Ancient Near East 17


Ancient Near East 17
14 de marzo de 2006
Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo
Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo
01 Abusch, T.: Mesopotamian Witchcraft. Toward a History and
Understanding of Babylonian Witchcraft Beliefs and Literature
2002 – xvi + 314 pp. € 101,92
02 Allen, L.: The Persian Empire. A History
2005 – 208 pp., fig., lám.col. € 39,52
INDICE: The roots of persian rule — Conquest and politics — Royal capitals — The rivals: regional
rulers and reflections of power — Peoples, communication and religion — Alexander and the end of
empire — Legends, language and archaeological discovery.
03 Arnold, B. T.: Who Were the Babylonians?
2004 – 148 pp., fot., map. € 75,92
INDICE: The Land and its people — Babylonia before the babylonians: the third millennium B.C.E.
— The old babylonian period - A new world power — The middle babylonian period — The early neobabylonian period — The neo-babylonian period.
04 Aubet, M. E., ed.: The Phoenician Cemetery of Tyre-al Bass. Excavations
2004 – 492 pp., 312 fig. € 55,00
05 Banffy, E.: A Unique Prehistoric Figurine of the Near East
2001 – 106 pp., fig., 1 despl., lám. € 29,00
06 Barceló, P. A.: Karthago und die iberische Halbinsel vor den Barkiden.
Studien zur karthagischen Präsenz im westlichen Mittelmeerraum von der
Gründung von Ebusus (VII. Jh. v. Chr.) bis zum Übergang Hamilkars nach
Hispanien (237 v. Chr.)
1988 – ix + 202 pp., 1 map. € 44,00
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
07 Beall, T. S.: Josephus’ Description of the Essenes Illustrated by the Dead
Sea Scrolls
2004 – 208 pp. € 32,40
08 Ben-Tor, A. / A. Zarzecki-Peleg / S. Cohen-Andijar: Yoqnecam II. The Iron
Age and the Persian Period. Final Report of the Archaeological Excavations
2005 – 438 pp. € 118,00
09 Brockelmann, K.: Lexicon syriacum
1928, facsím. – xvii + 930 pp. € 138,00
10 Bryce, T.: The Kingdom of the Hittites
2005 – 573 pp., 8 fig., 5 map. € 47,40
INDICE: The origins of the hittites — Anatolia in the assyrian colony period — Territories and early
rivals of Hatti — The foundations of the kingdom: the reigns of Labarna and Hattusili I (-c. 1620) —
The struggles for the royal succession: from Mursili I to Muwattalli I (c. 1620-1400) — A new era
begins: from Tudhaliya I/II to Tudhaliya III (c. 1400-1350) — The supremacy of Hatti: the reign of
Suppiluliuma I (c. 1350-1322) — A young king proves his worth: the reign of Mursili II (c. 1321-1295)
— The showdown with Egypt: the reign of Muwattalli II (c. 1295-1272) — The ill-fated reign of the
second-rank son: the reign of Urhi-Teshub (c. 1272-1267) — Hatti and the world of international
diplomacy: the reign of Hattusili III (c. 1267-1237) — New enterprises, new threats: the reign of
Tudhaliya IV (c. 1237-1209) — The fall of the kingdom and its aftermath — The trojan war: myth or
11 Callot, O. / J.-F. Salles / Y. Calvet, eds.: L’île de Failaka: archéologie du
Koweït. Exposition, Musée des beaux-arts, Lyon, 16 juin-31 octobre 2005. Dir.
G. Galliano
2005 – 112 pp., lám.col. € 20,80
12 Cavillier, G.: Gli shardana nell’Egitto ramesside
2005 – iv + 76 pp., fig., map. € 40,00
13 Chancey, M. A.: Greco-Roman Culture and the Galilee of Jesus
2005 – xvii + 285 pp., 1 map. € 81,10
INDICE: Galilee's early encounter with hellenism — The roman army in Palestine — The introduction
of greco-roman architecture — The transformation of the landscape in the second and third centuries
CE — The use of greek in Jesus' Galilee — The coinage of Galilee — Greco-roman art and the shifting
limits of acceptability — Conclusion.
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
14 Chepey, S.: Nazirites in Late Second Temple Judaism. A Survey of Ancient
Jewish Writings, the New Testament, Archaeological Evidence, and Other
Writings from Late Antiquity
2005 – xii + 212 pp. € 93,60
15 Cluzan, S.: De Sumer à Canaan. L’Orient ancien et la Bible
2005 – 312 pp., 85 lám.col. € 45,00
INDICE: Des terres et des hommes — Les sources — La bible et l’archéologie — Origines et genèse
— Le déluge — La tour de Babel — L’histoire des patriarches — Les récits de Moïse et de l’éxode —
La royauté — Guerres, lamentations et prophéties — Dieux nationaux, dieu universel et image divine.
16 Cohen, A. C.: Death Rituals, Ideology, and the Development of Early
Mesopotamian Kingship. Toward a New Understanding of Iraq’s Royal
Cemetery of Ur
2005 – xxi + 244 pp., 62 fig. € 142,48
INDICE: Ritual as potentially transformative social action — Death rituals: their structure and stakes
— Recovering ritual acts from the textual and archaeological records — Activities of mourning —
Activities surrounding the corpse — Activities surrounding the ghost — Death rituals and the royal
ideology — Conclusion: ED III death ritual as a locus for negotiating power relations — Appendices.
17 Contributions à l’histoire et la géographie historique de l’empire sassanide
2004 – 190 pp., lám., lám.col. € 81,00
Res orientales, 16.
INDICE: C. Cereti: Middle persian geographic literature: the case of the Bundahišn — P. Gignoux:
Aspects de la vie administrative et sociale en Iran du 7ème siècle — R. Gyselen: New evidence for
sasanian numismatics: the collection of Ahmad Saeedi — C. Jullien: Contribution des Actes des martyrs
perses à la géographie historique et à l'administration de l'empire sassanide — F. Jullien: Parcours à
travers l'Histoire d'Κo‘sabran, martyr sous Khosrau II.
18 Cunchillos, J. L.: Manual de estudios ugaríticos
1992 – 436 pp., fig., map., lám. € 31,25
19 Cussini, E., ed.: A Journey to Palmyra. Collected Essays to Remember
Delbert R. Hillers
2005 – xxii + 258 pp., fig., fot. € 138,32
INDICE: Biographic notes and bibliography of Delbert R. Hillers — K. al-As’ad / F. Briquel-Chatonnet
/ J.-B. Yon: The sacred banquets at Palmyra and the functions of the tesserae: reflections on the tokens
found in the Arsu temple — S. P. Brock: Greek and latin words in palmyrene inscriptions: a comparison
with syriac — E. Cussini: Beyond the spindle: investigating the role of palmyrene women — M.
Gawlikowski: The city of the dead — A. Gianto: Variations in the palmyrene honorific inscriptions — A.
D. Gross: Three new palmyrene inscriptions — B. A. Levine: Lexiographical and grammatical notes on
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
the palmyrene aramaic texts — M. C. A. Macdonald: The safaitic inscriptions at Dura Europos — C.
Müller-Kessler: Zwei palmyrenische Relieffragmente — K. Parlasca: Zu palmyrenischen Inschriften auf
Reliefs — K. Saito: Palmyrene burial practices from funerary goods — A. Schmidt-Colinet / K. K. alAs’ad: A new tessera from Palmyra. Questons of iconography and epigraphy — J. Teixidor: Palmyra in
the third century.
20 Day, J., ed.: Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel
2005 – 584 pp., 5 fig. € 153,00
21 Decret, F.: Mani et la tradition manichéenne
2005 – 182 pp., 2 map. € 7,50
22 Degeorge, G.: Palmira. Metropoli carovaniera
2002 – 312 pp., 200 lám.col., fig. € 88,40
23 Dobbs, A. F. W. & al.: Hebrew Inscriptions. Texts from the Biblical Period
of the Monarchy with Concordance
2004 – 384 pp. € 118,00
24 Egitto e Vicino Oriente, XXVII — 2004
2004 – 218 pp., fig., fot., lám.col. € 27,00
INDICE: E. Bresciani: The archeological activity of Pisa and Messina university in Fayum-Egypt, at
Medinet Madi and at Khelua — R. Pintaudi: Dati per la compilazione di un oroscopo in un papiro di
Narmuthis — D. Castrizio: Le monete da Medinet Madi, missione 2001 — A. Menchetti: Quando
Adriano venne in Egitto. Un nuovo testo demotico sul viaggio dell’imperatore — G. Canova: Magia e
religione in un ostrakon arabo — M. Betrò: Excavation of theban tomb 14 (Huy) at Dra Abu el-Naga
(Gurna-Luxor). Preliminary report (season 2003) — G. Miniaci: La tomba del re Antef Sekhem-Ra
Wpmaat a Dra Abu el-Naga — F. Silvano: Bende e tecniche di bendaggio nell’antico Egitto — V.
Giuffra & al.: I tumori maligni nell’antico Egitto e in Nubia — C. Saporetti: Opis e il Muro della Media
— S. Viaggio: Note sulla cronologia di Tell Yelkhi — E. Scigliuzzo: Ivory hand bowls — P. G. Borbone:
Barhebraeus e Juwaynî: un cronista siro e la sua fonte persiana — A. Avanzini: The «stèles à la déesse»:
problems of interpreting and dating — M. Sommer: A map of meaning approaching cultural identities
at the middle Euphrates (1st to 3rd centuries AD) — G. Mazzini: The sabaic decree CIH 609: royal
concession on properties and purchases of the bnw d-Mchr — G. Mazzini: Further remarks on the
ugaritic fragment KTU 1.93 — D. Amaldi: Papé Satàn e Raphèl maì nelle traduzioni arabe dell’Inferno.
25 Freeman, P.: The Galatian Language - A Comprehensive Survey of the
Language of the Ancient Celts in Greco-Roman Asia Minor
2001 – 124 pp. € 106,00
26 Garelli, P., ed.: Le palais et la royauté (archéologie et civilisation). XIXe
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
rencontre assyriologique internationale
1974 – 490 pp., 9 lám., 6 despl. € 71,00
INDICE: Archéologie: J. Margueron: Les palais de l'âge du bronze en Mésopotamie. Bilan de nos
connaissances et problèmes — M.-T. Barrelet: La «figure du roi» dans l'iconographie et dans les
textes depuis Ur-Nanše jusque'à la fin de la Ire dynastie de Babylone — Sumer: D. O. Edzard:
Problèmes de la royauté dans la période présargonique — B. Hruška: Die Reformtexte Urukaginas
— S. N. Kramer: Kingship in Summer and Akkad: the ideal king — C. Wilcke: Zum Königtum in
der Ur III-Zeit — Babylonie ancienne: F. R. Kraus: Das altbabylonische Königtum — O. Rouault:
Quelques remarques sur le système administratif de Mari à l'époque de Zimri-Lim — H. Klengel:
Königtum und Palast nach den Alalah-Texten — Assyrie ancienne et monde hittite: M. T. Larsen:
The city and its king. On the old assyrian notion of kingship — H. Otten: Die Königin von Kaniš —
H. G. Güterbock: The hittite palace — V. Korošec: Les rois hittites et la formation du droit — F.
Cornelius: Das hethitische Königtum verglichen mit dem Königtum der sprachverwandten Völker
— Syrie d'el-Amarna: M. Liverani: La royauté syrienne de l'âge du bronze récent — Nuzi: E.
Lacheman: Le palais et la royauté de la ville de Nuzi: les rapports entre les données archéologiques
et les données épigraphiques — E. Cassin: Le palais de Nuzi et la royauté d'Arrapha — Babylonie
cassite – Les empires: J. A. Brinkman: The monarchy in the time of the kassite dynasty; The early
neo-babylonian monarchy — J. N. Postgate: Royal exercise of justice under the assyrian empire —
W. G. Lambert: The seed of kingship — R. D. Barnett: Lions and bulls in assyrian palaces — D. B.
Weisberg: Royal women of the neo-babylonian period — Études juridiques et mythologiques: H.
Sauren: La naissance du Dauphin — G. Kestemont: La faute et le délit dans la terminologie juridique
du palais.
27 Gil, M.: Related Worlds. Studies in Jewish and Arab Ancient and Early
Medieval History
2004 – x + 340 pp. € 98,80
INDICE: The Lûlîm of the temple — Yôh.ânân the high priest and the priestly gifts — If a man sold a
courtyard... — The ethiopic book of Enoch reconsidered — Mesîqîn — The medinan opposition to the
prophet — The creed of Abû cÂmir — The story of Bah.îrâ and its jewish versions — The earliest waqf
foundations — Religion and realities in islamic taxation — Maintenance, building operations, and
repairs in the houses of the Qôdesh in Fustat: a Geniza study — The term apôlîthôs in medieval jewish
deeds — Supplies of oil in medieval Egypt: a Geniza study — References to silk in Geniza documents
of the eleventh century A.D.
28 González Blanco, A. / G. Matilla Seiquer, eds.: Romanización y cristianismo
en la Siria mesopotámica
1998 – 654 pp., fig. € 30,05
29 Gordon, C. H.: Ugaritic Textbook. Grammar, Texts in Transliteration. Cuneiform Selections, Glossary, Indices, 3 vol.
1998 – lii + 554 pp. € 76,00
30 Guichard, M.: La vaisselle de luxe des rois de Mari. Matériaux pour le
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
dictionnaire de babylonien de Paris, 2
€ 49,00
2005 – 578 pp., fig., 1 CD-ROM
Archives royales de Mari, 31.
31 Haas, V.: Geschichte der hethitischen Religion
1994 – 1.052 pp. + lám., despl. € 345,28
32 Hachlili, R.: Jewish Funerary Customs, Practices and Rites in the Second
Temple Period
2005 – 707 pp., lám., fig. € 197,60
INDICE: Cemeteries — Architecture of rock-cut tombs — Interment receptacles — Funerary art —
Inscriptions — Family tombs — Women — The nefesh — Workshops and craftsmen — Grave goods
— Funerary customs and rites — Chronology and conclusions — Anthropological notes and tables.
33 Hamilton, M. W.: The Body Royal. The Social Poetics of Kingship in Ancient
2005 – xvi + 320 pp. € 102,96
34 Hellholm, D., ed.: Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near
East. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Apocalypticism. Uppsala,
August 12-17, 1979
19892 – xi + 910 pp. € 174,00
35 Herbordt, S.: Die Prinzen- und Beamtensiegel der hethitischen
Grossreichszeit auf Tonbullen aus dem Nisantepe-Archiv in Hattusa
2005 – xv + 501 pp., fig., map. € 103,00
36 Herrera, M. D. / F. Gómez: Tell Abu Hawam (Haifa, Israel). El horizonte
fenicio del «stratum III» británico
2004 – 328 pp. € 20,00
37 Hezser, C.: Jewish Slavery in Antiquity
2005 – xi + 439 pp. € 85,80
INDICE: 1. The Status of Slaves: The denationalization of slaves — The slave as chattel and human
being — Women, slaves, and minors — Hierarchical equations and differentiations — Between slavery
and freedom — 2. Slaves and the Family: Slaves within the household — Master-slave relationships
— Prostitutes and concubines — Power relationships — 3. Slaves and the Economy: The sources of
slaves — The acquisition and sale of slaves — Slaves as intermediaries in busines transactions — The
location of slaves in ancient jewish society — The manumission of slaves — 4. The Symbolic
Significance of Slavery: Slavery as metaphor — Slave parables — Slavery and the exodus experience.
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
38 Holloway, S. W.: Assur is King! Assur is King! Religion in the Exercise of
Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
2002 – 625 pp., 27 lám., 4 map. € 140,40
39 Janzen, D.: The Social Meanings of Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible. A Study
of Four Writings
2004 – xii + 300 pp. € 84,00
40 Jiménez Zamudio, R.: Mitología mesopotámica: Adapa y Etana. Dos
poemas acadios. Estudio y traducción de los textos originales acadios por (...)
2004 – 83 pp. € 6,00
41 Jiménez Zamudio, R. / J. A. Pino / D. Hinojar: Antología de textos acadios.
I: Textos transliterados y anotados; II: Signario y glosario; III: Copias
2002 – 391 pp. € 15,03
42 Kellens, J.: La quatrième naissance de Zarathushtra
2006 – 187 pp. € 20,00
INDICE: De Zoroastre à Zarathushtra — Martin Haug et le modèle historique — James Darmesteter
et le modèle mythologique — Le grand écart des fondateurs — L'interaction franco-scandinave et le
zoroastrisme minimal — La postérité d'Andreas et le zoroastrisme maximal — L'école d'Erlangen ou
le changement circonspect — Conclusion en l'absence de Zarathushtra.
43 Klausner, J.: Jesús de Nazaret. Su vida, su época, sus enseñanzas
2006 – 526 pp. € 15,00
44 Lara Peinado, F., ed.: Poema de Gilgamesh
20054 – cxiii + 344 pp. € 16,00
45 Lehmann, R. G.: Die Inschrift(en) des Ahirom-Sarkophags und die
Schachtinschrift des Grabes V in Jbeil (Byblos)
2005 – vi + 95 pp., fig. € 46,00
46 Lembke, K.: Die Skulpturen aus dem Quellheiligtum von Amrit. Studie zur
Akkulturation in Phönizien
2004 – xiv + 286 pp., fig., lám. € 104,00
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
47 Levine, L. I.: The Ancient Synagogue. The First Thousand Years
20052 – xvi + 796 pp., 99 fig. € 43,47
48 Magdalu, M.: Tall Seh Hamad von der postassyrischen Zeit bis zur
römischen Kaiserzeit, 2 vols. (1: Text; 2: Abbildungen und Beilagen)
2005 – 515 pp., 106 lám., despl. € 205,00
49 Malbran-Labat, F.: Manuel de langue akkadienne
2001 – x + 407 pp., 2 map. € 81,00
50 Monchambert, J.-Y.: La céramique d’Ougarit. Campagnes de fouilles 1975
et 1976
2004 – 342 pp., fig., map. € 49,00
51 Moriggi, M.: La lingua delle coppe magiche siriache
2004 – x + 298 pp. € 58,00
52 Nagel, W. / E. Strommenger / C. Eder: Von Gudea bis Hammurapi.
Grundzüge der Kunst und Geschichte in Altvorderasien
2005 – 386 pp., fig., lám., 2 despl. € 77,00
53 Neusner, J. / W. S. Green / A. Avery-Peck, eds.: Judaism from Moses to
Muhammad: An Interpretation. Turning Points and Focal Points
2005 – xviii + 354 pp. € 186,16
INDICE: 1. From 586 B.C.E. to 330 B.C.E. from the Perspective of 70 C.E.: W. S. Green: Levitical
religion — 2. From 330 B.C.E. to 70 C.E. from the Perspective of 70 C.E.: R. M. Berchman: Pagan
philosophers on formative judaism: turning points and focal points: 330 B.C.E.-70 C.E. — S. E.
Balentine: The emergence of scripture — 3. From 70 C.E. to 312 C.E. from the Perspective of 312
C.E.: B. D. Chilton: Christian reconstruction of judaism: the Adversus iuodaios writings from the
new testament until Origen — D. Slingerland: Pagan philosophers on judaism, 70-220 C.E. — R. M.
Berchman: Pagan philosophers on formative judaism: turning points and focal points 70-220 C.E.
— M. Aviam / W. S. Green: The ancient synagogue: public space in judaism — J. Neusner: Rabbinic
judaism: from 70 C.E. to 312 C.E. from the perspective of 312 C.E. — 4. From 312 C.E. to 640 C.E.
from the Perspective of 640 C.E.: B. D. Chilton: Christian reconstruction of judaism: the church
fathers from Nicaea to Chalcedon — R. M. Berchman: Pagan philosophers on formative judaism:
turning points and focal points 220-555 C.E. — J. Neusner: Rabbinic judaism: from 312 C.E. to 640
C.E. from the perspective of 640 C.E. — J. R. Baskin: Women in rabbinic judaism: focal points and
turning points.
54 Ninow, F., ed.: Wort und Stein. Studien zur Theologie und Archäologie.
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
Festschrift für Udo Worschech
2003 – 392 pp., fig. € 68,00
INDICE: D. Cropper / C. M. Foley / G. O. Rollefson: Umm Meshrat I and II: two new late neolithic
sites along the wadi ath-Thamad, Jordan — J. Eggler: Die eisen-II-zeitlichen Siegel und -abdrücke aus
Grabungen in Moab — L. G. Herr: Early islamic pottery from Tall Yaduda — C.-H. C. Ji / J. K. Lee:
Iron age I in the Dhiban Plateau — D. Kinet: Die Bronze-Flasche aus Tell Siran — G. Klingbeil: Getting
the big picture: history, method, potential and possible pitfalls of archaeological survey work — E. A.
Knauf: Welches «Israel» Bileam Sah — F. Ninow: A glyptic impression from Tall er-Rameh — P. J.
Ray, Jr.: The moabites at Tall Hisban — W. H. Shea: Intertextuality within Daniel — F. J. Stendebach:
Glaube und Politik — Überlegungen zu Psalm 60 — P. van der Veen: Beschriftete Siegel als Beweis
für das biblische Israel? — D. Vieweger: Wie findet man Spuren der Vergansgenheit? — W. Warning:
Terminologische Verknüpfungen und die Abrahamgeschichte — E.-J. Waschke: Das Problem des
Exegeten mit der Archäologie am Beispiel Jerusalems — M. Weippert: Mesa und der Status von «ganz
Dibon» — H. J. Wittig: Die Krise der mittelalterlichen Kirche und Joachim von Fiore — W. Zwickel:
«Ein Mann von Bethlehem zog aus in das Land der Moabiter» (Rut 1,1) - Überlegungen zu den
Lebensbedingungen in Juda und Moab im Altertum.
55 Nishiaki, Y. / T. Matsutani, eds.: Tell Kosak Shamali, 1: The Archaeological
Investigations on the Upper Euphrates, Syria
2001 – 233 pp., fig. € 56,00
56 Nishiaki, Y. / T. Matsutani, eds.: Tell Kosak Shamali, 2: The Archaeological
Investigations on the Upper Euphrates, Syria. Chalcolithic Technology and
2004 – 318 pp., fig. € 64,00
57 Noy, D.: Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, 1: Italy (Excluding the City
of Rome), Spain and Gaul
2005 – xxi + 417 pp. € 56,75
58 Ochoa, J.: Atlas histórico de la Biblia. Nuevo Testamento
2004 – 395 pp., 46 map., 22 gráf. € 23,30
59 Oliva Mompean, J. C.: El culto sirio de Isthar. Una aproximación a la diosa
erótica y guerrera en los textos acadios occidentales
1999 – 125 pp. € 9,02
60 Olmo Lete, G. del / M. E. Aubet Semmler, eds.: Los fenicios en la Peninsula
Ibérica, 2 vols. (I: Arqueología, cerámica y plástica; II: Epigrafía y lengua.
Glíptica y numismática. Expansión e interacción cultural. Apéndice: El elemento
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
púnico en la cultura talayótica)
1986 – 712 pp., lám., 50 fig. € 93,15
61 Orlov, A. A.: The Enoch-Metatron Tradition
2005 – xii + 383 pp. € 107,00
62 Ornan, T.: The Triumph of the Symbol. Pictorial Representation of Deities
in Mesopotamia and the Biblical Image Ban
2005 – xii + 284 pp., 220 fig. € 73,00
63 Page, H. R.: The Myth of Cosmic Rebellion. A Study of its Reflexes in
Ugaritic and Biblical Literature
1996 – xvi + 231 pp. € 138,32
64 Perdigones Moreno, L. / A. Muñoz Vicente / G. Pisano: La necrópolis
fenicio-púnica de Cádiz. Siglos VI-IV a. de C.
1990 – 143 pp., 38 fig., 15 lám. € 46,00
65 Perdue, L. G., ed.: The Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible
2004 – 504 pp. € 39,80
66 Procopio de Cesarea: Los edificios. Traducción, introducción y notas de M.
Periago Lorente
2005 – 136 pp. € 15,00
67 Quintana Cifuentes, E.: Textos y fuentes para el estudio de Elam
2000 – 165 pp. € 9,02
68 Rainey, A. F.: Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets. A Linguistic Analysis of the
Mixed Dialect Used by Scribes from Canaan, 4 vols.
1996 – lxvi + 1.097 pp. € 580,32
69 Rehm, E.: Der Ahiram-Sarkophag
2004 – x + 106 pp., fig. € 46,00
70 Roth, M.: Israel und die Völker im Zwölfprophetenbuch. Eine Untersuchung
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
zu den Büchern Joel, Jona, Micha und Nahum
2005 – 316 pp. € 69,00
71 Roth, M. T., ed.: Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the
University of Chicago, 12: P
2005 – xxx + 559 pp. € 101,40
72 Rouault, O. / M. Waefler, eds.: La djézire et l’Euphrate syriens de la
protohistoire à la fin du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. Tendances dans l’interprétation
historique des données nouvelles
2000 – 367 pp., fig., fot., tabl. € 104,00
73 Scopello, M.: Femme, gnose et manichéisme. De l’espace mythique au
territoire du reel
2005 – xiv + 406 pp. € 120,64
INDICE: 1. Images et symboles: Marie-Madeleine et la tour: Πιστις et Σοφια — Ils leur enseignèrent
les charmes et les incantations — Autour de Youel et Barbélo à Nag Hammadi — Un rituel idéal
d’intronisation à Nag Hammadi — Jacques de Saroug et l’Exégèse de l’âme (NH II, 6) — 2. Passages:
Titres au féminin dans la bibliothèque de Nag Hammadi — Jewish and greek heroines in the Nag
Hammadi library — Âme et allégorie chez les gnostiquees — 3. Histoire et réalité: Femme et société
dans les polémiques contre les gnostiques: quelques notes sur Irénée et Tertullien — Julie, manichéenne
d’Antioche (d’après la Vie de Porphyre de Marc le Diacre, ch. 85-91) — Bassa la lydienne — Histoire
de Charitiné.
74 Seidl, U.: Bronzekunst Urartus
2004 – 227 pp., 155 fig., 75 lám. € 94,00
75 Shaked, S., ed.: Officina magica. Essays on the Practice of Magic in
2005 – x + 320 pp., 21 fig. € 164,32
INDICE: S. Shaked: Form and purpose in aramaic spells: some jewish themes (the poetics of magic
texts) — J. Oelsner: Incantations in southern Mesopotamia - from clay tablets to magical bowls
(thoughts on the decline of the babylonian culture) — M. J. Geller: Tablets and magic bowls — A.
Panaino: Lunas and snake omens among the zoroastrians — Y. Harari: Wha is a magical text?
Methodological reflections aimed at redefining early jewish magic — H. Amirav: Drawing and
writing: a fourth-century magical spell from Oxyrhynchus — S. Michel: (Re)interpreting magical
gems, ancient and modern — K. Herrmann: Jewish mysticism in the geonic period: the prayer of Rav
Hamnuna Sava — R. Leicht: Some observations on the diffusion of jewish magical texts from late
antiquity and the early middle ages in manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah and Ashkenaz — M. D.
Swartz: Understanding ritual in jewish magic: perspectives from the Genizah and related sources —
G. Veltri: «Watermarks» in the ms Munich, Hebr. 95: magical recipes in historical context — S.
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
Wasserstrom: The unwritten chapter: notes towards a social and religious history of Geniza magic
— M. Sigrist: Magic and human reason.
76 Sinopoli, G.: Il re e il palazzo. Studi sull’architettura del Vicino oriente: il
2005 – 283 pp., 233 fig. € 48,00
77 Smith, M. S.: The Origins of Biblical Monotheism. Israel’s Polytheistic
Background and the Ugaritic Texts
2003 – 344 pp. € 26,85
78 Starkey, J. C. M., ed.: People of the Red Sea. Proceedings of Red Sea Project
II Held in the British Museum October 2004
2005 – 185 pp., 35 fig., map., tabl. € 48,00
Society for Arabian Studies Monographs, 3.
INDICE: 1. Peoples of the Red Sea in Ancient Times: K. A. Kitchen: Ancient peoples west of the Red
Sea in pre-classical antiquity — R. Fattovich: Marsâ Gawâsîs: a pharaonic coastal settlement by the Red
Sea in Egypt — H. Barnard: Sire, il n'y a pas de Blemmyes: a re-evaluation of historical and
archaeological data — R. Tomber: Troglodites and trogodites: exploring interaction on the Red Sea
during the roman period — A. Manzo: Aksumite trade and the Red Sea exchange network. A view from
Bieta Giyorgis (Aksum) — G. Plisson: Some thoughts on exchange systems in the Red Sea region and
Indian ocean — 2. Peoples of the Red Sea in More Recent Times: J. Starkey: Travellers on the Red Sea
coast between al-Qus.ayr and Sawâkin — W. Facey: Crusaders in the Red Sea. Renaud de Châtillon's
raids of AD 1182-1183 — D. M. Harre: Invisible people of the Red Sea: the egyptian port of al-Qus.ayr
at the time of the french expedition to Egypt (1799-1800) — S. Searight: Jiddah in the nineteenth
century: the role of european consuls — A. H. Abuzinada: An integrated wildlife conservation system
from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia — O. A. Llewellyn: Traditional conservation practices in the Red
Sea region of Saudi Arabia — A. Zaborski: Cushitic and semitic peoples of the Red Sea coasts: a
linguistic approach to their prehistory and history — G. Cifoletti: A lexicon of the Red Sea in Beja and
arabic — B. Nicolini: Some thoughts on the magical practice of the zâr along the Red Sea in the Sudan.
79 Stern, S.: Calendar and Community. A History of the Jewish Calendar, 2nd
Century BCE to 10th Century CE
2001 – 250 pp. € 105,30
80 Suter, C. E. / C. Uehlinger, eds.: Crafts and Images in Contact. Studies in
Eastern Mediterranean Art of the First Millenium BCE
2005 – 428 pp., 50 fig., 54 lám. € 102,00
INDICE: A. Millard: Makers' marks, owners' names and individual identity — G. Herrmann: Naming,
defining, explaining: a view from Nimrud — I. J. Winter: Establishing group boundaries: toward
methodological refinement in the determination of sets as a prior condition to the analysis of cultural
contact and/or inmovation in first millennium BCE ivory carving — S. Mazzoni: Pyxides and hand-lion
AVANCES 791 — Oriente antiguo 17
bowls: a case of minor arts — D. Wicke: «Roundcheeked and ringletted»: Gibt es einen
nordwestsyrischen Regionalstil in der altorientalischen Elfenbeinschnitzerei? — E. Gubel: Phoenician
and aramean bridle-harness decoration: examples of cultural contact and innovation in the eastern
Mediterranean — C. Uehlinger: Die Elfenbeinschnitzereien von Samaria und die Religionsgeschichte
Israels: Vorüberlegungen zu einem Forschungsprojet — E. Rehm: Assyrische Möbel für den
assyrischen Herrscher! — T. Ornan: A complex system of religious symbols: the case of the winged disc
in near eastern imagery of the first millennium BCE — S. M. Cecchini: The «suivant du char royal’: a case
of interaction between various genres of minor art — F. Faegersten: Ivory, wood, and stone: some
suggestions regarding the egyptianizing votive sculpture from Cyprus — H. Matthäus: Toreutik und
Vasenmalerei im früheisenzeitlichen Kreta: Minoisches Erbe, lokale Traditionen und Fremedeinfüsse —
G. L. Hoffman: Defining identities: greek artistic interaction with the Near East — C. E. Suter: Discussion
and future perspectives.
81 Veldhuis, N.: Religion, Literature, and Scholarship: the Sumerian Composition «Nanse and the Birds». With a Catalogue of Sumerian Bird Names
2004 – xii + 408 pp. € 140,40
82 Vriezen, T. C. / A. S. van der Woude: Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish
2005 – ix + 766 pp. € 61,36
83 Wallinga, H. T.: Xerxes’ Greek Adventure. The Naval Perspective
2005 – xiii + 174 pp., 1 despl. € 102,96
INDICE: The persian wars in a naval perspective — The numbers of Xerxes’ fleet — The text of
Aischylos’ Persians 366-368 and the persian battle-order — The battlefield of Salamis and its tactical
possibilities — Themistokles’ message and the persian war aims — The seizure of Psyttaleia and the
persian plan of attack — The quality of the ships — Tactical capabilities — The battle of Salamis.
84 Weeks, N.: Admonition and Curse. The Ancient Near Eastern Treaty/
Covenant form as a Problem in Inter-Cultural Relationships
2004 – 224 pp. € 94,85
85 Weill, R.: Phoenicia and Western Asia to the Macedonian Conquest
1980 – 208 pp., 2 map. € 24,00
86 Weinfeld, M.: Normative and Sectarian Judaism in the Second Temple
2005 – 344 pp. € 111,50
87 Weiss, Z.: The Sepphoris Synagogue. Deciphering an Ancient Message
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through its Archaeological and Socio-Historical Contexts
2005 – 374 pp., 258 fig., 58 lám. € 103,35
INDICE: The architecture of the synagogue — The synagogue mosaics — The synagogue inscriptions
— The Sepphoris synagogue mosaic: sources, interpretation, and significance — Small finds —
88 Wells, B.: The Law of Testimony in the Pentateuchal Codes
2004 – vii + 226 pp. € 67,00
89 Weyde, K. W.: The Appointed Festivals of Yhwh. The Festival Calendar in
Leviticus 23 and the Sukkot Festival in Other Biblical Texts
2004 – xi + 259 pp. € 54,00
90 Wilson, K. A.: The Campaign of Pharaoh Shoshenq I into Palestine
2005 – viii + 151 pp., fig. € 39,00
91 Wrede, N.: Uruk Terrakotten I: von der ‘Ubaid- bis zur altbabylonischen
2004 – 427 pp., 108 fig., 52 lám. € 112,00
92 Yener, K. A.: The Amuq Valley Regional Projects, 1: Surveys in the Plain
of Antioch and Orontes Delta, Turkey, 1995-2002
2005 – 352 pp., 150 fig., 5 tabl. € 63,40