015
Andrea Fanelli